Jon Gosselin Accused Kate Gosselin In Court Docs of Being a ‘Trigger’ for Son Collin; Asked That Kate Not Be Allowed Alone Time with Him

“Whatever, Jon. The only things I ‘trigger’ are good TV ratings and love from almost all of my children.”

Jon and Kate Gosselin may have temporarily settled the messy custody battle over their son Collin, but the reasons for that ruling are much more serious than fans of the family may have realized.

According to Radar Online, prior to being awarded temporary primary custody of Collin, Jon alleged in court documents that Kate did not cooperate with the treatment their son was receiving and that she was a “trigger” for Collin. Jon also asked that Kate not be allowed to be alone with Collin.

“It would not be in the best interests of the minor child … to have independent time with mother or to have mother share legal custody of the minor child because the mother has not cooperated with the child’s treatments and is a ‘trigger’ for the minor child,” Jon’s legal team claimed in October court records.

As those who have kept up with the former Jon & Kate Plus 8 family may recall, Collin lived in a residential care home from 2016 until December 2018 because, according to Kate, he had “special needs.”  Jon recently denied Kate’s claim, though, insisting that Collin is not a special needs child and is not “on any spectrum.” 

“OK kids, smile and say ‘mom is a toxic person’ on three… “

Following his October filing, Jon went on to win temporary custody of Collin in December after Kate was a no-show in court. Collin now lives with his dad and his sister Hannah, while his six other siblings continue to live with Kate. Jon recently revealed to a fan that Kate has had “zero” contact with Collin since he began living with his father. 

Despite the damning allegations against Kate and her parenting choices, the mom-of-multiples/leader of the ‘Can I Speak to the Manager’ hairdo movement maintains that she parents “from a place of love.” While promoting her upcoming dating show Kate Plus Date (premiering on TLC in June) during the Television Critics Association’s Winter Press Tour this week, Kate took an opportunity to also promote her parenting skills.

“I can’t help it, I just care so deeply… now move over, kid, you’re blocking my spotlight!”

“I am a very protective parent, as you probably know,” she said. “It comes from a place of love. I do think that I care so deeply that I have been, at times, overzealous.”

Joining Kate at the event were her 18-year-old twin daughters, Cara and Mady, whom Kate says may consider letting cameras follow them when they go to college.

“I mean, that’s absolutely up to them,” she said. “I think it’s something that Mady and Cara have discussed potentially and that’s up to them. I imagine as with anything, some may want to, some may not. And that’s totally fine, it’s up to them. It’s always been up to them.”

Just to clarify, we believe Kate is saying it’s up to them…

RELATED STORY: Jon Gosselin Shuts Down His Ex Kate’s Accusations That Their Son Collin Has Special Needs

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

13 Responses

  1. Kate is a narsacist who only cares about herself and uses her kids as cash cows. And yes, I believe she does abuse her children. I saw enough abuse of the kids and John when they were still married. I quit watching after the divorce because her actions toward everyone in that house literally made me sick to my stomach.

  2. Really? College? That’s one time they don’t need cameras following them around. She needs to let them have their time and privacy. Quit trying to be a momager and love them for who they are.

  3. How can Jon allege that Kate did not cooperate with the treatment and that she was a “trigger” for Collin if according to his prior statements Collin does not have special needs. I am not sure if he is in denial or he just does not like to call it special needs. There is something fishy in the equation and I do not think it is Kate

    1. I think he is probably thinking of ‘special needs’ as just meaning things like autism or developmental delay, etc., and not thinking of it as including behavioral stuff, which is what Collin was/is allegedly dealing with.
      Either that or he’s probably figuring that Collin doesn’t need the entire internet to know that he is special needs and he’s trying to keep it private.

  4. Where was Jon all thise years when Kate was raising all the kids by herself and he was hanging out at bars, going through relationships and definitely not pulling his load with the parenting. But yeah, it’s all Kate’s fault.

  5. This woman became hard to watch once she became “famous”. I cannot imagine the unnecessary anxiety she gives her kids on a daily basis. Most know nothing different.

    1. He didn’t accuse of her that? Someone said on his Instagram post that Kate must have contact with Collin and see him off camera. He said “ZERO.” That’s it. And it looks like the reason for that is because he filed for sole legal and physical custody alleging serious issues and she didn’t contest it or show up for court.

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