Tyler Baltierra’s Sister Amber Heads To 90-Day Rehab After Bashing ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star & His Wife Catelynn Lowell

“Hey Tyler, maybe they’ll give you a multiple family member discount at the rehab?”

Another Baltierra is heading to rehab!

Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra has supported both his wife, Catelynn and his dad, Butch, during their stints in rehab and now his sister, Amber Baltierra, is also checking herself into a treatment center. Amber, who we have seen a lot more of on recent episodes of Teen Mom: OG, recently split from her husband Billy Elkins Jr. (Billy has modeled his court-ordered tether on several episodes of the show as well.)

Amber posted on Instagram that she is following in her dad’s footsteps and going off to try to kick her demons.

“These two. They’re my rock,” she captioned a photo of her young son and daughter. “Mommy loves you more than you guys may know right now…You both deserve nothing but the best and I will give that to you. I’m gonna miss you these 90 days. Just know I love you both with every fiber in me.”

She wrote that she was doing this for her two kids.

“When mom gets home she’s gonna be the best woman I can be and a even better mom. I’ll pray for your comfort and happiness everyday I’m not with you. Show the world your my babies and you guys are strong and can get through anything…because well, you got Baltierra blood and it don’t get stronger than that.”

Radar Online spoke with Amber’s estranged husband Billy and he confirmed that Amber is going to rehab.

“She’s going to Texas. She leaves Friday,” he told the site earlier this week.

Butch, who recently completed treatment himself in Austin, Texas, also confirmed to Radar that Amber was going to rehab. (Butch is still in Texas, though, and appears to be living at some sort of sober living facility.)

Fans of ‘Teen Mom: OG’ shouldn’t be too surprised that Amber is going to rehab. Many accused Amber of being on drugs after seeing her disheveled appearance on recent episodes of the show. Even Butch expressed concern about her in one episode.

“Your sister got me really kind of worried,” he said to Tyler. “She’s living with me so I see a whole lot nobody else sees.”

Amber is, unfortunately, no stranger to the drug scene. In 2013, she was arrested for possessing drug/narcotic equipment. At the time the responding officer wrote, “I observed a woman’s purse on the front seat and I could see a glass smoking pipe in the cup holder on the center console. I made contact with the driver and immediately I could smell a strong odor of burnt marijuana. We only located a black marijuana smoking pipe under the front passenger seat. The pipe had residue in it that appeared to have just been used.”

Amber was arrested for drug paraphernalia and driving on a restricted license. She pled guilty and was sentenced to 20 days in jail.

No one has confirmed exactly what substance/ailment Amber is rehabbing from, but Radar has a source that believes her intentions aren’t honorable.

“She’s just irresponsible, immature, so maybe it’ll get her act together,” the insider said. “I think it’s an excuse to ditch her responsibility as an adult. Not really get any help. I’d be very surprised if she came out changed for the better. Amber in my opinion is only going to therapy for attention and what it does for the show.”

It is also unknown who is paying for Amber’s rehab stay. In the past, MTV has paid for its cast members to attend treatment; however, Amber is not a regular ‘Teen Mom OG’ cast member. In one recent episode, Tyler stated that he was paying $48,000 for his father Butch’s rehab stay, so it’s possible that Tyler and Catelynn were the ones who shelled out the dough for Amber’s rehab stay as well.

“I’ll get my Tierra Reign checkbook…”

However, Amber recently blasted her famous brother and sister-in-law in a Facebook post, called Tyler and Catelynn “fake,” among other things. (The Ashley is doing her best to clean up the post to make it readable.)

“They don’t care about s**t but money,” Amber wrote earlier this month. “Cate and Tyler are f**ktards, wanna-be Kanye West and a Kardashian [which] Cate is far from. She can’t even take a natural surgery. Dumb bitch. F**k brother. F**k them. [They’re] so fake. Sorry you witnessed what you assumed imagined they would be. [They’re] NOTHING like normal.”

Amber didn’t reveal what set her off on her siblings; however she eventually deleted the rant. She later (sort of) explained her actions.

“My depression has taken over my life and I’m acting like a child fighting on social media with people who just don’t know the real story,” Amber wrote on Facebook earlier this week. “I’m going to Texas this Friday for 90 days to clear my head and finally get me back. I have never been this bad in my life and I’m losing myself and I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep fighting myself. I’m tired and I can’t do it alone. I need help. Nothing wrong with admitting you need help and taking the [action] to do so.”

Watch Amber and Tyler tour Butch’s rehab facility while filming an episode of ‘Teen Mom OG.’ No word if Amber will be heading to the same Texas rehab facility that Butch went to.

48 Responses

  1. Tyler will be ok. He is Batman. Batman is never surrounded. He just needs a new gadget.
    I’m so glad we have our own “professional” on board. It’s like having our very own Dr Drew. So helpful.

  2. I feel bad for tyler.. we all knew she had a problem. Im glad shes in there for 90 days. I hope she gets clean because it was very obvious there was a problem. This is like the 20th person he had to put in rehab. Prayers for strength.

  3. Ok so yeah we all know who’s paying BUT Tyler did NOT at all pay for his dad’s rehab. The place let him stay free after Tyler got him in and was going to pay. So yeah Butch got free rehab which is ridiculous because most addicts who want help can’t get it and in this situation Tyler absolutely could and was going to pay. I don’t think Tyler should be responsible for his parent but I think they could do more help with other poor addicts especially with the heroin epidemic right now.

    1. Does nobody realize sir nibs comments are trolling. Just trying to make a joke type comment. Most likely it is a girl behind the sir nibs name. Why do you all take everything so seriously.

  4. I genuinely hope Tyler and Cait pack up Nova and move away. Anywhere. They are letting her have the same traumatic child hood they both had. Cait has serious mental health problems and she’s just continuing the cycle. They need to move and limit contact with all these druggies and low life’s. Family or not, their history shows they aren’t changing. Their daughter is going down a dark path if they don’t get her Away.

  5. She’s calling THEM fake?! How about looking in a mirror? She is the fakest thing – always talking so seriously about Butch’s faults and drug use and acting all concerned and responsible when they went to visit him – meanwhile the girl was high AF and an addict. Not to mention purposely trying to get pregnant while addicted and while dating someone with an effing jail tether!!

    And when she was complaining & wondering why Tyler was Butch’s rehab’s contact person and not her……um, how much time do you have, I can think of about 1000 reasons honey.

  6. WTH does she mean by Cate can’t take a natural surgery?! And talk about ungrateful!! Where would she be without Cate and Tyler?? Probably dead or in jail.

    Tyler’s gonna have a breakdown soon. There’s only so much the kid can take. I’m not a big fan of him but it seems like he has to be the rock for everyone in his life, not to mention shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars for his family to go to luxury rehab. And no offense but I doubt Butch and Amber will stay clean, so there goes $100k down the drain. No matter how much $ you have, that’s stressful, esp on a young kid.

  7. Married and estranged already?!?! What?! How?! Why?! Honey, there is an expression— don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

    What is going to happen with her kids?

    This family is such a mess.

  8. I’m thinking the same thing. How does his cup of life not run over??? He can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but I feel sorry for him. He’s always trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, is always attentive to Nova and runnng the business they have. And what does he get in return? A wife who uses her mental health as an excuse to be a sloppy slob, who doesn’t help him with their kid or the business, a user and abuser of a father and sister. Smh… it’s sad. His mother is the only one who truly has his best interest and that doesn’t milk him of all his time, energy and money.

    I know I sound like a total b*tch, but oh well. I’m a mental health therapist & clinical social worker part time at a hospital. So I’m not just talking out of my ass when I say that Cate is definitely Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent. However, her laziness is not from that. It is debilitating to be depressed, but her hygiene is disgusting. That’s not part of it at all and I’ve seen a lot. She’s just lazy, period. One day, Tyler is going to get tired of having a couch potatoe who cries as soon as she’s asked to perform “adult” duties, as a wife. Nova doesn’t deserve having memories of a mother who only sits on the couch, gets all red in the face crying about her older sister, whom she was conceived to replace, and always leaves her with her grandparents.

    1. As a clinical social worker myself, it is pretty disappointing to see another social worker add to the stigmatization of people with mental health disorders. Cait is a person, not a diagnosis.

    2. First of all, you need a career change. Second, Cate was taking care of Nova, actually wouldn’t allow Tyler and exhausted herself. Third, Cate and Tyler ran their business together. He was covering for her while she was in rehab.
      How long have you watched the show? Just a few episodes?
      Fourth, lack of make-up, and (hair)styling, etc or as you call it hygiene, did you take a cheap written course on mental health? You sure need to read back what you have been taught about depression.
      Really, it bothers and worries me that it is your job to help peoplensure when you are not lying. Wich I actually hope.
      It bothers me that you are making unjust claims here about Cate (and others with mental illness), that you have never treated and try to support them ’cause you work in the field’.
      Please educate yourself better when you want to become a step forward in people’s recovery stories.
      Signed, expert by experience (and training).

    3. No way is this person a therapist. She/he just wants her opinion to be taken more seriously, so pretending to be a professional makes her/him feel more important. Which ironically enough says a lot more about her/his mental status than Cate’s.

  9. Butch’s rehab was paid for by scholarship, Tyler didn’t have to pay. It’s for men only. Amber really has the Farrah speak down pat, WTH was she trying to say?

  10. Negative bullshit from “the insider”. Sad as hell these people don’t get any support but Janelle does? She’s trying to clean up her act. But sure, let’s make it negative. At least she’s trying.

    1. Her note to them says their Dad will have them. I think their Dad is different than the guy she was dating with the Tether on his leg.

  11. I’m trying to decide who’s the biggest bottomfeeder – Morgan Freeman or Andy Cohen. AC has a larger group of despicable characters but MF surpasses AC in his ability to find people that are vile to the core (Kail, Farrah, Briana, Amber, Janelle) so I guess I gotta go with MF.

    I’m unwilling to put Tyler and Cate in the same category of those named above. I do think they have some serious problems but I still think they are goodhearted people.

    I don’t think I’ll be able to watch TMOG. I’m just not able to sit through a show that has Kail PLUS Briana. One or the other is tough enough to tolerate but both on the same show just puts it over my limit. Too bad because I love Chelsea and Cole’s happy little storyline.

  12. Don’t they have rehabs or therapy in mich?! Surely they wouldn’t cost $50k there!! Gonna be a harsh time when that mtv money stops flowing!

    I hope for her children’s sake as well as hers she gets clean and healthy and can remain that way.

    1. i’m from michigan and my family has worked in the mental health field all their lives. yes and no. there’s treatment available but due to state funding and regulations, there’s not much and barely anything quality. certainly nothing like the Butch and Cate facilities. btw, when did his sister get married? i though at that awful dinner at their moms that she said they wanted to get married and have babies and she wasn’t using condoms. did i misunderstand or miss the wedding?

  13. And Tyler and Cate are going to pay for her rehab after she said all those things about them while benefiting from their fame up til now? Lol okay then

  14. Tyler, you are SURROUNDED! Grab Nova and run far, far away. You are entitled to a life! Nova deserves a normal, happy childhood.

    1. I’m thinking the same thing. How does his cup of life not run over??? He can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but I feel sorry for him. He’s always trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, is always attentive to Nova and runnng the business they have. And what does he get in return? A wife who uses her mental health as an excuse to be a sloppy slob, who doesn’t help him with their kid or the business, a user and abuser of a father and sister. Smh… it’s sad. His mother is the only one who truly has his best interest and that doesn’t milk him of all his time, energy and money.

      I know I sound like a total b*tch, but oh well. I’m a mental health therapist & clinical social worker part time at a hospital. So I’m not just talking out of my ass when I say that Cate is definitely Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent. However, her laziness is not from that. It is debilitating to be depressed, but her hygiene is disgusting. That’s not part of it at all and I’ve seen a lot. She’s just lazy, period. One day, Tyler is going to get tired of having a couch potatoe who cries as soon as she’s asked to perform “adult” duties, as a wife. Nova doesn’t deserve having memories of a mother who only sits on the couch, gets all red in the face crying about her older sister, whom she was conceived to replace, and always leaves her with her grandparents.

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