‘Sister Wives’ Stars Janelle & Christine Brown On Why They Want No Relationship with Meri; Why They Don’t “Trust” Robyn & If They’ll Continue to Film With Them

“And to think, we were once willing to spend eternity with these clowns!”

Christine and Janelle Brown say they’re done with their ex-husband Kody Brown— and his little wife, too!

The Sister Wives stars got somewhat snarky when it came to talking about Kody and his only remaining wife, Robyn, during a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight. Janelle and Christine— who both dumped Kody within the last three years or so after living in a polygamous marriage with him, Robyn and his other ex, Meri— say they want nothing to do with their former sister wives, Robyn and Meri.

Here, The Ashley has pulled out some of the most-interesting details revealed in Christine and Janelle’s interview with ET.

On why they don’t want to associate with Meri anymore:

Pretty sure that’s what they want, Mer….

“I’m not going to be friends with Meri, and I’m not gonna be close with her,” Christine said. “I wish her the best, however. I hope that she finds what she’s looking for. I know that she would like to have a romantic partner.”

As for why Christine doesn’t want to have a relationship with Meri, she said Meri has no place in her future.

“There’s just too much in the past that I’m just going to leave it in the past,” she said. “I’m not one to drag up the past, and go into counseling and figuring all the things out if I don’t need to. And I don’t need to.”

Christine admitted that there is a lot of “hurt” leftover from her time as Meri’s sister wife. 

“There’s some relationships that I’m going to keep and hold on to, people that benefit me and that I can benefit to,” she said. 

Janelle— whose struggles with Meri had been documented for years on ‘Sister Wives’— said that she, too, is fine leaving Meri (and her wetbar ‘o’ issues) in the past.

“I have no ill-will towards her, I hope she does well,” Janelle said. “I hope she’s happy but I’m really focused on what we’re doing, what my kids are doing; if I run into her at an event, it’s not going to be mean or, we’re not gonna ignore each other. We always say hi.”

(For the record, both Janelle and Christine were thrilled to see that Meri finally accepted that her marriage to Kody would never be fixed, and ultimately “terminated” the marriage in January.) 

“I’m so proud of her for making that step,” Christine said.

On where their relationships with Robyn stand currently:

“Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out, Eyebrows!”

Janelle and Christine say they also have no desire to associate with Robyn anymore.

“I’m not going to have a relationship with Robyn,” Christine stated. “I’m just going to have people in my life that I trust.”

When asked specifically if she trusts Robyn, Christine replied with a definitive “no.” 

“No, I don’t trust Robyn,” she said. “I think that she says one thing but I don’t see proof that she really wants it. So I’m just going to have people [in my life] that I trust, and I know have my back, and I can have theirs. 

“What comes out of her mouth, I don’t know, she doesn’t have the actions to prove that’s really how she feels, for me and how I see it,” Christine said, later adding, “I have no interest in digging up the past to fix a present relationship….I’m not going to do it.” 

Janelle said she is also out on being pals with Robyn.

“I really didn’t even have much of a relationship with her [before],” she said. “We just never gelled. We worked together as teammates for the sake of the family.”

Janelle said that she’s focused on what she’s doing currently with her kids and family but she’ll be “friendly and cordial” to Robyn and Meri if their paths cross.

“But I don’t really need to be friends with [Robyn] or seek her out,” Janelle said.

“But…but…what about all those extra porch seats I ordered! They’re just WASTED!”

On if they’re willing to film with Kody, Robyn and Meri for ‘Sister Wives’: 

While Janelle and Christine both say they’re committed to sticking with the show, the days of the whole gang sitting on a couch, commenting on a situation are over.

“Interviewing with them, sitting with them on the couch, no,” said Christine.

“Probably not,” added Janelle. 

The actual faces Janelle and Christine made when asked if they would sit on the couch with the Brown crew…

“I would not interview with them anymore,” Christine said. “They don’t need to know what’s in my heart, and what’s in my soul. They already did that. And I’m not interested in them being in my life. [I want] a lot of distance and a lot of boundaries…. They don’t get to have that part of me anymore. I only share that with Janelle.” 

Christine said that there will be times that she’ll be in scenes with Kody and her former sister wives, though. 

“You’ll see, in the next season, there’s a few times where we’re all in the same room together, for the sake of the kids and things like that,” Christine said, adding that fans shouldn’t expect to see any drag-out fights among the former Brown family adults. “We’re gonna be cordial because it’s about our kids.”

Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping to see a repeat of this Meri and Christine brawl…

“We’re gonna be adults, we’re gonna be mature…there’s going to be a few moments like that where we are in each other’s space, and we’re going to be fine,” Christine said. “And then we’re going to move on.”

On whether or not Kody and Robyn will stay married:

Both Christine and Janelle do believe that Kody and Robyn will stay married, due to the fact that they have real love for each other.

“I think their marriage is great,” Janelle said. 

Christine also agreed that her spazzy-haired former spouse will stay with Robyn for the rest of their lives. According to Christine, “they deserve each other.” 

Christine then made it clear that she did intend to put a little snark behind her statement.

“They completely deserve each other and I hope they really have the best life possible,” Christine said, admitting that she does actually want her former spouse and former sister wife to be happy. In fact, finding her now-husband David Woolley helped Christine understand how Robyn and Kody feel about each other.

“I know what it feels like to find your person…I know what I have with David, and now I can understand what they have with each other,” she said. 

On the possibility of Kody marrying another woman so Robyn can have sister wives:

“I want those ‘sister wife’ porch seats filled, Kody. Make it happen!”

Both Christine and Janelle stated that they don’t believe Kody will ever seek out another wife, despite Robyn’s (alleged) desire to continue to live plural marriage.

“He’d have to tell the other woman, ‘You know, you’re probably great but I really love Robyn, so I don’t know what you’re going to do with your life,'” Christine said. “I think she’s going to be it; why would they look for something else?” 

“He really does love Robyn,” Janelle added. “It’s great to watch them.”

On how they feel about Kody’s poor relationship with most of his kids:

During Season 18 of ‘Sister Wives,’ it was revealed that Kody has a strained (or non-existent) relationship with most of his adult children. This is one thing that Christine and Janelle both hope will change.

“I wish he had a great relationship with all of his kids,” Christine said, adding that she will do everything she can to help those relationships. 

“…who has a bunch of kids who hate him…”

“When I hear [Kody’s] coming into town, we do our best to put the brakes on everything that we’re doing to make sure that he can see his kids,” Christine– who shares one minor daughter, Truely, with Kody– said. “That’s the most-important thing for my kids.”

Christine said that some of her kids are “still hopeful” they will have a better relationship with Kody, and that she believes Kody actually does want to improve his relationships with them as well.

“That’s probably the goal, that he will eventually figure out how to have a relationship with his children,” Janelle said. 

Watch Janelle and Christine’s full interview below! 

RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Christine Brown Reveals How Her Ex Kody Gets Along With Her New Husband David Woolley

(Photos: TLC; ET)

6 Responses

  1. This is why meri had such a hard time leaving. You see how dismissive Christine was to her. Meri only had 1 kid so they don’t see her as a family member.

  2. As Christine sold her share of Coyote Pass to Kody for $10 there is nothing she can really do. However, Janelle and Meri need to take Kody and Robyn to court for a fair share of the property. As for Meri, I can understand why Janelle and Christine do not speak to her. From the first show she showed her true feelings concerning them and their children. I guess she really thought no matter what, Kody would love her and her alone. From the get go it was obvious Kody cared for none of them except Robyn. Plural marriage is horrible. Kody had the gall to say “love should be multiplied, not divided”. A stupid statement. His so called love has gone to Robyn and her kids. The kids from his so called other marriages have had their lives impacted by a jackass father who takes no blame on himself for anything. Frankly I think they need to pull the plug on Sister Wives. I am sorry Janelle has nothing to show for her life with a jackass. Christine, if her new marriage is as wonderful as she claims needs to concentrate on that and her youngest child. All the negativity does nothing but hurt Truely. And Kody and Robyn? It’s called get a real job.

  3. I wouldn’t want anything to do with Meri and I DEFINITELY wouldn’t want anything to do with Robyn so I can’t blame them on either front…Christine, Janelle, their kids and grandkids need to create their own show and leave the rest of then scrubs alone!!!

  4. I can’t imagine this show has much left in the tank.

    Christine, Meri and Jenelle want nothing to do with Robyn and Kody.

    Meri and Jenelle/Christine want nothing to do with each other.

    Most of the kids don’t want anything to do with their dad and moreover Robyn.

    I feel like unless Jenelle or Meri gets married in the next year we are done.

    Also, make them be in a room together, you want to get paid, well you have to film the tell-all, let’s go all RH on them, cage match style. And also get a better interviewer.

    I want her to hear more about how Kody is hoarding money in his and Robyn’s name, yet making Jenelle and Meri pay for the barren land filled with Coyotes. I want to hear more about how Kody had to take his name off Christine’s house so he could take out a cash-out refinance of Robyn’s hoarder mansion.

    I want to hear Jenelle and Meri demand that Robyn pay them back all that Victoria’s Secret Debt she got into and make them pay off, while she never worked, hemorrhaged money on my sister wives closet, and also paid for a full-time nanny, even though Christine was willing to take care of them, and they would all be probably alot more independent now if she did.

    I want Christine to take Kody to court for child support of Truly. And celebrate in the courtroom like Kody celebrating getting Robyn’s children’s father to relinquish his rights because he couldn’t afford to fight it anymore.

    I want to see Christine make out with David in front of Kody. I want Christine to say she finally learned what an 0rgasm was in her 50s in front of Kody.

  5. Honestly, I think they should refocus the show on Janelle and Christine and maybe have Mary as her own little thing because I don’t ever want to see Robin or Cody again for any reason. In fact, I don’t want to know what they’re doing. I don’t care what their immediate children are doing. I wish they would just fade away And go to the land of irrelevant people where they belong. Why would we reward somebody who’s been so nasty, selfish and narcissistically evil neither of them deserve the fame attention or money that comes with a TV show. Sorry about it. Not really though.

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