Mackenzie McKee’s Mom Angie Douthit Stops Cancer Treatment; ‘Teen Mom OG’ Grandma Prepares to Enter Hospice Care

Mackenzie McKee recently shared a heartbreaking update on her mom, Angie Douthit, who has been battling Stage 4 cancer since January 2018.

On Friday, the Teen Mom OG star asked her fans to pray for her mom and the rest of her family, writing that Angie has been in the hospital and that she and her family are hoping Angie makes it to Christmas.

“As many know, she was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago- and every day for two years (well it will be two years Jan 2nd)- she has made a motivational post at 3:30 AM on the dot,” Mackenzie said on her Instagram Stories. “And this is her first morning she hasn’t. She’s in the hospital. Things have grown, things are not looking good, and we will be celebrating Christmas early as a family this year.”

In an Instagram update posted on Friday (with the help of her daughter), Angie revealed that her cancer has grown substantially and that she will no longer be undergoing treatment. She will soon be moving into hospice care.

“Today was a little rough. Scans showed results that were not good. The cancer has grown in the liver and in the brain,” Angie wrote. “There is also some hemorrhaging in the brain. I will have two more doses of radiation and that will be the last treatment I will be given. I should be able to go home in the next few days. We have decided to have hospice come in when I go home for some extra care. I haven’t been able to open my eyes all day and my head has been hurting badly. Kaylee has had to help me write this post.

“I’m not sure what to say… other than How God told me early in my diagnoses that He would heal me but I would have a long dark journey to take. I’m starting to think this is what He meant by long dark journey. So please pray for me that I will be strong and be able to stop vomiting. Also please pray that I will be a mighty warrior for Christ. I love every one of you. I thank you so much for your prayers.”

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1 Corinthians 15:55 “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” Today was a little rough. Scans showed results that were not good. The cancer has grown in the liver and in the brain. There is also some hemorrhaging in the brain. I will have two more doses of radiation and that will be the last treatment I will be given. I should be able to go home in the next few days. We have decided to have hospice come in when I go home for some extra care. I haven’t been able to open my eyes all day and my head has been hurting badly. Kaylee has had to help me write this post. I’m not sure what to say… other than How God told me early in my diagnoses that He would heal me but I would have a long dark journey to take. I’m starting to think this is what He meant by long dark journey. So please pray for me that I will be strong and be able to stop vomiting. Also please pray that I will be a mighty warrior for Christ. I love every one of you. I thank you so much for your prayers. #alwaysbekind #staystrongmightywarrior #itsonlycancer

A post shared by Angie Douthit (@angiedouthit) on

On Twitter, Mackenzie asked fans to pray for Angie to not be in pain anymore.

Everything hurts right now and she is miserable,” Mackenzie wrote.

Angie— whom we first met on Mackenzie’s 16 and Pregnant episode before she moved to Teen Mom 3 and then Teen Mom OG— has kept her fans updated on her cancer journey through Instagram. She also wrote a book called God’s Plan, which was released in March 2019. 

After Mackenzie shared the update on her mom, many fans were eager to help with donations. Mackenzie shared that her family hoped to be able to pay off the home that Mackenzie’s parents live in.

“She has a fear of leaving my Dad with a house bill,” Mackenzie shared on Instagram. “My entire life my Mom was a school teacher. She owned a daycare, she was a school teacher. My Dad’s been a custodian since I was born. They’ve- I lived in the same house my entire life. They still live in that same house. I think they’ve been there for 28-30 years. I don’t know.

“But you guys really, really helped me and I have so many followers that if everyone could give me one penny it would be enough to pay her house off,” she added. “I know it’s Christmas time. My Dad does not want to see a Go Fund Me. He thinks that’s asking- he doesn’t want her to be worried. He wants to probably sell the house and move, but she wants him to be able to stay there. It’s their house. It’s what they’ve lived in. It’s what they had the daycare in.”

Mackenzie also shared a paypal email address that fans could use to donate.

If you’d like to donate (via Paypal) to help Angie, you can do so by sending it to

(Photos: Instagram)

32 Responses

  1. God Bless You Angie and May you be at peace!!!I’ve watched you from the moment you been on teen mom, are you such an inspiration, so sad and I’m so sorry, God bless you and your family!!

  2. Just saw that her mom passed away on Monday. How sad. I read she was in pain though so at least she’s no longer suffering.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Angie passed away last night. This is so heartbreaking.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your mother oh, nothing will ever prepare you for this ugly disease and the process that it takes. My mother battled throat cancer and beat it. But then it spread to her lungs and her brain also. She also had to stop chemo and she came home on hospice. That is the best thing that you can do for your mother and for your family enjoy each and every moment with her, smiles memories, and overwhelming love. And when she slips in a coma please believe she will still be able to hear you, and she will want everyone’s blessing to tell her it’s okay to go, be at peace and sing with the angels! I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers, especially your mother.

  5. I have lost 4 very close and beloved family members to Cancer including my Mom and Dad. It is especially hard at the holidays with so many empty spaces and missing faces. Hospice is an outstanding organization in every way. The Hospice Angels who came and cared for my Mom with such genuine, love care and compassion were amazing human beings. Not only did their visits provide physical and emotional relieve to my Mom, they took us, the care-takers to heart and enveloped us a virtual hug while providing support to us in our darkest days. I am sorry another family is going through this. Cherish every moment with your Mom but know, one day we all change what we pray for when our loved ones are dying.

  6. when will people learn that it’s not necessary to add in the “i hate ___ but..” or “i never liked ___ but..”

    leave your condolences or nothing at all. i’m sure her mother wouldn’t enjoy reading “hey i don’t like your daughter but im praying for ya” people are gross.

  7. Lost my mom to cancer on December 28 when I was 8 years old . I was never even told that she was sick. If you still have your mom in your life love on her, hug her, tell her that you appreciate everything she has sacrificed for you to have the childhood/ life you have.

  8. I’m happy she finally entered hospice care. I work in nursing and people do not realize it is a lot more then just waiting to die. It’s about enjoying the time you have left. It’s about being comfortable in your home instead of constant stays in the hospital and painful treatments. Both my parents did hospice care. And I am always thankful they did.

  9. So very sad to hear this. Prayers and good thoughts to Mackenzies mom & family. Also condolences to all the commentators who have lost a loved one to cancer in the comments. My step dad passed away from from pancreatic cancer on Valentines Day 5 years ago. It’s heartbreaking watching a loved one deteriorate and pass way before their time. I hope everyone here who has lost someone to cancer knows they are watching over us and can find some comfort & healing knowing they are no longer in pain & suffering.

  10. I hope Angie finds peace and Mackenzie spends time with her mom without posting things on social media. Every second is precious. Thankfully I still have my both parents (although I almost lost my dad last year) and am eternally grateful for them still being in my life. I miss my grandparents, I only have one grandma left and love her to death. Every loss is hard, especially if they pass away so unexpectedly.

  11. I cant stand mackenzie.

    But this is truly hesrt breaking.
    I lost my mother to cancer, and it was the worse thing to happen in my life, so my love and thoughts, go out to the whole family.

    Im so very sorry to hear this.
    So very very sad.

  12. I was never a fan of Mackenzie, but my heart goes out to her. I watched my dad die of cancer, and there isn’t much worse than watching a parent pass on. I hope she can find some comfort in this painful and difficult time, and that she seeks therapy to help her process her emotions.

    1. I’m sorry to hear this, I lost my mum to cancer, it is so hard to see them go through this.
      Hugs to you.

  13. I too lost my mom to cancer in her 57th birthday. It was 13 years ago and her absence in my life is felt everyday. I feel her around me which comforts me at times but does not replace her words of wisdom her soft beauiful hands and her amazing hugs. my heart goes out to you and your family but take comfort in knowing that she will never be gone she will always watch over all of you accept she will no longer be in pain. prayers to you all

    1. Sorry to hear this, my mum was also 57, when cancer took her away.
      It was her birthday yesterday, and I miss her so very much

      Hugs to you x

  14. Heartbreaking and a reminder to be kind to everyone as you don’t know what they deal with behind closed doors. Hug your loved ones extra tight every day.

  15. Hospice entails a doctor assumes a patient has less than 6 months to live. Angie has stopped cancer treatment, so is the money being donated going to be used for the funeral or hospice care itself? This isn’t really specific.

      1. I guess my comment came off quite insensitive, this probably wasn’t a good time to post it. My point was that MacKenzie seems to doing frequent fundraising. She had a fundraiser for her own breast implants a few years ago; $20K she tried to raise.

        1. I don’t think it’s ever going to be a good time to wonder if the money went towards hospice or funeral costs. You don’t really think after her mom’s death, it would then be okay to ask such a callous question?

          Personally I don’t care if she tried to raise money for augmented breasts. It was $5,000 and not $20,000 by the way (source: this website). I don’t see what it has to do with her mom needing money to cover the costs of her dying/death.

          1. I know. I was asking when you thought a good time was to ask your question. It’s not a good time now and wondered if you thought your question in bad taste would be appropriate after her death. Personally I think it’s never a good time and have no idea why it matters to you whether it’s for hospice or funeral arrangements. Who cares? Then bringing up that she tried to raise money in the past for breast augmentation… just a tacky post all around from you.

    1. The money is going towards paying off her parents mortgage. Angie is worried about leaving her husband with all the bills on his own and they think it will help ease her to know that things will be taken care of when she’s gone.

  16. Watching someone die is horrible. I hope Mackenzie seems therapy. She’s had years of anxiety and fear. God bless.

  17. It’s so heart wrenching reading this. I remember Dr Drew saying that Mackenzie should seek counselling to deal with this inevitable outcome. I hope she did. I’m 38, and thankfully still have both parents alive- fit and well, at 72 and 69. The thought of loosing them is unbearable. It’s been on my mind a lot recently as my husbands father passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly aged 62. No chance to say goodbye or tell him he was loved. My husband has gone on to loose 3 aunts, making it 4 huge losses in 3 months. I hope they get to have time together as a whole family

  18. Ugh, I feel so badly for them. I lost my stepdad on Christmas Day to cancer..I wouldn’t wish that experience and pain on my worst enemy. I’m no Mackenzie fan but I seriously feel so heartbroken for their family. No one should go through this around the holidays. I hope they spend every minute they can together ??? #FUCKcancer

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