Kail Lowry Says She Won’t Film For ‘Teen Mom 2’ In Wake Of Death Threat From Barbara Evans: “I Told the Producers to Contact My Attorney” (EXCLUSIVE)

“I think you’ve been spending too much time on The Land, Babs!”

Kail Lowry says she won’t film again for Teen Mom 2 until something is done about Jenelle Evans’ mom, Barbara Evans, who joked about killing Kail during an Instagram Live session posted on Saturday.

The controversial video featured Babs and Jenelle talking “lightheartedly” about their co-star before Barbara declared, “We’ll all get lit and we’ll go kill Kail!”

Although Jenelle insists her mother’s comment was intended to be a joke, Kail isn’t laughing.

“I’m not filming until something is done,” Kail told The Ashley via email on Monday. Kail added that Barbara has not reached out to apologize.

“It’s about the principle at this point,” Kail said. “The producers say they’re handling it.  I gave them my attorney’s info and told the producers to contact my attorney and not to contact me.”

The Ashley’s behind-the-scenes sources tell her that Jenelle and Barbara have continued to film as scheduled despite the controversy. They had a shoot scheduled for today, actually.

The social media video in question was made after a night of dinner and drinking with her mom in Atlanta, according to Jenelle.

“My mom and I are out of town for a mother/daughter weekend and filming our trip,” she said on Instagram. “We had some drinks at dinner and came back to the Airbnb to drink a little more. I randomly got on Instagram and saw Brittany [DeJesus] was live so I decided to join in, especially since my mom was with me.”

Jenelle said that Barb “is really upset everyone took it the wrong way and is still upset about it at this moment.”

Someone else who was clearly upset about the video was ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-executive producer Kristen Schylinski, who reached out to Barbara during the live stream and demanded she retract her statement immediately.

During the video, Barb’s phone rings and she and Jenelle both confirm that it’s Kristen on the other line. We then hear Kristen tell Barb to take her off of speaker and through Jenelle’s intoxicated rambling to the viewers, we are able to pick up a few of the producer’s frantic comments.

“I need you to tell Kail that you are joking… there’s a huge s**t storm… ,“ Kristen can be heard telling Barbara on the phone. “How could you say that? …Tell her you were joking because you are, you don’t want to kill Kail… .”

“Even if we wanted to kill Kail, it’s not like we have any weapons to do it… Oh….wait…”

While the call continues in the background, Jenelle tells her live audience “it was a stupid f**king joke, just chill the f**k out,” before mocking Barb for telling Kristen she’d “fix it.” Barbara then issues a nearly-coherent apology to the camera.

“So earlier, I was talking to Brittany, Briana’s sister, and I said that I wanted to kill Kail and it was, everybody took it out of perspective because that’s not really what I meant. I was just doin’ a joke… .”

Jenelle then interrupts her mom’s apology and attempts to blame Barbara’s actions on her being part of “the old generation” of people who are unaware of social media consequences.

(Apparently, Jenelle’s husband David Eason is also part of “the old generation” because when he was fired by MTV for going on a homophobic Twitter rampage last February, Jenelle used a similar excuse, stating that David was unaware of how Twitter worked.)

Anyway, Babs tried to explain herself during the live video.

“Yeah, it was only a joke,” Barbara said. “I was only joking with Brittany, it was like I was being sarcastic, so I mean, and everybody like freaks out like I wanna go and kill the girl. Come on, I’ve know the girl for 10 years…You can’t say anything in the public without people like freaking out, saying ya know, ‘I’m gonna go out and kill the girl with a gun.’”

“If I haven’t murdered Jenelle at this point, ya really think I’d come for Kail?”

“Come on. It’s like, everything’s cool. I’ve always got along with Kail. It’s no big deal. She has her, ya know, differences between her and Jenelle, it doesn’t pertain to me. it was only a joke. Only a joke,” Barb said.

(One of those “differences” being the recent feud the teen moms were involved in, which began with Kail criticizing Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, and ended with Jenelle setting Kail’s “peace offering” hair products on fire.)

Despite Kristen’s seemingly worried demeanor during the call, Jenelle told Hollywood Life that her producer thinks everyone is too easily offended.

“My producer understood [it was a joke] and just reminded my mom not to use those types of words because of how offended the world gets these days,” Jenelle told the site. “We haven’t received anymore calls from our other producers so I guess they know my mom’s intentions were just to make a joke. My mom doesn’t like Kail because my mom knows that Kail is a troublemaker and experienced it firsthand at the last reunion that I did not attend last season.”

“Was it somethin’ I said?”

Jenelle went on to call Kail out for going to the media and to the ‘Teen Mom 2’ producers to express her concerns about the video rather than reaching out to Jenelle or Barbara first.

“I think she is overreacting and knows my mom’s personality,” Jenelle said. “I’m sure everyone can understand my mom’s personality and mixed with when she’s had a couple of drinks, she’s just more outspoken.”

The Lady of The Land then took an opportunity to throw some shade towards her co-star.

“Kail wants any reason to have pity on her or have attention on her in any way, shape or form,” Jenelle said. “We don’t like her, but we wouldn’t ever physically harm her. Kail is the one that threatens to ‘throw hands,’ not us.”

(Photos: MTV, Instagram, Twitter)

84 Responses

  1. The ONLY reason Babs is up Jenelles ass is to keep the money rolling in. It’s not called teen grandma it’s teen mom. She wouldn’t have a paycheck if she wasn’t…TRUTH…

  2. How pathetic! People these days are way to damn sensitive about every little thing! It’s sad that grown ass people can’t take a freaking joke! Too many people are way too quick to sue someone or pull the race card, etc. over obvious BS! Lighten up and get a damn sense of humor!

  3. Barbara is nearly as messed up as Janelle. I have no idea why everyone thinks that it’s good Barbara is raising Chase. She screwed up Janelle and another kids lives raising them. Barbara has a serious alcohol problem and has always had random boyfriends when Janelle was growing up.

  4. So she was okay with working with a proper lunatic (David and well, Jenelle is one too) but when Babs makes a joke, a bit tipsy, all hell breaks lose?! Barbara is not the person on Jenelle’s side you need to worry about, Kail…

  5. I don’t like Kail, I never have, I won’t deny that she is often the cause of all her own woes (and those of others), or at least contributes very heavily to it.

    That said…we all damn well know David will take something like this and run with it like the psychopath he is. If for no other reason, because he thinks it will keep him on Bab’s good side. We all know SHE didn’t actually mean it, and SHE wouldn’t actually do anything remotely like that (or hurt anyone). But we also all know that Jenelle and David, would, without a second thought, and they’d film it too..then they’d pretend it was a joke.

    That is where something like this becomes a real problem. Words have power, and when you involve people as mentally unstable as Jenelle and David really are, you can actually be held partially responsible for influencing their behaviors, despite the fact that you, yourself, didn’t actually do anything at all besides say something you shouldn’t have.

    No one,including Kail (again, remember, I’m no fan of her) actually took Babs herself seriously, but the threat, could, very easily, influence the freaks out on the land. THAT, actually should be taken seriously, and it’s precisely why they were called to knock it off, apologize and make it VERY clear, that wasn’t a serious threat. In today’s world, threats even made in a joking manner can get you in deep shit, legally speaking. It’s not because the rest of the world is easily offended or too sensitive, it’s because people have done heinous things that give us reason to pause and think about the potential effects. I’m sure Babs regrets it now, she probably regretted it then. Odds are damn good she’s only getting along with Jenelle because she needs to stay in those kids’ lives to help ensure their safety. I don’t take her for a complete idiot, like her daughter, Babs is actually pretty damn smart. This was not her finest moment, not only because Kail likes to contribute to drama (hello caption obvious, everyone knows this, lmao), but because now it’s set Jenelle off, and likely David. God only knows what those two will do with it, they don’t need any help flying off the handle over stupid shit.

    It wouldn’t matter WHO they had threatened, really, any threats made by or near Jenelle and David, towards anyone, ought to be taken seriously and dealt with before they get the opportunity to run with it. Even in a joking manner, those two will actually take it seriously, they’ve *proven so.

  6. Meh, the minute I heard her unenthusiastically mumble about “how hard it was to not only parent three kids, but deal with three different fathers,” a situation she put herself in ENTIRELY, in her first intro, I fast-forwarded past her segments anyway. So it’s no skin off my nose if she doesn’t film.

  7. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I am sick of Kail and her shitty attitude, she can go. At least Jenelle is entertaining LOL>

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I think, under normal circumstances, we would all agree that this was just a “figure of speech”… But, these are far from normal circumstances! David is a gun-toting, psychotic, full-fledged lunatic who is looking for any excuse to “fill the streets with uppercuts” and to unload the full potential of his prized arsenal!! There is a reason that the term “crimes of passion” exists and David will believe – to the very depths of his corroded, evil soul – that he is “acting out of love”! He WANTS to go out in a blaze of glory! I believe, where David is concerned, that there are no “empty threats”, just actions that have not yet been carried out… He surely doesn’t need this encouragement! Ksil is smart enough to realize this and is wise to refrain from contact and/or filming for her own sake and for her precious boys!

  9. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Kail is such a drama queen I’m not a big fan of barb or Janelle but come on she apologized get over it… Kail does anything for attention and wants to control the show if I was mtv I’d say ok we don’t want to film you anymore and see how fast she comes crawling back for the money

  10. Look I’m a big Barbara fan, but it’s not ok to joke about killing someone in this day in age. She doesn’t realize the influence she has over diehard fans. That could push some mental unstable person to take action against Kail on her behalf. You never know. You just have to be careful when you are under a microscope like they are. With that said, Kail calm down

  11. Kail is such a MISERABLE person! When someone is beautiful inside it shows everywhere, this girl is stoned ugly all the way around!
    Kail’s behavior at the soccer game was so disgusting, she reeked of jealousy and built up rage… rage that she no longer CONTROLS Javi- this whole Barb BS is about kail needing to control. Barb made it clear that she wishes no harm, Kail is a controlling HUGE whore that loves to demand control. While I’m expressing MY opinion of her I must add.. I wish she’d take that knob out of the top of that poor baby’s head, enough issues going there.

    1. Wow, talk about built up raging, hating someone you don’t even know. And don’t talk about kids, makes you a piece of shit

    2. agree. The way she was just blatantly rude and dismissive of Javi’s new chick was telling. She’s all and because she was claled his ratchet ex wife (or whatever word).. or so? If the shoe fits.. LOL.

  12. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I shared this in another link, but it applies here as well…
    I think, under “normal circumstances”, we would all agree that this was just a “figure of speech”… But, these are far from normal circumstances! David is a gun-toting, psychotic, full-fledged lunatic who is looking for any excuse to “fill the streets with uppercuts” and to unload the full potential of his prized arsenal!! There is a reason that the term “crimes of passion” exists and David will believe – to the very depths of his corroded, evil soul – that he is “acting out of love”! He WANTS to go out in a blaze of glory! I believe, where David is concerned, that there are no “empty threats”, just actions that have not yet been carried out… He surely doesn’t need this encouragement! Ksil is smart enough to realize this and is wise to refrain from contact and/or filming for her own sake and for her precious boys!

  13. Barbs whole kissing Jenelles ass to keep her happy act she’s got going on needs to stop. Jenelle is a POS and should be treated as such.

  14. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I love how Babs refuses to enable jenelle’s substance abuse for years, and rightfully so, but now gets drunk with her? Way to support your ex heroin addict daughter in “turning her life around”! These two have zero insight and are both trash.

  15. I am ashamed any adult would use these terms. I do not believe Brittany should be now or ever a part of the show. Jenelle and David need to be gone since they have threatened so many. Alcohol is not a good idea for people who cannot control themselves. If it causes you to do things you normally wouldn’t then stop!

  16. MTV JUST CANCEL THE DAMN SHOW, ALL THE DRAMA AND HEADACHES CANT BE WORTH IT!! I know I find myself fast forwarding through most of the show now,it’s run it’s course take them off the air for a few years like the OGs

    1. I agree, I feel like everything (and everyone) regarding this show has gotten beyond ridiculous. This isn’t how normal people almost in their 30’s behave. However, it *must* be worth it to MTV or they wouldn’t continue it. I can only imagine what they must be paying consulting lawyers, from dealing with Farrah and David, and producers always having to mediate. Even with the massive salaries the girls receive, they must be making a killing in advertising revenue for the show to continue with all the drama and changes. I don’t think they give a crap about a controversy every other week, it’s ALL about $$, and the only thing that will make them pull the show is a) when it doesn’t become profitable or b) when someone ends up dead or seriously injured.

  17. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    kail is always looking for something to get mad about or trying to get someone fired. She is the problem, typical snowflake with 3 baby daddy’s that thinks the world owes her. She went from poor to well off for having a bastard child as a teenager. That doesn’t make you betterthan anyone else deer. We won’t miss you I promise.just must keep the baby daddy’s on. They are great!

  18. Not a Jenellefan but Kail never smiles. Even if things are funny. She said worse things. Just a sad crybaby.

  19. As much as I loved Barb back in the day, it does have nothing to do with her age… it sounded worse when she said it because she’s related to Jenelle and David, and everyone knows how psycho David is. David would actually follow through with something like that, and we all know who his favourite bystander and supporter is… cackling in the background. People will automatically take it more seriously just because of that in itself. Do I think Barb is a threat or meant it? No. Do I think Jenelle and David could take it and run? Absolutely.

  20. This has nothing to do with Babs’ age, these kind of comments were also not acceptable on live TV when she was young.

  21. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Babz is now TheLandTrash-level.

    Thought better of you, babz ?

    Maybe it’s too painful to read so many comments about what a piece of diarrhea trash your shithead crotchfruit has become. Daaaamn, babz. ??‍♀️?

  22. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I’m sure Kail is not afraid of Barb, it’s the wack jobs who hear Barb say it and they do it. Either way, very disrespectful regardless of what people think of Kail personally. She should be pissed, that was just stupid and this will come back to haunt Barb, likely by Jenelle and David more so than Kail!!

  23. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Fire Barb like they fired David and fire Jenelle too for condoning it just get rid of the whole family

  24. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Give me a break kail , wow. Cancel this show plzzzzz

  25. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    They Barb n Janelle should be kicked off teen Mom 2. Tats a threat n needs cops involved if nothing is done. Way 2 go kail. How many times are they going to get away with shit

  26. Jenelle says that Kail could have called them directly? Yeah right…like you would have called someone after they threatened to kill you.
    Why didnt Barbara call Kail directly to apologize?

  27. “We don’t like her, but we wouldn’t ever physically harm her. Kail is the one that threatens to ‘throw hands,’ not us.”

    No you guys just threaten to kill people, so much better

  28. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    All of these girls are a bunch of F&*@ing snowflakes. Cancel the show already!!!!

  29. Am I the only one upset that Barbara is so close with Jenelle now? At least before Babz seemed to really get David was evil and jenelle was an idiot.

    1. I absolutely agree. Babs being so far up Jenelle’s ass is further enabling her to be a shitty person…The fact that Babs still accepts and supports Jenelle and David, and their relationship after that 911 call is crazy to me.

      Plus this entire thing shows how stupid the Evan’s are…they’re giving Kail way too much power…but I am glad Kail’s holding MTV accountable for enabling Jenelle and co.

    2. I truly believe that the only reason why she’s so close is because “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” – if she’s in the fold, she knows what’s going down and can use that information to get Jace and Kaiser away from the Hellbeasts from The Land.

      Unfortunately, I think the Hellbeasts are going to use Barb’s drunken rambling statements against her in the next “give me back the son I signed away” campaign.

      1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
        She doesn’t need to gather up any further evidence to prove that those children aren’t safe on the land with Jenelle and David. The whole planet can see that the kids are in danger. And nobody has even bothered to TRY to take the kids from them, so how would she know that she needs to round up *more* information before going to court? It’s not like she went to court once already and was denied …..
        My point is- she has MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence to prove that Jenelle and David are unfit, unstable, and shouldn’t have those kids.

        Do you honestly believe that both Doris and Barbara think they couldn’t win in a custody case against Jenelle & David? Do you think they truly believe they couldn’t walk into a courtroom tomorrow and give solid evidence to prove that the kids are in danger?

        The bottom line is this: Everyone wants to look like a hero but none of them want to actually do anything heroic. Doris filed an emergency petition for custody and then dropped it! I mean WTF? How can a grandmother claim to be 110% certain that her grandson is being abused but then turn around and drop the case without even TRYING? What kind of reason is there that would justify her closing that case? What reason is there that would justify her not pursing this? She said it was because her husband got sick. Ummm…. and??????? Just because her husband was sick doesn’t mean she should’ve left Kaiser on the land with his abusers! Especially when she claimed that she *KNEW* he was being abused based on her “decade of experience working for social services”.
        They are all worthless. Those kids are doomed. Nobody ~actually~ wants them.

  30. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    It’s time to end both Teen Mom OG & Teen Mom 2. It’s like the the circus, when the animals start attacking each other it’s time to shut it down.

  31. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I can not stand Kail she’s such a dramatic bitch she wonders why people dislike her she acts like she is in control of it all big over grown sloth throwing a tantrum it was a joke she acts like her fat mouth don’t speak on anyone either. She needs to put on her overgrown big girl panties and suck it the fuck up and move on with her fat life

    1. Unfortunately Jenelle didnt do anything wrong. They should have fired her when she chased a guy down, ran over his mailbox & pointed a gun at him while her son was in the car. What can she possibly do that is worse than that?
      They will never fire her, she brings the drama & drama = ratings

  32. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (checkbox) *]
    Really how can jenelle come to barbs defense is there hatred for one another only when cameras are around because kail has every right to be scared because jenelle is the one who was carrying a gun next to her son jace in the car during a road rage inccident and she followed the grown man to his house pointed a gun at the guy and then tried to flee the scene so why did kail get scared because i would not be overreacting and common sense is that you do not threaten anyone in any way shape or form my father is 70 yrs old and knows not to say those kind of words especially on social media if drunk or not and once words are said they cant be taken back what does that show the children dcf needs to take those children away especially jace they are not showing adult like behavior my son is 17 and hes more grown up then barb and jenelle

  33. Most of the girls on TM are bat shit crazy. Now amber is having a melt down. TM needs to go off air. Shut it down.

  34. Jenelle must think we are all as dumb as she and Lurch are. It’s so blatantly obvious that Jenelle filmed Barbs drunken rambling and filmed their whole drunk weekend, so that she and Lurch can use it in an attempt to “get Jace back”.

    The whole thing is just dumb.
    Anything to stay relevant for five minutes.

  35. If you took this as a legit threat you wouldn’t be reaching out to MTV to protect your family in lieu of the authorities. Anytime one of these losers informs us that they are not filming or this or that it discredits any stance they might be taking in the first place. Of course I do not like Janelle or anyone associated with her but this chick is right behind her in my book. Hey Kail-better hold off on those pay negotiations with MTV until your child support is settled.

    1. I dontnl think she is suing anyone. She is made that a family of pistol packing punks threatened her. Can you blame her?
      Its coming from a family that has guns, carries guns & has pointed guns at people, not normal behavior.

    1. Agree Sarah…It wasnt a good thing to say but we know Barb was drunk babbling. Not sure why Kailyn is spazzing about this other than the attention she gets for it. Does Kailyn forget how she was putting up her hair and putting on tennis shoes going with the intent to provoke Briana, who I dont care for at all, into a physical fight last reunion? And no one felt the need to stop filming or call attorneys etc … everyone sit down and SHUT UP ?

  36. I’d be more livid if David or Jenelle made that kinda threat than Barbara….??‍♀️??‍♀️
    But I wouldn’t take it lightly either; however, it wouldn’t be Kail if she DIDNT exaggerate, lol.

    Kail just needs to just take a knitting class and hush.

  37. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Wow, I agree with jenelle. Kale is being used ver dramatic. Anyone who saw this video know she is joking and drunk. I’m actually more proud of Jenelle and her mother of getting along.

  38. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Can you imagine if someone joked about killing David? They think Kail is going over the top, David would have gone on some crazy rampage Jenelle would totally be backing.

    1. I agree. Clearly Barb was tipsy and trying to appease her daughter because their estrangement has been so devastating to her. I’m not saying Barb was right but I think Kail is overreacting.

  39. Barb hasn’t been verbally or physically aggressive with Kail in the decade she’s known her. There would be no motivating factor for Barb to “kill Kail”. They have no kids together, no issues with money, no issues with being with former boyfriends/lovers/spouses. Barb isn’t on Kail’s life insurance either as far as I’m aware. Barb apologized already, she obviously had too much too much to drink and joking since they were talking to Brittany (who “fought” Kail last year due to Briana). Kail (Petty Betty) needs to chill out.

  40. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Kail needs to stop trying to get her coat stars fried and go bully her latest baby daddy instead. Grow up kong kail and try and have some actual pride, remember that like toilet book you had ghost written for you.

  41. What was Barbara thinking ! She will say anything because she is so glad that she and Jenelle are getting along somewhat which is because Jenelle only has Babs to film with.

  42. Kail needs to stop trying to get her coat stars fried and go bully her latest baby daddy instead. Grow up kong kail and try and have some actual pride, remember that like toilet book you had ghost written for you.

  43. If Babs did this 5-6 years ago most people including kail probably would’ve laughed it off. But in light of the guns and scary threats and behaviors from Jenelle and her husband on the land I don’t blame kail for taking this seriously. Wouldn’t you do the same if a coworker with the same behaviors as Jenelle and clan posted a drunk rant about you? Kail isn’t my fav but I’m not mad at her for taking an action hey it’s a win if she gets Jenelle fired and a win win if the entire franchise is ended.

    1. excatly! obviously barb had a change of heart last year. before that she said ubt was the worst soulmate ever, but then the table turned. like if she is compensating for winning jace permanently. poor kids – back then jace could be transparent about life on the land, his “shi**y” “mom” and ubt, how they mistreated kaiser and so on. but who can he turn to now? when kaiser and mom gets beaten, cops are called, fights, threats and hartered are the only constants. teaming up with the perpetrators makes you another perpetrator barb! maybe kails reaction isn’t that dramatic after all.

  44. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Kail is always talking shit about someone, it’s like she thrives on drama. But as soon as anyone says something about her or does anything that she doesn’t like then she is constantly playing a freaken victim. She obviously knows that Barbara was joking but hey if it keeps her off of the TV I’m happy

  45. I’m so tired of the moms getting butt hurt and refusing to film/threatening to quit. You know what? Follow through then and leave the show. I’m sure mtv could find a million other teen moms to film who would be grateful for an opportunity to make a shitload of money.

    Does Kail really think she is better? She literally tried fighting at the reunion/physically assaulted Javi. She is the violent one over Barbara. I’m over it

  46. Seriously. Seriously. Why is this even making news? It’s not that serious. Kail is doing this for publicity and everybody’s doing exactly what Kail wants attention. Makes no sense. The show should end.

  47. Jenelle is garbage and Babs, Jenelle is only using you as she has no friends to film with.

  48. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Jenelke and her mom just needs to be lrt go. The rest need to uniteand stand up to them now. Teen mom OG members are supporting Kail but the rest of her cast mates won’t…

  49. I dont like Kail, but I 100% agree with her actions on this one. That whole clan is unstable, and shes right to protect herself and her kids.

  50. Someone finally stood up to the Eason, Evans clan & refused to film!! Jeremy tweeted that everyone needs to come together and do this a while back…now is the TIME for the rest to follow!! They are never held accountable for anything form MTV or the LAW.

  51. I’m sorry but Kail needs to go back to her Hulk cave and chill out. I wouldn’t take anything Bab’s said 3 sheets in very seriously. Bab’s was talking shit. That’s it

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