It’s official: Kail Lowry is engaged!
During Thursday’s episode of her Coffee Convos podcast, the former Teen Mom 2 star announced that she has accepted a proposal from her fourth baby daddy, Elijah Scott. The couple— who share three kids— currently live together with Kail’s other four children.
Kail— who, in the past, has expressed her reluctance to marry Elijah, due to her first marriage ending in divorce—- said that she didn’t plan on announcing the news publicly, but her co-host Lindsie Chrisley put her on the spot while the two were podcasting together.
In the middle of a talk about tattoos, Lindsie suddenly noticed a diamond ring on Kail’s left ring finger, prompting her to ask Kail, “Are you married?”
“No, I’m not married!” Kail, who seemed surprised by the sudden question, said. “This is the ring that they give you before you get married.”
“Oh, you’re engaged?” Lindsie asked to which Kail replied, “Yeah.”
Kail added that Elijah will be “extremely happy” that the news is out.

“I couldn’t really make an announcement [about the engagement] because I couldn’t really give you a time that he asked me to marry him,” Kail said. “It was just like [him saying], ‘When are we going to get married?’…It was, like, asking me to marry him all the time. And then one day he just showed up with a ring.”
Kail has stated on her podcasts that Elijah has proposed to her “so many times,” but she had never accepted the proposal. On Thursday’s Coffee Convos episode, Kail said she “didn’t take him seriously” all the times Elijah had asked her to marry him previously, due to him not having an engagement ring when he asked.
“So, I was just like, ‘We’ll play this by ear. I’ll let you know, if you have a ring one day, we’ll reevaluate,'” Kail said.
As for how the ‘proposal’ played out, Kail stated that Elijah– who, like Kail, is divorced– did not get down on one knee.
“We’ve both been married already, so we both don’t care about the whole, ‘get on one knee and make it all romantic and stuff.’ Because that’s just not how we are…He came into the bathroom one day while I was getting ready and he gave me the ring…I was like, ‘Oh my God, thank you!'”
Kail said she was grateful for the “casual” proposal.
“I don’t like being the center of attention, surprisingly,” she said.

“Don’t ever get on one knee because that makes me embarrassed!” she added. “I truly would have been happier if he had left the ring on the table and walked out! Like, why are we making this a big thing?”

Kail went on to tell Lindsie that Elijah is “a man of very few words,” so if he gushed about his love for Kail during a proposal she “would not believe him.”
“I would be like, ‘This is not you,'” she said.
Kail said Elijah “did a great job” picking out her engagement ring, which was visible in some of the videos posted of her podcast with Lindsie.

As for how this marriage will be different from her previous marriage to Javi Marroquin and her other relationships, Kail had some thoughts.
“I have four baby daddies, so I will be able to tell you what works and what doesn’t!” she said. “So now, going into a relationship and being with Elijah, I feel like this is the last one. If I’m not with him I’m going to stay single. I feel like I have enough experience, that I’ve dated enough people, been married, divorced, the whole nine.”
Over the past year or so, Kail has discussed the topic of marrying Elijah on several of her podcasts. In November, she stated on her Coffee Convos podcast that Elijah was “pushing for” her to marry him, but that she was unsure.
“I’ve already kind of done marriage once and I f**ked it up royally. So, I’m a little hesitant,” Kail said. “…I’m having a hard time now because Elijah wants to get married like, yesterday, right? But I’m like, I already made my vows to somebody and I didn’t even follow through with them.”
“I go back and forth with divorce and remarrying all the time,” she said at the time. “It’s something that I really struggle with. On some days, I’m like, ‘Yes, Elijah and I are gonna get married’…I want to, but I also have this internal conflict about the fact that I was married before and I made those commitments, and I made those vows, and I did not follow through.”

Kail didn’t specify when she and Elijah plan to tie the knot; however, a recent online outburst from her third baby daddy, Chris Lopez, leads fans to believe it will be soon…very soon.
As The Ashley previously reported, Chris appeared live on social media last month and announced that Kail is planning to tie the knot with Elijah next month.
“You’re engaged currently, getting married in September,” Chris said while talking about Kail. (He went on to rant about how Kail gave her own last name to the three babies she shares with Elijah, rather than giving them Elijah’s last name.)
Kail has yet to confirm whether or not Chris is correct about her and Elijah getting married next month.

RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry Says Fourth Baby Daddy Elijah Scott Is “the Cool Dad” to Her 7 Kids: “He’s An Angel On This Earth”
20 Responses
A trashbag and a pig. If that’s not a match made in heaven, I don’t know what is!
“I don’t like being the center of attention, surprisingly,” she said.
LMAOOOO the most contradicting statement of all time, considering the way she acts.
“I have four baby daddies…” Yes, we all know. She acts like this is something to be proud of. I have two baby daddies and even I have weird feelings surrounding that.
“I know what works and what doesn’t work” No you don’t. You guys will be split in no time.
Isn’t he like, years younger than her??
Young dumb broke.
32 & 26 isn’t a big gap
Kail, you have one failed marriage and multiple baby daddies, and you really think that getting married again just because this idiot gave you a ring and you feel like your extreme shortcomings in the romance department are a badge of honor of some sort, is a good idea??? I think you should just go ahead and live by the old saying “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. I’m not saying that people who have been divorced or have multiple kids shouldn’t ever remarry, I just don’t think people like Kail think shit through because she’s selfish enough to really think that if her and Elijah were to ever divorce, it’s only going to affect her. She’s too selfish to realize what she is doing to her kids. But, whatever. Congratulations.
wow, you’re really invested in this….
Really not but good to know my opinion equates to investment in your book.🙄🤦
Okay, but hear me out. If they’re living together now, with all of the children, and they (miraculously) last as a couple for, say, five years and break up; how is that any different (for the children) than if they get married and then divorced in five years?
I don’t think anyone here thinks they’re going to be married to each other for the rest of their lives (though I’d love for them to price me wrong).
Good point.
TWO failed marriages
She either bought the ring herself or gave him her debit card so he could buy it.
This won’t keep her faithful if the itch comes up. But good luck Lijie!
If she ever took anything like say…being a mom, being a girlfriend, being engaged or being married seriously, I think it would shock the world.
Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand the whole mindset of not wanting being engaged (proposed to), getting married or being married to be all razzle dazzle or some big to do. It makes perfect sense that some people just don’t need or want these things to be huge, in your face, crazy or even just some huge public (or not)thing. This goes double for people who have already had failed marriages. But her taking being proposed to, on repeat and currently, so nonchalantly just goes along with the way she literally lives her live…not really giving anything her full attention, not caring, not taking any of it seriously. It just is what it is, a day that ends in y.
She already knows what doesn’t work, she’s been doing it all since she was a teen-being engaged or married to latest baby daddy isn’t going to change that. For as many things as she might have gotten right, or at least is doing better with now (like having an income, for one, lol), she’s gotten at least a hundred wrong. I think she needs to spend some more time focused on being a parent first and foremost, then she can worry about relationships. Normally people can (and should be encouraged to) find some kind of a balance between being a person, mom, gf, wife, etc. But her scale is so off she’ll never figure this out. She’s just a Kail, nothing more, nothing less, at least in her mind, so it shows in everything she says and does. I feel bad for her kids, honestly.
This! She minimizes everything that should MEAN something. I’ve been married once, never proposed to, it was literally the Kail way but I was sad. I wanted more and this guy was incapable but I went with it. And look, divorced. My now fiancé has done it all, got down on one knee, professed his feelings and love. It was special and felt right, idk how this lady can just talk about it like any other day. She’s cold and has issues. We all know this. She reminds me of a friend I once had. She cheated and was just narcissistic. It was gross.
Imagine all those kids and all Kail got was a t-shirt from PA & DE 🤷♀️😂
And one from WaWa
“I have four baby daddies, so I will be able to tell you what works and what doesn’t!”
I mean, with that logic, you just have a list of things that in fact, do not work.