‘Sister Wives’ Star Janelle Brown Admits She Has a Poor Relationship With Her Sister Wife Robyn; Kody Says Janelle & Christine Don’t Want to Be Robyn’s Friend

“Why don’t you cry about it, Robyn? Oh…wait…”

Kody Brown‘s family continues to fall apart.

During Sunday’s Sister Wives Season 16 (Part 2) finale episode, Kody said that his legal wife, Robyn, is not well-liked by his wife Janelle and his (now ex) wife Christine. Janelle and Robyn later acknowledged the tension between them, with Janelle admitting that she may not even want to fix her relationship with Robyn going forward. 

Kody– who is still spiritually married to Janelle as well as his first wife Meri— seemed angry that his wives are not buddies with Robyn.

“Frankly, other than Meri, I’m not sure the others would ever want to be [Robyn’s] friend,” Kody said.

Robyn– who, in the past, has expressed that she feels like the “Brown Family Scapegoat”— stated that her attempts to fix her damaged relationship with Janelle have been met with Janelle’s refusal.

“I had a conversation with Janelle recently where I said, ‘Hey, let’s figure this out. I want the good sister wife relationship. I know they exist,'” Robyn told host Sukanya Krishnan. “And she kind of said, ‘Well, you know, I’ll have to think about that.'”

“Just because I took over your family and basically stole your husband, that doesn’t mean we can’t be pals! Geez!”

Janelle seemed less concerned about repairing the damaged relationship between her and Robyn.

“There is some history there, in the past, that…I mean, my desire [to get along with Robyn] is there. but I’m kind of like, ‘Ugh, do I want to do this again?'” Janelle said, adding that Robyn made her feel pressured into answering.

“I felt like I was kind of being put on the spot. And I’m like, ‘I don’t know. I don’t know,'” Janelle said.

During his sit-down interview on Sunday, Kody stated that, in his opinion, his first three wives haven’t been accepting of Robyn.

“You hens better stop picking on my WIFE!”

“There’s a sort of pecking order,” Kody explained. “Meri was really hard on Janelle, and then Janelle and Meri were hard on Christine, and then Janelle and Meri and Christine were hard on Robyn. And Robyn’s going, ‘I didn’t do this to you. Why are you this way?'”

Christine acknowledged this in her own interview, stating that it was really hard for everyone when Robyn came into the family in 2010.

“There were a lot of frustrations and hurt feelings on both sides of it,” she said. “We all came out of this scarred, all of us did.”


However, she denied that she purposely excluded Robyn and her family.

“No, I never had any intention of alienating Robyn or her kids,” Christine said. 

When asked about Kody’s claims that Janelle, Christine and their kids had turned into a ‘clique’ that excluded him, Robyn, Meri and Robyn’s family, Christine denied that it was intentional. 

“I’m not trying to be. Janelle’s super easy. Janelle’s really easy. She’s lovely to get along with,” Christine said. “We kind of just get each other after all of these years.”

Janelle stated that some people didn’t want to associate with her and Christine because they weren’t following Kody’s strict COVID-19 rules.

“They could have come over! But we weren’t COVID-compliant enough for them!” she said. 

“Um…if you hadn’t treated us like COVID-spewing lepers for months, maybe things would be better, guys.”

The final part of the ‘Sister Wives’ Season 16 finale airs Sunday on TLC. 

RELATED STORY: Meri Brown Addresses ‘Sister Wives’ Fans Who Say She’s “Desperate” & “Pathetic” For Staying Married to Husband Kody

(Photos: TLC)

12 Responses

  1. I’ll never understand how 4 adults (Kody, Robin, Dayton, and Aurora) and 1 sixteen year old (Breanna) who are home all day can’t handle 2 kids (Ari and Sol) and need to employ a nanny. Yet Christine was able to be home alone for years with like 8 kids and raise them, while also homeschooling some of them. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

    1. Obviously Kody and Robyn need a nanny so they can do the “humpty hump”. Kody is used to getting it from 4 women and is now down to one..

  2. Poor widdle RobChin! Boo hoo hoo. Cry me a river with your fake tears. Waaaaa! Gawd, she is annoying. I’m surprised Janelle and Christine haven’t kicked her ass all these years. I’d watch the hell out of that.

  3. I love how they claim they joined this show to show us all how wonderful polygamy is. Instead, it just reinforced what we already knew. A man who would want multiple wives is a narcissist who is never going to be a good husband and there is no way that sister wives are going to have a harmonious relationship. You really showed us! ?

  4. When there are four people in a room and three of them have a problem with the same person, that person is the problem.

    Robin is the probably, but also Kody, but also Robin.

  5. Dear Kody:
    Thanks heaps for reinforcing what we already knew. Polygamy blows. Your silver lining in the debacle is well adjusted, intelligent, thoughtful children. Since you’ve made it clear the wives raise the kids, the credit to you is about 0%. We assume the show was to educate the unwashed masses re: polygamy. Yowzah. We knew it’s a bad deal. Now we know just how bad it really is! Here’s a tip: don’t let any future sister wives watch the show. Announcing you’re ‘great friends’ but not attracted to a wife isn’t a great advertisement for your scam oops I mean religion.
    Signed: the 21 women that still watch your a** on tv

      1. Dear Sobyn Robyn,

        Nobody feels sorry for you or your fake ass tears. YOU and YOU alone destroyed this beautiful dysfunctional family. And now you get to keep the “prize” alllll to yourself. Karma is a beeotch ?

  6. Robyn can bawl for 30 mins straight and not get red puff eyes. Her eyes will stay white the entire bawling session. Thats how you know its fake crying

    1. She also NEVER actually shed’s a tear!

      Sobbin Robin…
      Practice, FFS.
      You have a nanny & attempt to “cry” multiple times each episode and all these years later..

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