MTV Releases Trailer for “16 and Pregnant” Season 6B: Meet the New Girls & Read About Their Crazy Backstories!

None of them better tell their mom, “Nothing else worse can happen!” We all know how that worked out for Jenelle…

Last fall, MTV brought back 16 and Pregnant, the show that started the network’s (seemingly never-ending) voyage into the world of teen pregnancy. The sixth season of “16 and Pregnant” kicked off in September (after a six-year hiatus for the show) and introduced us to six new knocked up teens.

This week, MTV revealed that there are even more pregnant girls (and their assorted baby daddies) coming to our TV screens. Five new girls will star on what The Ashley believes is the “B” season of Season 6. (All of the previous seasons of “16 & P”— except for Season 1– had at least 10 episodes, and so far Season 6 has only had six episodes.)

From what The Ashley can gather, the five girls casted have crazy backstories— from estranged parents to weird living arrangements to baby daddies with multiple knocked up girlfriends! 

Let’s take a look at each girls’ story and meet their babies and baby daddies! 

Abygail Reade & Adrian Castro

Abygail is from Henderson, Nevada, and is still with her baby’s father, Adrian Castro (who is 20 years old). They have been together just under two years and are the parents of Ava-Rose Elaine, who was born January 17, 2021.

Abygail graduated from high school when she was 16 last year, and then started college at UNLV. She plans to become a nurse and go into the gynecology field.

In a YouTube video posted to her channel, Abygail states that she got pregnant while on an IUD.

In a statement to Hollywood Life, MTV revealed more about Abygail’s back story.

“Abygail is a gifted honor student who graduated high school two years early to pursue her bachelor’s degree at age 16. She had her future all planned out, so it was a shock when she found out she was pregnant. Now managing a complicated pregnancy, she is hopeful that her boyfriend Adrian can step up and help her raise their daughter.

“Her mom offers them a lot of assistance but Adrian’s mom relies on him to help support the household, which is adding stress on both the families and the young couple.”

Taylor Luck & Armani… and Desmond Townsend

Taylor is from Wisconsin and, from what The Ashley can tell, is currently still pregnant with a baby boy. (It appears that she’s due in March, but The Ashley can’t confirm this.)

Taylor may have the most-interesting dating history of the bunch. She is no longer with her baby’s father, Armani. Her current boyfriend, Desmond Townsend, is not the father… but he is a friend (or former friend?) of Armani’s.

According to MTV, Armani blocked all of Taylor’s texts and social media accounts, one week before she found out she was pregnant with his child.

“The news was devastating for her and a huge disappointment to her parents. Soon after, she found support in Armani’s friend Desmond and they started dating. Now, with her pregnancy fast approaching, she’s struggling to figure out how to maintain her current relationship with Desmond while also ensuring that Armani is an active part of their baby’s life.”

.She attended the Wisconsin National Guard Challenge Academy for five months before getting pregnant, and appears to be very close to her mother. 

Shelby Stults

Shelby gave birth to her daughter, Alaya LeRae, on December 20, 2020. She is currently 18 years old and hails from Springfield, Illinois.

It does not appear that Shelby’s baby daddy is in the picture currently. She does, however, mention him in the trailer, telling us, “My ex has a six-month-old baby with a different girl.”

According to MTV, “Shelby is preparing for the birth of her baby with her ex, who already has another baby with his on-again, off-again girlfriend. Despite their unique situation, Shelby is very close with her ex’s family and hopes they will be supportive when her baby is born.”

Around the time she got pregnant, she had been working to launch a scented lip gloss company. 

Kyla Jones & Jaboire Ellerbe

Kyla, 19, has a son named Kasen Lamont, who was born on October 5, 2020. The father of Kasen is Jaboire Ellerbe, whom Kyla has been with since January 2017. They hail from the Charlotte, North Carolina, area. Jaboire was on the football team before he graduated from high school last year. 

The living situation of Kyla and Jaboire is crazy. Kyla lives with her aunt because she doesn’t always get along with her mother. Jaboire also doesn’t get along with his mother…but he does get along with Kyla’s mother. In fact, he lives with her. (Got all that?!)

According to MTV, “the couple always had a great relationship, until Jaboire was forced to choose between hanging out with his friends or maintaining the safety of Kyla and their baby due to COVID-19. While adjusting to the demands of motherhood, Kyla finds herself struggling to navigate this new territory with Jaboire while also trying to mend her fractured relationship with her own mom- which is even more complicated due to their living situation.”

Kyla recently launched a prank show on YouTube with her cousin Dee.

Selena Gutierrez & Sean

Selena is 16 years old from Fountain, Colorado. She gave birth to her daughter Dareli Marie, on October 7, 2020. She comes from a huge family, and it is unclear if she is still in a relationship with the baby’s father, Sean.

In the trailer, we see someone (who we can assume is Selena’s mom) tell her that she and Sean are “babies having a baby.” (To prove this point, it appears that Selena is still sleeping on a bunk bed.) We also see Sean telling Selena that she “don’t give a f**k about her” and that she doesn’t “give a f**k about your kid!” 

According to MTV, “Selena’s family does not approve of their intense and often rocky relationship, which is making it difficult for the young parents to settle down. Complicating things even more, Sean’s mom Mary has a debilitating condition and he often feels torn between caring for his mom and being there for Selena and the baby.”

To make things even crazier, Selena’s sister gave birth to a daughter just six days before Selena had Dareli. Selena’s sister named her daughter… Yareli.

Watch the full season trailer below! 


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RELATED STORY: Former “16 and Pregnant” Star Nikkole Paulun Announces Pregnancy & Defends Having 3 Baby Daddies

(Photos: used with permission from @youngandpregnantcasting; MTV; Instagram; Facebook) 

15 Responses

  1. I’m sure these ladies will be a great addition to the MTV franchise. The truth is as long as people watch and rating are decent, Producer Morgan Freeman will continue this shit. Janelle, Farrah, Amber,Kail, Catelynn, ect…and their children should sue MTV.Everyone who watched these train wrecks, myself included, is part of the problem.

  2. This whole chain of 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2, Young and Pregnant, etc. has now become a show where people are trying out for it just to become famous. Like let’s get pregnant and apply to MTV.

    My daughter just turned 16. I pray everyday that she doesn’t get fooled for that one second it takes to get pregnant because her life plans will go in the garbage.

    1. Makes me wonder what kind of person you are considering you’re criticizing the name someone chose for THEIR baby. Maybe the name has a personal meaning behind it. Maybe it was the name or middle name of a close family member or friend.

  3. I think these shows have run their course. It was interesting and taboo when it first started now 10+ years later it’s a rinse and repeat of everything we’ve seen before. Yawn. And if you’re 18+ you are an adult and shouldn’t be on a teen pregnancy story.

  4. A few of them seem like wannabe Chelsea’s ? how are teens still getting pregnant AND GETTING PUT ON TV FOR IT

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