Former ‘Real World’ Star Madison Channing-Walls Claims In New GoFundMe That She’s Homeless, Weeks After Her Arrest For Assault

“Got money?”

Over the past few years, Madison Channing-Walls has kept a relatively low profile, but that’s changed over the last few months, with the former star of The Real World finding herself behind bars— and without a home!— after a brawl with a family member.

Madison— who appeared on ‘The Real World: Skeletons’ in 2015—started herself a GoFundMe over the weekend, asking fans for money to use to get herself a place to live. She stated on the fundraiser’s bio page that she “no longer [has] a home” and is currently sleeping on a friend’s couch. Madison— who shares her seven-year-old daughter Harper with The Challenge star Tony Raines— begged fans to donate up to her $10,000 goal so that she could get a home and try to regain custody of Harper.

While Madison didn’t disclose in the GoFundMe bio why she was no longer living at her parents’ home (where Harper resides), The Sun recently revealed that Madison is no longer allowed within 200 yards of her parents’ home, after Madison was arrested on March 27 for assault causing bodily injury against a family member who resides there.

(The Ashley is not revealing who the family member is. However, according to court documents obtained by The Ashley, the relative did take out an emergency protective order against Madison days after the alleged assault.)


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According to the incident report– which was obtained by The Sun— officers went to Madison’s parents’ home in Texas, where Madison and her daughter both lived. The family member told police that they had been hit “on the left side of the jaw” by Madison, as well as scratched, after she allegedly became violet during an argument. 

“The family member claimed Madison became ‘upset’ when the relative ‘cut off her phone service,'” The Sun reports. (The family member revealed in the court docs that they had been paying for Madison’s phone service.) 

The argument allegedly escalated when the relative claimed Madison was “yelling” while another family member was trying to put Harper to bed. The relative claimed Madison tried to go into Harper’s room but the family member attempted to block her entry.

“While blocking the doorway to prevent Madison from entering the room, Madison struck [the family member] in the face in the lower left portion of the jaw, which [the family member] advised caused pain,” the incident report stated.

“[The relative] further advised Madison scratched [the family member] on the inner portion of [their] right forearm, which bled and caused pain…”

The incident report states that redness and scratches were evident on the family member’s arm and face, and Madison admitted to striking her relative. That relative informed police that they wanted to press charges against Madison, and she was arrested. Two days later, she bailed out. 

As ‘Real World’ fans know, Madison battled an addiction to heroin before appearing on the show. When Madison’s relative called the police during the incident, they informed officers that Madison “has history with drugs” and indicated that it was unknown if she was intoxicated during the incident. 


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Weeks after her arrest, Madison– who briefly dated Teen Mom 2 dad Javi Marroquin— posted the GoFundMe, stating that she recently became homeless and that she was “humbling” herself by asking others for money. 

“You all are aware Harper lives with my parents currently as well as myself, up until recently,” she wrote. (Madison signed over custody to her parents in 2018. Madison’s parents battled Tony in court after they tried to get sole custody of Harper. They ended up agreeing to a custody plan in October 2018.) 


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“…This past month has been a complete whirlwind, & I no longer have a home… I’m not going into the details, because I’m not one to bash anyone or have a pity party… I want nothing more than to have a home for myself & my daughter & can have a bedroom of her own,” Madison wrote. “Then I can begin visitations & Harper eventually will start staying on overnights with me.

“My end goal is to regain custodial guardianship & my having a home is the first step towards that goal…”

Madison– who in 2018 had indicated in court docs that she paid her parents $50 a month in child support— stated that she will use any of the money earned to pay for housing. She also stated that she doesn’t want to live “paycheck to paycheck.” 

“This money would be life changing, so I won’t struggle paying [rent] at an apartment living paycheck to paycheck, & ultimately my goal would take 3 x’s as long to achieve,” she wrote. “If this GoFundMe doesn’t end up working out, of course I’ll do anything to achieve that goal… I desperately want to be the mother Harper & I both know & want me to be & this would help contribute to making that possible…”

As of press time, no donations have been made to Madison’s GoFundMe.

Madison is due back in court later this month.


14 Responses

  1. Here are my thoughts. Tony has a history of alcohol abuse and has shown his crappy irresponsible behavior multiple times. There is a reason he did not get full custody. Madison handed over custody of her daughter to her parents. She has never had any real responsibility other than taking IG pics. She doesn’t have a job, and was living with a boyfriend while her parents cared for her child. In turn, she assaults I am assuming her parents. She has unfortunately been enabled for years. It seems her parents are finally waking up and no longer enabling her behavior. I hope she can find stability, get a real job and be a responsible adult for her daughter. Although she is incredibly immature, she genuinely seems like a sweet girl when she is sober.

  2. So she isn’t a real mother to Harper, until it’s time for

    1. Getting some Instagram likes when she feels she looks hot, & pulls Harper in for a “mommy/daughter” pic

    2. Using Harper’s name & picture as part of a Go Fund Me for herself


    Also, GoFundMes in situations like this are exactly why those of us who have ever truly needed a GoFundMe in an emergency don’t feel comfortable making one. Because they have become a joke. Made for every stupid situation under the sun.

  3. So she isn’t a real mother to Harper, until it’s time for

    1. Getting some Instagram likes when she feels she looks hot & pulls Harper in for a “mommy/daughter” pic

    2. Using Harper’s name as part of a Go Fund Me for herself?


  4. Um, so get a job? LOL. NO ONE wants to be living “paycheck to paycheck” but we do it and make it work. She’s EXTREMELY lucky her parents are caring for her daughter. I wouldn’t be caught dead hitting either of my parents- especially if they were caring for my child. Harper could easily be in the system, with the circumstances- of not for Madison’s parents. I don’t know who this Madison person is or much at all about the situation either… never heard of her. Where is the dad of Harper? It DOES sound like behavior of an active addict though. At least one that isn’t living the life of one in recovery. You aren’t encouraged to behave like that sober. I hope she gets help and gets it together.

  5. Her GFM only has $5 in 5 days!
    She might want to get a job & get clean & not expect everyone else to take care of her.

  6. In specific situations grandparents get custody rights if they have been the parental figures in a kids life. It sounds like both Tony and the grandparents were ready to fight for full custody and in the end did what was best for the kiddo and have shared custody.

  7. I loved Madison on her Real World season. She was such a sweetheart. It’s so disappointing and sad that she’s going through this. Prayers for her, her daughter and the rest of her family.

    Also, why doesn’t Tony have full custody? He is that child’s father. He should have full custody. Why would her parents try to fight him in court?

    1. I don’t know why Tony doesn’t have full custody but I know that he fought for full custody. He has remained consistent in Harper’s life. I got the feeling that her parents fought him because Harper had been living with them and they felt like they were the “parental figures”. During the custody fight Madison was in rehab. Unfortunately she has relapsed numerous times and 7 years later doesn’t seem any more stable.

      1. He should have full custody if the mother doesn’t. It seems like he’s had his life in order for awhile now. He’s a dad to another little girl & she should be growing up with her sister & not her grandparents.

        1. Family court can be insane and unfortunately the dad is almost always the “last resort” considered by the courts. The child resided with them for a long time (& it sounds like Madison signed her custody to them) that’s why, as grandparents, they even had a say in court. It is sad that dad didn’t automatically get custody when mom relinquished hers. Maybe he wasn’t in a good place at the time & now that he is the court’s argument will be “well she’s already lives with these people for X years. Can’t move her now” At least he got some custody & they weren’t able to completely ice dad out

        2. I agree. I’m not big on Tony as a significant other because he cheats on everyone. But I have to say that he appears to be an excellent father and loves both of his daughters.

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