‘Teen Mom OG’ Dad Ryan Edwards Has Returned To Rehab

“The ‘hab ain’t so bad. It’s better than jail…”

Ryan Edwards is reportedly back in rehab for at least the third time.

Radar Online is reporting that the former Teen Mom OG dad has been in an Alabama ‘hab for at least a month. The Ashley‘s sources have confirmed that Ryan is, indeed, back in rehab.

Ryan, who is the dad of Maci Bookout’s son Bentley, is expecting another son with his wife, Mackenzie Edwards. (She is due to give birth to a baby boy in about two weeks.)

Unlike his last attempt at rehab during the summer of 2017 (where he spent less than a month seeking treatment for a long-term heroin addiction), Ryan is reportedly doing a long-term inpatient rehab program this time around.

“[Ryan] isn’t supposed to be out [of rehab] until February or March,” Radar‘s source stated. (This would mean Ryan is doing somewhere around six months of inpatient treatment.)

This also means that Ryan will miss the birth of his second child later this month.


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Lover Lover ?

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“Mackenzie moved out of the lake house they were living in and is now living with her parents,” the site’s source stated.

While she may be away from her husband, Mackenzie has made it no secret that she plans to stand by her sobriety-challenged husband. Earlier this month, Mackenzie posted a photo of herself with Ryan to her Instagram account. The photo caused a lot of Mackenzie’s followers to criticize her for staying with Ryan. Mackenzie, however, did not hold back in her responses to the nay-sayers.

“I’m so sorry but I will continue to stand up for what I believe in no matter how chopped, edited and jumbled it may be,” Mackenzie wrote in response to one critic. “I have stuck by my husband through some of the darkest times imaginable. Have mistakes been made? Hell yes. Have they been accounted for, dealt with and resolved, yep. Why do I post pictures of my husband and myself? Because we do love each other. And that is real life. If you want to fault me for standing by my husband and sticking to my vows, then don’t follow me.”


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In all the world there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world there is no love for you like mine. -Maya Angelou

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Mackenzie has yet to comment on Radar‘s story, but the site claims it has two additional sources that back up the first source’s story about Ryan being back in rehab.

Radar reached out to Ryan’s father, Larry Edwards, for confirmation of Ryan’s return to rehab.

“You know I can’t comment on that,” Larry said.

They also asked if Ryan would be present for the impending birth of his son.

“You know I can’t say,” Larry replied.

Radar also checked with Tennessee court clerks in Hamilton County and Red Bank to see if the rehab stay might have been court-ordered, but the clerks could not confirm or deny that.

As ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans know, Ryan has a history of substance abuse issues. In March 2017, he was issued a citation for “simple possession of heroin.” At the time, police found 14 needles and a bag of heroin in Ryan’s possession. Ryan was arrested again in March of 2018 and August of 2018 in relation to the original arrest.

Ryan was also caught by MTV-issued dashboard cameras nodding off at the wheel on his way to marry Mackenzie in May of 2017. The next day, Ryan checked himself into rehab for the second time. (In case you’re wondering, Ryan’s first attempt at rehab was back in December 2012, according to his ex-girlfriendDalis Connell.

Ryan and Mackenzie have both admitted that he “had a problem” in the past but have recently been claiming that he is clean and sober.

Back in July, Ryan and Mackenzie both proclaimed that Ryan was no longer using drugs. The couple got booted from ‘Teen Mom OG’ this summer. Although they claimed that MTV didn’t want to film Ryan sober because he didn’t bring enough drama, The Ashley told you what really went down

Anyway, The Ashley will officially confirm this if and when she hears confirmation from her own sources.

RELATED STORY: Mackenzie Edwards Calls ‘Teen Mom OG’ “Lame, Fake Boring & Scripted” 


42 Responses

  1. The best rehabs are long term of 6 months to 1 year followed by continuing care and/or 12 step programs. I may be in the minority but I hate drama queen Maci and Tyler. Hopefully, we will see less of them drinking. They have alcohol problems but it is easier to hide than heroin. Plus, I think MTV gives Maci good edits.

  2. While it’s good for his two kids that he’s in rehab for that long, let’s hope his team of enablers/excuse makers ALSO get some much needed therapy to help with their own bad habits with him.

  3. unrelated to this article – but things seem to have been suspiciously quiet on jenelle’s homefront lately…

    1. As an avid Reddit lurker, I’d invite you to go and have a look over there. Plenty of reports of animal abuse, LBGTQ-rants from David, pissing on homeschooling Maryssa etc. on there.

      It’s my favourite guilty pleasure, af TheAshley.

  4. Perfect timing! Son #2 will be here soon! I just don’t think how having a kid in these conditions was the best idea for them. Again good luck to the kid, he is the only one I care about.

  5. My best wishes go out to Larry, Jen, Bentley, and unborn son at this time. I hope Mac has the love and support she needs to raise two kids, ponder her lifes choices and taje care of herself so she can be there for her babies. I think she’s dumb as a rock but its about those kids now.

  6. I don’t mean to derail the conversation from the important topic of Ryan’s sobriety… but can anyone explain what’s going on in that photo where Mack’s in a full-on evening gown with train, but Ryan is dressed for dinner at Applebees? Was she standing up in a wedding where he wasn’t invited?

    1. I picture their early relationship as basically Weekend at Bernies, only instead of a corpse at a party it’s someone so high they are basically comatose being walked through a Facebook romance. My guess is Ryan woke up somewhere in the middle of an engagement photoshoot in those pics.

    2. Lol. I can hear him berating her for her stupid outfit choices and sticking to “I’m gon’ war this ‘n’ yew cain’t tell me…”

  7. I don’t feel sorry for Mack either. I feel sorry for Bentley, the new baby, and Maci. I would feel bad for Jen and Larry too, but they are the ones who have been enabling Ryan for years.

  8. I feel really sorry for Mack. I still really dislike her, but I feel bad for her. Through all of her “we love each other” bullshit, we can all see that she is married to a man who doesn’t love her, doesn’t respect her, barely likes her, has cheated and lied to her.

    It’s easy for those of us on the outside to reduce her to the plot of a Lifetime miniseries (alone and pregnant, living with her parents while her unemployed junkie 2nd baby-daddy is in rehab and facing jail time, while she aggressively defends him and blames everyone within pointing distance – can she be more of a trashy cliche?). But she’s a real person, living every day in a life far from what she imagined and hoped. She and that kid will live their entire lives with the consequences of her and Ryan’s shitty adulting skills.

    Maybe if she shows some self awareness, takes responsibility (and stops shitting on Maci) she would be more likable, and we would feel something besides disgust and pity.

    1. I understand what you’re saying and Mack is young, but this is her second marriage and I don’t think she’s even 22. She married him after he drove high on the way to their wedding venue. This girl needs to find a life coach, therapist or just someone who will help with her terrible decision making.

    2. I don’t feel sorry for her…she only got with him in hopes of getting a check and being on TV….then decided to have a trap baby to ensure that she would always have a spot on the show even if they broke up….but all that blew up in her face, so now she’s bitter. The girl is an opportunist, and even went as far as marrying the man while he was blown out of his mind. That girl willingly signed up for all of the crap he’s putting her through.

    3. I see what you’re saying. I guess for me it’s that she was already a mom when she met Ryan. She owed Hudson a lot more than what she’s given him. To knowingly marry an addict was so unfair to that little boy (in addition to the new baby). That and her publicly accusing Maci of withholding his addiction as if she didn’t know was just…wow. She knew Maci loved Bentley too much to reveal how bad things were on stage like that. That was the point of no return. Basically, Maci cares more about Bentley AND Hudson than Mack did.

  9. You can tell that he is dangerously close to ODing to the point of no return….Just hope that this time he sticks with his sobriety…he’s got 2 kids now (and a hag of a wife), so it’s time to stop being selfish and get his shit together…speaking of that wife…I know she’s only sticking by him in hopes that he’ll get sober, and Maci will let them back on Teen Mom…that whole “Have mistakes been made? Hell yes. Have they been accounted for, dealt with and resolved, yep.” Mack seriously needs to stop. So far, nothing has been resolved. She enables the man to keep him high and happy, and you know she has ulterior motives…She wants back on that show SO bad…She is such a transparent joke…you can see straight through her.

  10. Of course rehab was court ordered. He made every excuse he could think of with Dr. Drew. Now that the money is gone, he needs to do something productive in his life or Jen & Larry will be feeding a family of 4. Hopefully the whole family will be involved in this process. I think Larry is also an addict and this may open up his eyes.

  11. Unless it was financial issues, I’m not sure why Mack fled back to mommy and daddy. She practically screamed her own praises for being a single mom and now that she’s facing it again she seems to have changed her tune ? After all her clap backs at haters about staying in her marriage she sure isn’t helping her case by running off. Then again, she’s probably wised up and realizes this stay in the hab will clear Rhines mind once and for all and he’ll realize what psycho she is and leave her ass.

  12. Thank God, he is safe, everyone on the road is, and he is getting the help he needs.
    I hope he will get better, for his sake and all of those around him.
    Maybe one day he will thank Maci for making sure his son and the world would not see his life in the months before he went to this rehab.

  13. Well, this basically confirms that Maci has always been right (even though we always knew she was) and Ryan & Mackenzie owe her a huge apology (which we all know they will never give). I’m glad Ryan is finally taking the necessary steps to getting healthy but this is obviously what he should’ve done last time he went to rehab. Instead, him and his psycho wife decided to focus their attention on Maci and blame her for his own mistakes. I hope this does the trick for Ryan and he can live the rest of his life healthy and he can be there for his kids. Although, I still have a feeling that he will never be able to be completely at peace until he cuts Mack out of his life. She is too toxic to his sobriety. It’s sad because they have a child together and I don’t want that kid to grow up in a broken home but I would rather his parents be apart then him live in an environment that toxic. I’d know. I grew up in one too. My dad was an addict and my mom was a massive enabler. It was horrible.

    1. You could really see the disdain Ryan feels towards Mack in the last season. I think he said that he married her, because it helped his chances with custody of Bentley. He was trying to prove some sort of stability. I don’t even know if Ryan is capable of actually loving another person. His entire life has been filled with everyone in his family falling at his feet. He’s never had to think about how other people feel. It’s all about him.

      1. I agree to some extent but I do believe Ryan was really in love with Maci and still wishes they could’ve worked out. I think he is jealous of her and Taylor’s life and wishes he was in Taylor’s place. Even though Ryan can be an ass, I feel sorry for him too. I think he is full of regrets and instead of letting go and moving on, he holds onto it and directs all that anger at Maci and Taylor.

  14. Quit trying to be a martyr Mack and think about what’s best for your unborn baby for once. Just this one time in your life, make a good decision and leave him.Ryan is an addict and he’s very self centered. I do hope he can get it together for the sake of his children, but he needs to stop blaming everyone around him for his issues. His family feeds into that BS too. I guess maybe Mack hasn’t figured out that this baby won’t be enough for him to stop using..neither was Bentley. What a fool.

  15. Well didn’t Ryan tell Mackenzie to call him when their baby was three? So just a few failed attempts at 6 months inpatient rehab and it may work.

  16. What a surprise, said no one. I hope he can really turn it around this time. I feel bad for Bentley and for the new child about to be born. Mackenzie wanted to be an MTV stat and now she’s pregnant, husband in rehab, living with her parents and alone when this child is born. What a mess.

  17. In today’s episode of “when the checks stop coming in”, Mac and Cheese have to leave their “favorite place” to be the Lake House. Mac will die before she lets them take that Lexus SUV away from her. Welp, that’s what happens when you marry a dope fiend for money and fame, Einstein

  18. The six month rehab stay is a positive thing for Ryan, if it’s even true. I hope he’s serious about wanting to get sober, if he’s not it will be a waste of money and time. Regarding his unborn child, Ryan didn’t want to be around anyway until the child is three, if even ever (given his almost non existant relationship with Bentley). IDGAF what MacKenzie writes or says, it’s all been fiction since she started dating Ryan.

  19. Larry proclaiming that he can’t say if Rhine will be in the room for the delivery or not basically confirms that he is back in rehab, otherwise the customary response would be “of course he’ll be there”. I love Jenn and Larry and I get them wanting to defend their son and keep what he’s going through close to the vest, but this Mackenzie gal had dreams of reality tv stardom from the very beginning. I don’t get why she’s even on social media, she’s basically a single mother about to give birth to the child of a dude who said he wanted to “separate” for nine months when they first found out she was pregnant. Sorry not sorry Mack, (expect for the children).

    1. I used to really like Jen and Larry, but they’re just too much. They treat Macey pretty badly and like to blame her for some of ryans issues. When Jen talked about Macy being a”trigger” for Ryan. Come on, he was such an asshole to her for so long. I just don’t think he’s a nice person,with or without drugs. Mommy is always there to cover his tracks and wipe his ass. She’s trying the same stuff with Bentley and wants to treat him like a helpless child too.

      1. If Larry and Jen treat Maci badly, why does she still allow Bentley to go over there and spend weekends with them? In articles that I read Maci has maintained that she has a good relationship with them and they are somewhat like second parents to her.

    2. I agree CoryandTrevor…I actually do like his parents, and think they mean well and are good people. I don’t necessarily think its their fault either that Ryan is a drug addict. Sometimes that shit just happens. I honestly do wish them all well.

      1. Hey EB! Right, this is why I like Jenn and Larry too. I think they’ve honestly tried to provide and great life for Rhine and in the process ended up creating a lazy, unmotivated man/child who became an addict. Obviously they wanted the best for him, so they tried to “love him sober” but his addiction is well over their pay grade. Unfortunately with all the mtv money thrown at him for doing absolutely nothing but sit around and get high on the couch all day, he’s spiraled because he literally has no responsibilities, no job to get up for, no ambition, no goals etc. Rhine’s parents coddled him for sure, but I’m sure if they could go back and change things they would.

  20. I’m going to guess that this 6 month rehab stay is court ordered and the only way for him to stay out of jail. He could not even manage to complete a 30 day one the last time nor did he even try to work the program when out. Never bothered to have a sober coach, go to meetings go to counseling or do anything to actively stay stober. Just went right back to his life drinking on a boat. The fact is Ryan has never wanted or tried to get sober. Also there is no way that enabler Mackenzie would want/allow him to be gone for the end of her pregnancy, birth of their baby and first few months of their life. She drove in a car with him nodding off so there is literally nothing that this woman would not put up with.

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