See All the Photos From the ‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 8 Reunion Taping in New York City

The cast— well, most of them anyway— of Teen Mom OG was in New York City over the weekend, filming the Season 8 reunion special. The two-day filming extravaganza included a special party to celebrate the show’s 10-year anniversary, as well as plenty of the girls’ family members, beaus (both current and ex) and kids appearing on stage to talk about the most-recent season.

Two people absent from the festivities, however, were Amber Portwood and her baby daddy Andrew Glennon. Although both were on the schedule to attend the Reunion, neither came, due to Amber’s July 5 arrest for allegedly assaulting Andrew at their home.

“Amber was legally allowed to go but her legal team advised against it, as Amber would not be able to talk about the case, Andrew or what happened,” one production source stated. “This is the reason she didn’t do any type of Skype interview or anything. It would have been impossible to not talk about the situation at the Reunion.”

Her other baby daddy Gary Shirley and his wife Kristina did attend the Reunion, though, along with Gary and Amber’s daughter Leah. 

Also in attendance was Mackenzie McKee and her family, who will appear on several ‘OG’ episodes at the end of the season.

On Sunday, The Ashley gave you an exclusive run-down of what happened during Catelynn Lowell‘s segments. She and her husband Tyler Baltierra were joined on-stage by Tyler’s dad Butch Baltierra, who was grilled extensively about his sobriety. Brandon and Teresa— the adoptive parents of Cate and Ty’s daughter Carly– also made an appearance. (Carly did not appear on-stage at the Reunion, although she did go to New York City with her parents.)

Check out the photo gallery to see snaps of the filming weekend! (Click the thumbnail to enlarge and flip through the photos).

33 Responses

  1. I would love if Dr Drew would ask each of them “what would you be doing for money if you weren’t on this show?” I’m sure each of them would have some lofty profession. The follow up question would need to be “so then why aren’t you doing that now? Don’t you feel that keeping it ‘real’ means working an actual job? Don’t you feel like what you’re currently presenting doesn’t represent reality in any way? Not many people who became parents as teenagers go on to buy new custom built homes, drive brand new SUVs, buy ponies for their kids, attend top notch rehabs, etc etc. Don’t you feel bad that 90% of what your showing is pure bullshit?” This is just my own personal reunion fantasy because Dr Drew has NO BALLS

  2. Finally watched yesterday’s episode… Amber is the worse at her fake cries over Leah… Not a single tear.. Just whining. Dry eyes, dry face… Just distorted facial expressions… ??‍♀️

    1. I said the SAME THING about Ambers fake crying! I can’t stand that! When you are truly upset and crying…you can’t hold back the tears, even when you try. In her case, she just can’t force them to come out. (Im sure she wishes she could.) So…you arent really crying at all. Youre just making “cry face” for attention. So gross.

  3. So glad Amber won’t be there. They need to get rid of her needy ass. All she does is moan and groan about everything. Then she abused yet another man. She has not changed at all on e a loser always a loser. Quit blaming your anxiety on everything. I have dealt with it for years she is just a horrible mother and person

  4. Brandon and Teresa must be so over this bs. Are they obligated to attend? I wouldn’t think so, since they don’t appear on the show regularly, but geesh, I wish they could live their lives away from C&T…they truly are saints for dealing with it all,

  5. Nova only acts out because Cate doesn’t care about her. Vaeda will likely be the same way. Poor kids! Tyler, save your little girls.

  6. I gave that hope up years ago. MTV will milk this cow, replace her hips, her knees and every udder one by one till she is Sahara dry.
    I think someone needs to die before they cancel. And not a cast member they already kicked out because he or she became a liability.

  7. Mackenzie McKee is so annoying. She tries so hard. MTV must have gotten pretty desperate to have finally cast her. Ugh

  8. I swear the more i see of cait makes me want to stab myself in the eyes. tyypical lousy mom whines she isn’t getting a good enough gift for mothers day why should you are the laziest excuse for a mother . watching her daughter loose it over her leaving and her saying i don’t understand it wtf all you did was walk out on her the entire last season for your vacation I mean therapy. I seriously would rather put up with farrah and janelle then watch this lazy slob. THey care so much about carly yet their actions caused them to loos any contact for over a year and you missed her so much you couldn’t send her cards letters not even one damn gift because you were being pissy? I want to see them jobless paying for their lazy asses tyler for the love of god leave her before she is knocked up again and buying a million more animals

    1. This may be an unpopular opinion but you know what I thought when I saw that segment? She’s 100x the mother Amber is. Amber whined incessantly when she had to parent James while Andrew recovered from surgery. Catelynn parented both girls alone for days!! I have always pulled for Amber, but she has no business having kids at all. She needs to get her tubes tied and focus on being a better mother to the poor kids she has.

  9. So I guess Mac McKee is officially joining? Why haven’t you given us this update the ashley???

    1. So we get rid of 1 animal killer and abuser and swap out for another?
      I’m totally done with their crap if Mackenzie is back.

      1. Same here, I can’t stand that attention seeking idiot, and josh isn’t much better.

        I’m done watching
        I’ll just read the recaps

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