Farrah Abraham Confirms She Will Compete in Boxing Match: Here’s Who She Says She Will & Will Not Fight

“See? Everyone wants to hit this!”

Farrah Abraham is determined to maintain her status as a “top celebrity in the nation,” even if it means taking a few blows to the head.

This week, the former Teen Mom OG star began training for an upcoming “celebrity” boxing match, in which she has enlisted the training expertise of Jeremy Jackson (aka Hobie Buchannon from ‘Baywatch’) at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu in Los Angeles to perfect her punching skills.

While this venture of Farrah’s is random enough on its own, what’s more perplexing is the fact that Farrah told The Blast she’s participating in the fight to raise awareness against bullying, a topic she claims to be very passionate about… and not at all guilty of herself.

“I signed up for a celebrity boxing match for anti-bullying because my daughter has been bullied,” Farrah says as her nine-year-old daughter Sophia starts delivering gut punches to her oblivious mom.

“I can’t wait to find another big celebrity that feels the same way about bullying as I do and I think it will be an amazing next project.”

As for who will get the honor of fighting Farrah, her opponent has yet to be announced. However, Farrah provided a rundown of possible contenders via Instagram Live on Tuesday.

While there are, no doubt, plenty of people who would like to punch Farrah in whatever face she’s currently using (and a few who have tried over the years), Farrah says she will only consider boxing people who are anti-bullying.

Unfortunately, Farrah says this eliminates most of the people that Farrah’s “fans” would enjoy watching her box, including anyone from the Teen Mom franchise and Drita D’Avanzo, who recently said she’d go to jail in order to be able to “smack the s**t” out of Farrah.

“Farrah vs. [‘Teen Mom’ producer] Larry [Musnick]? I like that. I mean, I don’t want to box anyone who has been bullied me because they obviously don’t stand for a good cause,” Farrah said on Instagram Live. “They don’t stand to get rid of bullying. So, none of the ‘Teen Moms,’ they out… Drita, she out. All these bad bullying celebrities, right?”

(And, just for the record, no, those aren’t typos. Farrah really did say ‘they out’ and ‘she out.’ Perhaps she’s trying to build her street cred?)

“Damn. I had the chance to hit her and I missed!”

So who would Farrah consider boxing? To save you the pain of sitting through the nearly five-minute Instagram Live video, The Ashley has compiled a list of those mentioned in the clip, along with the ever-present “Farrah Speak” explanations as to why the Backdoor Teen Mom wants to go into the boxing ring with them.

Farrah said she would consider boxing singer/actress Teyana Taylor

“I think Teyana Taylor would be good because she’s not for bullying and I feel like a lot of other people who are against bullying should be up to be my opponent, so we’ll see who’s up for the boxing challenge,” Farrah said.

She would also like to touch gloves with singer Britney Spears.

“She’s great! She’s also an awesome mom” Farrah said. “I love Britney Spears, so maybe we can bring Brit out for a good cause against bullying, I think that’s awesome.”

(Sadly, Brit is probably a bit too busy to give Farrah a few whacks.)

Farrah also wants to box fellow adult film star Jenna Jameson, whom Farrah claimed she has on speed dial.

“She’s awesome, she doesn’t like bullying,” Farrah said. “I might have to give her a call, she’s my girl. She’s a great mama, I gotta check in with her since Celebrity Big Brother.”

Farrah also liked the suggestion she got from someone who was watching her Instagram Live video, who stated she should box actress Pamela Anderson.

“Maybe Pamela Anderson? We could bring Pamela Anderson in… Celeb Boxing match with Pam Anderson,” Farrah said. “She’s probably got it going on, I know there’s been some abuse in her family so I think, ya know, bully awareness would be great.”

Lovely, Farrah…

In a video of her first training session posted on The Blast, Farrah also mentioned MTV’s Chanel West Coast as a possible contender, as well as Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton.

(The Ashley’s just going to come right out and declare that she would pay any price to watch Farrah and Kim Kardashian beat the BeJesus out of each other!)

One person who Farrah refuses to get into the ring with is her estranged mother, Debra Danielsen. Farrah said that Debz OG doesn’t bring the right anti-bullying message with her.

“Yeah, my mom’s a bully and her husband, so they’re not invited,” Farrah declared.

No date for Farrah’s boxing match has been set; however, during her Instagram Live video, Farrah stated that the beatdown would take place sometime in October, in a “big venue near the ocean hopefully.”

She later wrote that the fight would take place in Atlantic City.

Let’s get ready to ruuuuuuumble! 

UPDATE! The Blast reports that Farrah’s camp has reached out to several of the women Farrah named as people she’d like as her possible opponent, including Chanel West Coast and Teyana Taylor. Neither of those women has responded. However, the site reports that Blac Chyna was also contacted and she turned the offer down. (Go figure!)

Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander of Flavor of Love fame has “expressed interest” in boxing Farrah, however.

Watch video of Farrah’s first training session below:

(Photos: Rachel Murray-Getty Images/ Instagram)

32 Responses

  1. Haha what a delusional woman, who does she think is gullible enough to believe her boldface lies. I’ve seen and heard enough, as far as I am concerned her daughter and her can be casualties of the lies and the rotten way she conducts herself.

  2. This is the low of the low. Only the most irrelevant desperate people do “celebrity” boxing. Also how is Sophia bullied? When was the last time she even interacted with a child her age?

  3. Oh! Totally didn’t see the rest of the article! I hope Kim gets to bring a giant purse into the ring and beat the crap out of Farrah with it.

    “Don’t…*swing* be..*swing* so fucking *swing* rude!”

  4. Not gonna lie..watching Britney Spears kick Farrah’s ass would be hilarious, especially because of the big twitter blow out she had with Jamie Lynn Spears a few years back. Or the Kardashians. Or Demi Lovato. Actually ya know , later on, defintely Demi.

  5. Hahahahahahahaha!!! I would love to see her attempt Teyana Taylor. Farrah is so dumb she doesnt realize that TT works out, really works out not just standing around posing and exercising her anal sphincter, and she would knock her ass out. Also love that she talked about Britney Spears as if she knew her lolololol the delusion is at an all time high here

  6. <>

    Translation: She wants to avoid people she already knows would literally decimate her in a boxing ring (like Drita D’Avanzo) in a matter of seconds.

    My suggestion to Farrah: Try Betty White.

  7. LOL at the thought of Kim K or Britney getting into the ring with Farrah. Omg. She’s so delusional.

    Hopefully whoever fights her hits her hard enough to knock some sense into her.

  8. “Celebrity” Boxing was done 20 years ago when you had Danny Partridge box Greg Brady. Been there done that. Although I would love to see her face punched, I can’t imagine this selling to the masses. Pam Anderson is twice her age. Kim Kardashian would beat the crap out of her. And for Britney Spears being a great mom – um not so sure about that comment.

    I think Amber would be a great match or Janelle. Nobody who is a legit D lister will do this no matter how badly they want to punch her in those inflated lips.

    And I don’t get how fighting is good message for anti-bullying. But that’s our Farrah!

      1. That’s why Farrah took
        Sophia out of public school because she was bullied because her father was decreased.

  9. Either one of the DeJesus girls should, the fight should be as trashy as possible. Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian would not compete in a celebrity boxing match. They don’t need the money.

  10. OMG please let it be Channel….. She’d wipe up the floor with her.. lmao I can’t wait to watch her get hit then go into the ugly cry.

  11. The bitch is delusional! She is NOT a big celebrity as she referenced herself. She has bullied many people, does she not recall when Simon bullied her entire cast on Teen Mom while she laughed & defended him?! I can not stand her & she shouldn’t get any say in who she’s fightimg, when she’s being PAID! So the public should get the opponent we want in order for her ass to get paid! Drita, Amber, Catelyn, Nikki Minaj.. that’s the only ones I’m interested in watching beat her ass!

  12. I’m hoping someone that is actually against bullying fights her… (low key hope they punch her and pop one of her fake yabbo’s).

    1. Maybe Snooki or someone from Jersey Shore can fight her. Or maybe one of her creditors for her bankrupt or soon to be bankrupt businesses. Give them a shot since they probably won’t see a dime from her.

  13. So celebrities beating the crap out of each other to prevent bullying??? That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard!

  14. I’m absolutely against bullying and I would love to become famous as the woman that punched Farrah in the face, multiple times. Have your Minions call my people Farrah.

  15. This idiot already sounds like she’s taking ten billion hits to the head, but however they pluck from the z-list won’t actually do any real fighting anyway so I don’t think that’s a worry. I posted a while ago that I think there is something neurologically wrong with her already and it would be interesting to see a brain scan of her to tell what’s really wrong because no one in their right mind talks like this. Also, I’m not sure how cps works, but it seems like her daughter is constantly by her side with no age-appropriate companions or other responsible adults (that aren’t just there to be in on Farrah’s shenanigan). I feel so sorry for this child that will inevitably look back on her childhood and despise her mother for all that she missed out on and all that she was exposed to . That being said, Farrah: You look like an over-inflated blowup doll, with half the personality. I have just bullied you, I work from home and am free to box you anytime.

  16. Farrah, you are doing this for a paycheck and the notoriety. Stop pretending you’re doing it for humanitarian reasons. If anyone is a bully, look at yourself in the mirror. I hope whoever is her opponent knows he/she is already a hero.

  17. This idiot already sounds like she’s taking ten billion hits to the head, but however they pluck from the z-list won’t actually do any real fighting anyway so I don’t think that’s a worry. I posted a while ago that I think there is something neurologically wrong with her already and it would be interesting to see a brain scan of her to tell what’s really wrong because no one in their right mind talks like this. Also, I’m not sure how cps works, but it seems like her daughter is constantly by her side with no age-appropriate companions or other responsible adults (that aren’t just there to be in on Farrah’s shenanigan). I feel so sorry for this child that will inevitably look back on her childhood and despise her mother for all that she missed out on and all that she was exposed to . That being said, Farrah: You look like an over-inflated blowup doll, with half the personality. I have just bullied you, I work from home and am free to box you anytime: Sunnyvale trailer park, ask for Cory and Trevor.

  18. Hahaha somebody’s scared of Drita!

    How convenient she seems to know which celebrities are for and against bullying. Like, who is FOR bullying?! No one. It’s an easy excuse to avoid the ones she’s scared of. Then the big name celebrities like Britney Spears – she somehow knows they are against bullying – nice try piggybacking on their fame, Farrah. Even when Britney was at the gas station with a shaved head, she was 50 leagues ahead of you Farrah, you’re nothing but a big joke.

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