“Teen Mom 3” Dads Fire Back: Claim MTV’s Editing Makes Them Look Bad

teen mom 3 dadsThe dads of MTV’s Teen Mom 3 took to Twitter to defend themselves after Monday’s explosive episode, which, at one point showed Alex Sekella’s baby-daddy, Matt McCann, screaming into Alex’s face, begging her to hit him on camera, all while their infant daughter watched. Devoin Austin, father of Briana DeJesus’ daughter, Nova, also came out of the episode looking bad after Briana accused him of not caring about their daughter.

After the episode the dads tweeted that MTV purposely edited the scenes to make them look bad.

Matt also used his Twitter to tell his followers how things really happened during the day the explosive fight scene was filmed. According to Matt’s tweets, Alex had already hit him in the lip off-camera, and that they were already broken up when the scene was filmed. (We have no clue if what he’s saying is true, of course.)

Devoin didn’t have as much to say, which isn’t surprising since just last week he was arrested in Florida on drug and burglary charges. He continues to tweet about his frequent drug use.

Matt also apologized via Twitter for yelling at Alex’s mom and for fighting in front of Arabella, and he does bring up some good points to prove that the scenes may have been strung together to create drama. According to his Twitter revelations, by the time that scene was filmed, he was no longer living with Alex (hence why when he “packed” he only had one bag).

teen mom
You know Dr. Drew’s just dying to get a hold of this group!

According to one of The Ashley’s sources, Matt never wanted to be on ‘Teen Mom 3″ in the first place (or “16 and Pregnant” for that matter) and only agreed to go on camera days before they began filming. The source also says that Matt never cashed his MTV checks and instead let his mom handle them.

Devoin, too, recently told the All The Teen Moms blog that, “The reason I looked so bad on the show was because when Briana first signed up I had NO idea about it and when the show started I wasn’t feeling it. So I wouldn’t come around when the camera crew was around…I have never in my life got into an argument with [Briana’s family] when MTV wasn’t around. So its either they being fake or MTV making them do the sh*t.”

This isn’t the first time that a Teen Mom dad has blamed MTV for trying to make the guys on the show look bad. Last year, an angry Ryan Edwards called out the show’s editors on Twitter, and Teen Mom 2 dads Corey Simms and Adam Lind have both commented that the moms on the show always end up looking good, at the expense of the dads.

While The Ashley certainly isn’t sticking up for the guys’ actions, she will say that MTV is guilty of creating a “storyline” and editing the episode so that it falls within that storyline. Just remember that with this show (and basically all reality shows) everything isn’t exactly as it seems. But in most cases, it’s the person’s own actions that make them look bad, regardless of how it’s edited.

(Photos: MTV)



10 Responses


  2. In regards to Alex and Matt – they are SOOOO wrong for each other, but I can HARDLY blame her. She is extremly young and it is probably difficult to have that connection to have a baby with the first guy that you had a relationship with some significance with. Yet, to be in such a disfunctional relationship and see that it’s not working and to use your child as your only connection with said guy who is clearly sick that cannot parent…who is an IV drug user, which is clearly Heroin, it’s not going to work. Sorry, chicky. You’re not going to win this one. He may care for his daughter, but he wants to get high, more, right now. You’re yelling at him, like a screaming banchie, which makes me want to smash her face into the pavement and bitch slap the shit out of her, doesn’t help endear her to her arguement. Even her own mother seems to be on Matt’s side. She see’s that her daughter has anger issues. She’s either bipolar or has post partum….the one that def. has post partum is the chick in Florida with the Nova baby…btw. Just all my opinion. Alex is a BITCH of the first order and i would LOVE to have the opportunity to tell her. Furthermore, would absolutely agree that they make him look worse, but he doesn’t help himself, at all.

  3. I do feel that maybe MTV does edit a little bit to make these guys seem awful, because in all honestly not 100% of them can be completely evil. Yeah Matt shouldn’t have yelled in front of the baby, but we truly don’t know what lead up to that point. Cause every time Alex speaks I want to knock her head off. We have no idea what goes on, and she probably knows what buttons to push to set him off but at the same time trying to seem all innocent. I do think this show needs to stop. It’s not serving its originally purpose anymore, I feel like the babies are just props now. It’s run its course.

  4. It has always seemed obvious that they intentionally make the dads look bad. The perfect example is Maci and Ryan. In season 1 MTV edited out all of Macis partying while she constantly screamed at ryan for partying all the time. Anyone that has looked at any of her social media knows Maci is a party girl. None of that was shown on MTV though. Maci was shown as a mom who stays at home with her kid all day and never goes out. Ryan was shown as a deadbeat who went out all night, every night and never spent time with his son.

    1. Cindy, I have gotten the impression that maci parties more than most of the other cast as well, especially looking at her social media sites. But she still maintains composure, and gets done what needs to be done so it is overlooked by most. She does seem by all means one of the most level headed which is why people love her, but I always wondered why no one else has ever commented on this before. U get the impression she’s quite a drinker

  5. Ugh Ryan Edwards. I have never disliked someone that I had never met until I was introduced to him. But then I started reading this site and was introduced to Adam (teen mom 2 did not enchant me in the same way as the OG) and then I remembered that as a teen girl there is still something charming about douche bags.

    Also I just bought your book for my niece, some light reading for her 1st semester at school.

  6. The show’s executive producer is Morgan J. Freeman – the same man who produced Laguna Beach and many notable movies. Then there are like 6 other producers that work on the show to develop story lines. Basically they get raw footage and lay it out then see what story they can come up with from it. If it were real life and didn’t involve all this hard work it would not take a year to get it on the tv!

    Still, no matter what the situation or what provoked it, there is no excuse for the way some of these guys act. The situation surrounding why Matt screamed violently in front of his daughter makes little difference, he still did it!

    It does make me wonder how much violence has been caught on camera but just edited out to fit the story line. Amber didn’t get so lucky with hers!

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