‘Little Women: LA’ Star Christy McGinity Gibel Hospitalized After Fight with Co-Star Terra Jole

"Come at me, girl!"
“Come at me, girl!”

Things got a “little” crazy (pun intended) this weekend when the ladies of Little Women: LA went to a Southern California western bar to film a scene for the upcoming fourth season of their reality show. The night out ended with one of the show’s stars in the hospital with serious head injuries!

TMZ was the first to report that ‘Little Women: LA’ star Christy McGinity Gibel was hospitalized after she allegedly received a  beatdown from one of her co-stars. A source for People later revealed that the co-star in question was actually Terra Jole, who also stars in her own reality show Terra’s Little Family.

While all of the details of the brawl are still a bit murky, both outlets report that Christy, Terra and several other cast members were filming at a bar this weekend. According to People, Terra and Christy first got into a verbal argument. Terra apparently felt that Christy was spreading rumors about her and their cast mates. (TMZ claims that the ladies were not drunk—they were drinking ice tea and Christy is six years sober– so alcohol was not the fuel for the fight.)

The fight soon erupted into some sort of physical altercation, with Terra allegedly throwing her drink in Christy’s face (as you do!) Soon, glassware was allegedly being heaved across the table!

“The other girls scrambled to get away from the table, as the fight between Terra and Christy escalated to glasses being thrown at each other,” People‘s source stated. “Terra’s glass did strike Christy on the back of the head, but not enough for it to be serious.”

While the injuries may not have looked serious, the show’s producers still opted to take Christy to urgent care to get checked out. TMZ reports that Christy eventually checked herself into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles due to her head injuries.

Christy and Terra have stayed silent on their social media accounts in regard to the brawl. TMZ did, however, catch up with Todd outside of the hospital, and he gave an update on Christy’s condition.

"You just wait til I get outta here!"
“You just wait til I get outta here!”

“Christy suffered a trauma to her head,” Todd said in a video posted to the site. “She’s in Cedars right now. This happened a few days ago and she’s still suffering severe headaches. Unfortunately we just found out that those headaches could last for weeks, possibly months. She thought this was a bump on the head…but it’s not showing any signs of going away.”

Apparently, Terra and Christy have been rivals for years.

“They hate each other and always have and things have gotten worse over the years,” People‘s source stated.

It’s unknown if the brutal fight was captured on video; however, it’s highly unlikely that any reality show film crew would see this fight going down and decide to put down the cameras. If it was filmed, the fight may be included in the upcoming fourth season, which premieres on January 27 on Lifetime.

UPDATE: Christy’s husband, Todd Gibel, took to his Twitter tonight to clarify TMZ‘s story. In a series of tweets, Todd stated that the producers of ‘Little Women: LA’ never took Christy to urgent care after the incident occurred.

“Whoever told @tmz that producers took Christy to urgent care is not not being truthful. She went the next day when pain became unbearable,” Todd tweeted.

He added a message from Christy.

“Christy is suffering from post concussion syndrome,” Todd wrote. “It’s painful but she’s getting through. She wants to thank everyone who’s reached out.”

Late Tuesday night, Christy tweeted that she was home from the hospital and resting.

(Photos: Lifetime)


15 Responses

  1. Was Christy on something at Brianna’s bachelorette party if she isn’t drinking she was definitely taking something she couldn’t even keep her eyes open

  2. Christy is girlfriends favorite,Terra should be punished she is such a bully at times…She is always arguing myself and my girl been watching the show from it started and Terra is very argumentative. She need to short out herself!!

  3. Christy is not an innocent person, she has instigated and stirred up trouble plenty. However, Terra is just plain mean. I know the word bully is a hot button word nowadays, but Terra does act like a bully. The moment someone disagrees with her insults and name calling is what she turns to. This isn’t the first time this cast has turned to getting physical about their arguments. I hope Christy recovers quickly and without complications, head injuries of any magnitude can be scary.

    1. Come on terra..why you such a bully? Someone like Christy needs to beat you down girl and we all know she will. What goes around…comes around.. can’t wait to see you get your little ass whooped…I’ll laugh!!!!

    2. Terra is the true definition of a bully. She has serious borderline personality characteristics and needs to get some serious help. She splits the group, pretends as though she’s being a “true friend” while taking pleasure in the pain of others. She tried to manipulate Brianna into rekindling their “friendship” just so she could attend her wedding and treat it as a spectacle where she could gossip, whisper, laugh and sneer. Just like she stated “I’m gonna make amends with Christy until she drops the charges and then never talk to her again.” Manipulative girl..and lil’ boss ‘ain’t’ the boss. She’s Terra’s puppet. Lol

  4. Doesn’t matter instigated or not, no one should be throwing things or throwing punches…. we try to teach our children that violence and bulling is not what society does….you have issues with someone you discuss them….. for God’s sake these are adult woman with children and should know better!!!! Terra and Tonya have always been the bully and bitter ones on this show, they always show their ugly side!!!!

  5. Terra has always been the bully and always will be just like her best friend Tonya . Kick them off show please

    1. Regardless no one should be fighting like this when they are grown. And what does any thing Christy do make it o.k. for Terra to do anything to her . It is all childish and not saying Christy is innocent cause none of them are but the fact that she wants another baby does not make her jealous I mean Christy does have a child already. Tracy is the big nut case cry baby over everything.

      1. Christy is an instigator that loves playing the victim. Yea she’s got a kid already but she doesn’t have Todd’s kid. She’s going through all of these fertility treatments and Terra accidentally gets pregnant. Christy is very mean and very crazy.

        1. Christy needs to understand that she does have what….2 children..maybe it’s not her fault she’s not getting pregnant..maybe it’s Todd. Ever thought of that christy? Yeah…give it a good thought. Bet you its him. Check it out hun…let him go through some pain this time.

  6. I’ve liked Terra ever since her True Life episode when she was playing one of Ozzy Osborne’s minions. I can’t believe she actually fed into Christy’s bullshit and fought her. A blind person could see that Christy is a loose cannon that is SOOOOO jealous of Terra. Christy will seize any opportunity to make Terra look bad/crazy because Terra’s got the man and the baby and Christy cannot handle that. From the outside looking in, Terra has everything Christy wants and OBVIOUSLY thats a HUGE pill for Christy to swallow. Christy is a spiteful bitch with stubby fingers.

    1. Frankly, idk if lexii is seeing the same episodes as the rest of the world–bcz no one is innocent–her bias is such that my crew believes “lexii” is Terror, i mean Terra, incognito. christy’s obv issues aside, i just can’t reconcile why anyone needs Terror’s stamp of approval. She continually brings strife to the situation predicated on the fact that shes judge AND (in)jury as she has no “past”, and only her pronouncements are sound. we used to like her in the beginning, and glad that she and the other kids voiced their opinions and concerns to Briana, and that should have been the end of it. Because, what should be a FACT to all idiots: if one continually attacks someones man, good or bad, you will be exed off the list forever, or until the divorce. I would hate to see what Terror would do if some of the other girls started actively attacking her man, or child—with or without reason. Really, keep it real. Bat, chicken,horse, cow sh#@ would be flyin’. BUTT, Terror just couldn’t leave it there. Like a mini cow, she regurgitates and regurgitates her opinions until they are everybody elses’s, too. She has single-handly manipulated a lot of the strife that wasn’t necessary and stressful–even with the forgivness points we gave her, its obvious that this is what TLC is after bcz Terror is having her “liittle fam” show, she hosted LW:ATL, they own her a$$. i get how Bri’s fam and most of her friends on the show feel–my youngest sister’s husband cheated on her and I HATED HIS GUTS–and couldn’t abide him. however, they decided to stay together–and while most of the fam and friends advised her accordingly, we all had to step back and make a decision: Do we want our sister in our lives or not?! bcz whatever life we have with her will include him–and we will need to let it go, and forgive. One of my sisters refused to let it go, kept brjnging up her judgements, and guess who isnt invited to any of my younger siters life, kids, milestones…it’s sad. If Terra would just cease to be Terrible…and just have grace for people, and forgive without being asked or acknowledged. I get Christy in that she does not like Matt, has voiced it to Bri. But she made the choice to stay in her sister bri’s life bcz Bri and Matt are ONE–that is what a marriage/civil union is–at least it should. Its what it means to me for those were my vows. i WILL NOT let anyone attack or hurt whom i love, period. I sure hope eveything that “Penny” does or chooses to alignsl with what Terra wants, or she will lose her daughter like Bri’s fam may yet. Terra shut up, apologize, speak life instead of death that healing might begin for everyone that knows, hears and sees’s you. Grace worn as a garment will only enhance the beauty you have. Love..1 Cor 13. praying for yall.

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