Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Jenelle Evans & David Eason Back in Court for Third Day of Custody Battle: Here’s What Happened (Exclusive)

“Here we come again!”

Jenelle Evans and David Eason trekked back to the courthouse for the third day to fight for custody of their kids– and The Ashley has some details of what went down today!

The Ashley’s sources tell her that the former Teen Mom 2 stars— who were in court two days last week fighting to regain custody of their kids Maryssa, Kaiser and Ensley— will next appear in court on Friday to continue the fight.

According to The Ashley’s sources, Jenelle took the stand for several hours on Wednesday and, at one point, the judge became irritated with Jenelle’s lawyer.

(From what The Ashley hears, Jenelle’s lawyer was hired, but David has a court-appointed lawyer.)

“They aren’t really bringing the stuff that was shown on [‘Teen Mom 2’] into the case,” one source said. “They don’t really need to. There is enough to discuss from the CPS investigation.”

The custody placement hearing is taking much longer than usual, as there are multiple lawyers involved (one for Jenelle, one for David, one for Nathan, etc.) who can all cross-examine those who take the stand. 

The Ashley also hears that Jenelle and David visited with the three kids on Wednesday before court began. 

There have been a lot of reports from other outlets put out today regarding Jenelle, David and the case, so The Ashley will attempt to clear up some of the rumors, and also reveal what info she has been told.

Radar Online reports that Jenelle’s lawyer tried to get the judge thrown off the case, accusing the judge of being biased toward CPS.

The Ashley’s source say this is TRUE.

“He tried to have the judge recuse himself from the case,” Radar‘s source stated. “Jenelle’s attorney said that the judge had a prejudice against them because he was biased toward CPS. The attorney said he had evidence that the judge was prejudiced against them but after a long break he said he couldn’t find what he was looking for.

The Ashley’s source tell her that this actually happened on Friday, and that those involved had to take an extended break on Friday from court because of their request for a new judge. (The request was denied.)

TMZ reports that Nathan “wants Jenelle to visit Kaiser, but only if David isn’t around. She has rejected that offer but does FaceTime with her son.”

The Ashley’s sources say this is TRUE.

Jenelle did have visitation with Kaiser (as well as Ensley and Maryssa) before court today (which was supervised by CPS), as did David. She has maintained regular FaceTime contact with Kaiser, though.

Jenelle’s son Jace was also in court today, but The Ashley can’t confirm if Jenelle and David had supervised visitation with him or not.

TMZ reports that Jenelle wanted Kaiser removed from Nathan’s care and placed (along with Ensley) with “a friend.”

The Ashley’s sources say this is TRUE.

This happened on Friday, The Ashley hears, right before the court was adjourned for the day.

“Jenelle tried to convince the judge that Nathan was not fit to have Kaiser, and asked that he and Ensley be placed with her friend Katrina,” the source said. 

(Teen Mom Shade Room Instagram account captured this video of Katrina walking out of court with Jenelle and David.)


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Katrina– who appeared on recent episodes of ‘Teen Mom 2’–is not related to either Ensley and Kaiser, already has multiple children in her home, and has a husband who has had multiple run-ins with the law, according to public records.

The judge denied Jenelle’s request and Kaiser remained with Nathan. Ensley remained with Barbara, after a judge ordered the two-year-old be moved into her care on Friday.

Several sites report that this hearing will decide who the kids will live with permanently.

The Ashley’s sources say this is FALSE.

This battle is for temporary guardianship of the kids. Should Nathan (for Kaiser) and Barbara (for Ensley) be awarded temporary guardianship of the kids in their care, they will still have to battle in court to make it a permanent arrangement. (For Jace, Barb did not have to “battle” because Jenelle signed over custody willingly when he was a baby.)

Nathan was scheduled to begin his custody court battle on May 30, but that date will be pushed back until this is decided. Should the judge rule that Kaiser can stay with Nathan, Nathan will still have to fight for full custody in another court battle.

David told a TMZ reporter that he filed harassment charges against him last week.

While David did say this to a reporter outside a nearby lawyer’s office on Wednesday, The Ashley could find no record of anyone by the reporter’s name being arrested (as David claimed he would be), or being charged last week or on Wednesday.

If David did, indeed, want to file “harassment charges” against the reporter as he stated in the video, he would have a hard time doing so as the reporter was not doing anything illegal (at least that was shown in either this video or the video taken by the same reporter last week that was shown on TMZ.) 

To catch up on what happened last week in court, click the links below:

Court Day 1

Court Day 2 

(Photos: Instagram)

97 Responses

  1. Tell us this David, you are such a dedicated patriotic civilian of your great country! You seem to know your rights ( well you certainly seem to know the law and your rights) BUT, have you ever gone overseas to fight for / defend your country?????,

  2. Some-one actually posted a question ( I’m not sure who it was now , I’ve been looking but I can’t find it) Well the post actually was in reference to David’s beard and asked if he had had a weave!
    I burst out laughing, because not even minutes prior to reading that I was saying to my husband how ridiculous David’s beard looked!! It looked like it had 2 layers , almost like what Santa wears ???? The elastic slips over his ears ,

  3. They should’ve taken Delu-Jenelle’s daughter away the moment her drug test came back positive.
    When I say HER I mean her daughter!!!
    Anyone else remember when it was proven through medical records that her daughter had drugs in her system at birth?
    Google it!

    1. What is wrong with authorities in this county? This is so fucked up! These children are so mistreated. Way to go MTV! Get Teen Mom off the air! You people have seen all this, and it’s okay? And all you monster mom fans can come for me, but if you think this behavior and treatment of children and animals is okay, the CPS should come for you! I don’t watch this show, but maybe I should have …then I could have started a campaign against this show! These children were ill treated and a small dog was brutally beaten then shot!

  4. Here’s a question for whoever has legal knowledge on these things:

    What is the possibility the judge will make D & J take a drug test during the course of these proceedings?

    If so, will the test be urine, blood, or hair?

    1. Crazy Days & Nights has posted a few blind items suggesting that this should happen and that they won’t pass. That’s an aspect that I’m watching/curious about too.

    2. I work for CPS, but in California. In CA we only have our parents do urine tests. We can request that they be “observed” which means a staff member at the clinic has to be in the room (in case the parent tries to use another person’s urine)

    3. Zkelz, I’m sure at one point they WILL be ordered to testing. Nathan has made it very clear that he believes drug abuse is going on. I think Nathan has enough history with Jenelle to say that is more than just merely a guess. In other words, take someone you are or have been close to that is a drinker or drug user, you can tell as soon as they start talking if they’ve been drinking or certain bizarre behavior is a tell tale sign they fell off the wagon. Jenelle has prior drug arrests, with that and Nathan saying he believes this is posing danger to his child , they’re going to order drug tests.
      Generally the initial test in the more costly hair follicle test, it goes back a good six months as compared to a pee test that only detects opiates for a few days.
      They can deny a drug test or anything they’re asked of but, they’ll never get the kids back if they do.
      The above applies in most “ normal” systems… idk what the hell they’re doing down there in bumpkinville.

      1. If Chinelle or Sasquatch suddenly shaves their head, it’s obvious what they’re avoiding. If they both suddenly have an accident or procedure over the weekend which requires opiates, it’s obvious it’s tied to a blood or urine test then. Otherwise, I don’t see how they’re going to get out of this. Meth will show up in their hair samples.

        1. well we all saw david already trimmed his disgusting beard and hair and he gives zero fucks so its not like he cleaned up for court that is what a normal person would do and he isn’t normal

          1. No shit! I hate to be materialistic, but with all the money she’s made they can’t dress any better for court? I think Jenelle has had those same leggings on every day.

  5. I swear, the only good thing Jenelle has done this year so far is to tie her fallopian tubes. Finished. The end.

    This way, no other innocent child will be brought here to literally play second string to a menacing, dog murdering psychopath, and will eventually need to be “placed” somewhere else by a court system.

    Like many of us, the man (or anyone) I would allow to separate me from my kids — has NOT been born yet. And out of this awful disgrace, the ones suffering the most are these poor, confused kids who have YET to know what the word “stability” even means.


      1. I don’t either. The way that was all described was very vague. In the end I got the impression that she didn’t have it done.

  6. Why not hire an attorney for David? Is the money running that low already? He claimed he can’t work outside bc of his condition, but, he is outside everyday in the sun and heat rakin, building shit, and stalking people on his four-wheeler. He’s also, on his boat daily in the summer. Plus, he supposedly has an outdoor job scrubbing fish shit off boats. But, he can’t be outside for a real job? The clusterf*ck of lies that they spew, contradict what their actions are. I would love to see everything he has bought and has in the garage. They never show that area on their SM lives. They make it a point to not show what’s all in the garage. We will know when the money is real low, when they start selling shit off on FB and Craigslist.

    1. I would love to see a list of all the things they have spent money on. $300,000 doesn’t go far when you are spending like crazy!! He has blown through dumb ass Jenelle’s money.

  7. Of course Jenelle and her lawyer claimed the judge was “biased” towards CPS ?. Ummmm yeah, the judge is going to believe CPS over a proven liar who obviously neglects her children. Sorry you’re having a hard time lying your way out of this one, Jenelle!

  8. Her game should be Delu-Jenelle!
    How can she not see how she lost so much because of him?!
    That the kids she’s fighting for she be 1st. Not that low life “man” she married.
    She wasn’t the one that beat and shot that dog. She’s not the one getting angry and throwing tantrums on camera, she’s not the one that’s accused of child abuse in the past.
    Goes to show you that the people you associate yourself with can ruin you!
    I would actually respect her more if she got rid of him.
    I also don’t get how she can sit there and say on that team mom show that he’s misunderstood yet actions speak louder than words!!

  9. Those kids never need to go back to the Land because after this experience Jenelle is less likely to call police to report David’s violence. Those two will just isolate themselves further.

  10. So Jenelle saw Kaiser today, ”as did David”!? I really hope I misunderstand things here – bc David having access to Kaiser would be totally inappropriate! You don’t arrange for offenders to meet with their victims! The victims – in this case KIDS – need to feel safe and having to experience the physical presence of your accused perpetrator tells you that no one can protect you. (Seeing the ”mom” would be one thing – but if she can’t be bothered to drop her violent husband for some minutes to go hug ”her kid” then there should be no visitation. Period.)

    Another thing: do the Ashley know if MTV crew members could be forced to witness (if needed)? I know that edited and aired footage are useless, but other footage and observings? In many dv-cases the lack of witnesses is a problem but in this case we have a couple who have been quite monitored… Many people should have first-hand knowledge on the conflicts, chaos, pills, weapons, threats, harassments, neglect, abuse…

    1. I can’t imagine there is people in the Teen Mom world that witnessed abuse and neglect and did nothing. There has to be Karma for people like that also.

      1. It’s unfortunate but MTV doesn’t care about these girls. They stood by while Amber Portwood was depressed and on drugs. If you go back and see the first seasons Amber is high through most of it and she has baby Leah in her care. She lets Leah cry alone in her crib while she nods off in the other room. The episode that got me was when she met a dude who just got out of prison and she let him baby sit Leah!!!! Even Gary was upset and straight up asked her if she had allowed this man to change Leah’s diaper. What kind of producers stand back and allow this to happen or continue?! There has been many occasions in which Jenelle has been a danger to herself and those kids and MTV kept cutting her a check. I hope the judge makes MTV producers and camera men testify and hand over footage. I’m sure they have so much dirt on her and David.

      2. We all saw Jenelle neglect Kaiser from birth. Throw him in his crib alone, screaming in pain from an ear infection. Putting him in there with his dinner still all over him, to wipe his eyes with greasy hands.
        We saw it, MTV showed it to us. I wonder if they could be forced to testify?

        1. How about just recently when Kaiser is eating old food he found in the backseat of the car, Jenelle tells him ( as she points out the window) we’re going right there to eat. Kaiser said he wanted chicken and a hamburger, she tells him he can only have one or the other. So what if he only would eat a little of both, all little kids waste food! David must lose his temper when kaiser doesn’t eat his whole meal, I can’t think of any other reason why you deny your four year old a fast food burger.

    2. I think theres a clause in the contracts that states video footage cant be used in legal proceedings. Corey tried to have footage of Leah back when she was struggling, and he was trying to get custody of the girls. He wasn’t allowed to use any of it as evidence because of something in their contracts.

  11. Monster mom and monster dog murderer child abuser will have to pay child support if they don’t get the kids back? The only thing that kept the monster out of jail last time, was the monster mom paid it. Does anyone know what happened to the other animals?

  12. If there is evidence from CPS that they don’t need Teen Mom footage, why hasn’t CPS done something before this? Also if Jenelle isn’t being investigated why does she need a lawyer?
    Just to fight for the kids?
    And is David’s lawyer a criminal lawyer?

    1. CPS probably doesn’t need TM footage because they’ve now had a real chance to speak to all of the kids outside of the home and discovered all sorts of troubling stuff. Before, David and Jenelle got to control the narrative. Jenelle is now being investigated with respect to the CPS case. This has evolved past poor Nugget. And David’s lawyer probably isn’t his criminal public defender. Legal Aid will provide a lawyer for child custody cases. Two very different areas of law.

  13. So the successful business owner and private investor needs a public defender? Bwahahaha David, you’re such a loser that even you’ve got to know it by now. Go compost your worthless self under a big pile of pig dung and call it a day.

  14. Thank you to The Ashley for keeping us updated with correct and factual information! You deserve a medal or an award or at least chocolate for being able to keep up with everything!

  15. If David was any kind idea man he would move out and let the kids and Jenelle stay in their home with Jenelle or if Jenelle was any kind of woman she would tell him to leave instead of having her kids scattered. They cant even be apart long enough for Jenelle to see her kids.I guess skyping is suffient. That should be the other way around. Why cant she get her kids and Skype David?

    1. You are absolutely right except for 1 thing.
      I think Skyping is the only form of parenting she is allowed to, and without David.
      She would screw that up too.
      By the way what does her ex husband Courtland have to say about all of this? Since he indirectly set them up?
      I mean you know like 1 Junkie to another.
      Oh yeah congrats on your new pregnancy Cortland.

  16. This is so great, I had to read it again! Well written as always too ?
    All I can picture is a My Cousin Vinny kind of trial going on down there. I means who would think in a room that contains Jenelle the attorney would be the dumbest? You don’t just ask that a judge be removed, you have to file a written motion ( I’m certain he did do this) you have to have unbelievable strong proof and of course, be able to present this proof when it’s asked for. This guy is like “ oh never mind, I lost it” ??? He used up all of that court time too, oh that judge must be so pissed.
    I thought for sure J&D were prepped for court, now I’m thinking not so much. Man, how many times is the word DUDE in the court transcript?

    1. I was thinking the same thing or the attorney was trying to stall for some reason. Either way it’s not a good look.

  17. If they didn’t need to use the stuff that MTV has on teen Mom and that CPS had plenty. Man I bet those poor kids and what they’ve endured if they haven’t needed to use any of that. These people are just worthless I hope in the end the book gets thrown at them and I don’t know ……well actually worse than that, I wish would happened to them I hope those kids stay safe and no other animals have to be hurt by these two pieces of crap

    1. CPS is using their most resent information only. They’ve been called out to the land numerous times and found nothing to substantiate a case, they’re not going admit their own negligence now.
      I’m confused as to why this hearing is for placement only. Jenelle and David are entitled to a hearing to argue CPS getting temporary custody, when will that be? I mean, this is being done backwards.

  18. Picture at the top, is so ugly I don’t know what the heck is wrong with her why she’s making that face. It’s a frightening photo/selfie

  19. Why don’t people realize this girl is scared for her life & her children’s, reasons why she is agreeing to stand by her man! Text book case. They cover up the bruises, make excuses, stick by their side no matter & say hes a loving wonderful husband. Shell never admit it .but shes no doubt very scared & I would be too. That man is “not well” capable of God knows what!

  20. I think these two think they can just railroad like they have done before. Cry on the stand, make threats, get whatever they want just like in the past. Well honey and your murdering husband wake up this is real life now. Oh and by the way you two are going to have to get real jobs now. Go back to Lowe’s and get those applications

    1. I haven’t watched the show since she was 16 years old so I don’t know nothing about this Nathan kid or I guess he’s a man now. Is he a decent human being now or is he still like some sort of trying or or working on being a better human being

      1. He is better and he does love his son and Kaiser adores him and his gf seems to have a positive effect on him. She is a Therapist or Counsler I’m not sure, but Kaiser is already thriving with them you can tell in his eyes and appearance. He is feeling wanted and loved. What every kid wants and deserves.

        1. I saw that baby with Nathan’s girlfriend, blowing kisses and looking so cute. But most importantly, he is smiling and looks so happy. And, he looks clean. His hair is so cute and he just looks happy. I bet the girlfriend is not calling him Dude. He’s not a dude, he’s a little boy getting ready to have his graduation in his light blue gown and cap. And the Dad said the monster mom could visit without the monster dog murderer child abuser.

          1. Did y’all see the picture of Kaiser wearing a cross necklace like Nathan’s? I think it must be his kindergarten graduation gift, he’s just beaming in the picture.

      2. Eh, jury is still out on whether Nathan is now a bona fide decent human being or if he’s still just working on getting there. Either way he’s still better than David and Jenelle. At least he seems to have a strong support system with his mother and girlfriend who do appear to be decent people which is good for Kaiser.

        He was definitely cast as a villain for awhile but in this situation he comes off smelling like a rose.

    2. Watch they will try to go the Farrah route and do a sex tape. Or she will be stripping and or David will be pimping her out. That’s the only job that she will be able to get.

      1. Who the fuck would watch a sex tape of those two??!! Seriously! *shudder*.

        There would probably have been a small of interest in the tape of Jenelle and Tori, but it’s already all over the internet.

  21. Like anyone would believe crap from David anyway. They are both incessant liars who wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked them in the ass and shoved it where the sun doesn’t shine. “You’re going to be arrested today…” yeah, right, douchewhistle! Must be interesting to be the most hated couple in America. He’ll be lucky to get a job collecting cans on the side of the road. Not that he would, as long as Jenelle has money! Interesting he has a PD and she her own attorney. I’m sure because he has no legal standing with Kaiser and Jenelle with Maryssa, but if her attorney was worth anything, s/he would tell her to lose that 200+ lb moron!

  22. This is done, over. Jenelle’s attorney won’t even represent David , he might as well wear a shirt to court that says “ my client’s husband is a ticking time bomb.”The hired counsel trys to have the judge removed and can’t find his proof as to why! ???
    They’re leaving a gun on the dash AND threatening to sue a reporter for doing his job.. probably calling him BOY several times.
    AND THEN Jenelle is on the stand for hours!!! Goodnight Irene

    1. I am dying here at their trying to have the kids placed with her friends who are as big or bigger losers than they are, rather than with their father or grandmothers. I would hate to be a NC taxpayer footing the bill for David’s lawyer though, he’s claiming he’s indigent?

  23. Yeah! Swamp ass that’s not how it works or your ass would already been in jail for harassment.

  24. Children shouldn’t be shown in reality shows. They can’t agree to ANY of this BS. I would be so mad at my parents if they thrust me into that world!

  25. Jenelle wants Kaiser and Ensley to stay with a friend rather than his father and grandmother. What a piece of sh:t. When you go into porn I hope they give it to you so bad that you have to wear depends the rest of your life. You don’t deserve the air that you breathe. When David goes to prison I hope his roommate rapes him every night. I hope your room mate whores you out for cigarettes and snacks. Not Sorry.

    1. Comment of the day!!!
      100 percent agree!!
      Karma’s a bitch and I hope you 2 have bus passes to Hell.

    2. Yessssss!!!!!!!! I feel exactly the same way!!! He is literally the biggest pos to ever be on reality TV. I know this sounds terrible but I wish he would just die and do his children and this world a favor. Hes a waste of oxygen. There is not 1 redeeming quality about this monster. And jenelle is just as bad imo. Karma always finds a way.

    3. She wants her friend to have custody so they can manipulate her & she will allow jenelle to see the kids with David.

      I am so scared for Kaiser if he is ever around David again. David will make him pay for any statements he made against David

      1. And have her get paid to watch them.
        She looked nice for the Judge lol
        Guess she didn’t get the memo about court heels.

      1. Just read my comment I guess that’s what I get for talking to the phone. Not Fox …….THOUGHTS?

  26. Absolutely love the Ashley,., ????!! I’m im the UK and waited until midnight my time for this. Only tm info I trust, and the site works in UK… you’re doing amazing at reporting thank you xXx

    1. Me too and they filed with animal endangerment and can never own a animal again. A bunch a losers. I literally hate them

    1. Didnt Jenelle say Nathan doesn’t want to keep Kaiser from her?.. She can kiss that arrangement good bye.. Please please please let them stay with family and stead of Bonnie and Clyde.

  27. Any comments on if the Marryssa story (running out of visitation crying) is true? The poor girl, my heart really breaks for her.

  28. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Holy shit these fuckwits are stupid.

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