‘Teen Mom’ Mackenzie McKee FINALLY Speaks Out About Sex Tape: Read Her Explanation

"Lemme explain..."
“Lemme explain…”

News broke last week that adult entertainment company Vivid recently obtained a sex tape that featured Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee. As The Ashley told you earlier this week, Vivid has confirmed that it is interested in working with Mackenzie and releasing the tape, but Mackenzie has stayed quiet on the topic…until now.

The Ashley can reveal that Mackenzie is currently in Los Angeles. (Vivid’s offices are in Los Angeles, by the way). In fact, she was interviewed by Splash News as she came off the plane in Los Angeles on Tuesday, and she finally discussed the topic of her sex tape. (The video of the interview was posted to a foreign p0rn site that The Ashley cannot link to here, unfortunately.)

Mackenzie denied that she made a sex tape; however, she confirms there is a tape. (Got all that?)

“I would never make a sex tape,” Mackenzie said, before explaining how a tape got into Vivid’s offices. “My phone was stolen and looked through and there is personal videos and photos on there that are for mine and my husband’s eyes to see…My phone was taken and I got it back but they were looking through trying to find someone to call [and found the tapes].”

She claims that the videos feature her and her husband Josh McKee, and they were never meant to be released to the public.

So, to recap…someone stole Mackenzie’s phone (which was conveniently unlocked), saw that there were sexy time videos of her and recognized that she was a famous person, sent the tapes to Vivid and then gave Mackenzie her phone back.


In the interview, Mackenzie confirmed that she had a meeting with Vivid scheduled, and that the tapes were shot last month. (It is not know whether or not the tapes were shot before or after Mackenzie got her boob job last month.)

Anyway, as The Ashley told you in a previous story, there is no way Vivid can legally release the tape if Mackenzie and whoever is in it with her do not sign off on it.

“[Mackenzie is] 100% in bed with Vivid,” Celebrity Sex Tape Guru Kevin Blatt told The Ashley last week, explaining that Vivid can’t leak the tape at will. “You must have USC 2257 Paperwork to accompany any tape (this includes releases) as well as identification.”

When asked yesterday before her meeting with Vivid, Mackenzie denied that she wanted the tape released.

“No amount of money [can make me release it],” she said. “I’m not going to change my morals. I’m not like that. I will never do p0rn and I never have.”

Clearly, Mackenzie is trying to use the “victim angle,” reminiscent of the great Farrah Abraham. However, there is no reason for Mackenzie to release her tape if she doesn’t want it out there. She would simply refuse to sign the paperwork and it would be a done deal.

"Here's a glimpse of what the tape may look like, y'all!"
“Here’s a glimpse of what the tape may look like, y’all!”

One person who does not seem to be thrilled about the tape’s release is Mackenzie’s husband, Josh. Mackenzie tweeted this morning that he had left after her trip to Los Angeles.

“Horribly exhausting trip. There goes Josh. Over false information,” she wrote.

Mackenzie’s mom, Angie Douthit, responded to tweets about Mackenzie’s sex tape.

“It’s simply not true,” she tweeted to a fan. “There isn’t a tape and there never has been…it’s a ridiculous made-up lie.”

But there is a tape; it just wasn’t made in a p0rno studio.

The Ashley will keep you posted on the latest news.

(Photo: MTV)

32 Responses

  1. I hope nobody discovers my sex tape. Also I hope they don’t notice the lighting guys, the boom mic, the crew because I only work union etc. Boy was that pizza guy surprised! Sincerely, Aspiring Christian Teen Mom selling fake amateur tape

  2. This just keeps getting better and better! I wonder if Josh is going to go back after this stunt shes pulled…also does anyone know if he has to sign off on the tape as well since he is in it too?

  3. I can’t believe little goody two shoes is so desperate for money and fame that she’s willing to prostitute herself! What a good Christian she is.

    Good luck with the divorce and custody battle.

  4. I realize she is over 18, so… whatever, her call, but I worry about what kind of person would want to watch that. Mackenzie looks about 14. I think that video would just disturb me more than anything else.

    1. Could be mistaken on exact numbers but I believe she’s 21 and has 2 kids, been active sexually for at least 5 years. Memo to Char Richo, if you see a 14yr old girl when watching adults then you’re the one with the problem. Normal people have no issues watching 21 or even 18 yr olds. If you like/want/need stretch marks, visible signs of age then there is MILF, or granny p0rn for you. You’re welcome.

      1. Other issues with your post aside, not all women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. My mother didn’t, and she had me at 32. They can also fade of not be very noticeable to begin with. I had some light ones that developed over my hip bones from growing so fast from 5th-7th grade, my own mother barely noticed and by high school they’d faded to a silver that required me to squint from the side in good lighting to make them out.

  5. Her tape won’t do nearly as well because she was only on 16 & Pregnant. She’s a cute girl but doesn’t wear tons of makeup or dress in hooker clothes and heels like Farrah. And Farrah is a train wreck in everything she says and does. Mackenzie doesn’t have the freak show allure of Farrah.

    Does Josh have to sign off on it too?

    1. I would assume that if Josh is shown on the video also, then he would have to sign off on it also before Vivid would be able to release it. I believe they need to have the release paperwork of all parties involved.

  6. Ugh, I can’t believe she’d do this to her kids and family. It’s so sad to watch a normal “Christian” girl become Farrah II.

    1. What makes her a “normal” christian girl? The fact that she got knocked up at 16? The fact that she decided to show it all on TV? I’d like some more clarification please.

      1. Well, she hasn’t committed any crimes or posted drunk photos on her social media. She seemed like a good girl.

  7. So if she wont ever release it blah blah blah, why go to the Vivid offices? You can simply say “No, thanks” and then move on.


  8. It is the lame excuse she tried to tell her parents. She clearly made the tape and managed to somehow get it in the hands of Vivid. She sent it there. She is an idiot!

    1. exactly! she’s trying to not let her mommy and daddy know she’s selling out for a million dollars, assuming they’ll get over it like they did pregnancy 1, 2, and 3. (miscarriage). don’t know where josh falls in though, pretty sure he wouldn’t go there for money but if he has to sign…

  9. Huh…..I’m just waiting for the headline “Leah has sex tape with vivid.”. Am I the only one who thinks she’s the next one to announce a sex tape?

  10. Who in their right mind would want to watch ugly McKenzie with her nasty muscle have sex? Lol….even if it was true, I really doubt people will go and run at the chance to see that…

    1. Huh? She’s not ugly. I actually think she is the prettiest out of all the Teen Mom girls. I don’t really care if she made a sex tape or not. Like Tyler said, “If you wanna do porn, go do porn. Just own up to it!” I just hate it when they lie and say their “sexy time” was “stolen.” Does she really think people are that stupid??? Apparently so.

    2. Agree but, I don’t think she’s ugly..I think she looks 12! I guess all the pedophile pervs will Love this porn! Nasty!

    3. I think she’s pretty. But regardless, people do tend to watch porn, especially if it’s a celebrity/”celebrity” because it’s a curiosity thing. I think hers will not do as well as Farrah’s (strange thing to say and compare, I must say…) because this has already been done and the public is wising up to these lame excuses.

    4. I’ll watch it just like I watched Farrah’s (both parts). Hell, I even live tweeted Farrah’s. I just don’t think it’s going to make Mackenzie “famous” like it did for Farrah. But I’m sure as hell gonna watch it.

  11. Liar Liar Mackenzie! Farrah done played that card! Thought you were a down home Christian type of girl….boy was I wrong! Smh

  12. Farrah’s was supposed to have been secretly recorded too. It will be pretty obvious if it was filmed on a cell phone or professionally when it actually comes out.

  13. Lmao why do these people come up with the same ol bullsh!t lie!!?

    You made a sex tape for some quick cash because you and hubby are broke! Own up to it!

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