Any fans still hoping to see a happy ending play out for 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days couple Rosemarie Vega and Ed Brown should probably go ahead and halik that idea goodbye.
In a video posted online and later shared on the 90 Day Fanatic Instagram page, Rose spoke out about what fans have seen this season on ‘Before the 90 Days’ regarding her relationship with Ed. While viewers have seen the couple engage in quite a few cringe-worthy encounters thus far, Rose says she’s most embarrassed by Ed’s treatment of her on-camera, and she warned fans that he isn’t who he says he is.

“Ed, how dare you to make me embarrassed in front of million[s of] people,” she said on the Instagram Live video. “These people don’t believe him is fake, he doesn’t really care of me.”
For those who have yet to dive into this season’s cesspool, Ed traveled to Rose’s home in the Philippines to finally meet Rose face-to-face and within the first few days, he accused her of having a promiscuous past; suggested she take an STD test before they got down and dirty; called her out on-camera for not shaving her legs; and questioned her about her social media following.

Later, once they had arrived in Rose’s Caloocan village, Ed seemed shocked to find the accommodations were, well… what they were, despite the many video chats these two had prior to their meeting.
After one (disturbingly sweaty) night in Rose’s home, (and a quick visit to her father’s pig farm/house) Ed was ready to hightail it out of there to a place where sheets have a higher thread count and his showers don’t have to go down like this:

Ed’s culture shock was somewhat justified given the extreme conditions Rose lives in, and surprisingly, he did manage to keep things polite when he was in front of Rose’s family during the brief visit. However, Rose went on in her video to warn people online and viewers of the show that they didn’t know the real Ed — one whom she says is “fake,” “doesn’t really care” about her and is only seeking fame.

”He just want to be famous, that’s why he doing that,” she said. “He did not even give me a penny, this is all lies. He did not give me any gifts except bra and panty and the word that come from [his] mouth is lies … it’s not true.”
Rose also claimed that Ed did not care for her son, Prince —- despite the young boy referring to Ed as “daddy” on the show —- and denied that her sister ever contacted Ed for financial support, as it has been portrayed this season. Rose said she “feels hurt” by Ed’s actions and asked fans to not believe Ed’s side of their story.
“He is not always caring for me, it’s not true, OK,” she said. “Please, don’t believe Ed. It’s not always true what he said.”
While Ed continues to relish in the new fame he’s gained from the show, someone who isn’t a fan of his is Tarik Myers, a former ‘Before the 90 Days’ star who’s girlfriend, Hazel, also happens to be from the Philippines. Last week, Tarik fired back after Ed referred to himself as the “most authentic in 90 DF franchise history.”
“Most ‘authentic’ in 90DF franchise history? You misspelled ‘creepiest,’” Tarik wrote on Instagram. “1. You’re not even the most authentic cast member who’s story was about the Philippines OR to be featured on Before the 90D. 2. I took great pains to RESPECT the Philippines culture and their poverty struggles when we filmed. You make Americans look intolerant and callous. 3. You better be glad I’m not on Pillowtalk bc I’d be flaming yo goofy a**.”
Tarik also defended Rose in an Instagram comment for being a young mother and putting “herself at considerable risk speaking out publicly, directly and in the detail she did,” calling her a “braveheart in my book.”
Big Ed had a response to the hate he received from Rose, Tarik and the show’s fans. On Friday, he posted a video explaining how many people online told him they love him versus how many told him to “go f**k himself.” You can see the results in the Instagram video below.
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(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
27 Responses
Sorry I accidentally put a ‘thumbs down ‘ I actually upvoted you٪.
Wouldn’t touch little Ed with a ten foot pole
They all kind of deserve each other. Tarik is a violent moron, Ed is creepy and awkward, and Rose is in it for the money as is her family as evidenced by the facebook messages. So enjoy that toothpaste and mouthwash sweetie to get all of the little swimmers out of there. Everyone got what they wanted and lived happily ever after arguing with each other on social media because that is what adults do lol.
Ed’s hair is pure gas, fire. What a head of lettuce on that bro, pure flow.
stay lit
Guess rose doesn’t know that Ed showed us the text messages from her sister asking him for money. ?
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That short fat Ed is repulsive and no neck he’s rude and ugly to Rosemarie.
Ed is creepy AF! No doubt! I found it hilarious that he thought he had a right to criticize anyone based on appearance. And, his personality isn’t banging either! As far as Rose, she’s using him as much as he is using her. The only one I feel bad for is the son being groomed to be calling this tiny human “Daddy” by his mom who should know better!
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Your a horrible human being!!!!
Yeah rose is fake I can’t stand ed but those text messages are real from her sister asking for money then she takes it upon herself to just take money out of his wallet then acts like a 5yr old getting on a plane all the red flags are there she wants 1 thing to get to america anyway she can and as far as her breath yeah that’s nasty as hell use mouth wash poor country or not you can afford it and a damn razor now that is just gross as hell but yet she has designer clothes on and brand new tennis shoes and she states she never received anything from him not too mention having her son call him daddy come on rose grow the hell up old enough to have a child now act like an adult !!!!
Yeah rose is fake I can’t stand ed but those text messages are real from her sister asking for money then she takes it upon herself to just take money out of his wallet then acts like a 5yr old getting on a plane all the red flags are there she wants 1 thing to get to america anyway she can and as far as her breath yeah that’s nasty as hell use mouth wash poor country or not you can afford it and a damn razor now that is just gross as hell but yet she has designer clothes on and brand new tennis shoes and she states she never received anything from him not too mention having her son call him daddy come on rose grow the hell up old enough to have a child now act like an adult !!!!
Yea, I don’t feel sorry for Rose, on the show she prompted her son to call him daddy. You could see the look of disgust on her face when she first saw him at the airport, but she was happy as a kid in a candy store whilst on the plane to that resort. Don’t get me wrong Big Ed is weird and gross and just as bad as she is, I think it comes out as a wash in this situation.
Ed is so creepy. The things he’s said to Rose are awful, and the way he says them are as if he’s telling off a naughty child! He’s ? Has “small man syndrome” and acts like an entitled prick! He showed no respect for her culture and little interest in her son. If he wanted to get to know Rose more, surely getting to know her as a mother was equally important too. Why not take Prince on their mini vacation? I just hope that Ed leaves her well alone and that Rose benefits from being on the show more than him
Their story line makes my stomach turn. Anyone man or woman that desires to sleep with someone young enough to be their child is a sick fu*k and needs their ass kicked. Lisa, Angela , Darcy, David , and Ed the mucinex man are downright disgusting pieces of shit
Love the “mucinex man” comment !
So because I’m 34 and my fiancé is 54 and his daughter is only five months younger than I am, that makes us sick pieces of shit?
Ed should know by now that Rose don’t love him. He saw how she lives and what kind of life she has. Of course, Ed is a good catch, her ticket to America to have a better life. He should also know that if a woman is in love with him,he could tell by her actions. You could see from her face how she fills about him. If he is a smart guy, he should she all the RED FLAGS.. They’re not even married her family is trying to use him only for money. He should back out,don’t propose he doesn’t really know her. He could find a much much better woman,not from the Philippines because he will get someone like Rose. Most Philippine women like American men just to go to America for better life.
Let’s be honest. We know what young single mother, poor, third world country Rose really wants. She brought up money, money and money when she was trying to explain how fake Ed was. “He didn’t give me a penny” Does he need to? Also, why is her son calling him daddy? I will tell you why! She wants financial support for her child, just like the girl from the other season (leida) did.
The man looks like a thumb.
This insults thumbs everywhere.
Yeah, you sold your soul for a meal ticket. I have no sympathy for you.
And Rose isn’t fake? She’s in it for true love right? Pot, meet kettle.
Thos guy is effing hideous, no wonder hes got to buy a bride from another country.
Why did Ro$e continue to be with him then if he was so di$respectful to her? I’ll tell you why…a generous American with $$$$ that’s why. How much money is she making selling her story?
You misspelled ‘creepiest’….hahaha I love Tarik
This guy is the walking cautionary tale of what happens when you hold in too many farts.