Bristol Palin Speaks Out About Joining the Cast of ‘Teen Mom OG’; David Eason Says MTV Is “Comprised Of Hypocrites” For Hiring Bristol

“Maybe I’ll even let the film crew use my bathroom instead of a Porta-Potty!”

Yesterday, the Teen Mom World was rocked when news broke that Bristol Palin will be joining the cast of Teen Mom OG for the upcoming season. As The Ashley told you, Bristol has been filming with a ‘Teen Mom’ crew for weeks. However, the daughter of politician Sarah Palin refused to comment on the news…until today.

Bristol posted a photo of herself and her three kids (nine-year-old Tripp, two-year-old Sailor and 14-month-old Atlee) to Instagram on Friday. In the background of the photo, an MTV camera crew can be seen. She confirmed that she had been added to the ‘OG’ cast in the photo’s caption.

“I am excited to join MTV’s ‘Teen Mom OG,’ Bristol wrote. “I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.”

Sarah Palin also confirmed the news by posting Bristol’s Instagram post to her own Facebook and Twitter pages. She also commented on Bristol’s Instagram post.

“I’m excited for you, Bri!” Sarah wrote in the comment section. (She added the American flag emoji to her post, naturally.)

As The Ashley told you, Bristol was added to the ‘Teen Mom OG’ cast originally because one of the show’s stars, Maci Bookout, was refusing to film another season. The Ashley’s sources tell her that Maci did not want to film if Ryan Edwards, the father of her son Bentley, was filming.

“She basically told production and crew that she wasn’t going to film if Ryan was filming because she didn’t want his drug struggles to play out on TV anymore,” The Ashley’s crew source said. “She didn’t want Bentley to be able to watch that go down.”

Maci did eventually end up filming, bringing the number of ‘OG’ girls up to five. (The Ashley broke the news last month that The Challenge star Cheyenne Floyd is also joining the ‘OG’ cast.)

Anyway, judging by social media posts, ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans had a mixed reaction to the news that Bristol was joining the cast.

One person who was not happy to hear the news was Jenelle Evans‘ husband, David Eason. David, who was fired by MTV in February for going on a homophobic Twitter rant, took to Facebook on Friday to air his thoughts on the network hiring Bristol, who, in the past has used homophobic slurs (and allowed her then-three-year-old son Tripp to use one on her short-lived reality show Life’s a Tripp).

“I know MTV is comprised of hypocrites but how do you fire me but hire Bristol Palin after all her homophobic and racist remarks?” David posted to his official Facebook page.

(Of course David’s latest statement directly contradicts his statement from March, in which he told TMZ, “MTV never fired me. I don’t know who posted the thing on Twitter from the MTV social media account but whoever runs MTV’s social media is not the boss man!”)

The rest of the original ‘Teen Mom OG’ cast members– Maci, Catelynn Lowell and Amber Portwood have yet to make any public statements regarding Bristol being added to the cast. Naturally, though, Farrah Abrahamhad something to say about Bristol taking her spot on the show.

“MTV has already tried to replace myself with another teen mom,” Farrah told Page Six. “It was unsuccessful and now with another teen mom, they can keep trying to replace but there is not a replacement for me.”

(Photos: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images; Instagram; Facebook)

23 Responses

  1. I guess MTV should have been honest that they fired him for being an abusive, potentially dangerous Neanderthal that no one wanted to be around.

  2. I swear it’s like because MTV had to get rid of Farrah and David, they replaced them with Bristol….someone who embodies both of their terrible qualities.

  3. We just had to get a brand new DVR, and I am not putting Teen Mom OG back on the list. However, I still watch Teen Mom 2 to keep up with Leah, Chelsea, and their kids. Plus, I like watching Kaiser. He’s a cutie pie.

  4. I am just left with so many questions, why did MTV think making Bristol apart of the cast was a good idea? Literally NO ONE asked for this. Why is MTV hiring a female david? Is Morgqan freeman just trying to find the lowest caliber conservatives possible yo make them look unintelligent and trashy? Why is David saying he is fired now, after him and jenelle tried so hard to deny that he was fired? Why is it so hard for jenelle and co. To keep their lies straight, especially when they have the tabloids reporting all of Their lies. Why not just combine the OG and the TM2 girls and make the episodes longer? Adding new people makes no sense, we have been following these girls for way too long, we have watched them struggle, and have witnessed their growths throwing in two rando’s is so silly, I mean are all the girls from 16 and pregnant busy?


  5. David is so DESPERATE to stay in the limelight! Yes, we figured way before you MTV is a bunch of hypocrites, do you think you invented hot water now?!

    Ofc Farrah had to say the show will be impossible to continue without her. LOL

  6. Lord knows I cannot stand David Eason’s ole biggoted self, but where’s the lie?…I can’t believe I’m saying that. Bristol seems like she can be a mean spirited person, and replacing one vile person with another vile person isn’t the answer MTV. You can tell she has the same belief system as David, but they hired her anyway. SMH. Very hypocritical.

  7. I don’t expect much from any teen mom but damn..give your kids a normal name. Tripp…Sailor.. does she have a boat on a swamp too?

  8. Even though I think David is a piece of shit, as Jace said quite eloquently, I can’t say I disagree with him on this point. Both new girls either said hateful or homophobic things in the past, yet they are still going to join OG? Consistency much?

  9. I don’t like David but I can’t say he’s wrong. They also hired Cheyenne that has tweeted VERY racist statements about white people. Good job, MTV.

  10. Clearly Ryan is still using which actually make me sad and worried for his future child. Mac doesn’t seem to feel the need to set limits with Ryan and doesn’t seem to mind have kids around him. Stopped watching and MTV keeps reinforcing why.

    1. Ugh – my thoughts exactly – you beat me and probably everyone else to it. This will likely be the only time EVER I will agree with Lurch. Both he and Bristol suck and neither should get MTV checks or even welfare checks for that matter.

      BTW – great name. Amazing how a 20 second Babs rant from years ago lives on. TM2 is so much better with more Babs and less Jenelle / Lurch. Heck, adding Debz OG would’ve been better than Bristol and Cheyenne.

    2. Same! Wtf MTV, now I’m agreeing with UBT?!

      The moral of this story is that Morgan J. Freeman is a giant hypocrite. For someone who spends a ton of time on Twitter claiming to care about lgbtq and gun issues, he outdid himself with Bristol.

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