‘Biggest Loser’ Trainer Bob Harper Not a Fan of This Season’s Contestants


the biggest loser
“You guys better behave or I’ll bring Anna Kournikova back!”

Biggest Loser trainer Bob Harper is known for being cheerful and positive; however he had very few positive things to say about this season’s crop of ‘Biggest Loser’ contestants.

 “[They’re] bullies,” he told RadarOnline last night at the Men’s Fitness March issue launch party in Los Angeles. (Bob is the issue’s cover model!)

“They hate me saying that but…you know what? It’s true. It’s nasty and it’s tough,” he said.

When Bob was asked by Radar if he liked any of this season’s contestants, he answered truthfully.

“I mean…no,” he told them. However, he did take that statement back and told Radar that there were a few contestants that he liked and were there for the right reasons.

“There are some. I’m going to regret this. Emily, Cassandra, Chism, I love them they’re really fantastic.  Buddy, buddy’s a really sweet guy. The rest of them, they’re nasty!” he said.

Although The Ashley has not watched much of this season of ‘The Biggest Loser,’ from what she can tell it seems to be one of the most ruthless seasons yet, with drama and spite replacing happiness and motivation. The contestants seem more concerned with beating each other than getting healthy and losing weight, which is the reason they came to the Biggest Loser Ranch to begin with.

Something tells me that Bob’s going to regret saying this when he has to face some of these contestants at the finale taping!

3 Responses

  1. I am not surprised the Bob said he didn’t like some of the contestants at all. I loved the early episodes with Zen Bob and when the contestants were there to change their lives and reinvent themselves. I loved Matty and Gary and how Kae showed that you played the game to lose weight and learn from your trainers. How come they can’t all be sweet like Bobby or Eric? We love and suppost the Biggest Loser at http://www.forwellbeings.org because we believe this amazing organization despite Hollywood is truly making life transformations. I hope the show continues and that people at home get on board with the Biggest Loser and transform their lives from home.

  2. I am surprised he said that out loud, but completely agree. I just got done saying how I didn’t really like the people this season. Last season I loved EVERY contestant and they were always making me cry. This season I just want to slap them across the face (especially the younger girls) and definitely agree they are bullies! Can’t wait until next season.

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