After five full days in court hearing testimony from Jenelle Evans, family members, CPS workers and others, a North Carolina judge has finally made a ruling as to where the former Teen Mom 2 star’s kids will be staying.
The Ashley can exclusively report that the judge ruled that Jenelle and her husband David Eason will not be getting custody of their children back, at least not for the time being. The Ashley’s sources tell her that the judge decided that the kids will not return home to The Land in their parents’ care and will continue to stay with their current caregivers.
“The judge deemed Jenelle and David’s testimony not credible,” a source tells The Ashley. “He also told Jenelle that she did not do her job as a mother to protect her kids.”

As The Ashley reported last week, Jenelle took the stand on her own behalf to plead with the judge to give the kids back to her and David. An assortment of other people (both inside and outside of Jenelle and David’s families) also provided testimony as to what life on The Land was like.
Despite pleading illness on Friday (and leaving court early without taking the supervised visit with her kids she was owed), Jenelle was back in court on Tuesday for the ruling.
“She was devastated and shocked,” the source stated of Jenelle’s reaction to the ruling. “She was very confident that the judge would give them back the kids.”
Jenelle is not leaving David; however, the judge told her in court that “at this point, it doesn’t matter if she left him or not, because she failed to protect her kids,” The Ashley’s source says.
The source also states that Jenelle and David will return to court next Tuesday to learn the steps they need to take and the actions they need to complete in order for them to regain custody.
Currently the kids’ locations are as follows: Jenelle’s son Jace and Ensley (her daughter with David) are with Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans. Jenelle’s son Kaiser is with his father Nathan Griffith, and David’s daughter Maryssa is with her maternal grandmother.
The Ashley just wants to clarify that this ruling is for temporary custody only. Jenelle and David did not lose legal rights to their children, or anything like that. From here, the kids’ respective caregivers will have to fight in court again for permanent custody of the kids.
UPDATE #1: Jenelle’s “rep” released a statement to Entertainment Tonight after this story was posted.
“At this time we are cooperating with the judge and legal team from the court,” the rep said. “We will continue to cooperate with the court and their decisions.”
UPDATE #2: Jenelle’s mother Barbara gave a statement to E! News after the judge made his ruling.
“Of course I would like for Jenelle to get [her kids] back eventually, but certain things have to happen first,” Barb said.
To read what happened on the previous four days in court, click the links below:
** Media Outlets MUST credit The Ashley and link back for this story**
(Photos: Instagram, MTV)
303 Responses
I have to agree with Barb, Jenelle’s “outpouring of mommy love” was clearly a pathetic transparent show for the media !!!!!!
I think he know killing the dog was wrong, he was just up set that the dog hurt his child on her face, yes it wasn’t right to kill a animal but they are not bad parents every one make mistakes.he has a 11 year old, people are killing and beating their kids at 1 week old to 1 years old, so David and Janelle are not bad people they should get their kids back.
Janelle should never be given custody of her kids again. Her life is a continuous tran wreck. She is not a capable parent with or without David. Yes. She should remain to have supervised visitation. But no competent judge would grant her custody for a long time….
That’s awesome ! Bitch doesn’t need her kids !! She can’t take care of her dog much less her Kids !! Karma is a bitch
He’s off his head. Weirdo.
A blog wrote that MTV was going to hire these monsters back so they could film all this? Their court appearances and custody hearings? I will be all over them. They will have no sponsors.
OMG! NO WAY ?! Are you kidding? That is fucked up on soooo many levels!
David is so dreamy and masculine armed to take on the enemy while cooking breakfast and holding his toddler daughter. The way he can wish death upon someone and eloquently call them a POS while simultaneously giving hand gestures. I love his rugged ungroomed beard that mimics the Amish without all the religious baggage. His ability to protect his family from wild 8 pound Frenches. Davidiah is the epitome of a true blood man
PLeeeeeease tell me you’re being sarcastic!
very sarcastic!
LOL ?? I got a bit worried there!
Really random…but Jenelle is almost a spitting image of Diane Downs, and there are a lot of similarities in their stories….honestly, the only difference is Jenelle hasn’t shot any of her kids to keep a man…yet….
I have read the book “Small Sacrifices” by Ann Rule. The movie is titled the same. Farrah Fawcet played Diane Downs.
God , that leaves a really un-nerving feeling!…. .
I watched that movie last night, saw it a few years ago when I was younger, jenelle is very similar to Diane downs, in features.
I just lol’ed so hard at the uppercuts comment.
Oh boy. I see that “someone” released a home video I madman David ranting at someone presumably his soulmate. I see a theme under construction for Jenelle’s redemption. Her battered wife story, her narrow escape from Devil David. How she sacrificed the custody of her children to save them. I smell a book deal, another tv show
Oh boy. I see that “someone” released a home video I madman David ranting at someone presumably his soulmate. I see a theme under construction for Jenelle’s redemption. Her battered wife story, her narrow escape from Devil David. How she sacrificed the custody of her children to save them. I smell a book deal, another tv show
Ooooooohhhhh god , I’m rolling my eyes ! How predictable!. Although I don’t believe she’ll leave him!
Sweet little Nugget evidently had a purpose in life and died a martyr. Nugget did not die in vain. Nugget’s horrific abuse, torture and violent death led to the rescue of all the innocent children, hopefully on a permanent basis.
Ok lets see…
Who thinks David will comply with the judges request?
If he does agree to go to counseling how long before he takes thos talking words as fighting words & flips out or just walks out?
And will he “fill the place with uppercuts?”
TMZ has a video up with David telling Jenelle he could kill her. Don’t know when that happened but i kept looking at the background. CPS said the house was filthy and had hole in the wall. The house looks nice, how did she and dumbo let it get filthy and torn up?
Yeah i saw that too
I wonder who posted that. How did anyone get that video?
I also noticed he was wearing a flannel so it was probably in winter time.
I watched it. TMZ said she filmed it. Someone else said that there are some more videos that are going to surface. TMZ said these videos will not help with the custody case.
I saw that too, you could literally hear kids crying (possibly Kaiser, Maryssa, or Enlsey), and David saying Jenelle could die and he wouldn’t give a shit and called Jenelle a piece of shit. He literally said “You could die right now for all I give a f***. You’re a f***ing piece of s**t. You’re the biggest f***ing piece of s*** I know.” But then again this is “her soulmate” and she’s forever staying by his side. I guess he really is worth all the abuse. I wonder if the judge will see that video?
Unless of course, he’s taking to one of the children…
Awwwwww young love . She’ll probably try to convince everyone that’s his way of showing affection!
Where did you see this video ?
I saw that too….and he said it so matter of factly. Jenelle is a fool.
I feel so bad for the children,the only one who knows the truth is GOD and the Children ..just so sad for the children j
@The Ashley, do you know anything about David Eason allegedly sexually abusing one of the children? In an article published earlier today on “CheatSheet” it said David was once seen sexually abusing one of the children in front of the cameras. I’ve not heard anything about this before, and couldn’t find anything else supporting it online but figured Id ask here since you’re the ultimate in reliable TM info! Thanks!
Wtaf ??????.
Hope this isn’t true, but then again, nothing about him and morticia would surprise me.
I’ve heard before that David has done this ( not on camera tho)
This is such a sad story. She lost her collarbone (not lost just broken), her dog, her very lucrative job, and her children but there she is with her lunatic husband emotionally supporting her! Wtf he is the catalyst for all the loss! If someone with purpose and intent, let’s say for argument sake, shoots me in a fit of rage and takes me for medical attention do I owe that person my life? If said shooter tells me to stay positive eveything will be fine. Should I really believe this person? A ridiculous but fitting analogy…how very sad
Those poor little kids are in my head constantly! Jennelle is a loser , she lost Jace, if you don t learn by that you never will! Kaiser is much happier with Nathan, Ensley is only little so hopefully she dosen’t remember to much. Maryssa is at a difficult age so it must be so hard on her.
But David and Jenelle can fight it out amongst themselves. She’s JUST as abusive as he is . They deserve each other!
This is such a sad story. She lost her collarbone (not lost just broken), her dog, her very lucrative job, and her children but there she is with her lunatic husband emotionally supporting her! Wtf he is the catalyst for all the loss! If someone with purpose and intent, let’s say for argument sake, shoots me in a fit of rage and takes me for medical attention do I owe that person my life? If said shooter tells me to stay positive eveything will be fine. Should I really believe this person? A ridiculous but fitting analogy…how very sad
There is now a video on TMZ of David !
I’m so so relieved that the children are safe and away from David, I agree that Jenelle failed to protect her children..,so sad
Did Barb really jump in for defense of David? I vaguely remember seeing her talking to someone ( maybe one of the producers) and she was s g yin that she was biting her tongue and just going along with Jenelle because the two of them had only just started talking again and she didn’t want to say anything to rock the boat and piss Jenelle off. She had also said she wad scared of what David might do to Jennelle/ kids so if she maintained their relationship then Jenelle would know she could go to her if need be!
I only caught the tail end of the conversation so I’m not quiet sure if this is right.
I HONESTLY can’t see her standing in and defending David ” out of love ”
But I heard this before all of the nugget situation.
I dont think Barb stuck up for David.
As soon as she found out about Nugget (the dog) she told Jenelle that Jace is not allowed on “The Land” but she can see him without David at anytime anyplace. This was before CPS got involved. Of course Jenelle said it had nothing to do with David & it was about Barb being upset & blaming Jenelle they lost their MTV jobs
WOW! That girl really is something else! Its a relief to hear about Barb not backing David though! I thought it was a bit strange that she would suddenly change her opinion about David so quickly, but it sort of made a bit of sense when she said she was only doing it to keep on the good side of Jennelle , just in case Jenelle needed her. But ITS A MASSIVE RELIEF that she’s jumped right in to protect Jace and Ensley, even at the risk of Jennelle and her tantrums! So once again EVERYONE ELSE IS TO BLAME except for David or Jennelle!
Well since it is in fact HER FAULT Barbara has every right to blame her! This woman is unbelievable, her story is not going to end well.
Jennelle is pathetic, She’s lucky she’s got Barb, I’m aware alot of people don t like Barb but I believe that she’s been the one that has continued to pick up the destruction that Jenelle leaves in her trail.
Barb offered for Jenelle to see Jace anytime and anywhere ( except the land”) But David was NOT to be present
Nathan offered Jenelle the same thing, She could see Kaiser BUT David was NOT to be present!
Jennelle REFUSED BOTH OFFERS! Clearly her physco husband is more important than her own children!
I really hope the other animals on the land are taken soon. I can see David hurting them out of retaliation
It was reported that when CPS entered the house it was filthy and there was drug paraphernalia, and holes where in every wall. I remember 1 episode of TM where there was a huge hole in the wall. Since the show hasn’t been filmed on the Land in 2 yrs many, more holes must have appeared. I guess now we see why they were at Lowe’s buying repair stuff after CPS took the kids.
You could tell that David’s mother was afraid of him on the show. He walks all over her. She will let him into her home anytime so he can control her and Maryssa. I don’t believe Davids mom is able to keep her safe or away from his control.
Maryssa isn’t with David’s mother, thankfully. She’s with her mom’s mom.
A HUGE THANK YOU TO TheAshley for such prompt and informative site EVER !!!!
Amen to this
And accurate too
So many sites post as soon as they hear any dumb information. Then days later the info changes
You know Ashley always has the FACTS
?? Yeah , Its great ! I love TheAshley, I wish I’d discovered it sooner! It’s definitely my first stop for info now !
it makes me sick janelle on the couch crying people won’t stop talking about her hello pot calling the kettle black. barb defending him that he dind’t get his chance to speak when he was fired wtf barb your making me sick. and the worst she loves him
Ok I’m not a twitter user, so I don’t know much about it. But I went in Janelles page and there was just article after article, links to articles (all gossipy type stuff). Are they posted by her? Why is she posting articles about nonsense during such a terrible time? Does she get paid for posting that stuff?
Don’t open those articles, it’s click bait and Jenelle gets paid every time someone opens one. YUP, hard up for $$$
I think just about every “Teen Mom” has those at least on one social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat). It’s extra income for the gossip sites to post on their page. Not defending Jenelle, but all the “Teen Moms” do it.
YES she does get paid.
All the moms do it but Jenelle NEVER posted articles about her & Lurch, it was always about other people.
Now she is posting articles about EVERYTHING & EVERYONE including her & Lurch
Anything to make a buck now she lost her $400k job
The girls give permission for those to be posted, but they’re not doing the posting themselves. It’s automatic by the company. If you’ll notice, a lot of them get posted at the exact same time (for example, if you’re following Chelsea and Kail, one of those articles gets posted same day, exact same time on both of their accounts. It’s like a robot or automatic posting system doing it).
All those years of downing Barbara and look who steps up AGAIN. If Barbara wasn’t caring she could’ve made Ensley go to foster care and thank goodness Nathan and his family are present because she would’ve had Kaiser too. She’s not perfect, but she’s better then bonnie and clyde.
I can’t believe that fool would risk losing her babies instead of leaving this man. She is so inept. If she would’ve left as soon as it happened, the judge would’ve took pity on her and she would’ve kept the kids. However, she followed up behind David and lost them all. Lord forgive me for saying this, but I don’t want those kids to go back to her at all, because she truly doesn’t care about their safety. Sadly, I feel they do all their meetings etc and get them back. Smhh however, I wonder if they do get them back what happens to jace?? Yes barbara has temp custody of Ensley and permanent of Jace, but if they give back Kaiser and Ensley. Wouldn’t Jace living arrangements be put into question?? This is so messy. I feel for those kids.
no her writes with jace were terminated he will never be in her custody again
Jenelle’s rights to Jace are not terminated, but Barbara has a final order of custody. Jenelle would have to petition the court to transfer custody from Barbara to her. Ensley could go back to Jenelle and David if they are compliant with what the court orders them to do. But Barbara could file for custody as well. With regard to Kaiser, he could technically go back to Jenelle if she is compliant, but Nathan has already petitioned for custody, so that will have to be decided as well.
OMG ! I feel sick just thinking about it. The thought that there’s a chance they could be sent back there is terrifying! Those kids have endured enough misery as it is. The poor little things have had to come out and tell “A whole heap of strangers ” about the awful things that they’ve seen and heard” on “The Land” They’re frightened .They’ve been through alot ! It would be horrible for them to just get settled and start feeling safe secure and to be uprooted again. It’s not fair !
The porn,dick pics, and drug videos will be out soon.
Well since Jenelle allowed David to call Kaiser “a little bitch” she deserves to get called a crack whore bitch. She is a pathetic excuse of a mother as well as a pathetic excuse of a woman. Jenelle is probably sleeping real good tonight, she’s probably having the time of her life right now.
It’s all coming out tonight on Twitter. The tea is hot.
Out of curiosity but what would Jenelle’s porn star name be?
Jenelley Smelly….. look on… cause I find you on Twitter
Your welcome
Look on teen mom shade room on instagram…
#Give it to me dude
# stop dude
# leave me alone dude
# jenelles porn name lol
Yeah that’s what I reckon! I’ve also suggested she get in touch with Farrah regarding a job ????
Thank God the judge could see David is so dangerous and unstable and that the kids are not safe with him He murdered a puppy it’s just like murdering a baby I hope they never get the kids back and selfish Jenelle choosing that monster over her kids really….
Jenelle is clearly no saint, but she doesn’t deserve to be the punching bag of the internet. No one is born with zero self esteem clinging to any loser who sometimes makes them feel loved (when they’re not cracking your collarbone or ‘un-aligning’ your jaw). How much past trauma does it take to be willing to lose your dog, job, and kids; just to keep someone who “cares about you”? Barbara could have been completely different when Jenelle was growing up, and who knows about her dad. All the hate she gets online can’t be helping- or motivating her to get help for the sake of the kids.
Jenelle had no problem when her so called “BELOVED HUSBAND” was using her helpless little boy as his “whipping boy” .
Ok she may have had a hard life, she’s not the only one! But YOU strive to make the lives of your children better. At the end of the day she is /was responsible for those children and she failed them !
Please! Go away with your nonsense! SHE IS NOT A VICTIM!!! Got it! She is a selfish piece of shit who let this monster dog murderer brutally beat that little dog then shoot it. I hope the monster dog murderer beats her senseless! Those kids were used as punching bags, not her bitchy self. So you are related to her?
Instagram mom
A girl who acts like she loves her child and posts pictures like look at my cutie, she’s my world. But is more interested in the next guy she can sleep with. Barely works and acts like she spoils her child but everyone knows her parents support that baby.
Yep sounds like Jenelle alright, in all the pictures she has posted those poor babies were probably forced to smile.The pictures never seemed genuine, they all just seemed forced. Jenelle only used Ensley as a prop/accessory. But when that little baby girl was with Barb she showed a true, genuine smile and the same goes for both Kaiser and Jace, the smiles just seem more genuine compared to when they are around Jenelle and David.
I sincerely hope Barb has help with all the kids. This is a lot for anyone but for an older person….god, she must be absolutely exhausted. MTV should be providing barb with assistance AND funds to help her. She provided mtv with the spectacle that we see before us. She could’ve refused the filming of Jace, period. I think they should help her now.
Doesn’t David still have to go back to court soon for the Illegal Towing incident?
He goes Monday.
I hope The Ashley keeps us informed.
If I can recall I believe it is on June 3rd or 4th, so sometime next week. Who wants to put bets on now that Jenelle might try to take out a loan to bail David out like she did with the $5,000 child support.
She could sell her $75.000 car if she’s desperate
It will be repossessed soon enough, she doesn’t have enough money to make the payments, and you know she was never smart enough with her money to have enough to buy it outright.
LOL , You’re probably right there !
According to Urban dictionary an Instagram Mom is this:
Instagram Mom
“A girl who acts like she loves her child and posts pictures like look at my cutie, she’s my world. But is more interested in the next guy she can sleep with. Barely works and acts like she spoils her child but everyone knows her parents support that baby”.
Yep sounds like Jenelle alright, none of those poor babies smiled unless Jenelle forced them too, there was no genuine smile from those poor babies, it all seemed force. Jenelle used her kids most importantly Ensley as props/accessories.
Sounds about right ?
Janelle’s shocked????
Jesus Christ ????????
Thank God the judge could see David is so dangerous and unstable and that the kids are not safe with him He murdered a puppy it’s just like murdering a baby I hope they never get the kids back and selfish Jenelle choosing that monster over her kids really….
Jenelle is the only one who is shocked
Probably because Jennelle thought she had just organised free baby sitting for the long weekend. Don’t they usually go away to some lake? So she’s left court early Friday ( she was feeling unwell) how away for the three days , expected to walk back into court Tuesday and pick them up! WRONG !!!!
Wow, Jenelle, MTV couldn’t save you this time…??
Oh, wait…. LOL! I bet you wish you had that job now…
YEAH!!!! Couldn’t be happier thank God someone is watching over the kids!!!
Congratulations Nathan and Barb , I’m sorry that it had to come to this for you to finally get the kids away from that hell hole and safe in your home’s! Well done Nathan for cleaning up your act! You Ashley and Kaiser make a beautiful little family. I hope you’re all very happy.
Amen to that.
Ashley is great for Nathan.
The best thing to happen to Nathan is Ashley.
And she clearly loves kaiser.
Ohhhhh most definitely! Good on him I say. He’s owned up to and learned from his mistakes and taken accountability for them. He’s now in a mature stable and loving relationship which is wonderful.
I saw the video of Kaiser looking healthy and happy he was blowing kisses with Ashley, she truly seems like a lovely girl. And I wish them all the happiness in the world.
I wonder what is going to happen on The Land tonight and whether Doris, Nathan, Barb, as well as everyone involved will be safe tonight. Will David go on his rampage tonight is a sad thought and question. What the hell is going to Jenelle’s head, what the hell is wrong with her!?Jenelle has lost everything due to that monster she calls “her soulmate”. She has lost her family, all her friends even her best friend Tori, she has lost her job, all her sponsorships, she has lost any opportunity to even get a decent job cause what job is going to hire her now, she is now the talk of the town even more,she has lost her dog, and now she has lost her kids. But Jenelle is with “her soulmate” what the hell, this man has caused you everything. Barb was right Jenelle will lose everything but Jenelle does not give a damn because she’s with “her soulmate” Jenelle probably cares less, she’s probably upset because she can’t be an instagram mom anymore.She wasn’t this horrible with Keiffer and seemed to be getting a little better with Nathan. Why didn’t Jenelle put Jace up for adoption like Barb suggested during 16 and Pregnant. Jace was only 2 days old and here is Jenelle going out partying her butt off, even on her 16 and Pregnant episode she told her friend that “taking a care of a baby is like being in prison” and “how they are always crying and how they are all so clingy”. Also she would always call Jace “it”, never once would she call Jace his name, it was always “it”. Jace would cry and cry for Jenelle, but no the men, drugs, and party life were all far more important than her own child who she refuse to give up for adoption but seem to have no problem screwing him more for life. She called the cops on Nathan and had him go to jail same with Keiffer for domestic violence, but with David she’s not going to press charges or anything, even going so far to bail him out for child support. Jenelle is a sorry excuse for a mother and those poor kids especially Jace if he ever watches Jenelle’s 16 and Pregnant episodes as well her Teen Mom episodes are going to even more screwed up.
Learn how to use quotation marks you sound as ignorant/uneducated as jenelle.
From day one she has lacked maternal instinct. These days it’s just an Instagram act.
I wonder what is going to happen on The Land tonight and whether Doris, Nathan, Barb, as well as everyone involved will be safe tonight cause if recalled correctly both Barb and Doris did say that they were afraid of David coming to their houses to kill them. Will David go on his rampage tonight is a sad thought and question. What the hell is going to Jenelle’s head, what the hell is wrong with that chick. Jenelle has lost everything due to that monster she calls “her soulmate”. She has lost her family, all her friends even her best friend Tori, she has lost her job, all her sponsorships, she has lost any opportunity to even get a decent job cause what job is going to hire her now, she is now the talk of the town even more,she has lost her dog, and now she has lost her kids. But Jenelle is with “her soulmate” what the hell, this man has caused you everything. Barb was right Jenelle will lose everything but Jenelle does not give a damn because she’s with “her soulmate” so Jenelle probably cares less, she’s probably upset because she can’t be an instagram mom anymore and all the abuse is coming out to light. For christ sake she wasn’t this horrible with Keiffer and seemed to be getting a little better with Nathan. Why didn’t Jenelle put Jace up for adoption like Barb suggested during 16 and Pregnant. Jenelle left the day after Jace came home from the hospital to go out and party, Jace was only 2 days old and here is Jenelle going out partying her butt off, even on her 16 and Pregnant episode she told her friend that “taking a care of a baby is like being in prison” and “how they are always crying and how they are all so clingy”. Also she would always call Jace “it”, never once would she call Jace his name, it was always “it”. Jace would cry and cry for Jenelle, but no the men, drugs, and party life were all far more important than her own child who she refuse to give up for adoption but seem to have no problem screwing him more for life. She called the cops on Nathan and had him go to jail same with Keiffer for domestic violence, but with David she’s not going to press charges or anything, even going so far to bail him out for child support. Jenelle is a sorry excuse for a mother and those poor kids especially Jace if he ever watches Jenelle’s 16 and Pregnant episodes as well her Teen Mom episodes are going to even more screwed up. Jenelle did it again, but at least the kids are safe and reality is finally hitting those two hard.
I know Jenelle is extremely delusional, but there’s nothing shocking about this outcome. You lay with dogs you wake up with fleas, right David? I can’t wait to see these leaked reports. Very happy to see the kids in better care although I feel terrible for them and all they’ve been through. I also don’t see these deranged idiots following court orders and taking the necessary steps to get these kids back, they’re definitely staying put for a while.
I wonder what is going to happen on The Land tonight and whether Doris, Nathan, Barb, as well as everyone involved will be safe tonight cause if recalled correctly both Barb and Doris did say that they were afraid of David coming to their houses to kill them. Will David go on his rampage tonight is a sad thought and question. What the hell is going to Jenelle’s head, what the hell is wrong with that chick. Jenelle has lost everything due to that monster she calls “her soulmate”. She has lost her family, all her friends even her best friend Tori, she has lost her job, all her sponsorships, she has lost any opportunity to even get a decent job cause what job is going to hire her now, she is now the talk of the town even more,she has lost her dog, and now she has lost her kids. But Jenelle is with “her soulmate” what the hell, this man has caused you everything. Barb was right Jenelle will lose everything but Jenelle does not give a damn because she’s with “her soulmate” so Jenelle probably cares less, she’s probably upset because she can’t be an instagram mom anymore and all the abuse is coming out to light. For christ sake she wasn’t this horrible with Keiffer and seemed to be getting a little better with Nathan. Why didn’t Jenelle put Jace up for adoption like Barb suggested during 16 and Pregnant. Jenelle left the day after Jace came home from the hospital to go out and party, Jace was only 2 days old and here is Jenelle going out partying her butt off, even on her 16 and Pregnant episode she told her friend that “taking a care of a baby is like being in prison” and “how they are always crying and how they are all so clingy”. Also she would always call Jace “it”, never once would she call Jace his name, it was always “it”. Jace would cry and cry for Jenelle, but no the men, drugs, and party life were all far more important than her own child who she refuse to give up for adoption but seem to have no problem screwing him more for life. She called the cops on Nathan and had him go to jail same with Keiffer for domestic violence, but with David she’s not going to press charges or anything, even going so far to bail him out for child support. Jenelle is a sorry excuse for a mother and those poor kids especially Jace if he ever watches Jenelle’s 16 and Pregnant episodes as well her Teen Mom episodes are going to even more screwed up. Jenelle did it again, but at least the kids are safe and reality is finally hitting those two hard.
World’s greatest dog’s ever.
Ol’ yeller
And. Nugget. RIP ❤??????
You’re at the Rainbow Bridge now
Dogs not dog’s. Please have a basic understanding of English you are a clear demonstration of the failure of our public schools.
How intelligent and cool you are correcting grammatical errors when there are far bigger issues at play here, like actual children’s lives. But yes, incorrect grammar is what’s wrong with people these days, not assholes like David and Jenelle ?
??? this is AMAZING!! Kaiser, Ensley, and Maryssa are safe for the foreseeable future, Maryssa can hopefully go back to school in the fall and Ensley can see a pediatrician. I knew this just had to get in front of a judge. Heartbreaking that Nugget’s death set this whole thing in motion.
AMEN to that!!!!!!
Red flags have been up for some time. Janelle lacks insight and remains immature. Drama seeker. Thrives on it! She is fine as long as things are her way. She has made it clear her husband comes 1st. He is a hot mess. Love IS blind. I am glad those kids have been taken away.
I bet she’ll be pissed off and regretting getting her tubes tied, There’s no way they can profit off any more babies !!!!!
Do we even really know if she was telling the truth about getting her tubes tied? The girl is constantly lying.
That’s true! It really wouldn’t surprise me if there was an “immaculate conception ” and she’ll make some bullshit excuse about the operation not working!!!
They “tie” your tubes with clips. She can easily have the clips removed and probably would have no issue getting pregnant again.
They actually cauterize them shut, so a reversal isn’t that easy. I hope she was telling the truth about getting them tied, so those 2 nitwits don’t bring any more kids into their mess.
I thought that too. If it hadn’t been for Nugget, life would have continued on The Land.
Jenelle now can do porn because she can’t handle a real job. Druggie and a whore lowlife.
Just like her good friend Farrah!
Well I don’t like her chances of getting an average 9-5 job…. Not with her record and past history!
Finally, justice for Nugget ????
Proper justice will be the kids permanently taken away, and all remaining animals being taken away, and never allowed to own any animals ever again.
RIP nugget I’m so sorry you suffered such a cruel death, it heartbreaking.
Exactly what I was thinking. Maybe snapping at Ensley was Nugget’s was way of saving the children.
RIP Nugget
Thank you for your sacrifice ?
I thought that too. If it hadn’t been for Nugget, life would have continued on The Land.
It’s sad to think, but yeah I believe everything happens for a reason, it’s devastating that poor little nugget lost his life but he’s a hero he’s saved the lives of four children. RIP NUGGET ??
Saving the other animals and them getting arrested will be final justice. Hopefully this is just a start of the dominoe effect.
Exactly! And the public for pushing the state and whoever told Nathan the dog was killed. It set the wheels in motion
I remember reading that Kaiser had told his teacher at school about Nugget and I think it was the school that contacted authorities.
Thank goodness these 2 crazies wont get their hands on them and are monitored br authorities.
This us good news those kids dont need to be around all that riff raff guns in house gun in the car etc Janelle cares more about David than her kids. Shame on you Janelle!!!!
Kudos to this judge, who singlehandedly made the RIGHT decision to protect these children, whereas Jenelle has not, and most likely WILL NOT.
And now she has her beloved soulmate — all to herself.
I’m happy the judge finally held her accountable and the kids are being protected. Jenelle is not the victim. They are both guilty.
Why NOW or why did it take so long? All of us have known those kids were being neglected and abused for years. Cops called,CPS called and Nathan having proof Kaiser was being abused. Still,CPS/authorities never took them.
It took her poor dog being murdered Or is it because MTV fired her, the cameras are gone and MTV stopped protecting her?
I’m happy the kids are finally being put first. But it shouldn’t have taken this long.
At this point, I could see her murder/suiciding him. I don’t want this to happen, but she’s lost everything and it’s starting to sink in that it’s for real.
More likely the other way around, he’ll blame her and kill her
Everyone had always assumed it would be him. This os the first time I feel like it may actually be her.
Poor kaiser, I bet maryssa is equally as terrified.
She’s old enough to say that she doesn’t want to live on the land, I just hope they don’t let kaiser go back there, he’ll be in danger since David hates him so much.
YAY! So glad she lost the kids! I hope she never gets them back!
Ashley, do you know anything about this? It was left as a comment on another site. I assumed since they are not filming Jenelle, Babs would not be filming either? I knew you would know one way or the other.
“I work at a restaurant in Whiteville North Carolina like a mile from columbus county courthouse——last week two people I recognized from TeenMom2 working for MTV came in does any1 know whats going on???? Are they filming something maybe around Barbra I HOPE they are not filming Janelle!!! They werent there with cameras or anything like that just there eating wanted 2 ask so bad but didnt want to get fired lol….dont remember names just know ive seen them on the older seasons of Janelles part of the show producer or crew what ever the right word is for them why were they in NC I wonder???????”
Maybe there were there to testify at court ????
Maybe testifying. Were they called, anyone know for sure? They’d be great sources of 3rd party insight into that ghastly home.
PLEASE…Not a dime for Ex-teen monster childless mom! She is a selfish bitch, and she will just take from Barbara. MTV needs to get out of there and leave this mess alone. If they have feelings or compassion for Barbara, send groceries…pay her utilities…give a gas card…pay her rent…hire protection for her and those children…etc. Do not give any of them money! That is what made this such a mess! And a little sweet dog was beat brutally, then shot. If she wants to stay with him, have at it! He’s a bully! He mistreats animals and children. I could care less if he ripped off her head! I wouldn’t piss on either of them if they were on fire.
Thank God there is a judge with common sense and sees through the B.S Jenelle and David spews. Those babies are finally in good loving homes.
People saying, “ don’t forget Barb raised Jenelle”. You know sometimes as a parent, you can do all you can and try to raise them right, and they become assholes. What can you do?.. I’m sure Barb taught her right from wrong as a child and Jenelle as an adult wants to do what she wants to do. MTV helped to create this mess of an adult, they helped her to be unaccountable for her illegal actions. Once the money started to roll in, do you really think Barb had any say in how Jenelle acted?? When Barb told her she was screwing up Jenelle just cut her out of her life. Why wouldn’t she think she can treat her kids and people any which way she wants. MTV looked out for their Cash Cow.
I fully agree that Barb is the best possible caregiver for Jace and now Ensley, but it’s not Just Jenelle. All 3 of Barb’s children have had legal trouble for most of their adult lives. Barb’s other daughter, Ashleigh, also lost custody of both of her kids – Barb has custody of Ashleigh’s son, Gabriel. So yes, I’m sure Barb did the best she could, but all of her offspring did not turn out to be model citizens. Jenelle had run-ins with the law even before MTV got involved, although that created the monster we all know today.
Now with that said, Circumstances were definitely different. Her baby daddy (I’m not sure if she was married to the kids’ father or not) left when they were young so she was raising all 3 kids on her own with very little money. She still works at Wal Mart. Jenelle’s firing is unfortunate for Barb who had an episodic salary, but I would imagine she is more financially stable than the rest of the girls on the show and hopefully saved money for situations like this.
I’m a social worker in Pennsylvania, and if nobody fights the current caregivers for custody, they’ll remain with Barb, Nathan, and grandma. If Jenelle and David don’t show progress on their reunification plan after 18 months, generally the kids are then placed permanently.
That’s good news, thank you for sharing that insight. They couldn’t even bother to make the little court visitation. That speaks volumes about how they feel about the kids.
Exactly! Twice she had the opportunity and both times she made an excuse as why not to go !!!!! .Nathan was trying to do the right thing and had said to her that she could see Kaiser but Nathan was NOT to be there! So based on this , she chose Nathan and passed up the opportunity with her son !!!! REAL CARING MOTHER…. NOT
I’m an attorney in NY and here it has to be about 25 months that children have been removed from parents and placed in foster care or kinship resources before a termination of parental rights case can be filed, so the amount of time varies by state, not sure what the requirement is in NC. Unfortunately, these cases can linger on for a long time. The courts favor reunification and it takes a lot before the decision to terminate is made and even once the termination petition is filed, it can take years before it is granted. If Jenelle and David do the bare minimum of what the court asks, they will be considered compliant and that will be a bar to anyone else getting custody, with the exception of Nathan who had already petitioned.
These custody hearings were initiated when her 4-year-old son Kaiser told his school counselors about the alleged murder of their family pet, a source previously shared. Child Protective Services then removed Kaiser from their North Carolina home, before eventually removing Ensley from the premises as well.
Thank god Jenelle and David put Kaiser in daycare since “he was difficult to handle” because if the little fellow was not in daycare then he probably would not have told his teacher, and they probably would not have called CPS. Now Jenelle can sleep peacefully tonight since she doesn’t have to worry about taking care of kids anymore for a while. Jenelle is probably sleeping good tonight and yes in her mind David aka “her soulmate” was definitely worth it.
They were ordered to put kaiser in to day care, as he was developmentally slow and needed to be with kids his own age
What a brave little boy Kaiser is , Thank God he spoke up , but MORE IMPORTANTLY someone FINALLY took action!
Weekly drug testing… good luck with passing that!
Weekly withdraws for mr & mrs lurch
I bet she’ll be sick now.
I rekon random testing is the way to go !! ! That way we know they’ll definitely fail and they’ll never get the kids back !
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Hopefully they don’t do urine tests, bc those can be passed super easily no matter how many drugs u do or when u did them
I hope they never regain custody. The children are in a better place. They should have to pay child support as well. Looks like they will have to get a JOB! Charges need to be brought and consequences need to be paid for the murder of Nugget. David Eason should have hefty fines and a very long jail time. He should be punished to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. I hope his existence is miserable. He is a monster. She is just like him obviously. HORRIBLE..Trashy and Cruel people.
They are going to have to jump through so many hoops to get those kids back. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jenelle does bc , well, she’s got nothing else to do and this is a huge blow to her ego. David , however, is not the type to comply to government check lists. Ha, if only we could witness his head exploding at it all…
She lives in a pot filled world where only her realities count. Dam the law that’s what David’s taught her
Reefer Madness! Or maybe she’s back on the hard stuff. She’s drinking.
So happy the kids were not returned to those two crazy peoe. I hope they never get them back
I have a feeling the testimony the judge heard from actual witnesses about what was happening on THE LAND was the deciding factor, along with the fact that Jenelle is still defending the vicious domestic abuser who started it all. Hence, the judge’s hard nosed conclusion that this woman failed to protect her kids.
Just imagine if after hearing the testimony this judge asked for…a random drug test.
And the skipped visits! Wtf! You “miss” your kods but skip supervised visits.
I hope she saw the road rage incident Jenelle pulled with Jace.
These kids are much better off.
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She should never get those kids back David is a danger. The next time we will be reading how he killed them all.
Sincerely hoping I might have to change my username, because that means the kids are out and safe! This is the best news of the day, here’s to hoping the permanent custody will go in favour of the children and they can start healing from all they have experienced on The Land.
Praise Jesus, a judge with a brain.
I predict the only child she will fight for is Ensley. She made it very clear she only ever wanted a daughter.
Congratulations Jenelle. You chose dick over your own children……again.
Love the Ashley please keep me updated on this case
REALITY JENNELLE AND DAVID, This time it dosen’t come with a pay check! REALITY is you have lost your kids because your dysfunctional and abusive household put your kids in danger! Physically and emotionally. A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE JUDGE PRESIDING!
Well, I see karma finally came around.
She should never get those kids back David is a danger. The next time we will be reading how he killed them all.
What happens if no one fights against them for custody? Will they automatically win?
Or would they be placed somewhere else?
I was thinking the same thing. Any legal eagles out there wanna give some insight please?
@Roastbeef& aubreesvoice, while still in law school I did an apprenticeship at a firm that was strictly family law. I decided that it suited me best to go into a different area of law. So, if Jenelle and David don’t complete the case plan( that they will be presented with next week ) they will lose the kids. This isn’t a matter of anyone fighting to keep the kids, it’s a matter of the parents fighting ( by working the plan) to get them back.This is to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that Nathan has already filed for custody of Kaiser, this mess is going to prolong that. Nathan has offered some very kind words in regards to Jenelle, I hope that changes just a little. Physical custody and sole custody are two different things, I think at this point Nathan needs to go for the gusto , don’t ask for shared parenting. I don’t care what kind of classes David goes to , I don’t care if they divorce.. Jenelle has never been stable.
Good news is, hopefully all will have advocates that keep them safe.
It’s so unfortunate that Nuggest’s murder was the final straw for CPS to finally take the children away from the Land, but I’m so happy that they are finally safe. I hope they never have to go back there. Jenelle and David are absolutely disgusting and deserve to rot in hell
Absolutely heartbreaking, the only silver lining is that Nugget didn’t give his life in vain. He saved those children.
I’m an attorney who used to represent children in family court and I just want to provide some clarification. This was never a custody hearing and Jenelle and David have not lost custody. When children are removed from the care of their parents, the parents have a right to ask the court to give them the children back. When the parent does that, most states view it as an emergency hearing and the hearing is supposed to happen day to day (as best as that is possible given the availability of the court and the various attorneys) until it is resolved. So essentially Jenelle and David lost their request for the children to be returned to them and the children are now in the care and custody of the state and placed with their various relatives. I imagine that NC has started a neglect and/or abuse case against David and Jenelle and now the court will have to decide whether they did in fact abuse/neglect the kids based on NC law and if the judge finds that they did, the judge will have to decide what David and Jenelle have to do to have the kids placed back with them. David and Jenelle could consent to the court making abuse/neglect findings and consent to a service plan that if they follow successfully would result in the kids being placed back with them. Separate from all of this would be any requests for permanent custody made by any of the caregivers. Even though Nathan had already filed for custody, it is likely that will have to wait until the neglect/abuse case is done. Jenelle could also consent to final custody to Nathan as a way to resolve her case for Kaiser. I don’t practice in NC, but this is my knowledge of how these types of cases work based on the state (NY) where I live and practice.
I do think it is good for all of the kids to be away from David and Jenelle right now and it remains to be seen if they will comply with anything.
Thank you
I didn’t scroll down earlier I was JUST asking for clarification on what would happen. Thanks for the clear and concise answer.
Question: will they ever face criminal charges for abuse or child endangerment based off of all of this? Or is it a he said she said and nothing criminally will come of it?
That’s a really good question! They should!!!!!
It depends on NC law and if prosecutors pursue a case. But you can face criminal charges and abuse/neglect charges in family court at the same time based on the same incident. In fact, if they are criminally charged and convicted or take a plea before the family court case resolves, CPS can use that to get a finding in the family court case.
That’s interesting, thank you for the updates.??
They haven’t even managed to follow a very important supervised visitation schedule. They won’t be bothered to go above and beyond unless it’s smoking a bigger rock than the last.
Radar On Line just posted the story. (The Ashley’s Reality Roundup Opens a New Window. first reported the news of Jenelle losing custody today.) I sent this to them, and they gave Ashley the credit.
Can you get permanent custody easier if you have temporary custody?!
I don’t know the LAW in america!!
I am from Holland!!!
Here if you gain temporary custody it is much easier to get permanent custody!!
Howdy, another Dutchie here. Tbh I wouldn’t know how this would work in our own country cause I don’t know people messy enough to even MAYBE losing custody of their children. Let’s hope these kids won’t have to go to The Land anymore!
Thanks for the awesome Amstel beer ? The kids are with caregivers right now, the caregivers don’t have any custody of the children. Jenelle and David are going to be given a rather small window of time ( 8 months were I’m at) to work a case plan and complete everything. Should they fail to complete the plan THEN the courts will look into permanent placements. That being said, CPS can be a huge help for Nathan, unfortunately, I don’t see them doing that. It always seems that their goal is to reunite the kids with the parent they took them from.
The question is,………she didn’t protect her kids from what and WHO .
Agreed! This is why I think Kaiser must have went to preschool and A: had some disturbing things he told about ( maybe it was about nugget) or B: he had marks on him. All of this took off the Friday that Doris was told by CPS to go get Kaiser, this was a full 10 days after the dogs death. Now we have a judge saying “ you failed to protect your children.” To me it sounds like a statement that that goes beyond the dog killing. Jenelle was given the opportunity to take the kids , she declined … failing to protect them. David did more than kill the dog, I believe there’s evidence of direct harm to one or more of the kids.
he Told them what David did to nugget.
When is he going to be arrested? I will not be happy until I have monster murderer dog abuser’s head on a platter. “That’s what they do in England…if you misbehave, they chop off your head.” says Lisa Vanderpump.
I don’t know Audrey. The Ashley is the only site I read on reality TV, last I read was the case was under investigation.
I think THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT- when David brutally killed nugget, it wasn’t just a matter of an animal cruelty charge, it was VERY MUCH domestic violence. Jenelle had the power to see to it that David be charged, she did nothing but get online to seek attention for herself.
You don’t have to harm a human physically to be charged with DV. To throw things around, punch walls, threaten harm is domestic violence. Jenelle selfishly kept her kids in this environment.
This goes so much deeper than the killing of nugget. There was severe abuse going on for a judge of the court to order children out of the home and to tell someone they failed their children. This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.
I accidentally rated down when meant to rate up. But that’s the scary thing. What does that judge know that we don’t to say such a thing?
I honestly don’t see her getting them back, I mean she’s been trying to get Jace back for how long now? If she can’t do that then I doubt she can get any of them back.
Jenelle had signed over her rights for Jace though when she was a teen. Even though she tried to fight in court for custody back later on. I’m not in the legal department, but I think that’s why that case was different.
She’s all talk. She doesn’t want any of them. Never has. Just wanted the control.
And the money from the storylines involving them !
This is what happens when a girl chooses a boy over her children. She defends him by saying “hes done so much for our family”, no. He obviously hasn’t. Theres no way in hell I would allow my husband to act like that PERIOD. But thats the difference between a woman and a girl, and a man and a boy. I do agree with Kail, David needs to be evaluated. He shows off what he now has because of those MTV and story line checks. Maybe when the money runs out and she loses everything, we will see if he finally gets put in jail for his nonsense.
But will Barb fight for Ensley?
I really hope. I think she understands the severity of the situation, just because she wouldn’t let Jace on the land after Nuggets murder…I do feel bad for her though, she should be enjoying retirement, but she’s stuck raising a 2 year old and a 9/10 year old, with no more MTV money coming in. Jenelle has fucked up a lot of people’s lives.
I thought so too. But I read yesterday CPS ordered her not to let him go so I don’t know.
I didn’t like that she left Jace with David alone for the weekend while her and Jenelle went out of town, I can see her trying to use this to get her daughter back which I understand but it’s Jenelle still the same.
Don’t forget she also has custody of her other daughter’s son. So she also has a 6/7 year old.
She sure did for Jace. She’s older now but at least she isn’t having to work at Wal-Mart anymore like when Jace was a baby. I actually like Babs, she cracks me up.
Jennelle should be banned from the making any profit whatsoever from this horrible situation! They’re innocent children NOT $$$$
I predict Jenelle will make as much money as possible selling her story and then turn to porn to make a living if the MTV money has truly dried up.
Dear The Ashley,
Please make Amber’s ugly face quit popping up in that video that is constantly playing on your mobile site. I cant take it anymore.
Thank you
Finally, a decision I can get behind. Hoping for the continued safety of all the children and the adults who are protecting them. Shame on this monster for not stepping up and not doing what a mother is supposed to do, and put her kids before anything else. Total scum, the pair of them.
Doesn’t Barbra have full custody of Jace now?
Because he killed the dog? I’m curious as to what the real reason is but no details have been shared on what’s really going on here.
I’m sure many other issues were brought to light, supporting the allegation of volatile instability, but yes, brutally beating and murdering a small dog in front of children would very well warrant removal of said children. It’s an unhealthy environment mentally, and shows great potential for evaluating violence which could became directed at the children. A family member shoved me into a porcelain tub, I was rushed to the hospital bc the injuries were so severe. I would have lost my kids had I not separated myself from that person and gotten a Order Of Protection. Honestly, I can’t believe CPS wasnt involved back in Oct when she called 911. Often the authorities will take it out of the “victim” s hands and state will press charges if there are signs of injuries, and from there CPS is supposed to be contacted in any and all DV cases that the police respond to. Or at least in my state.
I lived I NC. I know damn well they get involved with any police or DV situation… at least in Charlotte and they don’t just leave you alone??? Someone in her county definitely wasn’t doing their job…
I’m sure there was than that
I am sure a lot more things came to light, there’s no doubt about that.
Wildcat, radar online just posted a story. It states that the condition inside the home was filthy and there punch holes all in the walls, and people testified that they’re always screaming and fighting and that for that reason the children pretty lived in a state of terror
Sounds about right ?
It doesn’t surprise me! The house always looked like a tip when they were filming, although with little kids there’s usually bound to be a bit of clutter. But there’s a HUGE difference between Mess AND Filth. I’m gathering Jenelle’s was filth
Well shooting a tiny innocent dog is disgusting thats not all he did.
He beat & tortured the dog infront of the kids then took the bloody tortured dog into the woods & shot it.
I think thats plenty
But since this is a disgusting bully we are talking about that is not all he did. He acts like a deranged lunatic, physically & verbal abuses Kaiser & thats just what we have seen on TV & their own social media accounts.
And lets not forget the time Jenelle chased a guy down & followed him to his house, ran over his mailbox & then pulled out a gun on him all infront of her son.
I assume the issue is a combination of all of these ridiculous acts.
Parents are human, they make mistakes but when it is a constant habit it is no longer a mistake or error in judgment it is bad parenting
Everytime I read that this was on TV and MTV did nothing…..it makes me beyond sick..
MTV supported it. They made sure Jenelle stayed out of legal trouble so they could film. Just like with Ryan. He obviously was high a to rocket during the show but he didn’t start going to jail until her refused to film.
Oopsey, I agree with you completely. I quit watching the show bc of Kaiser, because of the screaming and cussing directed at small children. Happy homes don’t sell, drama does. MTV used the abuse for the drama factor, for ratings. In my opinion, MTV and TM2 enabled their lifestyle and added to fuel to the fire. But that’s simply my opinion
David has become increasingly dangerous and hostile, and a judge has FINALLY taken his fear mongering and threats seriously. It is sad that it took Nuggets murder for the law to finally hold them accountable, but better late than never.
He brutally beat the poor little dog to a pulp in front of the children, before dragging him outside to shoot. Not much has been revealed since there is STILL AN INVESTIGATION. Until somebody blabs or leak documents, we likely won’t know too much until the case is over. CPS has been keeping their eyes peeled for a while. David illegally towed a guy’s truck, Jenelle’s 911 call, David threatening Randy (threatened to realign his jaw, boasted about his guns), David showed off all his gun collections + shooting + threatening to shoot anyone who goes onto his property even if it was his own mother, David taunted Kaiser’s grandmother, David has screamed, taunted, and cursed out Barbara, David has dragged Kaiser by the arm, called him a screaming little bitch, Kaiser’s mysterious switch marks on his rear-end, Jace has complained so many times about David, David discriminated against the LGBT community, refused to respect his son’s mother’s request of not posting pics of his son online, has made multiple videos threatening to shoot anyone, refuse to let his wife do her job (sends threatening texts to the staff, interferes with the filming), bashes and threatens his wife’s coworkers, stabbed balloons at MTV’s party because they were in his way (not supposed to have weapons there) instead of calmly walking around it like a sane person, abruptly pulled Maryssa out of public school (not illegal) because a teacher there is LGBT, constantly posts very erratic things online, has been proven to be very aggressive, hostile, controlling, demeaning, verbally abusive, discriminatory, sexist, has a very short fuse, refuse to let Jenelle co-parent with Nathan, he abused his exes, the cops and CPS were too afraid to go onto his property to remove the kids, David has yelled at police officers, he recently yelled at social workers, etc. The list goes on!!
As for Jenelle, she refuse to parent, all her kids were born with drugs in their system, she always choose men and drugs over her kids, doesn’t try to protect them, refuse to show up to her supervised visitations unless David can tag along, still never got her shit together after 10 years to get Jace back, allows David to abuse her children, Jenelle abused her dogs, abused Nathan’s dogs, very emotionally unstable, has a volcanic meltdown if her ugly-ass spawn of a husband (and her exes at the time of their relationship) doesn’t pay attention to her (imagine how her kids must feel constantly being neglected), and even after her kids were taken away she hasn’t done anything to show concern for her kids and refuse to leave David. She has put her children in danger so many times, including following a driver just ’cause he cut her off- followed him to his home and pulled out a gun at him for no fucking reason.. etc!!
The cold-blooded murder of Nugget was the catalyst, but I’m sure there are a LOT(!!!) more we do not know about that CPS has discovered.
Because there is a gagging order.
And killing the dog in the way that he did, he deserves to be in prison.
Nathan’s no saint. But I see potential for him to grow and change. I hope he does. Jenelle on the other hand has proven many times that she will not change or grow into a decent person.
When will their gag order be lifted? I look for her to start selling stories ASAP.
Are we sure she was fixed? Or are they going to have a replacement kid 9 months from now?
It amazes how they truly believe they are above laws and their back woods living is flawless. “She was shocked ” “she was confident that they would regain custody”… they don’t even have means to support their children, why would a judge give them back, most courts frown on that!?! This is the moment we’ve all waited for, Jenelle and David Eason are now truly irrelevant (though I do look forward to hearing what the testimony against them was and from whom), and the children are safe. I doubt the children will ever be returned because to fix a problem, you have to own up to having a problem, which is something these two will never do, in their eyes, they are right and the world is picking on two completely innocent people.
Of course she was Shocked cuz in the past she gets her way on everything . No accountably nothing…..she’s a horrible mother and I hope they loose custody all together. Dog murderers. Her too……she’s crying over Nugget…..oh please…..more like crying over JENELLE
I was shocked too (grateful that the kids are finally safe)
I’m sure a lot of people are shocked
These two have constantly gotten away with EVERYTHING. They pull guns on people. David has verbally & physically abused Kaiser on camera. CPS has been to there swamp MANY times & when they show up they are kicked off the property & threatened to be shot if they come on their property again. The secret service has been to the house. She cost MTV THOUSANDS & was never fired until advertisers pulled out.
That is why she was shocked…along with the rest of us.
It makes you wonder how much MTV were protecting/hiding what was really happening in the LAND the whole time she was hired with them… She gets fired and it’s all goes downhill FAST for her!
Am I the only one who is wishing MTV was still filming her or at the very least barb and nathan? Id LOVE to see she is reacting to finally being told she doesnt deserve her kids.
Oh thank God.
I predict those two will lose interest, then try to sell stories about their “battle for their children!” or some such nonsense.
When they have to weigh legal fees against dope money they’ll disappear from their children’s lives, and as far as I’m concerned it would be best for the kids.
I wonder if the judge was aware of the nationwide interest in this case? Surely he must have known.
Yep it’s going to be Jace’s “custody battle” all over again. How long has it been now, Jenelle? 9, 10 years? Go smoke some more meth in your swamp.
Of course he knew. That’s why he almost immediately issued a gag order. The reason is simple: as much as we’re all curious, those kids do not deserve that. Imagine your parents losing custody and it’s all over the media. It would make it much worse if a bunch of details about testimony and CPS investigations was released.
For the older kids, Jace and Maryssa, I’m glad they’re either not in school or almost out. Kids are cruel at that age (especially middle school girls). And they’re also old enough to google it.
I can’t even imagine being in Maryssa’s shoes. That’s such a tough age and this really must suck for her. At least Jace is a boy, has stability with Barbara, and has a nice chunk of money sitting there for being on tv. Hopefully it’s mostly blown over and she’s settled into a routine when school starts again after summer.
Thank goodness Maryssa will finally be back in school in the fall. I can’t wait for them to lose permanent custody of Kaiser, Ensley, and Maryssa. It’ll be nice to know the kids will flourish being away from Jenelle and David.
Where are the photos? Has anyone seen them leaving the court house? Everybody better be sittin’ on ready! I just prayed to God to keep them all safe. Not Ex-Teen childless monster mom or monster dog murderer abuser. I really want to see them suffer. They will never be right in this world for all the damage they have done. The devil don’t want them and God won’t have them. So I don’t know anywhere they are welcome.
Oh yeah, everyone should stop following her social media. That seems to be the way to make voices and opinions heard these days
And we know how she thrives off attention and drama!
Oh what I would do for those court transcripts!!!! I hope they’re leaked!!!
Me Too!!!
Me too!!! I know its awful but I cant wait to hear who tesified to what.
Okay in all seriousness… for years we have all been pissed about what this little girl has gotten away with… I can ignore all that and be absolutely be thrilled with the fact that she finally got what was coming and the kids get to benefit by being away from her. Justice has finally been served.
I know exactly what you mean and I agree TOTALLY!
One step closer for ..Justice for Nugget ! next step she losing her kids for good !
I just don’t understand what took so long. I think if the secret service makes a visit to your house. They should also check if kids are there and to do an investigation. It didn’t take Nugget to die for this to happen. CPS only does the right thing when it’s too late. Jenelle will never do the right thing for her kids. Jenelle is only concerned about herself. If you are still following her on social media you are putting money in her pockets and you should be ashamed. David and Jenelle are a match made in Hell.
KailsFH has a point here…..Please if anyone is ‘following’ Chinelle on social media – unfollow her right now! Don’t make it easy for her to make money!
The Universe is looking out for those children, finally. I hope David will eventually get his comeuppance and I hope Jenelle will use this experience to grow the hell up and finally start learning from her mistakes.
Shame is isn’t permanent tho.
Good they don’t deserve to have their kids back ever !! All she cares about is her F N husband !! She didn’t take care of her dog nugget either !!
Finally someone of authority told her in no uncertain terms that she FAILED AS A MOTHER. But I doubt any of this will sink in. She’ll go home and cry, then the two of them will go to war with each other. She’ll blame him, he’ll blame mtv, and eventually he’ll give her a beatin’, cops will get involved, she’ll end up leaving him and then go in her victim of domestic violence apology tour, saying how he brainwashed her and how she feared him Etc etc etc. not to discount victims of domestic violence. It’s real and it’s hell on earth. BUT she was the one in this relationship with the power. She had the money, job, and resources to kick him to the curb and she chose not to. She will stay with this slob kabob until it serves her interests to leave him. She has nothing left so now is when she will start considering a way out of this mess. She’s a narcissist and a psychopath.
Especially when the money runs out. We don’t know if any child support was set up.
I believe she pays support for Jace but now Barbara has 2 kids and Nathan deserves partial support.
He told Jenelle SHE can see Kaiser anytime as long as David is not around so thats not happening
It is so heartening to know that someone is finally taking the safety and well being of these children seriously. They are both horrible parents and clearly care more about themselves than any of their kids.
Hopefully this will be the wake up call she needs to leave her loser husband and get healthy so she can be a good mother to her children. I fear the psychological damage that has already been done to them. The things they have witnessed. I pray that Kaiser can stay with Nathan permanently and out of the reach of David who clearly hates him. The fact that Maryssa was hysterical and wouldn’t talk to her Dad is very telling.
Thank God the judge had some sense about him and and aren’t allowing these two scumbags to get their kids back. I don’t see Jenelle doing anything in a custody/parenting plan either, so who knows/if when they’ll get them back. Hopefully Maryssa’s mother is doing good and can make a move to get her back for good, and away from Lurch. Jenelle gives zero fucks about those kids, she just cares about how this looks to other people. David did the majority of the parenting on TheLand, Jenelle was there for the ‘mommy of the year’ instagram photo ops. Poor kids, hopefully Babs realizes she fucked up big time raising Jenelle, Ashleigh and Colin, and does something different with Jace (and Ensley)
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The simple fact that Barb, Nathan and Maryssa’s grandmother don’t murder family pets in front of the children is already a step in the right direction for all children involved.
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in the courtroom and the car on the way home.
Thank God! Finally someone with some common sense. Nice to see they aren’t invincible after all. I wanna know how big of a tantrum David threw in the courtroom. Would’ve definitely loved to have been a fly on the wall.
The simple fact that Barb, Nathan and Maryssa’s grandmother don’t murder family pets in front of the children is already a step in the right direction for all children involved.
FINALLY! A judge that holds these two POS accountable for their actions! I really hope that they eventually lose their rights to those poor kids. I love the fact the judge called her out and told Jenelle that she did not do her job as a mother to protect her kids.
Pray to god they lose all their rights and visitation.
I pray they never get those kids back, it’s the remaining animals I fear for now.
Everyone rushing to say this is good but think about it, Jace and Ensley are with Barbara. Barbara raised Jenelle. Didn’t Nathan lose or not have custody of his other child? Hasn’t Nathan tested positive for steroids before? He has been arrested before. Maryssa is with her maternal grandmother, not sure what her story is but I wish her the best with Maryssa. I just hope these children weren’t taking out the frying pan and thrown into the fire.
Maryssa’s maternal grandmother raised her mother…and her mother is in jail and lost custody of Maryssa to David…so that ought to tell you how bad off she is.
These people didn’t beat a dog senseless and shoot it. So this is a step above. I don’t think any of them would scrub a toilet with a child’s toothbrush. These grandmother’s need to be protected. And doesn’t Nathan have a nice girlfriend?
I agree Audrey ????
3 of jenelles kids were born with drugs in their systems, jenelle has more mug shots than John gotti.
Jenelle is still using drugs, jenelle is volatile and has anger issues, she is 100times worse than Nathan ( Kaisers father ) who jenelles Husband verbally and physically abuses, don’t make out that jenelle is a fucking saint.
She’s been arrested numerous times.
Nathan is the better parent in this case.
Unfortunately, these kids have all drawn short straws. I don’t think we can even begin to comprehend how much dysfunction, abuse and violence each of them have experienced thus far in their short lives. However, given the limited options they have for custodianship, this is as good as it gets for the time being.
Unfortunately, these kids have drawn short straws in regards to parents. We’ll probably never know all of the dysfunction, violence and abuse they’ve seen in their short lives. Given the options, this is as good as it gets for them in having a fighting chance.
They are 100% better off with Barbra. Jenelle and David are absolute monsters. Not for nothing but if they were to stay on the land a murder suicide looked like it was eminent. Jesus.
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Yes but unlike Jenelle, Barbara actually has Jace in therapy, etc and is trying to help him. Unlike his so called mother.
When you learn better, you do better. Barb was in a terribly abusive marriage. She did the best she could on her own. I know , without a doubt she loves and protects Jace. Nathan has shown great concern for Kaiser, which is more than you can say for Jenelle. Hopefully, he has turned the corner with the help of his new girlfriend and will live a more stable life as better example to his children. I do feel sorry for the older girl, Maryssa. She is at a very vulnerable age. I really hope she has a good support system.
And 1 day old Ensley tested positive for weed.
Nathan has apparently gotten his act together and really settled down, I think it’s had alot to do with his girlfriend, she’s had a positive influence on him so that’s a good thing. I hope it works out well for them. At least he’s made the effort unlike Jenelle who has continued with her erratic and dysfunctional lifestyle.
Thank God. Its about time these two had consequences for their actions. Most importantly it benefits the children and the bonus is its a huge blow to Jenelle and David’s ego.
Praise Be To God! I have been looking for some news all day, and I found it here. No TMZ or Radar On Line have not had the story.
Thank god! And jenelle still isn‘t leaving david SMDH wether or not it makes a difference in court for now. She doesn‘t deserve her kids
I would love to know what people are saying life is like on the land! These details have to come out eventually!
So glad. It’s been so heart breaking watching these kids over the years being abused and neglected. So glad that they are finally safe. Such good news. Now someone please rescue those poor animals!!!
Bless the judge! And wish lots of happiness and calmer days for the children.
I applaude the judge! You failed as a mother to PROTECT your children. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that hearing.
Praise the lord
Oh thank the lord! And glad someone finally told Jenelle that she failed her children.
Hallelujah! Those innocent children may finally have a chance to know true peace! I truly hope that their current caregivers follow through in fighting for permanent custody! I wish Nathan and Doris the very best of luck and pray for Barb’s safety!
It’s about time!! Poor kaiser had to suffer way too long.
That was nothing compared to what they will do to him.
I am so scared for him if he ever has to go back.
They will take this all out on him
Supposedly it was his testimony that made up the judges mind.
Just dont understand how you can let anyone treat YOUR CHILD like that. I just dont understand how she can look in that little boys eyes after letting someone be so mean & cruel to him
Yeah it’s definitely heartbreaking, That poor little boy always had a sad and lost look on his face , It wasn’t until I saw photos that Nathan had posted and the change in Kaiser was amazing! He looked bright and happy and completely at ease . I’m just praying to bloody god that those poor kids don’t get sent back ! SURELY, Anyone in their right mind knows it’s dangers and what the kids could face if they were returned.
I love this judge. Praise the judge who tells Jenelle she failed to protect her kids!
I’m glad someone finally held her accountable.
Oh thank the lord. That is good news for those kids. Glad someone finally told her how she failed those poor kids.