Here comes…another rambling Instagram post, courtesy of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star Mama June Shannon!
On Tuesday night, Mama June decided to give her Instagram and Facebook followers an update on her daughter, Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson‘s struggle to lose weight. In the process, however, she slammed the stars and producers of the TV show, The Doctors!
The show did a series of episodes on Alana’s weight, which had the ‘Doctors’ so concerned that they staged an intervention on Mama June back in February. In a check-up episode that airs tomorrow, Mama June is booed by the show’s studio audience when it is shown that she has not followed through with the Doctor’s plan to help her daughter lose weight.
According to Mama June’s social media post, however, she did nothing wrong; it was the show’s producers and stars who were trying to make her and Alana look bad.
(The Ashley has added punctuation to June’s post to make it more readable.)
“[Here is] the true story not what will air tomorrow on the show ‘The Doctors. That was filmed back in April not recently,” June posted on Facebook and Instagram. “She has lost almost 8 pounds from 125.5 to 118 so far in a month. I’m so proud of her… just by eating smaller portions and walking and with the encouraging support even 3000 miles away from our personal trainer.”
Mama June went on to explain that ‘The Doctors’ were trying to make her look like an uncaring mother.
“I want the truth out there,” she wrote. “I’m sorry but in the month the show ‘THE DOCTORS’ was in our lives she lost nothing. They wanted her to fail I feel from the beginning.”
According to Mama June, the two ‘Doctors’ episodes were filmed much closer together than the 10 weeks the show suggests.
“We wasn’t on a 10 week program like they want y’all to believe,” June wrote. “They flew us back in almost a month after the first appearance and they separate this show that will air tomorrow but in real life it was filmed back on April.
Mama June seemed to want to make it clear that she cares very much about her family’s health.
“I know they are going to make it looks like we don’t care but we do,” she wrote, adding that Alana isn’t the only one that has been losing weight. “I Mama June have lost 45 pounds in a lil over a month. Pumpkin has lost 26 pounds in a lil over a month.”
Mama June stated that the family’s recent weight loss is all due to their trainer, Natasha Fett. It’s been reported that June is also planning to undergo the the lap band weight loss surgery this summer.
Watch a preview of tomorrow’s episode of ‘The Doctor’s that June is referring to:
6 Responses
Oh look, the pedophile enabler is still on TV.
What a joke.
however caring she might want us to perceive her, she still dated that pedophile…
I believe what she says. All of these shows just look for sensationalism and ratings. I’m glad they’ve found a caring trainer that will help them learn sustainable diet and lifestyle changes. Nothing lasting happens overnight.
I’d totally agree, and even give her some credit, if she wasn’t dating a pedofile around her little girls. No one can care THAT much about their children when they are perfectly willing and enjoy having that kind of evil around their children. That’s horrifying.
They eat like pigs,and they look like pigs.Please give the child vegtables,fruit and lowfat meat,and let her sport.This is so sad,a young child so fat because her parents refuse to eat healty.I saw an episode when they try a vegtable and they where disgust by it,so stupid…
Yet Mama June is repulsed my mayonnaise. I mean so am I, but that’s a head scratcher.