Grab your used party supplies and your helicopter-flying brother – it’s time for another episode of Counting On!
We kick off this episode NOT at The Compound (thankfully), but rather in Los Angeles with Jinger and Jeremy, who are entertaining their friends James and Seung Hye. While settling in, the Vuolos tell Seung Hye and James (and James’ sad, sad mini man-bun) that they’ve planned a “snow to sand” adventure for them all to go on while they’re in town.

The Vuolos’ houseguests are pumped for the weekend plans and probably even more so when Jinger tells them about the kind of tomfoolery her family partakes in on the regular back in Arkansas.
…And right on cue, we head to Jessa and Ben’s house to hear all about the latest example of said-tomfoolery: John-David’s Dadchelor Party. To explain this super complicated concept, we go to Joe, who is as quick on the uptake as he is to lick up an entire stack of dirty dishes.

Joe goes on to provide an even more detailed explanation of a dadchelor party and for some reason, the producers allow his rambling to continue. (They must’ve seen him practicing really hard with his notecards and decided to throw him a bone – one that he likely picked up and gnawed on as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.)
Joe, Ben and Jessa (because these two need constant adult supervision) decide to have steaks for the dadchelor party because it’s “real man food.” They also decide to play a Diaper Olympics game that involves playing basketball with dirty diapers because, Duggars.

Joe, Ben and The Spurge – who has received confirmation from Ben that he’s a boy and therefore allowed to attend the dadchelor party – then head to the meat market to get their shop on.

As if the idea for this last minute dadchelor party didn’t seem bad enough, we find out it’s going down at Jed and Jer’s bunk-bed bachelor pad. (We can assume that they had Jana come over and tidy up all the signs of their new single, risque life— empty Capri-Suns and a secret “Home Alone” DVD—before the guests arrived.)
And, because no ‘Counting On’ episode would be complete without ol’ Jim Bob shoving his big head into the camera shot, he invites himself to the Dadchelor party too. (I’m praying to the Baby Jesus that Jimmy B refrains from telling the guys stories about the first time he impregnated their mom, but you can bet your khaki Dockers Jim Bob will find a way to make this all about him!)
As for the others’ party attire, everyone has traded their colored polo shirts for “Awesome Uncle” tees. (Josh wasn’t invited, but we know his shirt would have said “Dirty Uncle” instead of Awesome Uncle.”)

Unfortunately (because the producers obviously hate us all), Jim Bob is then prompted to give us his best dad joke.

We’d tell JB not to quit his day job, but we’re pretty certain he doesn’t have one anymore.
Back in LA, it’s time for the “snow to sand” adventure Jeremy has been hyping up like he gets a kickback for luring unsuspecting out-of-towners on these trips. The group kicks off their adventure at the Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain, which coincidentally, is the nickname Michelle bestowed upon her blessing chute years ago back when it, too, was known for providing “year-round fun.”
While Felicity sits on the concrete playing with a ball of ice with her babysitter Madison, Jinger, Jeremy, James and Seung Hye grab their tubes and head to the top of the mountain. Seung Hye (a Duggar at heart) decides to turn the activity into a competition once she’s had time to size up her opponents.

After taking their tubes for a spin, the group heads to the Alpine Slide where Jinger demonstrates one of the many benefits of throwing on a pair of pants and leaving The Compound.

Back at the dadchelor party, “man of the hour” John finally arrives to celebrate with his family in his usual monotone manner. Because the guys are really looking to blow John away, they kick off his party with the diaper basketball game…

Despite this game being played almost entirely by people over the age of 18, all participants are far too invested. (Seriously, this game went on forever.)

Once they’ve tired of tossing soggy diapers, the guys gather around the coffee table to eat steak off of paper plates like real men. (Joe & Co. really had to use their plate-licking skills to lap off all of meat bits from those Chinets! It’s no easy task!)

While eating from their laps, the Duggar guys ask John how things are going at home with baby Gracie and John basically admits that Abbie is doing all the work.
We’ll give you a moment to recover from your shock…
Before ending the party, Ben leads the group in offering John some words of support and John’s brothers thank him for being such a great role model when he was still living at The Compound. (God knows the same can’t be said about their oldest brother, Josh.)
Jim Bob then asks John what he’s misses about “being in the boys room,” to which John gives a solid response.

Back in California, Jinger, Jeremy and their friends arrive at Venice Beach for a day of picnicking, which consist mostly of giving Felicity different food and constantly wiping sand from her hands.

While eating/eventually ignoring Felicity’s demands, Jinger and Jeremy tell their friends they want to start taking time to do more in order to really stick it to Jim Bob and Michelle for low-key doubting their decision to move away.
Though Jeremy was referring to him and Jinger doing more, James misinterprets the comment and decides he and Jeremy need to take an impromptu plunge in the Pacific Ocean. Jeremy is on board, so the two decide to make it happen – just as soon as they’re done eating and flying kites.

Back in Arkansas, it’s time for another Duggar family gathering. With the blessing-birthing portion of this season having already ended, we’re back to the family’s second favorite thing: needlessly over-the-top gender reveals.

This time, it’s Joy and Austin who are doing the revealing, and they’ve gathered the whole damn town family to do so.
In what could possibly be the worst timing ever, Joy and Austin explain the difficulty of coming up with an original idea for a gender reveal and how they ultimately decided to enlist John and a helicopter to do theirs.
Oh, did you know that John is a PILOT?

Fortunately their gender reveal goes off without a hitch, but can this family just agree to have Jim Bob reach his hand into a vat of colored tater-tot casserole next time?
That’s all for this week!
‘On the next episode of ‘Counting On,’ Jana takes a trip to the hair salon where she is grilled relentlessly about her love life, while her family builds her a surprise greenhouse at The Compound to guilt her into never leaving. We also get to see a get together among the new moms and their headband-wearing blessings.
To read The Ashley’s other ‘Counting On’ recaps, click here!
(Photos: TLC)
5 Responses
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Funniest shit ever. Chelsea and The Ashley are freaking hilarious. Always cracks me up.Love you guys.
I choked on my sandwich at hair nubbin’. I’ll finish reading this when I’m no longer having lunch at work. The Ashley recaps should come with a safety warning 😉
Lmao I came down here to say the same thing. The man bun killed me. And I’m eating lunch at work too!
Thank you for these recaps!
They make me want to watch the show, but also thankful that I don’t…
?? The snow to sand idea actually sounded fun. Not with Jeremy though.