“90 Day Fiancé” Star Larissa Dos Santos Lima Files Police Report Against Ex-Boyfriend Eric Nichols Claiming Harassment

“I just can’t seem to findee a good man.”

Larissa Dos Santos Lima, star of 90 Day Fiancé and the ex-wife of Colt(ee) Johnson, has found herself in yet another messy breakup. 

According to The Blast, Larissa filed a police report against her ex-boyfriend Eric Nichols on September 18, claiming the 26-year-old has been harassing her. This week, Larissa revealed that Eric has also been harassing her friend Carmen (whom Larissa has lived with since her divorce from Colt) by sharing private messages from her social media account.

Take it down a couple of notches, Ericee.

“90 Day Fiance” blogger John Yates stated on his Instagram that Carmen threatened Eric on social media that she would take legal action regarding the now-deleted posts and she also called him out for allegedly mistreating Larissa during their eight-month relationship. Carmen encouraged Eric to “be a f**king man and move on,” adding that after breaking up with Larissa “every single day” he should be “happy she finally accept[ed] the fact it did not work out.”

Larissa announced her split from Eric earlier this month, eluding to the fact on social media that the two had parted ways peacefully.

“After 8 months of being Erickee’s girlfriend I have to tell my followers that we have decided to break up and go our separate ways,” Larissa shared on Instagram, while poking fun at her tendency to add “ee” to certain words and names. “There is no hard feelings or regrettees, but I need to look in my own soul and focus on being the best Larissa I can be.”

Eric later disputed Larissa’s comment when he oddly revealed by way of his Instagram bio that he had to find out about he and Larissa’s breakup from his mom, who saw it on Larissa’s Instagram.

“Dumped by a girl on 9/11? Thru a post? My mother saw 2 call to tell me about? I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER 2 BE ME & 2 rather die on my feet than live on my knees,” Eric’s profile read shortly after the breakup.

“Oops! I knew I forgotee something!”

Eric then decided to retaliate against Larissa by teaming up with Colt for some since-deleted social media photo ops featuring both of the guys, Mother Debbie and even the infamous slot machine.

As for Larissa, it appears that she is currently single.

“Look out, single gentlemenee!”

RELATED STORY: Larissa Dos Santos Lima of ’90 Day Fiancé’ is Reportedly Seeking Treatment for Anxiety & Depression

(Photos: TLC; Instagram)

15 Responses

  1. Larissa needs to go home and tend to her kids. She has become a joke. I would not have left my kids for Colt and maybe if I had realized my mistake after getting to the USA, I would have focused on making a good life so I could bring them with me. She goes from one loser to another looking for easy money and her kids are just a distant memory. Someone like this will continue to get what she has because she cares about material things, vanity, and morals and motherly instincts are not even on her list.Trash will only attract trash.

  2. It was very clear he was only with her in hopes of getting on TV…and that picture with Coltee is just weird, they’re all just so weird.

  3. Who will want to date Larissa now? Each one of her relationships the courts, criminal charges, arrests and Police are involved. Larissa’s pr representative/agent needs to be fired asap. They do not have her best interest involved. She is ruining her public image

    1. Nobody ruined her image but herself. She wanted an American, she wanted money, and she wanted fame. She fell on her face! She should have returned home when things didn’t work with Colt. She has kids! But it was more important for her to jump into another relationship so she could be on another season of 90Day. Nobody is to blame but her. Her choices, her mistakes.

  4. Why doesn’t Larissa put as much effort into raising the children she already has in her country as she does on her dating life?

    1. Love this comment, Tom! Couldn’t agree more! She obviously is not a good mother. She’s too busy jumping from guy to guy trying to find a sugar daddy that can pay for plastic surgery and lip injections.

      1. She is an awful person. I do not think she will ever have a long lasting relationship. She is materialistic and doesn’t respect people.

  5. They are all batshit crazy and should just get it over with and move in with each other! I have to say though I couldn’t help but laugh ? looking at the photo ops pictures!

  6. This guy should just wear a sign “pay attention to me! ” Trying to piggyback some kind of fame, what a poser. Go away.

    1. Yes…deport her already. Any man who ends up with this woman will be doomed. She is a snake. Take her ass off this show.

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