More Leaked Audio: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Amber Portwood Heard Yelling at Andrew Glennon About Not Wanting Son James; Threatening to Stab Andrew in the Neck

Another bombshell audio recording of Amber Portwood has been released.

On Friday— one day after a recording of the Teen Mom OG star verbally abusing her baby daddy Andrew Glennon broke— a new recording was posted to the Without a Crystal Ball vlog. In the new recording, which the vlog owner Katie Joy claims was sent to her by a family member of Andrew’s, Amber can be heard cursing Andrew for getting her pregnant. 

The audio also features what sounds like Amber hitting Andrew, and Andrew asking her to stop hitting him because he is holding their son James. Amber can also be heard threatening multiple times to kill Andrew, and saying she will stab him in his neck

According to the vlogger’s source, the new audio clip was recorded on Christmas Eve 2018. It begins with Amber and Andrew arguing while James is in the room.

“I’m telling James when he gets older that you’re a trashbag!” Amber yells at Andrew. 

“You should tell him that you didn’t want him. How about that?” Andrew yells back.

Amber admits that she didn’t want the baby, and that she didn’t want to have another baby until she was in her thirties.

“Thirty two is when I wanted a baby!” she screams. “So you tell me how I ended up not having a baby for 10 years! Fat ass!”

Her voice then gets even more intense and a sound is heard that is similar to someone hitting something.

“Tell me how I had a motherf**king baby!” she screams. “Tell me! Tell me how!”

Andrew starts screaming “Ow! I’m holding James! Stop hitting me!”

“Tell me f**king how in 10 years!” Amber yells back. “Answer the f**king question! Tell me now how I did not have a baby for 10 years.”

When Andrew suggests that Amber didn’t become pregnant because she was on birth control (someone went to, apparently!), Amber becomes even more enraged.

“You fat ass! You ugly fat f**k! You don’t deserve me!” she yells. “You disgusting fat ass. I can’t wait, I’m going to blow you out of the water. You will never have a career IN.THIS.INDUSTRY! But I will make HUNDREDS of thousands of f**king dollars!”

Andrew then asks Amber calmly, “Why are you so abusive?”

Amber tells Andrew that it’s because he’s a disgusting man who “used my body.” (We can assume she is talking about him getting her pregnant.)

The video picks up again after that, with Amber screaming, “I’m going to say this to you one more time you ugly f**king fat ass: get out of my house now! Get out!”

Amber tells Andrew to “take him and go.” (“Him” is James, by the way.) She then threatens to make a statement to the press “about everything.”

Andrew begs Amber to calm down and take her medication, but she continues.

“It’s done! You had the audacity to say s**t to me?! Bitch!” she screams. “I’m making a statement. I’m making a statement to the press. We are broken up and this is why.”

“Because I got you pregnant?” Andrew asks. “That’s gonna fly!”

James can be heard babbling in the background, proving that he was in the room as this fight was taking place.

“You got [James], go!” Amber yells.

Andrew explains that, to make a baby, they both had to have sex, but Amber starts counting down.

“1…2…Get the f**k out!” Amber says as another noise is heard.

“You’re going to throw something at me with the baby?” Andrew says.

“I will kill you! I will kill you! Get out!” she screams, then adding, “I’m gonna stab you in your neck!”

Andrew repeats what she said.

“Why are you going to stab me in my neck?” Andrew says, as the audio clip cuts off.

The vlogger explains that the rest of the clip is more of the same, with Amber repeating herself.

You can listen to the entire video with the audio clip below. (Be forewarned, though, that it contains some very rough language and maybe triggering to some listeners.)

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Inside Amber Portwood’s Arsenal of Strange Weapons: A Custom Sword & More!

(Photos: MTV, Instagram)

144 Responses

  1. We as parents all make mistakes but this violence that Amber has towards men (and yes, she did this with Gary too) in front of her children is a reason why she should only be given supervised visitation for the rest of both of her children’s lives. I would not leave her alone with any child because she is unstable mentally. In fact they should sterilize her so she is unable to have any more children. MTV needs to fire her so that she can quit making hundreds of thousands of dollars and quit acting like a little diva as if she’s much of anything anyway other than a violent angry abusive woman who has no business having children or being around them. Gary should not even let her see her daughter without supervision. I am a firm believer that every child needs their mother but this one needs only supervised visitation So they will be safe. She can blame it on postpartum or anxiety but in the end it is who she is! She should have to get a real job at and have to earn her money without her drama and abuse for the world to see on camera. Almost every teen mom has grown up over the years. She’s an embarrassment, laying around the house doing nothing and looking for excuses to be the abusive person that she is. Originally I felt bad for her until I heard these audios. Now I feel bad for her child and her ex. Quit playing the victim and let the kid have a normal life w/ his father.

  2. She’s Disgusting and I’m sick of seeing her cry that she misses her kid’s after it’s obvious she want’s to have no responsibilty over them!!!

  3. Uh he didn’t rape her, did he? Not accusing, but I don’t like how scripted he is and how convenient the audio cut offs are. It’s also pretty messed up to throw postpartum depression in her face (about her not wanting the baby..). She is not free and clear, but he knew exactly who she was when he met her, and he knew her life was falling apart again..and I think he used that to his advantage. To what degree? I don’t know.

  4. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I want to hear the WHOLE recording. It seems to cut when things are being said about Andrew by Amber. Give us a link to the whole encounter instead of just what you want us to hear, please.

  5. Maybe I am just mental, but the ONLY THING I think was truly messed up, was that he didn’t leave the room with the child! Why not leave? Holding the child, baiting her? Then intentionally leaking this? He is abusing the child by sitting there, going back and forth, HOLDING HIM! Please, that man(dnt know name) is a fame monger, who picked the most vulnerable, mental, and desperate, of the teen moms to use like this…I say F both of them!

  6. Lol, listen to him “why are u being so abusive??” “Why are u hitting me with James in my arms?!” He is PLAYING y’all & playing right into it the hype. Just playing it UP.Not taking her side, she’s obviously nuts, addicted, & just plain weird. & Thinks she’s sumn real special, hot shit even. THEY’RE BOTH losers. Poor James.

  7. Not condoning amber at all, as she is well out of order, but seriously? Your partner filming and recording you? Sounding so sweet? Who knows what happened prior to get her so angry…there’s so much more to this than meets the eye. Andrew is not innocent and one massive game player, I really wouldn’t believe everything he is selling you, he has let out what he wants you to hear! He has two restraining orders against him from two separate women! They both need help

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Not condoning amber at all, as she is well out of order, but seriously? Your partner filming and recording you? Sounding so sweet? Who knows what happened prior to get her so angry…there’s so much more to this than meets the eye. Andrew is not innocent and one massive game player, I really wouldn’t believe everything he is selling you, he has let out what he wants you to hear! He has two restraining orders against him from two separate women! They both need help

  9. This is absolutely nuts, how the fuck is she out on bail get her ass locked up what a truly disgusting human being, that makes me so mad ? she gave birth to James? I don’t understand how any mother ever ever ever could do or say those things to their own child, I have honestly never ever heard a mother speak about their baby in such an awful way and if she lifted her hand while baby James was in my arms, well let’s just say I wouldn’t have stood there and she wouldn’t be standing either after I was done absolutely disgusted in her I hope Andrew never lets her see James, she’s totally toxic inside and out, poor Leah and James their the ones who’ll suffer most because they have a vile, nasty, venomous evil, selfish mom who has no time for either of her kids because and puts herself and her selfish reasons first all the time, and her brother and Gary also need to wake up and stop this defending an abuser and a bully because it might be Leah and James that she loses it with next and there’s no telling how far she’ll go. It’s a mega disaster waiting to happen and so many fucking people are defending her and her god awful behaviour xx

  10. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    This is absolutely nuts, how the fuck is she out on bail get her ass locked up what a truly disgusting human being, that makes me so mad ? she gave birth to James? I don’t understand how any mother ever ever ever could do or say those things to their own child, I have honestly never ever heard a mother speak about their baby in such an awful way and if she lifted her hand while baby James was in my arms, well let’s just say I wouldn’t have stood there and she wouldn’t be standing either after I was done absolutely disgusted in her I hope Andrew never lets her see James, she’s totally toxic inside and out, poor Leah and James their the ones who’ll suffer most because they have a vile, nasty, venomous evil, selfish mom who has no time for either of her kids because and puts herself and her selfish reasons first all the time, and her brother and Gary also need to wake up and stop this defending an abuser and a bully because it might be Leah and James that she loses it with next and there’s no telling how far she’ll go. It’s a mega disaster waiting to happen and so many fucking people are defending her and her god awful behaviour xx

  11. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I hope that Beast is fired from MTV!!

  12. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I don’t even like amber or care about teen mom but it certainly sounds like the has been set up. I don’t believe she lost it for no reason and why is he recording? Andrew swore up and down in his statements all he wanted was his family that’s BS if he recorded. He set her up. I’m sad for her because she already does have mental health issues. She is going to take the fall for this and probably end up in jail and he’s going to get away with his part in driving her to the pint of madness. How can no one see that he lied about the cameras also. He didn’t set them up for “intruders”. It was to spy on her/get her worked up and sell the story. No way you wouldn’t tell your partner what you’re doing. He would have told her if it was innocent

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
      He started recording her because this is clearly something that happens regularly and knew that he needed to have proof (especially since he’s a man that is being abused). People that are abused generally don’t go around yelling it from rooftops. They often suffer silently out of fear. He’s not trying to sell a story. He’s building a case, and a strong one at that, for him and James to live safely away from her…forever. So sick of victim shaming. SMH

  13. She is off her meds. You can hear that, plus Andrew tells her to take them. Why would he stay with her if she was off them? And why is he recording her? She had no right to go after him physically. I just feel like there’s more to it.

    1. Yes yes YES!!!! I agree there is WAY more to it. It’s really easy to pain her in this awful light with these, really easy. But there is more than likely WAY more than we’re hearing. He stayed, he is twice her size, if he felt like his life was in damaged he could have left way sooner. People are so quick to judge but they don’t know the half of it


    1. Matt gave an interview on Without a Crystal Ball and basically said the same happened as with Andrew. She abused him verbally, physically and emotionally.

      1. Which is hilarious given he just recently went on camera with TMZ and said she wasn’t.

        Matt wants his 15 minutes this month.

  15. Prions are filled with folks like Amber. Yes, many are mentally ill but they are also a danger to others and society. Amber belongs back in “gel” where her fellow inmates will really fight back if she gets violent. Somewhere, I am picturing her ex-Matt reading this story and laughing.I hate say this but she seemed in a better place when she was with that Moocher Matt.

  16. Hopefully Andrew gets custody of their child, as Gary did.

    Fuck MTV if they continue with this pig. I would already not patronize that channel anymore if I wasn’t a Jersey Shore Addict. But I don’t watch any of the Teen Moms anymore. Too many pigs on those shows now. I had struggled just with the presence of Amber and Kail, and of course Farrah, who I believe should be in prison for crimes against her daughter (or will be eventually).

  17. Those 2 records terrify me!
    She’s probably mentaly ill, but it looks more like evil possession. It makes me think to “The exorcist” or “Shining”.

  18. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Provide your sources. Domestic violence is wrong but you need

  19. I am one of three people in my immediate family who is bipolar and I am SICK TO DEATH of the Amber supporters blaming her actions on mental illness. Why?

    1. You’re painting ALL bipolar as loose cannons who dangerous to others.

    2. I have NEVER attacked ANYONE while off my meds or before I was diagnosed. My sister doesn’t do it and our late mom never did. I withdraw from people and only tend to hurt myself if not in treatment which I have been for ten years. I don’t drink and I’ve only gone off my meds when they stopped working and my doctor had to put me on a new “cocktail”.

    Amber’s problem isn’t mental illness… it’s Amber. She’s an angry abuser, nothing more.

    1. I’ve been waiting for a reply like this. How hard must it be to watch commenters “blame” mental illness for Amber’s heinous actions for others with mental illness. It vilifies mental illness.

      Amber is a vile, mean spirited human being that has never learned from the consequences (jail, losing Leah) of her actions who also happens to have mental illnesses.

    2. I am 100% positive Amber is not mentally ill. She is a narcissist, an abuser, and a sociopath.

      None of what she does can be blamed on mental illness!

  20. Don’t think anyone is surprised that is typical Amber behaviour. Mtv have witnessed this over the years but choose to turn a blind eye. Sadly the teen mums support her. So they obviously think this is ok. Keep that child away from her, the only time she wants James is when the public can see her. She is a very low person.

  21. I’d personally like to hear the uncut audio recording. I trust the edited recording is accurate, but I wanna hear where she said she didn’t want James. Sounds to me like she was mad that she got pregnant but she keeps asking him to tell her why she didn’t get pregnant for 10 years. I don’t hear her saying she didn’t want James.

    1. Then she lied about getting pregnant and then having a “miscarriage” with Matt towards the end of their relationship..
      She’s a con artist, she is a good liar..
      She’s one of those ppl who can look u straight in the eyes, straight face and lie and not feel bad about it…
      How do go from “I got pg and lost it,” 2-3 years ago then “I didn’t get pg for 10 years..”????

  22. Does anyone know the current situation with Amber’s access to Leah? I hope Gary is taking these recordings into consideration.
    Anyone capable of talking about their innocent baby with this level of disdain should NOT be allowed unsupervised access to children.
    I do believe Andrew “set-up” these recordings to build a case against her in the future, but so what?! She’s clearly unstable to behave this way and exposing her means he can protect James from her by using the recordings as evidence.
    I’d love to hear what Shawn has to say now, even he can’t defend this behaviour!
    Poor Leah and James, I hope they both get the stability and love they need.

  23. This is really disgusting… This is the mother of his child and he is dragging her through the dirt. She is telling him over and over that she does not want to talk about this and that she wants him out and that the relationship is over and he keeps egging her on and he knows exactly what he’s doing and how he’s pushing her buttons. This is a total setup..
    he knows that he is recording her and he is saying things to try and make her mad and say things to incriminate her… You can hear in her voice that she is extremely distressed and he should have walked away and stopped engaging with her a long time ago… She has made it very clear that she struggles with bipolar and borderline. Anyone who has struggled with these things or understands how it works knows that he is doing everything he knows he’s not supposed to because he’s just trying to get a reaction out of her. it is clear they are both hurt and in a bad place in their relationship but he is not being the better person here and he is wanting her to say those things to him so he can record it and use it against her. And no way I’m saying that Amber is right in what she did but trying to prop him up like some victim and some poor thing that didn’t have a choice is ridiculous

    1. Wtf are you smoking???
      Dragging her through the dirt??
      She’s is a violent abuser.
      Amber has always been this way.
      She is using mental health, to get away with being this way.
      And you are Condoning this, she physically and verbally abused Garry, she physically and verbally abused Matt, and now Andrew, she’s no mother, just an egg donor.

      She stated she didn’t and doesn’t want James, he recorded her for proof, because of morons like you, not believing him.

      Amber is a very dangerous person and she’s been enabled to get away with this, but now the proof is there for all to see, she stays in bed until 2pm, refuses to mother her son, and is so disconnected from her baby.
      How dare you blame the victim.

  24. So when was the the episode filmed when she was bragging she might be pregnant again?
    Acting all happy and it’s ok if you have a good man crap, I think it was Christmas.
    But when was it actually filmed?
    Now we know why Andrew never said much when they were filming.

  25. Curious about some of Amber’s comments about James. Is she trying to hint to Andrew that she did not give her consent when James was convinced. Weird that’s when Andrew stops recording. Than starts again, with the “it takes two” just seems weird.

    1. Then she should have demanded he wrapped it up, she let him raw dog her, so stop with her lane ass excuses.

      She had consensual sex with no protection.
      Her fault also

  26. Amber is an abuser! And she’s using her mental illness as an excuse for it. All her talk about beautiful souls blah blah blah..she’s a fake.

  27. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Amberjust lost alot of fans who are trying to give her the benefit of the doubt with this last rounds of her domestic violence up until the audio recordings were released there’s no denying this is Amber and gives us a clearer idea of how abusive she was not only to Andrew but resentful of her son thank God Andrew got that little boy away hopefully she has nothing to do with raising him other than with State supervision! She never changed her Stripes as a matter of fact I think she’s gotten worse since her days of beating on Gary!!!

  28. This piece of shit has no business being a mother. The kids are better off without her. MTV, you need to fire that trash before people start turning against you for supporting such disgusting behavior. Threatening to kill someone is never ok. Hitting someone while holding a child is beyond disgusting.

  29. This is unbelievable, never ever expected this out of Amber. I think Amber needs took off the show immediately dismissed. You fired Janelle for something that she did not do, or have any control over!!! Amber did this all to herself, and in the meantime look how she talked about her own son.

  30. In the disclaimer Katie states this audio recording is NOT part of the investigation. That tells me there’s other audio and probably worse. Or does it mean recorded audio can’t be used in this case?

    Seems like Amber knew of the security system ahead of these tapes so consent wouldnt be an issue. Any lawyers out there for their thoughts?

    1. Indiana is a one party consent state. In other words, one person in the conversation must consent to being recorded. Most states are two party consent, where both parties must consent, which is likely what you’re referring to.

  31. I’m concerned for Leah. While all of this attention is on Amber, Andrew and James, poor Leah must be suffering. She already is smart enough to know exactly who her mother is. Imagine going to school and everyone has heard about these recordings made of your mother. Being a girl that age is tough enough; my heart goes out to her having to deal with this bullshit. The only silver lining here is that she has Gary and Kristina – she’s very lucky to have a good father who married a good woman to help raise her.

  32. Off topic here, theashley, any truth in
    Farrah Abraham FINALLY served in $100k lease lawsuit for her closed retail stores????

  33. Let’s look at Andrew. I am a domestic violence abuse survivor. I def would not keep standing there while tbe abuser is exploding. That’s like poking a wild animal! He can also alter the recording to omit anytbing he has said or done. They both have mental health issues. The baby should be removed from both until they are investigated. issues

    1. KANDY58 ~ I am a survivor as well & while I do NOT condone ANYTHING with Amber, I also do not understand Andrew not only staying, but arguing with her… and not leaving with James the first of the 50+ times she asked him to. I just feel so sad for all the kids involved. Neither one of them have any business around children!

  34. I dont know why im commenting if i defend Amber you wont publish it! We all make those kids of statements but that doesnt mean we will actully do it for Gods sake stop this Andrew is a jerk!

    1. What do you mean we all make those kinds of statements but it doesn’t mean we’ll do it? Really? Normal people act like this on the reg? I do t think so. It’s never acceptable. It’s disgusting Carol.

    2. I don’t know what reality you’re living in, but “we” definitely don’t all make those kinds of statements. I’ve never threatened to stab and kill my husband or said I didn’t want my children (you get the idea). Ever.

    3. Um no, Carol, normal people don’t talk like this or make statements like this, ever. Mentally ill people with severe anger problems who don’t seek help for it do, though.

    4. @Carol- if you aren’t disturbed by everythin. Amber did/said in this recording- you are a truly sick individual. (Orrr…you actually are Amber herself, who has managed to make herself just as hateable as Jenelle.) Amber is a bully, miserable, nasty human being who will only ever feel comfortable in gel.

    5. *Raises hand* Um, no, we don’t all make those kinds of statements. I’m in my 40s and have never said anything close to that in all my life. Never screamed at anyone. Never called my husband a name or swore at him. If you think everyone talks the way Amber was talking in this video you have surrounded yourself with the wrong kinds of people. Yikes.

    6. Um, no. We don’t all make those kind of statements. I’ve never threatened to kill my husband. The words “I’ll stab you” have never come out of my mouth. I’ve never ranted about not wanting any of my kids. I’ve never ranted and blamed my husband for getting me pregnant. I’ve never hit my husband. I’ve never insulted him and demeaned him. I don’t know anyone who acts that way.

      I don’t know what kind of life you live that everyone makes those kind of statements, but it’s not reality.

  35. I’ve been following Teen Mom drama for years, but this was somehow more painful for me to read than anything else (well, okay, the Jenelle stuff was rough too). Poor baby James. Leah has Gary and Kristina to give her what she needs (love, stability), and the distance from Amber has been helpful. But to be exposed to this level of toxicity when so young, when basically your parents should just be cuddling and worshipping you (and yes, I know parenting can be incredibly hard, have a 9 m/o and am not the type who’s always felt the itch to be a mom) is awful.
    I hope that Andrew can manage to take James away, and that if Amber gets her act together and wants to (and hey, no pressure, not everyone wants kids) can see him one day.

  36. Denouncing her son and threatening to kill his dad while “sending love” on Instagram.

    This whole mess is just TOO beyond sad.

    Praying for you, James and Leah.


  37. Wowwwwwwwwwwww. I was on the fence about Andrew. I don’t like Amber, but I didn’t know that I trusted Andrew. Well, I’m 100% with Andrew now. He needs to take that baby and run. Amber is a violent, vulgar, abusive POS. I am bi-polar and suffer from severe anxiety. I would NEVR treat my husband that way or EVER act that way in front of my children. Her
    meantal health issues are her excuse for everything. She’s a proven LIAR now. I hope moving forward that no other men are dumb enough to knock her pshyco ass up. Amber was concerned about Leah having anxiety?? Gee, wonder what could have Leah so on edge….????????????????

  38. There is such a double standard in society that a man is incapable of being a victim in abuse, assault and domestic violence. Critcs quickly blame the male victim’s manhood. Stop the stigma

    1. Agreed notajanellefan. It’s sickening how many people actually defend this monster because Andrew is a “big, strong man” who was “most likely provoking her”??? If Amber was a man, people would be calling for her head. It’s a sad commentary on the horrible double standard we have towards domestic violence in our society. I’m truly shocked and amazed ANYONE could defend her after reading this.

  39. I don’t like Farrah or Jenelle, and I’m glad they are off the show, but if they were fired then Amber definitely has to go.

    1. Exactly! Amber has more right to be fired than Farrah, and that says more than enough!

      The Ashley said Farrah was fired mostly because she was impossible to work with, but in the end they fired her for doing stuff in the adult entertainment industry. That’s much less a reason for firing someone than proven domestic abuse!

  40. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Team Andrew and James all the way!

  41. Bubby. What up? Explain that man? Explain how your sister is so much better than she was before. I don’t give a fuck what he said to her you don’t put your hands on anyone especially if they’re holding your kid, a kid, whatever. Come in Bubby. Justify that one for us. Cat got your tongue Bubby? Yeah, I thought so. Just reading that was disturbing enough. I can’t believe people treat others like that.

    1. Agree 100% Ispeakthetruth. I will NEVER watch this monster on television ever again. She’s a bully sociopath, and I cannot in good conscience support making her an even wealthier woman. Shame on Mtv, and shame on the other cast members for supporting Amber. She deserves NO support. She needs to hit rock bottom before she’ll ever learn from her monstrous behavior. It’s truly horrifying how many peopls defend and enable this horrible woman. I’m finally done with TM. Mtv has created some true monsters.

  42. But he couldn’t just take the baby and go. She’s the mother. Any court would have ordered him to leave the baby with her. Which he obviously knew would be unsafe. Without any proof of her not being capable to take care of a baby, custody always goes to the mother. And even if she secretly wanted him to take the baby and leave, she would have never in a million years admitted that online. Because she knows it would make her look like a bad mother. So she would have probably accused him of kidnapping or something. He didn’t have a choice but to get documented evidence of why James would not be safe with her.

  43. To everyone saying oh it sounds fishy, he “set her up” by recording her… First of all, that does not matter. She acted how she acted. If she loses all control of herself to this extent, that’s on HER, no matter WHAT the other person is doing. You could record me 24/7 secretly for life, and nothing even remotely close to this would ever come out, no matter who was picking a fight with me, or if someone was purposely staying calm while I was upset. Because I am stable and in control of myself. Nothing Andrew could ever say or do “MADE” her act like that. She’s a grown woman, responsible for her own actions and words. Whatever he was saying or doing is irrelevant. You need to be able to have some self-control around other humans, especially when one of them is your own child.

    Second, the vlogger discussed this issue already. Of COURSE Andrew was aware he was taping it. Any DV counselor or advocate will tell you to get audio so it is documented and so you have proof. No one believed Andrew before these tapes, right?! So he was smart to do it. Exactly what he should have done to protect himself and his son in any upcoming custody cases, court cases, charges against him, etc. Amber has already told the world that everything he had said was a complete lie. And thousands and thousands of people believed her. But now there is actual concrete evidence that he was not lying. He did exactly what he should have done.

    He hasn’t hit her, he didn’t take off and leave James with her, he didn’t cheat on her, he tried to make this relationship work for a couple years now. If recording her without her knowledge is his biggest offense, round of applause. Because if someone talked to me the way she talked to him, I would’ve been long gone back to California.

    Please imagine the situation reversed. Can you even imagine one person defending a man for acting like this? He’d be raked over the coals worse than David Eason. Everyone would have buckets of sympathy and concern for the victim. But instead the entire internet is blaming the victim here. That is seriously troubling.

    1. Well said shea.
      I’ve never believed amber not at all, druggys lie and manipulate.
      And she’s crazy crazy off the wall.

      Team Andrew.

  44. And yet she still wasn’t taking birth control after James, remember the episode where she thought she was pregnant again? Why scream about how you didn’t want a baby when you are clearly having unprotected sex? She is seriously delusional acting like she has the power to ruin someone’s career, she thinks she’s some A list actress.

    1. You are 100% right @soulmate I had completely forgotten that she thought she was pregnant again. I agree she is delusional, plus she has a very overinflated ego. She is a narcissist everything is about themselves. She acts like she thinks very highly of herself. Always acting like she needs a pat on the back for doing what the rest of do on a daily basis. You know, like not breaking the law, doing drugs, going to jail, taking care of our children etc. why does she think she deserves some award? She needs to go hang out with David and Janelle because she’s just like them.

  45. She should lose custody of James and also any visitation of James and Leah.

    She’s insane, she cannot continue to blame this behaviour on her mental illness, no excuse for this at all.

    So Og girls, how does it feel to support this fucking fruitloop!!! Shame on you for choosing $$$ over the victim.

    Sack her with immediate effect and jail this bitch.

    Gin&Tonyac and bubby, what do you have to say about this ?????

    You enabled her to abuse and verbally abuse shame on you.

  46. This is sad. She’s having a mental break. I take everything I said about him just wanting her money but he should’ve left for the babies sake and never came back instead he was egging her on. Totally not his fault but he knew she was hitting him with the baby in his arms because she wanted him to just take the kid and go… save the baby and run, fool.

    She is insane and needs to be in a mental hospital, pronto, and never again be around that little guy.

    1. My ex loved to egg me into a breakdown, record me freaking out, and send it to my family. It is humiliating, controlling, and plain shitty to do. It makes a crisis worse.

      I don’t feel sorry for Andrew at all. He knew all this, and targeted her. He used her and he loves looking like the baby’s hero. Here’s a tip, though: if he triggers and abandons the mother of his child during all this, he will 100% abandon his child during mental health BS later in life.

      He is making her worst fears and circumstances happen. I go a little nuts FOR her. Amber needs to get away, get inpatient help, and give up her parental rights.

      This is why I never had kids. So incredibly hard to read.

    2. @marie – When you say he “should’ve left for the babies sake and never came back” you actually suggest that he should leave the baby at Ambers “care”? Beacause that is what would have happened. A parent can’t take the kid and run, that’s called kidnapping and would for sure result in Andrew doing time and be stripped of custody. He needed proof (as you should know, since you didn’t belive him?).

  47. I’m not defending Andrew by any means because all he had to do was google Amber and see what a trash bag she is,was, and will probably always be but no one deserves to be abused like that. This bitch is delusional and she will never take accountability for herself. She will use her mental illness to justify all this but its a load of crap she is just a horrible person who thinks way to highly of herself. Amber’s a loser and that will never change!

  48. I don’t care what Andrew did in his past, he should get FULL custody and take baby James and RUN FAR AWAY! Amber’s parental rights to James should be TERMINATED. She is disgusting trash, always has been, and always will be. I will NEVER watch Teen Mom again as long as she’s on it. Anyone who supports her is TRASH

  49. C’mon girl, you can’t seriously just blame him for your pregnancy! It takes two to tango! And even after that, there is the morning after pill and abortion. Stop making excuses for your recklessness (and if rumors are true, she was pregnant with Matt too but had a miscarriage). So yeah, it didn’t happen just once. YOU LIAR!

    I guess when he asks her to take her medication, this whole thing was not just because she is insane but also because she didn’t take her pills! I KNEW she is lying she is taking him. I’m wondering if Amber doesn’t deserve jail…but a mental institution, she could be a threat for other (female) prisoners.

  50. Why on earth would he stay in the house with her raging like that?? And have his kid around that?? She told him to GTFO, and he just stayed there trying to reason with crazy?? Not blaming him, because he was the victim, but this is insane. These recordings have sealed her fate. No judge should allow her to have any custody of her son…she didn’t even want him in the first place, so I dunno why she’s fighting for custody now. Just sign over your rights.

    1. Same reason some women stay with their abusive husbands even though they have kids – you get so beaten down or you think you can change them – if – if you just say things nicer, or if you don’t do that, or if you don’t do this then maybe they won’t hit you or berate you that day. It’s an awful situation to be in and you can’t see clearly when you are in it.

      1. ehhhhh, once she started wielding weapons around, basically threw James at Andrew, and told him to GTFO….it was time for him to GTFO…at least for the night. He sat there and was trying to reason with a woman who just tossed his baby at him and was being very physical with the both of them. You never know how anyone will react in a situation like that, but something’s not right with Andrew either. He got into a relationship with a documented spouse beater, and made a baby with her….he too needs therapy. Something’s not clicked too tight up there with him either. BTW I am in NO WAY team Amber. She seriously needs to be institutionalized and lose all rights to James.

    2. She fighting for custody is get back at Andrew and make it look like she’s a good mom even though we all know she’s not. And I bet that’s why she’s never tried to get full cuddles of Leah back because she knows she doesn’t actually want to be a mother

  51. This is disgusting and disturbing. No matter what screws this girl has loose she can never take back what she has said. She is literally screaming vile words I wouldn’t say to an enemy let alone the father of my child. She is a grown woman and she is blaming him for getting pregnant. I mean seriously this is insane. I guess she forgot there is such thing as adoption or abortion. If she didn’t want a baby until the magical age of 32 than she shouldn’t of kept baby James. It is really simple and the fact that we can hear James in the background and she is is hitting and screaming at his father like this in front of him is heartbreaking. its even more scary that james isn’t crying or screaming in fear. That goes to show you that this is the environment he us use to living in.
    Theres no more excuses or explanations that Amber can try and say to the press. The proof is in the pudding and “set up” or not, this is how Amber “sends love” to the two ppl who should be getting the most love from her. This whole situation is sad. i pray for baby james and leah ?

  52. This is disgusting and disturbing. No matter what screws this girl has loose she can never take back what she has said. She is literally screaming vile words I wouldn’t say to an enemy let alone the father of my child. She is a grown woman and she is blaming him for getting pregnant. I mean seriously this is insane. I guess she forgot there is such thing as adoption or abortion. If she didn’t want a baby until the magical age of 32 than she shouldn’t of kept baby names. It is really simple and the fact that we can hear James in the background and she is is hitting and screaming at his father like this in front of him is heartbreaking. its even more scary that james isn’t crying or screaming in fear. That goes to show you that this is the environment he us use to living.
    Theres no more excuses or explanations that Amber can try and say to the press. The proof is in the pudding and “set up” or not, this is how Amber “sends love” to the two ppl who should be getting love from her. This whole situation is sad. i pray for baby james and leah ?

  53. This woman is insane!!! She is a bully!!! She has major anger problems. The fact that she displays this behavior in front of her little boy is sickening. Amber needs real life consequences for her actions.

    I can’t wait to see Amber supporters defend this. I wonder what brother Shawn has to say now. I bet money she beats the crap out of him too.

  54. She is absolutely disgusting.such a narsisitic sociopath. It’s always everyone elses fault. She never does anything wrong. I feel very bad for andrew. Amber is manipulative drug addict
    She doesnt deserve any of her kids. Shes just as bad as jenelle.

  55. Please done assume. We have cameras outside and in EVERY ROOM of our home for security reasons. You bet we have bedroom ones in place because a house in our development had a break in and they went into every bedroom while the entire family was asleep. I’m happily married and this is peace of mind when home and away.

  56. I hope the courts allow this as evidence in the custody case. I didn’t want to get pregnant with any of my kids when I did, but I’m so glad I did because I love all three more than words can describe. I don’t understand how a woman can carry a child in her belly for nine months and not give a shit about them. Amber is SORRY, plain and simple. She doesn’t deserve her children.

  57. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    If a woman had recorded her abuser,she would be a hero!
    But now it’s a man who recorded his abuser and he is setting her up?!
    What a double standard!
    I would record everything if my partner threatened me with stabbing me in the neck,at least they will know what happened with him if he ends up dead!
    And she never wanted those kids!
    Sorry excuse for a mother!!!

  58. I was okay listening to her rant until I heard that sweet babies voice! She does not deserve a child if that’s how she acts in front of them!

  59. She needs to have no access to her children, back to jail or institutionalized for a long time. This girl is so toxic. She will either kill herself or kill someone else if she doesn’t get help.

  60. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
    Hey “Bubby” still waiting on the “truth” to come out. You personally have witnessed her doing this stuff towards MANY people! Does she actually have to kill someone before you admit that she is wrong? You’re a prison guard who claims to live the law, well talk is cheap, make a statement denouncing her actions and vow to get her help! Nothing wrong with loving your family but don’t denounce some people then blindly defend your sister. You’re the “man of that family” then act like it!

  61. Wonder what good ‘ole brother Bubby has to say in defense of his fucked up sister now? ?

    Oh, and Gary, Catelynn, Maci,Cheyenne and Dr. Drew.. how does it feel to know you’ve been supporting an abuser? Maci whining about Rhine’s threats towards Taylor, but apparently, it’s all gravy when her pal Ambien does it. Morons, the whole lot of them. Putting their ignorant heads in the sand to be sure that money keeps on rolling in.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
      Its sad that ppl think locking up someone who was in a bipolar relapse is very sadning. Your part of the problem…being uneducated about mental health conditions. Andrew knows this and antagonises the situation. If he truely loves her and James, he would never manipulate her condition like he has.

    2. Gary and Kristina keep it civil with her because of Leah. And I respect them so much for that.

      As for Maci, Catelynn and Cheyenne they are so pathetic, the sold their souls to MTV for money. I’m sure deep down Maci and Cheyenne think this woman is insane but they were under contract to show up to her court case and film. Catelynn supports her because let’s face it, Cate is a shitty mother too who hides behind her mental illness also. Birds of a feather flock together.

      As for Dr. Drew, that man is a joke. A quack who never holds Amber accountable for her bullshit.

      1. This was incredibly accurate. I always got the sense that Maci probably thinks Amber and Catelynn (but mostly Amber) are insane but keeps it cute. And Cheyenne is new so she probably wants to get along with the rest of the cast

      2. I think MTV is in part responsible because they coddle these girls and make them believe they are so special. In the real world girls in this position struggle every day and pray they can pay rent and have all they need for their children and the children TRULY come first . This show proves nothing and is the total opposite of real life truth. MTV and Dr. Drew should be ashamed of their behavior in promoting these adult age children and making them believe that they have any business trying to advise young girls on how to handle teen pregnancies.

      3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
        I think MTV is in part responsible because they coddle these girls and make them believe they are so special. In the real world girls in this position struggle every day and pray they can pay rent and have all they need for their children and the children TRULY come first . This show proves nothing and is the total opposite of real life truth. MTV and Dr. Drew should be ashamed of their behavior in promoting these adult age children and making them believe that they have any business trying to advise young girls on how to handle teen pregnancies. Some girls on this show have learned nothing and have several children with all different fathers. This is showing others how to be responsible? And then one of them an addict with mental disorders who can, when the camera is on act like she’s the victim and pretty much says as much. Dr Drew so sincerely backs her up. Really ? This show is a tragedy and god help the young girls watching who may feel if you get pregnant, you get rich.

      4. I have never seen a truer comment on here than this one! You could tell when they went to that weird vacation, Maci and Cheyenne have no idea how to deal with Amber’s mental issues. Gary and Kristina are keeping civil with Amber and they have more patients than I do cause I would of cut Amber off from Leah a long time ago. And Dr. Drew? HA he shouldn’t even be called a “doctor”

      5. Hiya Jill, sorry for the delay in my response.

        I agree with you on Gary and Kristina in that they deserve a hat off for putting Leah first. It takes a big person to not only forgive someone that abused them, but to co-parent with them as well as Gary does, it’s a great thing. However, supporting Amber during something like this isn’t beneficial to Leah (in my opinion). Leah knows more than they likely give her credit for about her mother. It isn’t beneficial to her (Leah) to see everyone continually holding her hand (Amber that is) and coddling her. Amber needs to actually face some consequences in her life and one of them should be a cold, hard dose of reality and Leah should see that is how things work. Also, as great as G and K are, I do also feel a lot of the support these folks, them included, are giving Amber, is done to protect their own income interests as well.

        Agree 99% on the the cast-mates, everything except it being a contractual obligation to support her at court (for filming purposes). I think they too are protecting their income and it’s probably likely that MTV suggested they go hold her hand in court if they wanted the show to continue. Maci has a stale story-line. Cate and Tyler do nothing more than pump out replacement Carly’s and Cheyenne is so busy throwing stones at her ex’s girlfriend, for something she herself is guilty of too, that she can’t see that she jumped on board of a sinking ship with this whole TM gig.

        Drew is joke, 100%. I dunno if you listen to the podcast “Your Mom’s House“, but I find it odd that he seems to do a complete 180 on his stance with borderline personality disorder depending on who’s ass he’s kissing at the time. He’s ridiculous.

  62. I’m sorry but not excusing her behavior at all but all these audio’s sound like they were made on purpose. Get her all upset and then record her.. And I am no means an Amber fan. I know 100% you all are gonna not agree but to me its just too fishy.. esp with his constant repeating what she said. And we know now also that he had cameras places inside the house even the bedroom.

    1. If anyone can be provoked to act like this, they DESERVE to be exposed and lose custody rights. She is unhinged and unstable. I’m glad he recorded her. She shouldn’t be around that child.

      If someone talked to you like this, are you saying you wouldn’t try to set up a recording so you had evidence that could be used against them? Because anyone with sense would do that.

    2. If he is baiting her, it is probably because he was sick of her abuse and wanted to get James away from her, but he needed absolute proof that she is physically and emotionally abusive to both of them.

    3. Let’s say for argument sake that Andrew did egg her on and pushed her buttons on purpose, that still DOES NOT EXCUSE THIS BEHAVIOR!!! Especially in front of her son.

      If someone is bothering me and antagonizing me, I remove myself from the situation, that’s it. That’s what a normal level headed person would do.

      This audio just shows how Amber is not in control of her emotions and that makes her an unsafe person to be around with. She is not fit to be a mother till she gets her emotions in check and works on her anger.

    4. I’ve been in abusive relationships where I’ve had bones broken, but I couldn’t *prove* it was him, or that he was abusive. So I’ve baited my ex into saying shit on recording just so I’d have some proof, so I could take evidence to court and provide evidence that he was threatening me and beating me. Unless you’ve been in exactly his situation, you have no right to judge.

      Besides, most people have been baited into arguments at some point in their life. Most people don’t physically attack others, especially when they’re holding a baby

      1. Eight Fingers Farrah ~
        Agreed! And glad you got out <3 Just wish in this situation their baby wasn't present for this crazyness…

    5. Genuine question…if this were the other way around, the woman recorded the husband abusing her…would you question why the recording was made? If this was done purposefully, I would think it had more to do with Andrew trying to get his ducks in a row to ensure he be able to secure custody of James to keep him away from this psycho. And for those saying he baited her so he could catch her freaking out and hitting him on recording…did you say the same when JWoww released the video footage of Roger throwing her to the floor?

    6. She KNEW cameras r there. She could not control her anger. It’s that simple. U do seem like ur defending her. Blaming Andrew for getting her upset. Who gets that upset in front of a toddler? A horrible parent that she continues to prove that she is

    7. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (token) *]
      It’s called PROOF. Great idea.

  63. Did anyone else figure out how Amber got pregnant? Does she know? I’m sure this audio is going to help Amber with her custody battle and stay out of gel.

    1. You can’t “set someone up” to say those nasty vile things about your own flesh and blood. I don’t care how riled up and angry my man makes me, I have NEVER said I didn’t want my children or said any of those disgusting things to him in front of them. You can’t defend what’s indefensible.

      1. A joke of a mother and has no business being Around children let alone having them. Her anxiety and postpartum depression is just a crutch to be abusive towards people. I’m sure she’ll lose custody and that’s what she gets. She should have to get a real job and be fired from MTV because I’m tired of seeing her laying on the couch doing nothing with her life and crying all the time, playing the victim.

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