Project Runway: A New Show for The Ashley?

Gay guy
“Honey, you better WORK if you want to look as good as Heidi!”

I may have found a new show to add to my lineup tonight. I watched Project Runway for the first time with my mom. I have never really watched the show before. There’s no reason behind it, it’s just one of those shows that I’ve seen commercials for and told myself I didn’t like. Maybe it’s because Heidi Klum bugs me…I mean, no one should be pregnant that much and still look that good. It’s just other-worldy and just plain unfair.

Anyway, I watched and I really liked it. It had the snarkiness of America’s Next Top Model (only up to Season 3 or so, that’s when Tyra got so annoying she made you want to strangle her through the TV screen.) 

I’m still deciding whether I like it or not, but kudos to them for doing a reality show of a reality show: there’s also a show that comes on right before that focuses on the models that these designers work with. When it comes to ratings, Lifetime sure knows how to “get it girl!”

I’ll let you know what the verdict is.

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