Maci Bookout’s Mother Sharon Speaks Out About Maci’s ‘Teen Mom OG’ Drama with Ryan Edwards & His Family

“I don’t wanna hear no sass-mouthin’ either!”

Ryan Edwards‘ mom and dad have been involved with his drama with Maci Bookout for years, but now Maci’s own mama, Sharon, is offering her two cents on the family crisis. 

Sharon— who appeared on Maci’s 16 and Pregnant episode and throughout the earlier seasons of Teen Mom and Teen Mom OG— rarely appears on the show now, although she maintains a close relationship with Maci. However, she recently weighed in on the Maci/Ryan/Mackenzie/Jen/Larry drama on social media— and took a shot at Ryan’s, um, “new look.”

“Whatever. I know I look good.”

As The Ashley previously reported, the Edwards Family was let go earlier this week from ‘Teen Mom OG,’ after Maci and her management team went to the network’s higher-ups and insisted that her storylines focus on her ventures, rather than Ryan and his family. (You can read all about that here.)

Anyway, Sharon came out of a seven-month Twitter hiatus to weigh in on the drama between her daughter and the Edwards clan. While she didn’t specifically name names, it’s quite obvious who she was referring to.

“It didn’t take a day to do the damage. It wont take a day to undo it,” she wrote.

“It takes a lot of hard work and time to regain trust and forgiveness. Some people just don’t wanna do the work.”

“What makes you think I don’t like to work? Oh…wait…”

The week before, when Maci tweeted about “that girl” (aka Mackenzie) talking about Bentley during a ‘Teen Mom OG’ scene, a fan posted a photo of singer Kenny Rogers and joked that it’s “Ryan” (due to Ryan’s new dusty gray ‘do), Sharon shot back, “Don’t do Kenny like that!” 

In his first post-firing interview, Ryan told The Sun that Maci wanted his parents off the show because she is afraid they’ll reveal her secrets.

“Maci is in fear that my mom and dad will start telling the truth,” Ryan said. “She will always fight to have us off the show.

“MTV does not really stand for anything we believe in or support,” he added. 

The state of the relationship between the Bookouts/McKinneys and the Edwards is a far cry from where it once was. As fans remember, Maci was once extremely close to Jen and Larry, even inviting them to her wedding to Taylor McKinney and having them to watch her other children. 

Jen and Sharon also had a very good relationship. Bentley’s two grandmas were good friends, vacationing together and hanging out for holidays and events. 

Bentley and all his grandparents enjoying time together back in 2013…

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Maci Bookout Allegedly Gets Ryan, Mackenzie & Edwards Family Fired From ‘Teen Mom OG’

(Photos: MTV; Twitter) 

51 Responses

  1. I’m guessing MTV doesn’t stand for heroin abuse, or being antagonistic and belittling towards children, or a liar, or…all the things that describe Rhine and his family.

    I’m glad he’s off he show. He’s a L O S E R! and his family has turned into a bunch of lying liars.

  2. Does anyone else think that from the looks of the pic of both sets of grandparents with Bentley that Sharon might have had a crush on Larry?

    I mean, why is she sitting between Jen and Larry instead of beside her own husband?

  3. Please believe Ryan it’s still on drugs. He Vapes on the show, that’s THC. Then the nodding and scratching his nose with that heroin High. You could care less about gettinga Strait. Macy and her husband have done nothing but the right think in this whole situation.I have
    Watch the show since day one and you’ve done absolutely nothing as a father to your son Bentley. I watched him say I do not want to go to my dad’s house. It’s on the show he said it all on his own and everybody needs to respect his wishes. When he gets old enough, trust me he ain’t going to have nothing to do with you dude!!! I feel sorry for the other kids you have made. Going to be a deadbeat for them too.

  4. Focus on other issues? How about being on a show that refers to you as a “teen” when you haven’t been that in ten years. Other issues? Like telling your son about the birds and the bees on national television. Or about how neither you or your husband have no job skills. Let’s face it. The only reason for the show to exist is definitely not to watch it, but for writers like the Ashley and others to make fun of what losers all of you are. And that I guess could be your story line.

  5. Ok I will says this AGAIN! What secrets could they have on maci that could even compare to the things Ryan has done!?
    Really clear— MTV is done supporting them and they don’t like it!.
    MacKenzie has caused all of this with her deceiving snakey ways! Everything was a lot better before she came along!

  6. Macy has never abused him. People twist stuff to where they see fit. I can relate to her trying to have a relationship and fitting her significant other into Bentleys life. He needed and needs a father figure since Ryan has never stepped up! She may of did things differently than some but you tell me one mother that has not made a bad judgment!
    She is looking out for her son! The Edward’s should of supported their grandson instead of upholding and enabling their son and his gold digging wife! Ryan did better with Bentley when he was single. I think Mac has a lot to do with the reason why the whole Edward’s clan has changed!

  7. Did anyone else ever see Ryan so attentively holding Benny when he was a baby? Because I don’t! He’s always holding his other two kids and PAYS quite a lot of attention to them! Ryan has issues with Maci because she broke his heart. That happens a lot to boys first loves. There angered by it. Maci gave Ryan many chances to be a good dad to Benny, he chooses drugs over his child. Maci calls him out on his bullshit, Mack worships Ryan so, she doesn’t dare to call him out. Anyway that’s my Opinion. ?

  8. Taylor called that shit right in that clip they showed of the reunion. The Edwards always put on Bentley to mend the relationship with his father. THAT’S NOT HIS JOB!!! It’s NEVER a child’s job to make the parent feel good/never feel bad.

  9. “MTV does not really stand for anything we believe in or support,” he added.

    Ryan only believes the bullshit coming out of his own mouth, and he doesn’t /stand/ for anything. Hell I’m pretty sure doordash delivers his heroin now.

  10. If you think about it, everything was pretty much copacetic between the Edwards and Bookouts until Mack got there. The writing is on the wall, and the Edwards don’t want to read it. Mack is/was using Rhine for a check, and as soon as it’s solidified that TMOG isn’t coming back at all, she will file for divorce within 6 months. If the Edwards think Maci is a bad co-parenter, they have no idea how awful and spiteful Mackenzie is gonna be. She’s gonna get him for child support of 2 kids AND alamony. They better buckle up. The girl is a snake in some seemingly very tall grass to the Edwards. Sad Jen and Larry won’t just be grandparents to Bennie and not pick sides.

  11. Those kids have been filming for 12 years. They are getting older. Time to cancel the show. I used to love the show, now I just read the recaps. it hurts to know Bentley is going through his on tv. His classmates prob see his daddy on tv looking and acting like that.

  12. I agree.

    I wholeheartedly agreed with Maci when she said, “I’m waiting for the day that Bentley just says that’s it, I’m done, I’m out.”

  13. Absolutely don’t like either Ryan or Maci. Long before the drug use started Maci said that there wasn’t anything Ryan could do to make her think he was a good parent. She decided long ago that whoever she ended up with would be Bentleys father figure. Does anyone else remember her telling a toddler Bentley that Kyle was more of his father than Ryan??

    Ryan is trash and a terrible parent but Maci is also. They are both emotionally and mentally abusive to that boy.
    I hate that MTV airs the continue manipulation and abuse for all to see.

    1. Maci was seen saying numerous times prior to the drugs and jail saying that when he’s single he was a much better person and father.

      Now Mack is in the picture and Ryan is all of a sudden a perfect little angel!!!

    2. How is Maci abusive in ANY way to Bentley?? All she has ever done is support him in any indever he has ever wanted to explore!!! She and Taylor have told him that if he wants to talk about ANYTHING without judgement they are there for him, she brought up going to therapy because she felt he’d feel more comfortable expressing his feelings to someone that wasn’t a parent or family member.

      1. Macy has never abused him. People twist stuff to where they see fit. I can relate to her trying to have a relationship and fitting her significant other into Bentleys life. He needed and needs a father figure since Ryan has never stepped up! She may of did things differently than some but you tell me one mother that has not made a bad judgment!
        She is looking out for her son! The Edward’s should of supported their grandson instead of upholding and enabling their son and his gold digging wife! Ryan did better with Bentley when he was single. I think Mac has a lot to do with the reason why the whole Edward’s clan has changed!

  14. “Tell the truth,” is so cliché… Such an empty threat on this show. I don’t want at all these days, but im glad they got the boot. Now they can sit in peace without the cameras talking about how Maci ruined everything…

  15. Maci’s mom isn’t wrong with anything she said. The Kenny Rogers comment is amusing. Why is Ryan speaking out against MTV? They’ve supported his lifestyle the last decade and his drug habit. He must be bitter AF.

  16. Oh Ryan…”MTV doesn’t stand for anything we believe in.” Like what? Enabling your laziness and neglecting your children? Looking the other way while you’re high off your ass? Seems MTV has done a great job of that over the years.

    And here we go with another threat to reveal all of Maci’s secrets. How about you guys just come out with whatever it is already and stop with the hinting around?! Every time they’re pissed at Maci, they start with this. Like Mack wouldn’t have spilled everything already if it was really that scandalous. The Edwards clan needs to stop pretending that they’re so high and mighty; we know better.

    1. Midnight+Ravioli when Ryan says “MTV doesn’t stand for anything we believe in” he is referring to the Edward’s support of Trump verses MTV’s clear “left” agenda.

      1. @LAMPSHADE I disagree, Tyler’s mom and stepdad are pro Trump and they haven’t been let go.

        So, I highly doubt that had anything to do with them being let go.

    2. Seriously, I’m so sick of them threatening to reveal Maci’s big bad secrets. First, unless she killed someone, how bad could it be compared to the damage Ryan has done all these years. Second, I find it hard to believe that if there really was something big to say, Ryan or Mackenzie would’ve said it by now. Third, how about put Bentley first and not keep threatening to reveal his mother’s big bad secret every other month.

      1. Let’s not forget that Ryan in one of his many drug induced stupors threatened to come to Taylor and Maci’s house and put a bullet in his head, a house that not only housed their children but Ryan’s son as well.

        1. Well said. It’s not easy to get a no contact order. They also tried to facilitate Ryan to be able to still see him. At some point you have to move on. His whole family is enabling an active addict. It’s just crazy.

          1. Yeah. I hope him and his family getting fired is the first step to him hitting rock bottom so he will get the help he needs.

            He has to realize he needs help, nobody can make him see it.

            I dont see it happening, but miracles happen everyday.

    3. Yeah, Maci has been on TV for 12 years. Do you really think she has been able to keep skeleton’s in the closet? No way! MTV or someone thirsty for a payday from TMZ would have outed Maci and Taylor’s dirty deeds years ago. Stop trying to deflect, Ryan.

      Also, it’s possible for you kid to hate you without being poisoned by the other parent. Bentley is 12. He isn’t an idiot. The fact that he is willing to say, on camera, that he doesn’t want to be around you means the problem is you, Ryan—not Maci.

      If nothing else, Ryan, you have time now to change as a parent for your other children. Be a better father to them than you were to Bentley. Prove us all wrong by working hard and raising good, kid, respectful, hard working children. Prove to us that Maci was wrong in her criticisms of you. And for the love of Peter, Paul and Mary PLEASE do something with your hair and get a real damn job.

    4. I agree of which most that you said but I do think Maci has some dark secrets! I’m here for it. We get to hear the dirty dirt and everyone of her coworkers .. she should not be immune. I believe Ryan’s parents could have begged Mack not to say anything because it would hurt Bentley. But I think they’re overlooking the fact that Macy has probably some dirt on them that she hasn’t spilled either.

  17. Look at all the relationships Ryan has single-handedly ruined. The damage he has done to both families and especially to Bentley is beyond reprehensible.

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