Two Month Marriage! “16 and Pregnant” Star Autumn Crittendon Announces She’s Already Getting Divorced

“We didn’t even have a chance to put away all the wedding gifts!”

It’s been just over two months since 16 and Pregnant star Autumn Crittendon tied the knot in a surprise ceremony in Virginia. Autumn, who gave birth to son Drake during the fifth season of the MTV show, had only been in a relationship with Brad Oxley for about a month before they got married, and it seems that they’re ending things just as fast as they started them!

Autumn announced on Facebook and Snapchat on Monday that she is getting a divorced, and her Facebook page now declares that she’s single.

Autumn’s sister Misty, who was featured on Autumn’s episode, asked friends on Facebook to borrow a truck or trailer to help Autumn move. She stated that Autumn needed “a hand getting out of a sad situation.”

One of Autumn’s divorce announcements on social media…

Brad’s Facebook page still lists him as being married to Autumn.

It’s not yet known what caused the split.

Autumn, who shares Drake with her ex, Dustin Franklin, had been tweeting last month about how happy she and her new husband were.

“I can’t get over how perfect my husband is,” Autumn wrote on June 22. “Plus we have been together for a couple months and still as happy as the first day and flirt like the first time we ever did.”

To see what the other girls from the fifth season of “16 and Pregnant” have been up to lately, click here!

(Photos: Facebook)

25 Responses

  1. Umm lool up his criminal record. Can assume the malicious wounding and destruction of property has something to do with it

  2. Lmao

    “I can’t get over how perfect my husband is. Plus we have been together for a couple months and still as happy as the first day and flirt like the first time we ever did.”

    If that isn’t criteria for marriage, I don’t know what is. You’ve been together for a whole 2 months and are STILL happy? Wow, what a feat! The first 2 months are always the hardest.

  3. I’m having a hard time reconciling her sisters statement about leaving a sad situation with Autumn posting a puppy dog selfie about her divorce.

    1. I don’t know what world you live in but after a divorce you always post a puppy selfie to tell people.

  4. Maybe he didn’t want to share her with Millina. Wasn’t she supposedly in a relationship with her for a bit?

  5. HAHAHAHAHA! I’m sorry but she should have seen it coming, who gets married so fast ANYWAY?! She prob noticed sth she didn’t like about him (and can’t tolerate it) or he cheated. You can’t marry someone you hardly know (or have a child with that person, I KNOW there are exceptions but those are rare)

    1. It was irresponsible of her to marry so quickly.It is not all about you anymore. When you have a child you have to make certain that the person you are going to marry is going to be good for your child. One month is not nearly enough time to get to know if this person is stable and if he has the potential to be violent etc.

  6. Does this surprise anyone? The evidentiary list of this girl’s stupidity is a mile long, and that’s just the things to which we are privy; I shudder to think of the things that we DON’T know about.

  7. Wow!They were still flirting with each other after a few months..?That’s what most people call dating..

  8. Whoa. Okay, I got engaged really fast but we stayed that way almost a year before getting married ? there’s whirlwind and then there’s stupid.

  9. There’s a reason why you should know someone for say longer than the time between oil changes on a car before you procreate and marry a person….

    1. Yeah, the first few months are called a “honeymoon” phase for a reason. You shouldn’t marry when you’re high in love because you don’t see anything wrong with that person at that time. Only when the infatuation fades, you see if you really love him/her.

  10. My god! It’s like she is proud or something in that picture. In so many ways these girls have failed and it doesn’t even phase them… it’s on to the next thing that makes them happy at the moment. No thoughtful planning or consideration. How confusing and heartbreaking for her son too.

    1. I’d be pretty proud of myself also if I was getting out of a relationship where someone cheated on me. Most people stay which is idiotic. So what it was two months I wouldn’t stay two seconds if I found out my husband cheated on me.

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