This is Why Jenelle Evans Was Excluded From Monday’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ Episode; Plus How This Will Affect Her Financially (Exclusive Details!)

“Dude! This is no fair!”

Teen Mom 2 fans may have noticed that Monday night’s episode was missing one important thing– any sign of Jenelle Evans! The episode featured more footage of Chelsea Houska, Briana DeJesusKail Lowry and Leah Messer and no scenes with Jenelle at all.

This marks the first time in show history that a main cast member has been totally absent from an episode of ‘Teen Mom 2.’ (In the past, a cast member has occasionally only appeared via video chat or a phone call, but they were still part of the show.) The Ashley has some answers to fans’ questions regarding why Jenelle was not in the episode, how it will affect her financially and what it means for her going forward.

As The Ashley told you while Season 9 was filming, Jenelle was incredibly hard to work with— cancelling shoots, refusing to work altogether and allowing her banned-from-TV husband David Eason to interfere with scheduled shoots.

“The editors and producers of the show knew this day was coming,” one behind-the-scenes source told The Ashley. “They stretched what little footage they had of Jenelle literally as far as they could, and used every trick they could to keep Jenelle included, but there was no more footage to work with.”

The source denied that this episode was any sort of “test” to see how audiences reacted to an episode without Jenelle. (The source also confirmed that, as of press time, Jenelle is still on the show and hasn’t been fired, despite what clickbait story rumors may be saying.)

“It had nothing to do with that, honestly,” one said. “It happened because there was no other choice. It was not to teach [Jenelle] a lesson or anything like that. Trust me, if they had the footage, they would have used it. They want her on the show desperately.”

“So I says to Juh-nelle, I says, ya can’t expect to get paid if ya don’t work!”

The source says that there will be more episodes without Jenelle, simply because there was a huge gap of time where she shot literally no scenes.

“They have some footage of Nathan [Griffith] and some footage of Barb [Evans] that they can filter in, but nothing with Jenelle until that phone call that they filmed without her knowing [in February], and the one-day visit to see Briana [DeJesus].”

(The Ashley told you last month that you would be seeing the phone call Jenelle had with producers. It is very briefly shown in the trailer for the rest of the season, which aired for the first time on Monday night.)

The Ashley can confirm that, per the cast’s contracts, Jenelle will not be paid for tonight’s episode. She will lose her episodic rate for that episode, as well as any additional episodes she is not in, which, according to The Ashley’s sources, will be at least one more.

(In case you are wondering, she will be paid for the episode that features the phone call with producers. Phone calls and video chat sessions count, and the girls get their episodic pay if they appear in an episode in that form.)

“At least David pulls in a hefty salary. Oh…wait…”

The trailer also features several recent social media posts involving Jenelle (including her brutal Instagram Live catfight with Amber Portwood in January). As far as The Ashley has heard, if Jenelle only appears via a social media clip, and not in show footage, she will not be paid for that episode, because it was not shot specifically for the show. (The same goes for text messages. If a cast member’s text messages to, say, a producer or baby daddy are shown, but the cast member does not appear, they will not be paid.)

As The Ashley told you last week, should Jenelle (or any of the other main cast members) no-show at the Season 9 Reunion this weekend, they will not receive the $1500 reunion pay, and will likely be fined whatever their regular episodic rate is.

Since Monday’s episode is likely the first of several episodes without Jenelle, her take-home pay for Season 9A will be much less than it should have been.

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! How the ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 9 Reunion Will Work: Who’s Going, Who’s Not & Who’s Mad!

(Photos: MTV)

51 Responses

  1. Good they should fire her she is a useless piece of crap Nathan should get Kaiser and Barb keep Jace and soneone take that little girl bc them two idiots doesn’t deserve kids im glad she isn’t filming how they don’t let her come back

  2. I have no doubt that MTV reads these boards religiously. And with that, they already know that many viewers honest-to-God didn’t even miss Jenelle from Monday’s episode.

    So does this means they’re simply hanging on to this so-called “ratings machine” in the event of her placing another 911 call after David almost breaks another one of her body parts? Or, a traffic dispute where she follows the person home and pulls out a gun? Or, she nods off in a heroin haze with the cameras rolling?

    Because this girl is clearly proving herself NOT to be the huge weekly viewer “draw” MTV obviously thinks she is.

    1. Honestly i totally noticed she was missing BUT I was so happy she wasn’t on. Normally I fast forward through her parts of the show. All the stuff she has said/done, as well as her sorry excuse for a man/husband, I think MTV should give her walking papers. I’ve been over the Jenelle/David/Barb bullshit train for awhile now, and I would NOT miss them, just like I do NOT miss Farrah, disrespectful Sophie, and “cool mom” Deborah…

    1. I agree! Leave her out! MTV, please realize she is not worth the trouble. Your viewers don’t want her. Remove her from the lineup and I’ll start watching again.

  3. Jenelle and Brianal can take a hike. Brianal used to date a gan g member so of course she thinks all Davids cover up controlling-abusive ways are ok. I would be afraid of that guy being anywhere near me too, can’t Balme Kail or the other girls for that.

    1. Agreed. I mean I find it ironic when Jenelle made this huge deal about drinking since her 16 and pregnant episode. We watched her upset over Andrew being drunk and I want to say Kieffer was drunk once too but then she gets with David and now it’s not only ok to drink a lot but they’ve been drunk numerous times and she’s has to validate it every time she’s caught. And her bringing up Nathan drinking makes her look like a major hypocrite.

  4. Looks like UBT will have to scrape some barnacles off the bottom of a skiff, if they want any brewskies!!

  5. Wait…WHAT?
    You expect us to believe Jenelle will be paid less….RIGHT
    Trust me she will get paid the same as everyone, even though she did a few less episodes & cost production several thousands. Nothing will happen she will get away with this & next season she will push this a little further and a little more until the show is done

  6. Don’t miss Jenelle one bit. Let her along with Brianna go. Briannas on twitter defending Jenelle for sticking up for David amidst all his abuse antics, towing a handicapped veterans vehicle and so forth. Disgusting

  7. I watched that special “Being Corey” and Corey’s dad is hot. I couldn’t dad any body like Corey because I would leave him for his dad. Yep.

    1. Watching it now, it’s… meh. Just Cory talking about wanting more fame and asking his dad apparently for the first time if he misses his recently deceased wife – uhm DUH?

      1. Did I miss something? Corey’s dad’s wife passed away? Sorry, I’ve been out of the TM loop for awhile now. Was it Corey’s mom or stepmom and when did this happen?

    1. @ LooLoo- neither did I! I totally didn’t even notice. Which tells me that the show would be just fine without her. (I use the word “fine” loosley…since this show is total garbage in the first place.)

  8. Producers don’t want to work with David, cast members refuse to be around David, Jenelle threatens not to film unless she is with David.. they may have just run themselves all out of a job.
    What’s left? Chelsea and Cole in a carhartt hat rocking babies.
    Brianna still on day one trying to keep daddys around for her kids while her mother dictates her life
    Leah hasn’t had an interesting story line in ages
    Big old kail has no men left to bully and control, this guy is running from her unless there’s a party he can attend and who cares to hear about her sister, her sister, her sister.
    I bet Barb is going out of her mind! We all know how stubborn Jenelle can be, this may turn out to be a big case of “ Be careful what you wish for “ the ratings are going to fall without Jenelle.. that’s why it was a secret that they’ve run out of film on her.
    I would be all for them putting TM young and pregnant in this slot, TM2 has run out of storylines nothing really changes from season to season.

  9. I didn’t even notice she wasn’t on until the very end. Get rid of her. She would most definitely not be missed.

  10. I always deduced that they didn’t get paid for the season until/unless they filmed the reunions… otherwise, why would they show up for it when they all seem to despise doing them.. For $1500 bucks….? When you make half a mil a season?

  11. It’s scary to think these girls have filmed for so long that when show does finally conclude they will be in their 30s with no real job experience on their resume. They may have gotten degrees and certificates but if your not using them for a long time how is that going to help you over others who have more to show with it.

    1. Chelsea is probably the only one who won’t be completely fucked. I don’t think Leah had more than a week of full time work and that was season 1

  12. No Jenelle no show. Kail is running out of people to film with. Kail reconnected with her sister to have someone.

  13. Something just clicked. Do you think that they are preparing to “live off the land” in case Duh-nelle quits or gets fired? It’s like Lurch is trying to prepare her for her exit.

    David: Babe, we don’t NEED Mtv. We can eat all of these chickens and shit. I catch enough fish to feed us for the rest of our days.

    Jenelle: You’re right! You’re always right. I’ll show them. They WILL respect me after I prove that we know what we are doing. I can start a YouTube channel about country living.

    I have a feeling she will quit before she gets fired.

    1. You’re probably right! They are that stupid to think they could live off the land. Imagine their shock when they can’t post things to youtube because those morons didn’t pay their utility bills.

    2. That is a pretty good theory. I dont think Lurch is Stupid, he says & does stupid things, mostly out of arrogance & ignorance.

  14. Sounds like Lurch will face the ultimate abusers dilemma. What to do when ounwant to keep your spouse controlled and isolated, but you also depend on her as your meal ticket?

    1. I’d say “Hi, David” but you know how to spell and used proper grammar. So clearly you are not David or Jenelle.

  15. Fine by me. She’s super annoying and gets my blood boiling. Also I can’t believe these folks only stand to earn $1500 for attending the reunion show. That’s cheap AF.

  16. Good…Hit her in her pockets…then maybe she’ll adjust her crappy attitude. Honestly, she wasn’t even missed in last nights episode.

  17. Well I must say I honestly didn’t even notice she wasn’t in the episode this week..The first I knew was when I read this article! So that just goes to show you.

  18. How sad is it that we didn’t even notice she wasn’t on until the 2nd to last segment hahaha

  19. How sad is it that we didn’t even notice she wasn’t on this episode until the 2nd to last segment hahaha

  20. They should keep her off the show for the rest of the season. Once the bank account starts looking more and more anemic she’ll fall in line. After all normal 9-5’s for Jenelle and Lurch are out of the question.

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