Uncle Jesse Plays Dancing with the Stars…and I Missed It

John Stamos
"Do you guys know 'Forever'?"

As much as I love reality TV shows, there is really nothing that can compare to my love for cheesy, late 1980s-early 1990s sitcoms. I love the bad jokes, the ridiculously fake canned laugh track and the way everyone hugs it out and everything turns out OK in less than 24 minutes.

But man, do I love me some Full House. It’s so bad that I literally have all of Uncle Jesse‘s songs on my iPod. We’re not just talking “Forever” either. Like bad ones, taped from the TV.

full house
"You didn't ask me to sing backup? I need a job! How rude!"

Little did I know that while I was having dinner with my friends last night (and TiVoing American Idol), Uncle Jesse was bringing the heat to the Dancing with the Stars stage and performing with the Beach Boys!! This is not the first time this has happened: who can forget the “Tanners Go to Hawaii” episode? They get lost in Hawaii and somehow find a path that leads them right on stage with the Beach Boys! Rock-a-Hula!!

Last night Uncle Jesse and the Boys set out to recreate the magic that was the “Tanner Island” episode of 1989. (No sign of the Rippers though, however they were probably outside the studio scalping tickets.) And I missed it. I could only be sadder if Jaime Walters (Ray Pruitt of 90210, circa 1994)had come out and did a duet with Crystal Bowersox on American Idol. (Hey, that would actually be pretty good.)

From all accounts, Uncle Jesse and the Beach Boys were pretty good, causing me to believe no one was in the audience screaming “Cut…it…Out!”

(I know, bad Joey Gladstone joke, but really, was there ever any other kind?)

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