Season 3 of “Teen Mom” to Feature New Girls? Are The Old Girls Out?

Is MTV pulling the plug on these girls in favor of a new crop of Teen Moms?!?

There are a lot of rumors that the next season of Teen Mom will feature girls from the second season of 16 & Pregnant rather than the current cast.

Wait— no more Maci and Catelynn and Tyler?! Oh no!

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that there’s a chance that we won’t have to stare at AMBO’s orange-and-eyelinered face anymore, and we won’t have to listen to Farrah treat everyone around her like crap anymore. YAY! (That does mean we won’t get to snicker at Farrah’s funny “cry face” any longer. Sigh…)

So what’s really going on? Of course, nothing’s been officially confirmed yet, so take this with a grain of salt, but it’s reported that the new girls that will be on Teen Mom are:

Chelsea Houska, who you may remember had a baby with arguably the worst human being alive (the guy that told her to let him sign over ‘that mistake,’ when discussing his child.)

16 & Pregnant
” ‘Member me?!”

Jenelle Evans, the white trash version of Reese Witherspoon who continued to party right up until she gave birth.

Kail Lowry, who was living with her boyfriend’s family because her family was pretty awful. I think she’s the one that goes to visit her long-lost dad and discovers that he’s a creepy hick.

Leah Messer, who not only got pregnant but got pregnant with twins! OMG…her story was enough to make teenage girls’ legs everywhere slam shut!  (Yes, girls, there’s a chance that you could get not only one baby but two! Hip-hip-hooray for condoms!)

However, for you fans of the original Teen Moms, there is hope.

Gary (AMBO’s boyfriend/fiancé/punching bag) said on his MySpace that they will be on the third season and are currently filming. Catelynn and Tyler were spotted at the Haunted Corn Maze (LOL, oh Midwest) near their house last week with an MTV film crew in tow, so they all must be on the third season.

The third season of Teen Mom is set to air in the spring of 2011, however the new 16 & Pregnant season starts next week!!

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