Barbara Evans Expresses Concern Over Jenelle Evans & David Eason Regaining Custody of Children: “We Are All Sick to Our Stomachs”

“Well Jenelle, I see ya managed to get lucky in court again!”

Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s successful fight to regain custody of their children has left Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, feeling ill and ready to fight for her grandchildren. 

According to Radar Online, Barbara believes the July 3 dismissal of the custody case “was an injustice to the children.” 

“We are all sick to our stomachs,” Barbara told the site. 

Following the court’s decision to dismiss the case, Jenelle and David reportedly went to Barbara’s house to pick up their daughter Ensley, along with Jenelle’s son, Jace, who was to come with the couple as part of his regular unsupervised visitation. (Barbara currently has full custody of Jace, and will to have full custody.) While Jace was set to visit The Land, Barbara said the hand-off with Jenelle and David went awry and Jace ultimately did not leave her house. 

“I’ll pass.”

“David came over my house and started a fight all over again,” she said. “Jace was very upset and he didn’t want to go with them.”

Barbara said when Jace refused to go, David screamed at her. 

“[David] is just the same person he normally is. He’s not going to change. He is an evil f**king person,” she said. 

Ya don’t say…

Jace reportedly wanted to stay at Barbara’s house to play with his cousin, but did eventually head over to Jenelle and David’s house on The Land to spend the holiday weekend.

In addition to Ensley and Jace (again, just for visitation), Kaiser, Jenelle’s son with Nathan Griffith, and Maryssa, David’s daughter with his ex-wife Whitney Johnson, have also returned to The Land—against Barbara’s wishes.

“Now they’re back with this crazed guy,” she said. “He’s back in his mean s**t.”

Barbara also said David “faked being nice” as Kaiser’s recent birthday party.

“It was all a set-up,” she added. “The minute [the case] was dismissed, their whole true colors came out.”

While the case has been dismissed, Barbara reportedly isn’t done going to bat for her grandchildren.

“I’m going to fight for these children,” she said.

RELATED STORY: Breaking News! Custody Case of Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Jenelle Evans & David Eason Dismissed: Get Exclusive Details
(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

28 Responses

  1. I fear the most for maryssa. She is the oldest and is no doubt taking the brunt of all this nonsense. Not only is she homeschooled and has zero social interaction (what, like lurch is gonna take her to the park to play with other kids?), she testified against her dad. I can just see him being passive aggressive, cruel, snotty, overbearing and controlling of her. She obviously understands what is going on with this case. How is this judge going to send a child back to an abusive home knowing that these kids dont have a fighting chance?? I just hope that maryssa, and the rest of the kids, dont start to act out in ways that are going to land them in trouble as well. Unfortunately the kids can either learn from this crappy situation and run far from it, or repeat it because that’s all they know. I pray and hope that it is the first option. Please kids, know your worth and stay strong. We r all rooting for you!!

  2. Hang in there Barbara and fight like hell for those kids! We know they’d be safer and healthier with you and maybe enjoy life a bit. They always look so sad with them. I’m scared for them all, especially Maryssa as she testified against her dad. He will make her pay for that somehow. All the grandparents that watch are behind you 100%. You did it for Jace, now get the rest off the land. Go Barb!

    1. She even said last season that she was just gonna believe what Jenelle told her until she was ready to tell her the truth. That doesn’t sound to me like a mother who is unafraid to tell her daughter what she thinks. To be honest, I’ve always kind of thought that Barb was “two bricks shy of a load”. I was surprised a judge gave her full custody of Jace to begin with. And then temporary custody of Ensley as well. As much as I can’t stand David, I can’t help thinking that Ensley would’ve been better off with his mom. And as far as Jace goes, they should have sent to be with Andrew’s family. They seem like well rounded people!!!!

  3. Barbara, hang in there. We’re all worried about the kids too. Keep fighting for them. Document every time that those two go against court orders. Praying for all of the kids and the people who truly love them. I hope you all get a miracle, and J and D’S rights are permanently terminated.

  4. Let’s see how ‘tis Independence Day weekend goes, these cocky fukkas, May have a celebration party, get high and fight and 911 will be called???
    If not this weekend, then sooner or later, it will happen.

    He already showed at barbs house, that he hasn’t changed.

    ( lurch, doesn’t think there is anything wrong with him!!! And it’s everyone else who is the problem) so he will go off on one and hopefully, those kids will be taken from them, permanently!!!!

    I just hope the older kids don’t get hold of a gun and shoot someone????

  5. If it makes her so sick, she should appeal the judge’s decision!!! But she won’t because she’s afraid to stand up to that bitch ass daughter of hers!!!! She figures that another disagreement will put yet another wedge between them!!!

    1. You’re wrong. Jenelle was already not speaking to her mom because of the removal of the kids and what Barbara told authorities. Barb is not into pussyfooting around Jenelle. She is now and has always been making sure that her grandchildren are not in any danger. Don’t count Barb out! She will go back to court to get custody if the kids. I’m worried for Barb’s safety as well as the children. Kaiser is already back to looking scared to death and miserable with his mom. I’ve only ever seen the kid smile and laugh with his dad. Sad story all around.

      1. She even said last season that she was just gonna believe what Jenelle told her until she was ready to tell her the truth. That doesn’t sound to me like a mother who is unafraid to tell her daughter what she thinks. To be honest, I’ve always kind of thought that Barb was “two bricks shy of a load”. I was surprised a judge gave her full custody of Jace to begin with. And then temporary custody of Ensley as well. As much as I can’t stand David, I can’t help thinking that Ensley would’ve been better off with his mom. And as far as Jace goes, they should have sent to be with Andrew’s family. They seem like well rounded people!!!!

  6. Who is the judge that dismissed the case? Maybe people should flood her office and higher ups with messages of what an outrage this is. This ruling should be getting the same attention given other cases where the judge is clearly not fit to rule on anything. Their names and pics are front and center and media attention has resulted in repercussions.

    1. I totally agree! The first judge was so tough on them and seemed like he really was looking out for the kids. Second judge comes in and sees the same evidence and throws it out and gives the kids back to their abusers. I want to see it and know it’s name so we can all write complaints. God forbid something happens to those kids. There will be blood on this judges hands if the kids are not removed from that situation at the land.

  7. Terrible. This whole thing makes me sick. I feel like I’m watching a train wreck and I cant look away and there is nothing I can do for these poor kids. Ugh. What the fuck is wrong with this judge??????????

  8. Legally, she doesn’t have a choice but to do the visits that was agreed upon in court or they can use it against her. Its exactly why the other parents can’t just keep their kids away, they have zero choice against court order.

  9. So Babs is sick to her stomach but still sent Jace over at some point?? Babs has got to stop being so indecisive and get over the fantasy that she will ever have a functioning, stable relationship with her daughter. Barb’s grandchildren pay the price for her concessions to Jenelle.

    1. She’s under a court order to send him. If she doesn’t comply, the court will look at her as someone who isn’t compliant with their orders. She can be held in criminal contempt. Likely her attorney advised her to follow the rules. In the long run, this will benefit her. We all know Jenelle and David can’t follow the rules. That can be used against them.

      Don’t get me wrong, I’m terrified for that boy (and all of the children) like everyone else. But I can understand the reasoning.

  10. It is only a matter of time before something terrible happens. David now believes he is untouchable and deep down he is seething with so much anger that he will definitely explode and be totally out of control. Who will stop him then? Janelle? One of the children? It’s going to be a frightening, terribly sad situation that could have been prevented. Been there, speaking from heartbreaking experience.?

  11. Poor kids, poor caregivers. Everyone thinks this is a terrible idea except the two beasts, their attorney, and that judge. I’m still holding out hope for the appeal.

    1. Barb literally had no choice but to have Jace go that day, thanks to the crap court orders. Its exactly why the other parents can’t keep their kids out of that disgusting situation even knowing David is going to be seething.

  12. This is fucking disgusting…
    Clearly the system doesn’t give a fuck about those kids ??‍♀️??‍♀️

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