EXCLUSIVE! Chelsea Houska Skips ‘Teen Mom 2’ Reunion Taping After On-Stage Fight: Plus How MTV Is Planning To Film Segments With Her & Jenelle Evans

“Um, yeah, no I’ll skip Jerry Springer Show Part 2, thanks.”

Chelsea Houska told MTV “peace out” on Sunday morning, opting not to film the Teen Mom 2 Reunion because she was appalled by events that unfolded on-set the day before.

The Ashley can report that Chelsea refused to go to set on Sunday, due to the on-stage brawl that erupted on Saturday between Brittany and Briana DeJesus and Kail Lowry. Chelsea, who is pregnant, was “very upset” about what happened the day before, since she was essentially caught in the middle of the altercation on stage. (According to The Ashley’s on-set sources, Chelsea was heard several times expressing her concerns to numerous crew and cast members about something physical happening on stage before going on set on Saturday.)

After the chaos erupted on Saturday, Chelsea and her crew left the set and did not return.

“[The producers] tried to convince Chelsea to come on Sunday, but she still refused,” the source added.

“Chelsea had been promised by the producers that precautions were being taken to ensure no fights broke out and that she would be safe,” the crew source tells The Ashley. “That’s what she was saying as she left the set on Saturday. She was angry that MTV basically set it all up to happen this way.”

Having Chelsea refuse to film segments for the Reunion special has led to a dilemma for MTV, who already had to figure out a way to include Jenelle Evans in the Reunion. (As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle did not go to New York City for the Reunion because MTV refused to allow–and pay for– her husband David Eason to attend with her.)

The Ashley has learned that, as of right now, MTV is planning to fly Dr. Drew Pinsky out to North Carolina to film Jenelle’s Reunion segments. From what The Ashley has heard, Dr. Drew will head out to “The Land” to talk to Jenelle about this season. (Plans are still not finalized, so The Ashley can’t 100% confirm this part yet.)

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“Chelsea told producers that if they can make those kind of accommodations  for Jenelle, they can do the same for her and figure something out,” the production source said.

As The Ashley told you Saturday, another cast member–Jo Rivera–was so appalled by the fight that broke out at the taping, he left to go back home and also refused to film anymore.

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

102 Responses

  1. I’m glad she kept her word and didn’t come back. They always threaten, but never follow through. I’m glad MTV has to sweat it out and deal with the consequences. People actually like Chelsea, so it’s not like they can just skip her.

  2. This long, drawn-out drama is as boring as Nathan’s muscle career. Will this “reunion” ever end???!

  3. Don’t blame Chelsea. She’s pregnant, and she doesn’t need the drama. Jo’s just over the entire thing. He’s ready to move on with Vee and their daughter.

    1. I agree but they should quit the show in that csse. It might not be what the signed up for but it’s clearly what the show has become so they need to quit if they don’t want to be involved.

      1. But on the other hand, it isn’t fair that Chelsea should feel threatened at a work event, ya know? Like, she’s worried about the safety of her children and her unborn daughter. It’s not fair that she would have to leave the show behind due to others deplorable behavior.

  4. Time to end the gravy train for these middle of their twenties “teen moms”. No more new cars, houses, boyfriends, boob jobs, ass enhancements, hair, vacations, guns and ammo etc. handed to them by MTV easy money. F$#K YOU MORGAN J FREEMAN. I hope your mama’s proud of the man(?) she gave birth to.
    Thanks to the Ashley for all the great coverage of the show. I truly enjoyed it, but I’m with Chelsea Peace Out Teen Mom 2. The thrill is gone and I hope so is this show.

  5. I usually speed read through these, I had to come back and read this again. The Ashley reports very percise… what I get from this is Chelsea KNEW this fight was coming, she wasn’t predicting it, she knew it was going to happen and voiced her concern over and over.. Morgan is running a very armature WWF smut show!!

  6. And you wonder why these kids are beating eachother up in school and filming it for the internet. This is the example they are watching.

  7. They should just stop filming all these old ass hags and resume filming their kids in a few years and call it “Teen Mom the next generation”

  8. Just shut it all down,let these “stars” get real jobs, track them in a few years to show how they are doing in the real world, and go back to the original format. The show was originally pretty real, as Young and Pregnant reminds us.

    1. The girls on young and pregnant have so much stress in their lives. I would hate to go theough the stages they are going through. All of those young girls woth those hopeless men.

  9. They need to cancel both Teen Mom shows and keep Yeen Mom Young and pregnant.. Those girls are no longer single teenaged Mom’s they are not even teenagers. And they sure don’t struggle like teen mom’s do like to buy formula and diapers.. They are spoiled over paid bratts..

  10. I’d be willing to bet this is Chelsea’s last season. She has outgrown this Springer-esque show and this was likely the final straw.

    1. I hope is. The show doesn’t serve it’s original purpose anymore, so she’s not setting a good example to her followers by continuing to film and collect the profits, even if she has seemingly gotten her life together.

  11. I don’t even get it why they do reunions, you don’t hear anything new really.

    Time to end the show, Morgan.

  12. The need to stop paying these girls for having babies so young.it goes to their heads that they can get away with anything like janelle. I wont watch the show anymore.sorry why should they get rich for having a baby so young.

    1. Erin, you’re right. She doesn’t go by Houska anymore. That probably bothers her as well.

      1. @Ali: Just want to clarify as a general rule, when dealing with most reality TV stars’ married/maiden name, I usually use the name that they were using when they first became famous. This is a fairly common practice for journalists. This is essentially their ‘stage name.’ And, things change a lot when it comes to the ‘Teen Mom’ marriages haha! -The Ashley

    2. It’s probably like referring to Kate Middleton as Kate Middleton. Journalists just use the more popular, well-known name 🙂

  13. Not a Chelsea fan, but she’s 1000% right. I wonder if Dr. Drew had a crystal ball when he was in medical school, to look ahead 25 years or so at himself being shipped off to “The Land” to feign concern for a delusional, 25 year old “Mother” of three, with a wrap sheet as long as “War and Peace” and her Swamp-Frankenstien husband, would he just have thrown in the towel then and decided to become a shrimp boat captain. The good thing to come out of this mess is that it has to finally be the beginning of the end of the sh**show. The onset of reality television created folks with zero talent getting fame, status and money, but I think that the people involved in this franchise truly epitomize the worst of this trend. I think if you would have told someone twenty years ago that vapid girls that get pregnant at 16 years of age would be celebrities projected into millions of homes across the world, with millions of fans and millions of dollars not ten years later, all because they got pregnant, you would not be believed. This actually gives me hope for the world that anything is possible; perhaps in twenty years we’ll be able to create Xanadu on the moon, where only good people of merit are allowed to live….if only.

  14. No person should be forced to fulfill a contract where doing so presents an unusual high risk of physical injury. There isn’t a court in America that would make a pregnant woman stay on a set where people are getting into fist fights. Add to that the fact that she expressed her concerns to MTV about the very thing that happened happening. Add to that the fact that MTV has already allowed for Jenelle to skip the reunion altogether and Skype her interviews. MTV is just going to have to acquiesce to all the girls’ demands because that’s the precedent they have set.

  15. Omg nobody cares what this ugly man looking whore Chel-slut has to say!! Fire the bitch!! And jo acting so above it all when he told Kail he hopes she has Lincoln early. You’re not classy dude, just stop.

    1. Wow. Jenelle calm down or should i say david. Dont be mad because this is probably the end of your gravy train. Get off your strung out asses and get jobs. You sound sound jealous.and you should be. You suck.

    2. Wow. Jenelle calm down or should i say david. Dont be mad because this is probably the end of your gravy train. Get off your strung out asses and get jobs. You sound sound jealous you should be. You suck! you never should have been on tv in the first place. Now you have that other low life they hired to thank for it

        1. I noticed that I was having problems submitting comments on here yesterday, and I’m still having problems.

    3. Lmao she even said “dude”. Get a grip Jenelle..or David, your jealousy is pathetic. Why don’t you actually try acting half as decent as Chelsea if you want to be like her so bad?

  16. Yes if they are doing that for Jenelle they most definitely can for Chelsea as well. They promised her that everything would go okay and it didn’t. She’s pregnant! I hope they have apologized to her and that Kail, Brianna, and Brittany have apologized.

    As far as Brianna goes, I like her. I don’t see what the problem is that people have with her. She’s not without her faults, but I think she is alright. This fight situation has made me think a little less of her though.

    And Kail, I like her too. She’s a really good mother. But she needs to stop letting her ex’s affect her lives. All this drama over her ex and who he chooses to date yet she doesn’t care about him? It’s obvious that she still does. I think less of her because ofthe fight too.

    You honestly think the producers would have done more to prevent the fight. Kail said months ago aboitnshe thought fists would fly or something. They are purposely trying to amp up the drama. I used to love watching reunions to see the kids. Now they don’t/can’t even bring them out.

    1. Gotta love spell check. I meant to say “Lets see THESE LOSERS make it out in the real world.” And the 5 down votes are probably Jenelle, David, Briana, Brittany and Javi.?

  17. I think it might be time for Chelsea to move on. She has a very stable, healthy life. She has a nice husband, two beautiful children and another on the way. She has come so far and doesn’t need to be around this. She started as a teen mom like the others but she has matured so much over the last few years, light years over the other girls.

    1. Not only that, she never talks about Adam…she only does on the show because they push her too because “that’s her story line”…but you can see she doesn’t care to talk of him she’s moved on so long ago.

  18. 100% support her choice to leave. No one should have to be concerned that a fight is going to break out at their place of work. Especially when expecting. She’s the only once out of the lot that has sense. Kail and Brianna are fighting over a guy that NEITHER is with. How utterly stupid.

  19. I tell you, they need to not pay these “divas” when they refuse to show up for a reunion. It should be part of their contracts. And if they refuse to show up, then they should cut their pay by say….25k. Bet they would show up then. Come hell or high water.

    1. So you want her to risk the safety of her unborn child and her other two kids?
      Bri, Brit and Kail should be held responsible. As far as I have seen Chelsea has never refused to go just because she felt like it.

  20. I’m also going to say this….These girls had their drama before Briana came into the mix, but they would just passive aggressively ignore each other. Ever since Briana came (and she hasn’t even been there long) there has not only been more drama, but now violent drama. I totally agree with Chelsea, and I would not want to be anywhere near those wackadoo’s, especially while carrying a child. Her and her baby do not need that type of stress, or the possibility of getting hit with an object, because we all know that Briana and her tribe love throwing things.

    This is a legit reason not to film, and if MTV can make outrageous accommodations like flying Dr. Drew out for difficult and vile Jenelle, they should respect Chelsea’s stance and never should have had the audacity to ask her to come back to that shit show. This is a perfect example of the special treatment they give Jenelle and Briana for their shitty behavior. It’s not fair to everyone else.

    I liked Briana on her 16 and pregnant episode, but the older she has gotten the more disgusting she has become. Joking about Kail’s possible domestic violence issues, beating up her baby daddy’s, fighting at reunions, ect….It’s unacceptable, and Briana needs to GO. She’s a liability.

  21. I’m glad Chelsea left, she’s pregnant and doesn’t need that shit. I think this is all Javi’s fault. This is what fucking happens when you start dating your ex wife’s coworker. That shit should have been shut down straight away. Plus Briana and her family are trashy as fuck, especially Brittany.

    1. Not javis fault. These grown women are responsible for the violent fighting. Their choice. Kail and briana are both trash. Period.

    2. Javi is absolutely the culprit of this entire situation. Him and Briana are crazy, and knew that them getting together would piss off Kail and start drama. I feel like Briana is one of those girls that does stuff like this to boost her ego. By that I mean she gets pleasure out of men “choosing” her over another girl, and takes that as “winning”, and says she can’t help that he likes her…meanwhile if she would’ve drawn a line in the first place, none of this would have happened.

      And with Javi, I feel like at that time he was still (understandably) hurt about his and Kail’s failed marriage, and her getting pregnant while he was deployed, so he does things that he knows will hurt of antagonize her. I’ve never felt that he actually did like or love Briana, I’ve always felt like he pursued her to hurt Kail…Him and Briana didn’t even date that long.

  22. So where’s Javi in all this?

    Most likely somewhere with his girlfriend Lauren, and safely laughing his ass off at this reunion train wreck shit shower between two dumbasses he’s probably happy he dumped.

    Good going, Kail and Briana.

    1. YES! I was thinking about this! Javi is the root of this entire thing, and I bet you he’s just sitting back, living and enjoying life, and these 2 birds are fighting over him….Neither one of them are in a relationship with him, and both of them are letting him have way too much power.

      I see why Kail’s upset, because Briana was SUPER sneaky and continues to play dumb, like she doesn’t see anything wrong or creepy about what she did….She knew hooking up with Javi would hurt Kail, but she did it anyway because shes crazy….and if I were Kail I wouldn’t want to be in the same vicinity as Briana either….I don’t think anyone would.

      1. Kail’s upset but she cheated on her husband while he was deployed and got pregnant by another man, while telling her husband she didn’t want more kids.????

  23. Briana, Brittany, and Kail should feel embarrassed beyond belief. First of all for instagting the fight, and then actually throwing down. They aren’t the only people on this show. I don’t fault Chelsea or Jo for leaving and refusing to come back. No one should be put in that position and MTV is shady as hell. For the last couple weeks, Kail has been running her mouth saying she’s going to fight Briana. Mtv should of put a stop to it right then and there. Had security, did not let other family members on stage, separate the girls with problems, but instead they let it all happen. Extremely unprofessional for MTV, Briana, and Kail.

  24. Mtv producers should be ashamed. They set up these interactions for ratings and it’s not safe for anyone. Stop this show.

  25. They need to get rid of Briana, end of story. Jenelle is enough drama for me, and honestly if Chelsea decides to leave the show, I think they’re going to lose a lot of viewers. Although her segments can be boring, she’s the calm on the show and the breath of fresh air from Jenelle and now Briana’s shitty attitudes and diva antics. Kail needs some repercussions as well because she should have held it together, but MTV knew how she felt about Briana and they forced them to be together anyway, and apparently sat her in front of Briana’s crazy sister. Sounds like a set up for drama that backfired, and MTV needs to fix it.

  26. Well MTV you wanted Briana on the show for drama and here you go. It’s your fault, so don’t try to get Chelsea to stay.

  27. I don’t blame her one bit. What MTV did was really fucked up considering a pregnant woman was in the mix. Chelsea could’ve easily gotten hurt, just like everyone else on that stage. This show has turned into Bad Girls Club. They should just end it already.

  28. I agree, Chelsea should just quit. She’s the only normal one of the bunch. People say her segments are boring but in reality it’s because we’re watching a functioning mother and wife, not trash bags neglecting their kids or hopping in bed with every man they make eye contact with. I won’t be surprised if this is her last season, she’s level headed enough to protect her family and herself and while she’ll probably miss the extra cash shes made plenty from past seasons and I guarantee she’s been wiser with her earnings than the rest of them.

    1. I actually really enjoy Chelsea’s storyline. I am a teen Mom, currently in my 30’s, & my 2 eldest children’s father is alot like Adam. I am now married to an amazing hubby & father, a stand-up guy like Cole. There is still some drama & pain in my life, like in Chelseas, but some teen Moms can overcome the statistics & I love seeing that in Chelsea’s story.

  29. Shame on MTV!!! Chelsea wants to leave for the safety of her and her unborn child,and they try to get her to stay. They should’ve made that a safe environment to begin with. Once again MTV cares about ratings,money,and drama. Never anyone’s safety. FUCK OFF MTV!!!

  30. I feel bad for Chelsea. She probably feels like she’s in a lose-lose situation. If she stays on the show, she’s surrounded by trashy morons and may even be in potential danger. On the other hand, she’s been on this long and is already associated with them (and seen as the normal one). I’m sure in some ways it’s an easy paycheck. Refusing to attend the reunion may be awkward because she doesn’t want to stoop to the high-maintenance level of Jenelle or Farrah, but she has every right to, and I doubt anyone thinks any less of her.

    1. Staying out of the crap is a wise move. Unlike Jenelle, who just wants attention for staying home. Please don’t give Jenelle the Farrah treatment.

  31. Shame on MTV!!! Chelsea wants to leave for the safety of her and her unborn baby and they try and talk her into staying. They should’ve made that a safe environment to begin with. Once again MTV shows they could give a shit about anyone except money, ratings,and drama. FUCK MTV!!!

  32. Oh boy! This fake shit show is nearing an end!! Too many of them seem to get away with way too much and mtv takes it, why??? They know too much! Mtv must have signed gag orders on these people.. think about, Farrah hardly spoke of her departure, very unlike the Farrah we’ve come to know and hate. Mtv is sending Drew ( yes, I still refuse to give him the respect title of doctor) to Jenelle… mtv is feeding us bullshit and the end is coming. Chelsea and Jo ( two cast members with morals and standards left the set),hmmm.
    However, my popcorn will be ready , I want to see kail get her head jerked if it’s real or not.

  33. Nice job Brittany Defoose!! Can’t even control yourself enough to sit behind a coworker and pull a childish stunt like you did to Kail??!! Grow the hell up, any employer out there would’ve terminated your ass on the spot! Come on, who sits behind someone and yanks their hair because you don’t like them???!! All for show on national t.v., thinking you’re all that in a bag of trix!

  34. Chelsea should just quit the show. I’m sure she’ll miss the money but it would be much better for her new family to be as far away from MTV and Teen Mom’s drama as possible.
    Same for Jo, just go back to your gorgeous wife and forget about this crazy “ladies”.

  35. So glad to see Chelsea taking a stand, but it should have never gotten to this point! She is pregnant, and was told precautions were taken against something happened and a fight broke out anyway due to mtv instigating things. As far as I see it Chelsea is doing nothing wrong by refusing to film.

  36. I wonder if Jo can pull permission for Issac filming, at least for future season. I hope the littles were no where near what happened.

    1. He can. There’s been several times a child couldn’t be filmed if both parents didn’t approve

        1. Jo and Kail have joint custody so they both have to agree to allow Isaac to film. If Jo said no then Isaac couldn’t film. I think Gary’s wife Kristina also has joint custody of her oldest daughter with her ex, but her ex won’t allow her to film.

        2. Maybe this will finally convince Jo to grow a pair when it comes to Kail so he does get 50/50 custody. Jo and Vee’s home is probably a much better and more stable place for Isaac than Kail’s with men and her friends around like a college dorm.

        3. No Brandi from RHOBH kids aren’t filmed and she’s the custodial parent if I’m not mistaken

      1. I think he can only pull his daughter Vivi off the show. Isaac I think kail gets the final say. Like how Jenelle only has the authority to pull Kaiser and Ensley.

      2. I’m really wondering about the contract – there always seems to be an extra season where they keep filming, I’m assuming Jo will not sign on to a new contract for Isaac.

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