Days after a North Carolina judge ruled that Jenelle Evans and David Eason would regain custody of their kids after unexpectedly dismissing their ongoing custody court case, Nathan Griffith has broken his silence on having to send Kaiser– the son he shares with Jenelle– back to The Land.
Nathan— who cared for Kaiser for nearly two months while Jenelle battled CPS in court to regain custody of her kids— took to Twitter on Sunday to let concerned Teen Mom 2 fans know how to voice their feelings on the judge’s ruling.
“I’ve calm[ed] down a bit and [am] just relying on my faith at this moment,” Nathan tweeted. “I’m not going to put my two cents in but if anyone wants to put their input [in], you can visit: https://survey.nccourts.org/1480690875 to complete a survey. Any input will help. The judge’s name is Pauline Hankins. TY #TeamGriffith”
I’ve calm down a bit and just relying on my faith at this moment. I’m not going to put my two cents in but if anyone wants to put their input, you can visit: https://t.co/7eYlIm8dsX to complete a survey. Any input will help. The judge’s name is Pauline Hankins. TY #TeamGriffith
— Nathan J. Griffith (@GroundLevelUp) July 7, 2019
Nathan’s girlfriend, Ashley Landhart, who attended many of the court hearings with Nathan, retweeted the tweet. She has been a bit more outspoken since the judge’s ruling on July 3. Following the ruling, she posted a message to her Twitter that was obviously aimed at Jenelle and David.
“Back to normal, sharing you entire life on social media trying [to] prove you’re something you’re not #overcompensating #rememberjoshpowell,” she wrote in the now-deleted tweet.
The caretakers of the other children returned to Jenelle and David have also spoken out after the ruling. Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, who was caring for the couple’s two-year-old daughter Ensley and has full custody of Jenelle’s son Jace, told Radar Online she is “sick to her stomach” about the ruling.
Shane Rich, who is the stepdad of David’s daughter Maryssa, spoke to The Ashley on Friday, stating that he and his wife Whitney are concerned for Maryssa’s safety and are very upset they had to bring the 11-year-old back to David.
Until this point, The Ashley had refrained from posting the name of the judge who made the ruling and dismissed the case. However, now that it’s been posted, The Ashley can state that Judge Pauline Hankins is very familiar with Jenelle.
Back in August 2013, Jenelle went before Judge Hankins with a slew of charges, stemming from her her April 2013 arrest with then-husband Courtland Rogers. Jenelle was charged with simple assault; possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver heroin; possession of drug paraphernalia; and possession of a Schedule II controlled substance [which was reported at the time to be Percocet].
When Jenelle faced Judge Hankins in August of that year, the judge dismissed all of the charges against Jenelle except for possession of drug paraphernalia. She found Jenelle guilty of that charge and sentenced the reality TV star to 48 hours behind bars.
Thought I might share a few. #teamGriffith #soontobe #putaringonit #damsel #Gentlemen pic.twitter.com/Q48O9Xu3Y0
— Nathan J. Griffith (@GroundLevelUp) May 20, 2019
Anyway, Nathan has refrained from making any other public comments about the outcome of the case. However, he did respond to a fan who reached out to him on Instagram on Friday to express sympathy about Nate having to hand over Kaiser to Jenelle.
“I can’t imagine how painful it was giving him up. Keep fighting man,” the fan wrote.
“It was more than words could explain,” Nathan responded, adding that he would continue his battle to regain custody of Kaiser. “Thank you and that’s, of course, my plan.”
(Photos: MTV, Twitter)
75 Responses
Save Kaiser!!!
Waiting for the next 911 call from the meth parents. He cracked my collar bone again. Oh wait when David threatens I’ll change my story again after the Lear has places a threat,,,,
Nathan is an all around, call-it-like-I-see-them, GREAT guy!!!! I totally think he should get FULL custody of Kaiser. And when Jace comes of age to decide what he wants, I think he should be allowed to get him to!!! I know that Jace isn’t Nathan’s son, but you can see how much he loves his little (it would be a shame to split them up). And when Nathan and Jenelle were together, you could see how much Jace loved Nathan as well (and vice versa). And like I said before, as much as I HATE David, I think Ensley would be better off with his mom. The time or two that I saw her on the show, she seemed like an all around decent person.
little brother*
how quickly people forget that Nathan choked a woman. Doris should get Kaiser.
How quickly you forget that those charges were dropped!!!!
I didnt forget… Jenelle’s charges get dropped all the time. Doesn’t mean they don’t happen.
This judge is incompetent and has a hard on, or whatever is the female equivalent, for Jenelle.
So this means the “Eason Hotline” is now taking calls again (aka, 911)? The poor cops and sheriffs in that county.
Its only a matter of time before these kids will be removed again. David can’t change himself and I’m very concerned for these children
Excuse me, but he took an anger management class. That class unraveled all of his mental health issues and he is fine now! Jenelle got over her dog murder in a week. It was a rough week but they’re stronger now and more in love than Eva. There is alot of false information. Gettin round the web like them 911 calls, the dog murder, the broken collar bone, the switch marks on bubba’s behind all a colossal misunderstanding. The judge saw through all the hearsay and awarded the children back into that fine, upstanding, isolated environment. Case closed
Lol, hi Jenelle.
If he had “mental health issues” to be “unraveled”, he sure ain’t “fine” after, what, 2 months of therapy? Come on.
Hi Say Whay aka Jenelle and David the dog killer.
I think the comment was sarcastic.
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People can complain all they want but it’s not going to change it. It’s the same thing as with calling the cops or animal control after he shot the dog. Filling mass complaints just pisses off the court and county, which will wind up putting a bad light on Nathan, Whitney and Barbara. Which will do them no favors. Only people closest to the case need to complain.
H.I.L.L.B.I.L.L.Y. corruption. Period. BIG DOT.
She says “other opportunities” she can’t mention on her IG stories in regards as to how she’s going to make money. Is this code for porn? LoL
#1Ur user name made me laugh.
#2 Ur comment has me still laughing
While everyone’s anger is absolutely justified we need to remember that these two asshats can’t help themselves…they’re messy drug addicts who both have violent tendencies. They call 911 on each other like it’s a mating ritual. Jenelle can try to answer as many IG questions as she pleases, attempting to paint a pretty picture and tell everyone that they can’t believe everything they read but we sure as hell can believe everything we hear through the released 911 tapes. They fight, he acts like a maniac and destroys everything and she hides; she will put her own safety before that of her children every time. So let’s all take a moment and just let these two meth heads go at it again (countdown in 3…2…1…) because they’ll just give CPS the extra rope needed to hang them. And since we all know Jenelle and Lurch read these posts – HI GUYS!!! How’s having to parent going? You’re pretty sick of it already, aren’t ya? Pop another pill, that should make it better!
Wow! Love it!!
Will be filling it out. I still can’t wrap my head around this horrible ruling. Im hoping speaking out and the appeals will get the children back to safety off The Land.
I did! July 8th. Today I received a letter stating my complaint will be reviewed August 16th. Domestic Violence is something I experienced as a child AND as an adult; I wish the judge had done more than issue a 5 year restraining order in my case… BTW without revealing too many details, the restraining order went both ways. The perpetrator and I worked for the same agency, and I would have to leave the dining area if he was there. So he would purposely sit there from opening to closing so I couldn’t eat.
I obviously don’t know exactly what went down in this courtroom, but shame on the Judge if she took it as lightly as my Judge did. She at least needs to be investigated, and if she followed the law, then shame on me. If not I hope she thinks twice next time.
And someone really needs to somehow open Janelle’s eyes that David might very well be a wonderful man and husband 99% of the time, but that 1% he acts out in an aggressive manner may cause (or HAS caused) irreversible damage psychologically or physically… or God forbid result in (allegedly) another death.
I’m terribly frightened for everyone, including Eason. I’ve known a few men who acted out aggressively, suddenly became remorseful and attempted suicide. That would be just as painful for everyone involved.
Anyone I’m glad NC is taking this seriously, and I’ll be praying for Judge Hankins along with Janelle and EVERYONE involved.
Umm clearly this judge is INCOMPETENT. No other way up, down, around, or thru it… Wow.
So the first judge was removed or stepped down because he was “Biased” against Jenelle & David.
The new judge who has a history of letting the “Teflon Mom” get away with EVERYTHING by dropping cases & dismissing charges is now the judge who…surprise surprise dismissed the case.
Nathans attorney should have asked this judge to step down for being biased (against the kids). It sounds dumb but thats what Jenelle did & why she won
What I dont understand is how this judge did not take into account what her colleague had previously stated before he was removed. How the hell can you have a judge removed from your case with social services? Kinda like the murderer changing judges because the judge is biased towards murder.vi guess since the children have hotdogs and koolaid no abuse, no neglect!
If Nathan and Babs are smart they’ll request a new judge.
I’m sure Nathan is smart enough to ask for a new judge (not to sure about Babs though)!!!!
soooooo sounds like Jenelle basically has a deal with this Pauline woman, and pays her off to get out of trouble. Nathan needs to stop trying to play Mr. Nice dad, and stop inviting his kids abusers to events…and he better make sure that judge isn’t on his custody case.
Honestly the judge made the right decision legally. CPS did not take the time to make a good case against David and Jenelle. Really David is the issue here. Jenelle while not an A+ parent does meet her children’s basic needs. This particular intervention started because of shooting a dog which if I understand the law in NC correctly was David’s right to do if he felt the animal was a threat. Was it the best choice? Of course not but it wasn’t illegal. If Jenelle and David weren’t on TV CPS would never have made an issue of this. It is because of the pressure of social media that they overacted. And by overacting when it didn’t need to happen it jeopardizes CPS’s credibility in future cases that may be legit against D & J. The good thing that I see coming out of this was Nathan proved he could care for Kaiser competently and without supervision. While he won’t likely win custody from Jenelle this round when they go to court he most certainly will get unsupervised visits and possibly even some amount of partial custody which is a win. It is a smaller than hoped for win but a win nonetheless.
I agree that when the state rushes to prosecute and then loses, it makes it much much harder to go into court the next time. Now they’ll be reluctant to go if front of a judge next time because they’ll look like bullies. David and Janelle will claim that cps is bullying or harassing them. This was a terrible loss.
I must admit, I’ve never seen anybody do “just-this-side-of-legally-actionable” as well as David and Jenelle.
Good one. Made me laugh but sooo true
As far as the dog goes, it was illegal, it was animal cruelty and abuse. This wasn’t a crazed dog with rabies that was posing such a threat that it needed to be taken down.Now, if CPS pulled the kids for just the dog killing then it’s no wonder why they lost this.when it comes down to it, none of us know exactly what happened to the dog. We all agree that Jenelle lies, so what’s true and what’s not? You can’t pick and choose what’s a lie and what isn’t because it suits you, this is why the judge has nothing but hearsay, without proof there’s NO case. The judge goes by the guidelines of the law, period.
CPS was at the home SEVERAL times before the dog killing, they walked away and said everything was fine… that’s who failed these kids! Not the judge.
Endsley was born with pot in her system, who had the authority to do something about it and push the issue, CPS!
Kaiser said Favid hit him with the marks to prove it , who had the authority to do something and push the issue, CPS!
The cops are called every month, who should be looking into that, CPS!
As far as the attorneys goes, fees are regulated by the Bar, theses family lawyers are probably charging about the same amount.
This is not about attorney costs or the judge. The judge didn’t express opinion, the judge made a ruling that followed the law as is written. The other judge, I highly doubt he was thrown off the case.. he willingly stepped down.. ask yourself why.
CPS and their parents failed these kids, nobody else.when you bring children into the world and then make a choice to pick up drugs or abuse alcohol, you selfishly failed your child.. Jenelle, David,Nathan, Whitney, Andrew- you made your kids life a mess, own it!
Well said!
Look up the case of british toddler the court named baby P.
Totally failed by the system.
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A complaint of misconduct would be based on:
– multiple (at least 3, but maybe as many as 6) 911 calls where Jenelle accused David of assaulting her and/or smashing up the home, doors, making drunken threats – all while carrying a firearm. In more than one of these calls Jenelle disclosed that the children were home during the incidents.
– Teachers testifying that children made statements to them about the contentious and sometimes violent atmosphere at home.
– Admitted beating and killing of a family pet, at least some of which was witnessed by the children.
– Extensive descriptions of neglect by the eldest child in the home. Testimony that was backed up multiple others (only to be dismissed because her mom was recorded saying that she is good at telling fibs).
– Photo evidence of 20-30 pill bottles within reach of children. Guns and ammunition within reach of children.
– Signed statements that David was providing education to Marissa only to find out almost ZERO educating was taking place.
– Giving multiple public statements that they no longer wanted Marissa.
There is a ton more I could list, but I think I have made my point. It is absolutely unfair to suggest that there was not evidence of abuse or neglect. It is unfair to suggest that the judge’s ruling was made based on applicable law.
This was a decision that is beyond reason. I might have respected the judge’s ruling, if she had taken some time to REALLY evaluate the evidence. REALLY consider all the evidence pointing to the very likely possibility that these children have been neglected and unsafe. Take some time, really get educated on the case and if you then came to this ruling so be it. However, in this instance almost as soon as she got the case, “DISMISSED”. Seems sketchy. Seems even sketchier when you realize that Jenelle was caught dead to rights with a slew of charges in the past, this same judge tossed them all out but one and allowed Jenelle to do 48 hours in jail for something the rest of us would have done a TON of time for.
The judge’s biggest reason for dismissing the case was that in her legal opinion all the “evidence” was “hearsay”.
Let me end with this:
Jenelle called the cops HERSELF and said that David assaulted her. Is that hearsay? It is one of the accused neglect-ers asserting to police that the other neglect-er assaults her.
The 911 calls are Jenelle HERSELF. If I tell the cops I sold drugs, that isn’t hearsay, its an admission of guilt.
All this is to point out that if someone has the opinion that this judges ruling is SO flawed that it meets the grounds for misconduct, that is an extremely sane opinion, based in reality.
While the belief that living with Jenelle and David Eason is in the best interest of children, is just laughably shoddy reasoning that calls for one to ignore so much documented evidence that they are outright deplorable caregivers.
So many people here said ”no way will she get those kids back” and you keep saying that ”they are out of money any day now”. I wouldn’t be to sure. If you all instead keep hoping for the best but expect the worst – that could actually help. Money IS an issue here, since MTV filled their own pockets as well as J:s. J can obviously afford expensive lawyers working long hours, while Maryssas mom can’t. Nathan and Babs is nowhere near as well-off as J so the preconditions are really uneven.
Don’t act erratic, don’t repeat untrue rumors and if you are to write complaints be strict and professional about it. (Listen to @TWITTAFAME here, who also identifies solid focus areas!) And most of all: don’t assume things and make sure to not support J financially. (If MTV had morals they would set up a fund for the caretakers lawyers but since that wont happen any other way to help level out the economic imbalance is crucial.)
Exactly. If you choose to complain, write professionally, clearly and write only facts! Don’t write a long tangent of rumors (such as Jenelle’s lawyer being related to the judge).
I meant to post this comment here but accidentally posted it on an older teen mom article so I am reposting…
This show has strayed so far off of its original path. It was supposed to depict the realities of having a baby as a teenager. As hard as being a teenage mother is, I truly do not see these situations as being the reality at all. The show should be called “Teen Mom and What Happens When She’s on TV”.
Like MTVs The Real World, it started out to be an earnest depiction of young strangers living together but still living their individual lives and working out their issues. This degraded into young people getting into violent altercations, hooking up, and drinking NON STOP until REAL trouble finds them, all to be aired for our viewing pleasure.
I’ve been watching Teen Mom since the very beginning (like all of you) and I’m ashamed to say that I was entertained by all the bullshit. But it’s starting to feel very gross watching all this child abuse and exploitation, because that’s exactly what this has turned into.
The one thing I don’t understand, and doesn’t seem to be brought up very often, is that David is not allowed to see his son. His son’s mother obtained a restraining order and David isn’t even allowed supervised visits. Yet somehow he has full legal and physical custody of his other children. I suspect he only filed for custody of Maryssa so he didn’t have to pay child support.
How can he be completely prohibited from seeing his son because he is considered a physical threat to him, yet he somehow isn’t a threat to his other children? This makes zero sense. Doesn’t this prove he is a threat, which in turn means any children in his household are not safe? I just don’t get it. And I don’t know why this isn’t pointed out more often. It seems especially relevant.
I’ve thought about this as well. The judge has clearly not taken one single look at their past to determine if they are capable of caring for children. Just a quick check if they have food and clothes and case dismissed. Never mind Jenelle has lost her custody case to Babs last year, Ensley was born with drugs in her system and Maryssa has probably not learned anything during her year of ‘homeschooling’. Olivia had an unbelievable stroke of luck ending Kaden’s visits to The Land.
I looked at the link Nathan posted. I’m not sending a formal complaint of misconduct bcuz I don’t see any misconduct on the part of the judge. She made a legal til ng according to the facts she received. We can bitch & complain all we want because we don’t like the ruling but it was her opinion.
A judge ruling shouldn’t be , “an opinion”.
Absolutely correct
I AM those children. At 57 years old. The system is flawed and those children have been robbed
of their childhood by the very ones who were supposed to protect them.
No one WANTS to give up there selfishness for children who didn’t ask to be brought into this world…for fame and profit.
Hey I wasn’t defending Jenelle & Lurch. Pointing out that signing a petition for misconduct on the part of a judge that made a ruling about people that we only know through television is probably not going to make a difference.
On another note that I just thought of— teachers r mandated reporters of abuse. Wondering y there’s no reports from preschool teachers
Nathan didn’t even have to tell us! We already knew! We knew the judge and lawyer. Unfortunately leaving bad reviews for her lawyer won’t help since She paid him to do a job but that judge….I can tell you you I dug up all the info on her and jenelle and blasted it on twitter days ago! I hope she rots in hell….
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2 months and all of a sudden Mom is a housekeeper, holes in the walls are repaired and Dad’s temper is in check???
Children bounced back and forth like props on a bad soap opera
glorifying child abuse!!!
Smells like bullshit to me!!
The system has failed these children miserably!!
Too many times in my state when children are returned the outcome ends tragically
It’s very fishy that this same judge has dismissed charges against jenelle. It’s not like she was given fines or significant consequences. The charges were straight up DROPPED. that is insane. No wonder the same judge dropped this entire case. It’s disgusting and sad that a judge would be so careless. Obviously the case held some weight since they had to take the kids away in the first place. No idea what this judge is thinking. I just hope these kids turn out alright. And I hope nathan gets custody of Kaiser; marissa’s mother of her.
I remember when Jenelle was leaving the courthouse and seemed happy to get the new judge. She knew she would get off. Something isn’t right here. This is horrible.
Ok, so hold on just a minute, and think for a sec…
The judge found no evidence of NEGLECT.
The kids are fed, albeit cans of cold corn.
And the kids are clothed, even though it’s usually just a dirty diaper.
And the kids do go to school, even though for Marissa it’s the school of hard knocks.
And they are well protected with Junelle showing Jace she has a handgun at the ready and for Lurch he doesn’t sleep with Junelle, but rather a firearm.
And yes, they do have food in the house…we saw that when Lurch was making himself a sandwich wearing two different socks, while cussing out Junelle.
And they do have 911 on speed dial.
And they do get ‘baths’ regularly out in the pool when Junelle locks them out there.
Plus they are learning ’bout life and death out on the farm.
So is there evidence of NEGLECT? No. So I hate to say it…I really do…but there is no evidence of neglect. The judge got it right.
Is there evidence of emotional and mental abuse?
Definitely. Is there evidence of violence, physical abuse, and just plain being assholes? Sure.
But I think the initial complaint was neglect.
And I hate to say it, but they aren’t neglecting their children….
Tormenting them. Yes!
But in the legal world, it’s by the letter, and I think the judge didn’t find neglect to be honest.
Now don’t go off on me like David did Nugget. I’m just sayin’…the law is pretty literally. And I don’t think ANYONE in their right mind would want to see those kids go back with those idiots. But if you’re a judge you have to follow the letter of the law.
My guess is CPS will refile and leave out the word neglect. One can only hope.
Ummm emotional and mental abuse are the worst. What planet do you live on? I’m still suffering almost 15 years later
Not saying that emotional and mental abuse aren’t the worst. Been there, done that. Have the emotional scars to prove it.
But it was neglect they tried to get her on. Emotional and mental abuse are hard to show/prove with children especially those who have parents who are losers.
I hope that CPS refiles but figures out a better way that they can prove their case.
@Susan – I completely agree with you! The judge was correct in her ruling. The burden is on CPS to make the case against them and they didn’t. People may hate it but the law is the law and she ruled based on the law.
It’s a sad situation. Sad for Kaiser. I don’t understand how they got him back. Just Ensley alone being born with drugs in her system. I don’t the reason your smoking while pregnant. You should never do srugs while pregnant. You have to be a sorry person with no morals to do drugs while pregnant. There’s no way she cares anything about her kids. Jenelle posts pics like their such a happy family. Jenelle is fake. Jenelle lays around all day, gets high, and takes baths. Every once in a while J plays good mom taking pics. J is a selfish person and always will be.
My OB told me taking a few times every now & then if weed was no problem. Granted that was 35 yrs ago. Of course hard drugs, alcohol& opiate related drugs not acceptable. And if course Always let ur Dr know everything + including supplements that r being taken when pregnant
I seriously don’t understand this. Our legal system is flawed. I don’t understand the judge. Still shaking my head. Nathan and his family need to pool their resources and money together to hire the best family court lawyer available. This back and forth only confuses the children and causes more damage. Unbelievable.
Teen mom needs to fund this, tell them we would be glad to watch you and Barb fight for custody.
This crap is their fault anyway.
Contact Kadens mom and find out how she did it.
Start a go fund me in your mom’s name for Attorney fees or in the Attorney name so people can’t judge.
I’m definitely sensing some bribing going on between Jenelle/David/their lawyers and the judge. It makes absolutely ZERO sense that other judges, CPS, local police, hell even the fucking Secret Service think The Land is dangerous, yet this judge who has a history of dismissing Jenelle’s charges has once again dismissed this case like it was nothing
Is that Lurch or his attorney spouting off all of those “statistics” and trying to make it seem like they legit got the kids back? No one in the whole United States believes that,but, we all believe it is a backwards knuckle-dragging, trailer-dwelling, cousin-flukcing part of the world and that paid off Judge needs to get what she deserves….stupid biotch.
Interesting this same judge already dismissed charges against Jenelle, now completely ignoring all the work CPS and another judge did on this… someone got a kickback of somesort unless this judge’s MO is just to dismiss all charges against every defendant. Not sure if filling out surveys would help, but I can’t help but think if you make the courts feel the heat they might start looking into this judge’s blatant disregard for the charges and safety of those kids. Too many children have died bc they were put back with bioparents that should not have had custody
Lurch and his bitch wife don’t know how to parent any of those children. Stupid cunts deserve to to die and zero fucks are given to how that happens. Then the kids can go back to their other CARING parent.
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The Judge must be a crack head. Something horrible is going to happen with that fucked up David. I am afraid for all of them.
This is how we stop corruption in a democracy. This case needs oversight. someone over this judge needs a to review the appeals case and complaints need to be filed for investigations. Courts should be unbiased. Its everyone’s responsibility to be a watchdog and monitor behavior that counters the foundations of our freedom.
Definitely oversight, it makes zero sense that a judge can completely throw out a case another judge and CPS spent months working on and claim, “No evidence of neglect” – huh? Just seems very suspicious to say the least when I feel like plausible abuse has been well documented for awhile
Hopefully fans of the show actually think a little bit before sending in complaints about the judge and her ruling. As in accusing the judge and Jenelle’s lawyer of being related, which is NOT the case! Even somewhere as ass backwards as NC would never allow such huge conflict of interest. I did read on another blog about some potential shady connections between the company Jenelle and David bought their sinking pre-fab gone from, and the judge in this case. Remember how they blasted the company all over social media when their house was caving I , then suddenly stopped? The judge has family that’s involved in the modular home association of North Carolina or something… check it out on TamaraTattles! Things that make you go hmmmm…
And how the hell does someone get felony possession with intent to distribute charges dropped down to paraphernalia charges, and serve 48 HOURS in jail?! Only people I know of that get deals like that are snitches, but who knows with Jenelle. She’s probably a rat.
Total bullshit that Nathan went from being sole caregiver for almost 2 months, and has to go back to doing supervised visitation. Unfuckingbelieveable. Yet Lurch and Delusionelle waltz out of the courtroom and don’t even have to take a fucking parenting class. Ugh. Where’s my BP meds? ?
“I did read on another blog about some potential shady connections between the company Jenelle and David bought their sinking pre-fab gone from, and the judge in this case”
No. NO! STOP RIGHT THERE! Your first sentence asks people to stop and “think a little bit” before sending in complaints about the judge (specifically about untrue rumors)….
But you just repeated an untrue rumor!
***Jenelle’s Judge (Hankins) has NO relation/affiliation with the pre-fab/modular home company. The Judge who people originally thought was her judge, but was not (Gore) is the one who is married to the Executive Director of the modelular home company. Not their actual judge. Judge (Hankins) is not married!***
Sorry, I’m not trying to be rude to you- It’s the website you listed who is at fault for spreading yet again, another false rumor and that’s really reckless. This whole case has turned into a sh*tshow because of social media rumors, and in the end all it’s going to do is make Jenelle look better and the Judge annoyed because the courts will be clogged with complaints about innacurrate things.
Just to clarify some points/rumors one last time for anyone confused:
– Jenelle’s lawyer is NOT related to the judge.
– Someone on Twitter originally confused the judges, and blasted out information that in no way applies to the judge she actually had.
– Jenelle’s judge has no affiliation with the modular home company.
– Jenelle’s judge DOES have a history of dismissing her charges, and I strongly suspect (my opinion only) this is why her/her attorney fought so hard to have the original judge removed, knowing she had positive outcomes with the judge she would be assigned to if the original was removed.
– CPS is allegedly appealing the ruling (Dismissal). This is very rare. The statistics for CPS appeals in NC are available online- they only appeal 2.4% of cases. That alone speaks volumes.
To anyone writing a complaint: Be professional about it. Make sure you are not putting in rumors that are not true, it will just end up in the trash. Again (my opinion only) I would focus on the fact Jenelle has a years-long history of this judge that includes major dismissals (they claimed the first judge was biased, yet rallied for one she knows!), the 911 calls to the property literally every other week which include domestic and gun violence while children are in the home, Secret Service investigating the home, the burtal beating/murder of animal in front of children, a child testifying about the horrors she experienced first hand but this being overlooked due to a years old recording, etc.
Thank you for clarifying that, and what I meant was to tell people to THINK before sending a complaint, not include rumors, and just stick to the facts. No wonder her lawyer pushed so hard to have the judge taken off the case, they knew it’d be thrown out. It’s good to hear that CPS is appealing the decision, hopefully they can get their ducks in a row, and maybe bleed Jenelles bank account dry.. she can’t have all that much money left, after paying these lawyers, considering a lot of her endorsement deals are dried up. I’m shocked her makeup company is still active. Nobody will be buying that though, I hope.
She specifically mentioned her makeup line coming out as a future source of income. Let’s all make sure that tanks so fast her head will spin!
She constantly shocks me with her level of delusion, does she think people will support her? Maybe a tiny group of her basket case “fans”, surely not enough for any success.
For the love of everything holy, please DO NOT flood the court’s survey. It’s not going to help a damn thing and will only look bad for Nathan, Barb, and Maryssa’s family. Look at what happened when thousands of people kept calling animal control – nothing. Nothing happened except animal control got POed.
My gut feeling is that the judge has a nice summer house somewhere or a splendid little boat on a nice lake and that’s why most of the criminal charges were dismissed – probably purchased around the time of said dismissals. The state can’t appeal those…but they can appeal a civil ruling, like a custody case. Hopefully the appeals court in thst godforsaken judicial district has more brains than that dingaling trial court judge.
Lurch probably agreed to chip the algae and lichen off her boat for the rest of his life lol
Isn’t Nathan still fighting for full custody? Where did that case go while all of this was going on?
It was essentIally put on hold. If I was Nathan’s Attorney I would file an emergency order for an expedited hearong.