‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Ryan Edwards Releases Statement Confirming Rehab Stay

“OK, y’all were right, I was high!”

Ryan Edwards released a statement on Monday, confirming that he, did, indeed seek help with his substance abuse problems by going to rehab.

The Teen Mom OG star was shown on Monday’s season finale falling asleep at the wheel while driving to his wedding. His bride-to-be, Mackenzie Standifer, questioned whether Ryan was under the influence of Xanax “again.”

In his statement, Ryan confirmed earlier reports that stated he had been in rehab in late May and early June.

As The Ashley reported last week, though, Ryan is already out of The ‘Hab and was photographed hanging out on a boat with Mackenzie and friends after attending a local music festival.

Us Weekly states that Ryan checked into rehab on May 16, one day after he married Mackenzie.

“A little over 30 days ago, I made the decision to check myself into a rehabilitation facility,” Ryan said in his statement. “I am back home now doing well, and life could not be better. Without the support of my wife and parents I would not have been able to do this. Thank you all for your well wishes.”

Many fans have questioned whether or not a 30-day rehab stay would be long enough to completely tackle Ryan’s substance abuse issues. (After all, his former girlfriend Dalis Connell recently alleged that Ryan had been abusing drugs as far back as 2012, when he had a failed attempt at rehab.)

Ryan’s ex-fiance Maci Bookout had spent most of the ‘Teen Mom OG’ season attempting to get Ryan help.

“He’s an addict,” she told her friend of Ryan during Monday’s episode. “It could be anything, anything, and it’s not going to be a priority for him.”

Maci later gave Life & Style an update on Ryan.

“We’re all just taking it one day at a time, one step at a time,” Maci said. “Ryan is doing good. He’s doing what he needs to do and that’s all any of us can ask right now. We’re just trying to make sure he stays focused on himself.”

This is the first season that Ryan’s strange behavior was addressed. In previous seasons, Ryan could be seen exhibiting bulging eyes, or taking frequent naps, which made viewers suspicious that he was using drugs, but no one addressed any possible substance abuse issues on-camera.

In fact, last November, Ryan was asked by a paparazzi photographer if he was on drugs and he denied it (despite the fact that Ryan’s eyes were the size of saucers at the time.) ‘Teen Mom OG’ producer Jaala Webster insisted that Ryan was just “tired sometimes.”

Anyway, according to MTV News, Maci and Mackenzie will address Ryan’s rehab stay and “road to recovery” on the upcoming ‘Teen Mom OG’ Reunion special which airs next Monday.

Ryan is, of course, not the first ‘Teen Mom’ franchise star to do time in rehab. His ‘Teen Mom OG’ co-stars Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell have each had a stay in the ‘hab (for various issues), as have Teen Mom 2 stars Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer.

(Photo: MTV)



108 Responses

  1. Didn’t reports say that he entered rehab one day after getting married to Mackenzie? If I’m remembering correctly, it seems like everyone involved knew Ryan was heading to rehab (they probably weren’t sure what MTV would show, so tried to play it otherwise). I just don’t see the utility of the rushed marriage. I’m sure there must have been a reason for doing so, but truly I can’t come up with it??‍♀️

  2. I applaud him for realizing he needs help and getting it. Addiction effects everyone in the addicts life. It becomes a family problem. It’s not going to be easy for him but with the support of his family he can move on with his recovery.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Wish him all the best from Ireland

  4. I haven’t watched much this season but I did watch the scene because everyone’s been talking about it. That was honestly one of the most terrifying and heartbreaking things that I have ever seen. I know that he hasn’t been the best father or person in general, but addiction is a slippery slope and he’s surrounded by enablers. As much shit as Maci gets, imagine this being your child’s father. For all we know, she’s seeing the same behaviors that made Ryan who he is being repeated with Bentley. Plus she’s only turning 26. She’s a married, mother of three (her choice I know, but still), dealing with some pretty dysfunctional stuff. She’s held it together for this long and I think she deserves props for that. The confirmation that he is an addict clarifies a lot of things about their situation and I will be praying for all of them, even Mackenzie. She probably thinks she can love him into fixing him, which is more than likely what his mother thinks as well.

    I would not refer to myself as an addict but as someone who has struggled with substance abuse, I wish him well, for the benefit of himself and all other parties involved. Thank God, at the very least, Bentley has the step-father that he does.

  5. When mtv posted the warning that some of the following scenes might be disturbing I legit thought it was going to involve Farrah, but this was far more bothersome because it involved endangering people’s lives. The fact that McKenzie did not demand that he pull over was mind-boggling to me, she even had to grab the wheel at one point. I am not sure how old this young lady is, but if you are so eager to get married that you would ignore this type of behavior (on the way to your own nuptials no less) there is something seriously wrong with her thinking. Though she might love him, she never should have married him while he was in such a condition, perhaps giving him an ultimatum would have been the smart thing to do and might have prompted him to go into intensive treatment (for more than 30 days).

    1. I personally think that MTV should post that warning before all of Farrah’s scenes! And Debra’s. I’m beginning to think Debra is more efffed up than Farrah.

  6. while i completely agree with everyone about mackinze being desperate, stupid, unessasarily aggressive on social media, and rushing to get married.. i have a theory that maybe she inspired him to go to rehab and get the help he needs. maybe he wanted to be sober and better for her because he truely loves her. i mean none of his other girlfriends he felt the need to get sober for- so possibly her being in his life helped him want to be a better man and father. sadly, it should have been bentley that inspired his wanting to change. so as much negativity as there is around this whole thing, i’m just going to stay hopeful that it all worked out this way for a reason, and that he’ll stay clean and finally be the father he should have always been.

      1. yeah you’re actually totally right!!! my previous comment was before i saw the “wedding” and the driving (and a few episode back also) after bindge watching i realized that none of this has to do with love.. aww i guess i’m a hopeless romantic and was hoping he was admitting he needed help because he was in love. sadly i was very wrong.

      2. Agree. We know as early as March she had outed him while on vacation…probably sick of enabling him and no longer willing to hide it. My guess is that Ryan went to rehab once Maci got involved and told J&L no more Bentley until he gets help.

  7. Yeah, let’s see if this takes. Seems like he didn’t want to go but was shamed into it. I don’t think he has ever been on camera sober, the fact that he put so many lives in jeopardy and it was shown on national TV is the only reason he went to rehab.

  8. I believe this is FAKE and Ryan is acting at this point to keep shit interesting for the money. We’ve seen Ryan on tv for years and they’ve never shown this side of him until recently… Maci would love I mean LOVE for yet another thing to hold against Ryan but not this? Please. Maci loves Mack, y’all think Maci would love someone who is more controlling over Ryan than she is? Idk none of this makes sense to me. I’m confused as hell.

  9. The fact that McKenzie married him shows A. she’s desperate to be on TV….. B. She has the absolute worst judgement in the world….or C. all of the above. How could you let yourself marry someone who had to get effed up on pills to marry you?? Plus how could she marry someone knowing they have a drug problem and she has a CHILD….I hope Ryan gets better, but how stupid can McKenzie be?? At least wait a year for him to be completely off drugs and then marry him?

    1. Agree- I don’t get it either. She’s only 21 and already has a divorce under her belt. Reminds me a lot of a young Leah, probably wanting that “perfect family” at any cost. I don’t see any other reason to rush to the alter, ESPECIALLY considering her age, recent divorce and Ryan’s addiction struggles. If you’ve never been with the person sober, how can you be so sure she’s the one for you? Maybe Mac raced to get married because she was worried that Ryan would come out of rehab having changed his mind. It sounds awful, but it’s the best I can come up with ??‍♀️

  10. I still do not understand the rush to the altar. Mackenzie has only ever known Ryan as an addict. It’s not like they have been together for years and she remembers what Ryan was like before his addiction. Maybe she’s pregnant? Maybe Ryan needs her insurance benefits? Who knows, but whatever the reason Mackenzie is strange and this “marriage” is doomed!

  11. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    According to Simon, the producers were supplying him with pills. Don’t know if anything Simon says can be believed but that’s a huge accusation.

  12. If Ryan is a step up for her, I would love to see what her ex husband was like. Something is off with her for marrying someone as high as he was. She seemed desperate. I am no longer a fan of her’s. How phony was she while talking to Maci, then running to his parents and telling them all that was said. Sad immature girl with some unseen motives.

    1. Do we think it’s a possibility that she’s not entirely sober either? Maybe she dapples with drugs here or there and didn’t realize the severity of Ryan’s addiction until it was too late. Otherwise, I can’t see her not being clued in very early-on as to what was going on

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Ryan was not on Xanax. Ryan was either on narcotic pain killers or heroin. He wasn’t falling asleep in the sense that he was tired, he was nodding off from opioid use. The glassy, half open eyes, slack jaw, popping out of it when spoken to, classic dope head. He’ll relapse, many, many times. He only went to detox, not rehab.

  14. Haven’t read down the thread here, but I either read or heard somewhere that the whole rush to the altar for Ryan and Mack was so that a judge would rule favorably of Ryan’s “stability” after taking Mack’s advice to go to court as soon as possible to push for more time with Bentley.

    Either way, after seeing that flat-out terrifying scene with Ryan driving high as a damn kite — and Mack trying to cover up his drug addiction by turning off the camera instead of demanding he pull over, all I have to say is:

    Excuse me…what?

    1. She was definitely the one pushing to get married, but why ? I don’t buy the favorable court ruling BS. If I was her I would not be rushing to marry someone who is wack-a-do all the time.

      Jeez are these people a magnet for each other ? dumbbells who can’t see a train wreck coming.

  15. Barbinop never said it wasn’t Maci’s business. She said it wasn’t her place to put details out there, which I agree with. Maci didn’t act out of concern, she played the part so she can have juicy story line. The same way she shamelessly uses her childrens bathroom habits as topics of discussion. (even laughing over his clearly voiced discomfort about the subject.)
    I think Maci needs to realize that she also exhibits addictive behaviours openly in front of her children. While her issue is NO WHERE near as frightening as Ryan’s, she is setting an example to Bentley, who will certainly have a genetic disposition to substance abuse from both parents.

  16. I was absolutely floored that Mackenzie and MTV let him drive like that, not only to get a haircut but to go to the wedding. MTV has jumped in to intervene in the past (I’m dating myself but Ruthie from the Real World comes to mind). MTV should be ashamed of themselves. I liked Mackenzie for Ryan from the beginning because she seemed to not put up with his crap and she encouraged him to be a good father but I really dislike her now that she denied that he was ever on drugs a few weeks ago. (and denied it in a nasty way too)

    All of that said, I hope he can stay away from drugs (which looked more like heroin than Xanex to me).

    1. Im a dinosaur so I remember that season of the Real World. If I remember correctly she got alcohol poisoning one night too and they made her go to rehab. I couldn’t believe the production let him drive either. He looked like a mad man stammering around that yard heading to his car. Mackenzie knew he was HIGH HIGH but maybe she didn’t want to fight with him on camera or make the situation worse and draw attention. Although I would have offered to drive him. You could also tell she seemed embarrassed (annoyed?) that he was HIGH HIGH like this, especially while driving. I don’t understand for the life of me why she wouldn’t tell him to pull over or MTV didn’t. I think they can see what’s going on in the vehicles from cameras. Maybe Mac can’t drive? Im hoping that’s why she didn’t tell him to pull over. I kinda don’t get all of the “she’s a gold digger. Female Matt” jabs at her. If anything I think she’s naive and not experienced enough in relationships and she thinks she can change him.

      1. Debz’s Dr Santa Dude – I agree. I think it’s her young age and the fact she wanted to marry Ryan NOW, no matter what.

  17. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    As someone who frequently works with drug addicts for a living, that is definitely heroin not Xanax. A 30 day rehab stint isn’t going to be enough for a drug this addictive. He was practically overdosing in the car. He needs serious help.

  18. How did she not insist that he pull over? Those scenes were so disturbing, what really gets me is the fact that she let him drive in that condition, I don’t know how often she has her child with her, but if she got in the car with him seeing how messed up he was, who’s to say that might not happen with her child or Bentley present. Very sad, hope he gets some real help.

    1. She wanted to get married asap. She did not have her hair bleeched and have extensions for nothing. She looks nothing like the girl we saw the first time. She played her part well.

    2. I had already seen the “wedding scene” so I knew they made it, but I still honestly thought that they were going to spin off the road and crash and kept expecting it. I couldn’t believe that. And the fact Mackenzie didn’t seem bothered ENOUGH by this makes it seem like this isn’t a one-time occurrence. Incredibly disturbing. What a day to remember your wedding……

      1. You bring up a very good point. She didn’t seem shocked but irritated. He’s probably driven way more times like this than we realize. I wonder what happened from the time she turned off the cameras, to their arrival at the parking lot wedding.
        Has MTV made any kind of statement regarding this incident?

        Anyway, I agree with you, I think he’s been behind the wheel many times like this. No way this was the first time.

        And Xanax doesn’t make your pupils dilate or cause them to bulge. No way he was just on Xanax, no way.

  19. This is a little off subject but did anyone else hear those phone calls that Matt’s alleged polygraph test chick “Tiffany” recorded of him? It definitely sounds like they had an affair by the way they were talking to each other. She said in an interview that they did have sex. I don’t know why or how he passed that question in the polygraph test but I guess because he lies so much that his pulse pretty much stays the same.

    1. I’ve known people who lie to the point where they believe their own lies – like it’s reality. How do polygraphs work for people like that? Polygraphs only seem to work if the person being tested KNOWS that they are lying.

      1. And if the person being tested has a CONSCIENCE. Matt’s a pathological liar – people like that don’t feel upset about lying, so I expect their biometrics stay even (heartrate, breathing, etc).

  20. I love this family so much I sure hope Ryan accepts and allows the treatment they are offering! I also hope Maci & Mackenzie (spc) come together for Bentley. You all deserve a happy healthy life!!

  21. Best of luck ryan! I cried when I saw you falling asleep at the wheel on last nights episode… I was so worried about you! You all have become like people I care about and admire in many ways… I admire you for going to rehab! Please for your well being and bentleys stay clean… love ❤️ you man!!!

  22. Wow! That episode was so incredibly distrubing. There is something so off about Mackenzie. What is wrong with her? She is NOT going to be a good influence in Ryan’s life, just the opposite.

    1. I almost died when she said they were getting married to help their chances of getting better custody of Bentley (The child they felt they didn’t have to tell about his dads own wedding and new stepmom) LOL those two are so delusional RYAN has a long way to go to even have it considered I mean it honestly scares me to think that if those two children both McKenzie and Ryan’s would have been in the car and I just wonder what McKenzie would have done or not done more likely

      1. Nothing screams stability like driving under the influence to your secret (but televised) quickie wedding.

  23. I’m still surprised people think it’s *only* xanax he was/is on, and has a problem with. Xanax doesn’t make your eyes buggy and bulge out…kind of the opposite of what xanax does. The sleepy/can’t get up/can’t stay awake/can’t focus/any other “lazy” side effect…yep, xanax does that..but it does not hype you up unless you’re double dipping your candies of choice. He’s displayed effects from both uppers and downers, for years now. Add in alcohol, which we all know he also drinks, and you’ve got more than just a “xanax” problem.

    Can’t stand the guy, I think he’s a shit father and may likely always be a shit father(though, some folks do change, I can’t deny that, whether I *think* he will, or not)…but I DO hope he finds some real help for his addictions-of which I believe he has multiple. Though, truth be told, I only hope he gets help for his son..but I have a very biased view when it comes to addict parents. My own biological father was, and I can tell you, without a doubt, I was better NOT having him in my life, no matter how difficult that might have been at times. Even as an adult when we connected again, I was cautious, rightfully so, and he disappeared again after YEARS(we’re talking almost two decades)of being clean. Thankfully, my children never knew him, only met him once or twice and don’t remember it, because I wouldn’t want them subjected to a sometime family member.

    1. And why wasn’t it ever brought up what the huge issue was with Larry and him. I thought all along Larry did not agree with what his was doing concerning drugs. All was hidden. I didn’t get how they pick and choose what gets show. Why because he was somewhat attractive at one time? I mean Adam is a crap of a person but they show everything about him because he’s less attractive?

  24. That was one of the most disturbing things I’d ever seen on reality TV. And that’s the sad part, it was real. He was in a car, responsible for his life, Mack’s life and every life on that road, and he was higher than a kite. He looked absolutely fucked up and couldn’t even speak coherently. Awful

  25. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    Mackenzie is either insane, insecure, wanting fame,wanting an easy pay check, or all of the above. How do you put your life on the line for a dead beat drug addict? She didn’t even ask him to pull over & let her drive! She could have left her son without a mother & Bentley without his father! Plus kill some innocent people! What if her son & Bentley were in the car & they had wreck?!?! The local police should use the footage & press charges & put him in jail! Like how the police used the footage to put Amber in jail. A quick trip to the hab will not fix him! Ryan & Mackenzie need a reality check! They don’t care or consider their children! Her son is suppose to live with her & she allowed Ryan to have that kind behavior around her son?!?! What kind of role model is he? What kind of mother wants her son to see her with someone like that! Is that how she wants her son to grow up and be like? I hope her son’s father takes her to court & takes her son away from her! Obviously she doesn’t care about him! Ryan will use her & cheat on her & she’ll just be another notch on his belt! Sorry not sorry for telling it like it is!

  26. I pretty much vented on my twitter last night. But it bares repeating…. As Jenn was sobbing over the state Ryan was in, Mackenzie literally just huffs, all annoyed and just says “Where is this wedding man?” Like really? Her true colors were out in full force. I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again, this little mini Meredith Blake is working Ryan over. I bet they had no prenup. I actually felt bad for Ryan in this episode, minus the driving part (I can’t even talk about that again) But in the beginning where she’s telling him about the wedding that she planned. Ryan makes an innocent comment about wanting a hair cut. He pretty much says it to himself and she just screams “Will you listen ?!” At him, and glares at him after he apologizes for interrupting her. Then she continues to glare at him and doesn’t even respond when he tells her he loves her. And on top of that, she just lets him drive away high as a kite.

    She’s so transparent, I genuinely dislike her. I’d even say hate.

    She knows exactly what she’s doing. All for money. I mean as he falls asleep at the wheel,she just says “Why are you swerving?” Reaches over and grabs the wheel ar one point. And just gets annoyed that he’s driving too slow. Disgusting

    1. I have a theory that she’s drowning in credit card debt or something . ..and needs access to money fast. This way she gets it while looking like a saint for helping a drug addict

    2. Meredith Blake! YES. Thank you for that.
      This episode was so disturbing, I thought they were going to crash the car (even though I’ve seen the wedding scene and knew they made it somehow)… how is it legal to get married in that state? Also the fact Mackenzie wore an over-the-top wedding dress to this rushed “event” was kind of ridiculous. Get yourself a pretty cocktail dress and calm down.

      1. I personally think she’s just greedy. She didn’t really even smile at him till he said “I do.” And he (barely) slid that ring on her finger. I swear I heard “cha-ching!” The fact that she met him on drugs and rushed for this, just says it all. The scene where they’re on the porch together, her choice of words when explaining how the wedding will be, she just sounded so…young. Immature. I bet this happened so quickly because of how bad Ryan’s addiction got, and Maci was issuing ultimatums about rehab(noticed how she mentioned taking Ryan to lawyer) they knew he was heading to rehab soon so she rushed the wedding incase when he sobered up , he couldn’t just dump her, and whatever money he makes from that point on, half goes to her. Plus she gets control of him in the meantime. Phone, finances,social media ect… I don’t trust her. She seems like a spoiled… something.

    3. agree 100%!!!!!!…..and me personally I think she snapped at him like WILL YOU LISTEN!!?!?….because she knew he was already on something and that he was about to go meet his dealer, because this wasn’t the first time…which makes her look more desperate, because only someone with ulterior motives would marry someone thats semi famous on drugs

  27. What the hell is wrong with Mackenzie?

    The episode a couple weeks ago featured her mom, and she was only on for a few seconds but even for a short time you could tell her mom is super annoying and fake. And it was funny AND creepy when her mom tells Jen and Larry “Ryan is really god to Mackenzie,” they stare at her for a good 20 seconds, clearly not being able to tell if she’s being condescending, sarcastic, or just fucking with them. They know what a fail their son is. They eventually decide she’s deluded and Larry hesitantly says “We think Mackenzie’s been good for Ryan…?” He says it sort of like a question, as if he thinks its possible Mackenzie’s mom just got their names mixed up. Lmao.

    But Mack and her mom are either a bunch of looney toon deluded nuts from Planet Bananas, or they’re really itchin for that MTV money.

  28. Maci was out of line for publicly discussing Ryan’s problem. She still loves him and still tries to control him. It’s more than caring about him cause he’s the father of her son. She needs to worry about herself and HER addiction to beer. She has her own marriage to focus on and leave Ryan and his wife handle their business without her constant interfering.

    1. She cares that he could be driving Bentley around while he’s F’ed up! That’s what she cares about and rightfully so!

    2. It absolutely is her business. They have a child together. Should she just ‘mind her own business,’ and let Bentley go over to a high Ryan?!? Absolutely not. Ryan can hate her all he wants, but obviously Maci talking about this publicly made him do something about. It’s not like this was a well kept secret. You have to be an idiot to not think Ryan was on some kind of drug. I don’t even like Maci but come on. There’s nothing wrong about her wanting Bentley to have his father alive. She could take all his rights away but she hasn’t.

        1. Just a fyi, you can change a down vote to an up vote by pressing the up vote. Sometimes you have to do it a few times to get it to change. Cheers!

    3. ^ What Grace said. Ryan is around Bentley and that is Maci’s child so that is absolutely 100% her business. Maci drinks beer. So what? A lot of parents do. That is not illegal and she isn’t a belligerent drunk.

    4. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
      You’re an idiot! She cares if he lives or dies because she’ll have to deal with the aftermath. She always has to clean the mess up he makes! She has a good man that is more of a father than Ryan has ever been or ever will be! She does it all without Ryan! She cares about Bentley and that’s his father and she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Ryan. Making it public would open it up so him, Mackenzie, or his parents can’t sweep it under the rug anymore! He needed to be confronted with it! They knew MTV would air what happened so they threw him in a rehab asap. Also praying charges don’t get pressed against him. Which They should! They worry more about image rather than his heath or what his problem is doing to Bentley! Like seriously did you even read what you said? Apparently not because you would have seen how stupid & ignorant it was!

    5. I would’ve agreed with you a while a go, but after last night I think her discussing it publicly was the ONLY way to have Ryan seek help…

      I’m not sure if you have experience with it, but I lived with an addicted parent and they rarely listen until you bring out their addiction, because until then they probably don’t think anything is wrong.

      Maybe she still loves Ryan, maybe not, I don’t think we’ll ever know. Fact is her son goes there, he is his father and she wants best for him. I don’t think that’s out of line tbh.

    6. I completely disagree with you. It is her business. I also don’t think she still loves that a-hole, terrible father. She’s got something quite good with Taylor. Also, she’s young and while she may drink beer sometimes WHO CARES? She is an excellent mother and doesn’t put her kids at risk.

      Do you not drink? Should no one drink or just parents should never drink?
      That’s ridiculous.

    7. I can’t believe 22 people upvoted this stupid comment. Sure, sure, it’s not Maci’s business that her son’s father is an addict that drives under the influence, nods out while driving, and almost crashes the car with CAMERAS ON. Imagine what they do when no one is watching.

      Are you trolling or being for real?

  29. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
    I’ve never been so upset by a Teen Mom episode. Idk what I was expecting when they put the disturbing content warning but I was literally bawling. This is a father. Bentley can watch this one day. Ryan married the perfect enabler. I cannot believe she didn’t make him pull over. So sad. And scary.

  30. What I saw on the finale was so wrong on so many levels. First, who in the hell does Mackenzie, Miss 21 yrs old, think she is getting involved in custody matters that are not her own. David “Lurch” Eason? Her biggest concern seemed to be the fact that they were late to their parking lot vows, not the fact that they were going to die and take a few other drivers out as well. She didn’t seem too worried about her own safety, other than giving him a few slaps. She turned off the cameras not to prevent the recording of their deaths in a fiery crash, but more so to limit the footage of Ryan drooling on the steering wheel while his eyes rolled back in his head. Personally, I would have felt more safe jumping out of the car and rolling down an embankment into a river with a swift current, but I’m not trying to lock down MTV money at all costs. FUCK MTV for doing nothing to stop what was happening. Maybe those two idiots didn’t care about dying, but other innocent people on the road maybe value their lives more than that.
    LMFAO @ her in a formal gown and him in khakis. Jake from State Farm approves! No tie from TJ Maxx for Ryan!

    1. Right???
      Her lack of concern for his driving makes it seem like this perhaps happens a LOT.
      Also the gown… really? She already has a wedding dress for the “real wedding” so go get yourself a cocktail dress and chill.

  31. I still do not understand why so many people were hating on Maci for being worried about him. As if it was none of her business. Clearly his addiction is/was out of control. She doesn’t hate her ex. She loves her son. It makes sense that she doesn’t want her son to have an addict father or worse. Instead of ripping his rights away, she asked him to seek help first. It’s a horrible situation and I’m thankful I’m not in their shoes.

    1. She has every right to be worried for the sake of her son! I think the issue most people have with Maci is that she has made this her entire storyline. She has every right to confront him since he could potentially put her son in a dangerous situation, but she didn’t need to go on camera and make it about her. I hope it’s mostly prodding by the producers and that she doesn’t actually talk about Ryan to Taylor 24/7. That would make any husband go WTF!?

      1. I agree, I think it’s a lot of production prodding her, just like the do with Chelsea talking about Adam. I honestly think she truly cares. She’s been close with his family and doesn’t want to see him die. I cannot imagine having to see your son lose his father for something completely preventable.
        But you raise a good point, she should have tried to not belabor the point on camera. The worst part is even if she didn’t say a word, she’d be vilified for not stepping up. His addiction is not a reflection on her. And poor Bentley, these clips will follow him his whole life. At this point, MTV has a responsibility to not film him while he’s sick. They may as well stick a needle in his arm themselves if they’re going to keep paying him.

    2. I’m not necessarily hating on Maci for caring about Ryan or even making it her storyline. She clearly needed this to be her storyline so all her problems could be hidden from the cameras. That being said…she is just going a bit overboard in my opinion. Yes she has a relationship with Ryan because the share a child. And yes, it does appear as though she is trying to be “friends” with Ryan in order to co-parent effectively. Buttttt….I think she is just going a bit to far. She can’t sleep, eat, drink (on, other than beer) and she really can’t function (but is it because of the beer??) because she is just so worried about Ryan. Please. How can this be affecting her life to this degree that everything about her daily life is going to hell?! Basically Ryan’s drug use is affecting her ability to function and properly care for her family and children, including Bentley. Is either parent in their right mind to properly care for Bentley? I just don’t understand how or why this would consume every moment of her day the way she dramatizes that it does.

      1. You’ve obviously never been around a parent whose child is being put in harm’s way through the other parent. Speaking from a girlfriend of a dad whose ex-wife treats his daughter horribly…when your child is suffering as a result of the other parent it is absolutely entirely consuming. It affects the kid, the parent, and the step-parent/partner of the parent. Actually, it affects anyone who is invested in the child’s life and wants to see that child thrive.

        It is absolutely within Maci’s right to be concerned about Ryan’s well being. I think Maci gets major props for reaching out to a therapist and discussing the issues before making any decision, and for doing that away from any child not just Bentley. She also discussed the issue with a friend who knew Ryan and could see the changes that Maci was concerned about.

        And you mentioned Maci drinking a lot–which is true, girl loves her beer, but can you even list one time where she was slurring on camera, or driving impaired, or in a position where she was unable to care for her children?

  32. I am just shocked all around! First off, you mean to tell me Mackenzie rushed into marrying a drugged up Ryan just to help him with custody of Bentley? Is the marriage even legal knowing how drugged up he was? I would want my partner to get “cleaned up” (rehab – EXTENSIVE rehab with continued follow up) before I would consider getting married. I am not saying she should have dumped him and just walked away but once you marry him the problem is yours as well. Does she really want her child around that? I’m sure Ryan can be a good and loving guy but not right now. What is Mackenzie trying to prove? None of this makes sense. I thought she would have known better from her first marriage. And second of all, I think it’s great that Maci cares about her son’s father but get over it Maci. He doesn’t love you anymore. Get over him. You’re married to Taylor. Quit carrying a torch for Ryan. Mind your own business. I get that she cares but she has no business blasting Ryan’s business to the world. Everyone can clearly see he is on drugs. She is not helping him at all by gossiping about him. And Mackenzie is not helping him at all by entering into a marriage that is going to certainly fail and ignoring what is really going on with him! I think Mackenzies plan to help Ryan with custody is going to fail anyway. Bentley does not need to be exposed to that.

    1. Maci only cares about Ryan’s well being, she doesn’t hold a torch for him!!
      That ship sailed along time ago, like the day she gave him back his ring. Or at best 7 years ago..
      It’s crazy how some people can watch the same series and come up with idiotic theories.

  33. I couldn’t believe she was more worried about the car cameras than telling him to get the hell off the road so he didn’t kill them or anyone else! Do you really want to marry a man like that? And should a dude who drives so high he falls asleep at the wheel really have legalized rights to his own son??? She has a kid/kids doesn’t she? She wants them to have a stepfather like that? I never questioned her motives until this ep, but she can’t be that dumb and not see Ryan has a huge problem! And I’m going on record saying I think it’s heroin, not pills that is his problem.

    1. Mackenzie is turning out to be a manipulative bitch on the level with Kail Lowry. He could easily get this marriage annulled by showing a judge the footage of how fucked up he was and how she kept pushing to do it right then and there.

  34. I used to be such a fan of the show I know I know unbelievable call it my guilty pleasure however seeing that scene with McKenzie and Ryan in the car was my last straw I’m done watching for McKenzie to be more worried about the cameras i’m not trying to get Ryan do at least pull over for not only her and Ryan safety but the safety of those that were actually on the road and then to drive to your wedding and get married to someone who is clearly out of their mind is unbelievably concerning they both need to have their heads examined that said I really hope this treatment did help him but to stay less than 30 days makes me wonder how seriously he was taking this sincerely done with the show

    1. I’m not sure MTV production was watching the car footage live. If they were, I think they would have intervened. That would have been horrible for Mack because she wouldn’t have been able to lock Rhine down that very day!

  35. He was only in for two weeks, wasn’t he? That’s not enough time to break a nail biting habit. I have lost all respect for Jen and Larry for sitting through that fiasco of a wedding and as far as his new ” bride” goes, pshaw! I will never believe a word that comes out of her ugly ass mouth?

  36. I cannot imagine my fiance driving me to my wedding and almost killing us because he’s so high on drugs that he almost swerves off the road. She was well aware he was high because she asked him if he took xanax. Was Ryan getting his rights legalized to Bentley really that important to Mackenzie that she wants to remember her wedding day that way? There is something wrong with her. I can’t wait for Maci to rip her a new a**hole on the reunion.

  37. “Life could not be better” after just 30ish days of rehab means you are not clean. We aren’t stupid Ryan.

  38. Being the daughter of a deceased pill addict, I can guarantee you that someone with a problem as severe as Ryan, a month in rehab was not enough. Watching that scene when Ryan was driving Mackenzie was like watching my father. My father unfortunately lost his life from his addiction because he never got the necessary help that was needed. I wish the best for Ryan and his family and hope he stays clean but I wouldn’t be starts using again down the road.

    1. I’m sorry you had an addict for a dad, I have an alcoholic mother and the scene also took me back to when I was in the car and my mom was driving drunk with me.

      1. Thank you. I’m sorry too. That’s tough. That scene was very hard to watch because my dad would fall asleep like that all the time from being high. He chewed on fentanyl patches and took oxycodone (which is what ended up killing him) that was prescribed by a doctor. I feel so bad for Bentley. He’s too young to know what is going on but hopefully Ryan will keep it together and stay clean so Bentley won’t have to deal with it when he’s older.

    2. My ex spent over a year in rehab, and got kicked out for drinking beer the first time they let him go out on his own ( he’s a heroin addict). That was 20 years ago. He’s currently in prison (for the last two years) because of drugs.

      Addicts don’t change unless THEY want to.

  39. Just saw the pictures of him nodding off. WTF AND SHE JUST TURNED THE CAMERAS AROUND?! Idk if she has her driver’s license but even if she doesn’t, she could have made someone else drive them. HE COULD HAVE KILLED THEM BOTH.

    1. She definately has her license. She was driving to pick up her rented wedding dress in an earlier scene. She should of been the one driving in the beginning.

  40. I wish you all the best on your recovery, Rhine. I’ll still never forgive you for killing cats though. Ass.

      1. Yeah, I remember that. I think it was something along cats wandered to their property and he intentionally killed them for fun. He was even investigated for animal cruelty.

  41. I wonder if Ryan really thinks that people believe that he was only on Xanax. My niece, sister and myself have all been prescribed Xanax and in no way, shape or form does it dilate pupils.

    If he can’t be honest about what drugs he was abusing, it doesn’t bode well for his recovery.

    I still wish him all the luck in the world though. Bentley deserves it.

    1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “trash”. Reason: Failed GASP Bot Filter Test (comment token failure) *]
      If you watch his arm in both this weeks and last weeks episode, you’d see track marks on his left arm. Last week while they were sitting on the couch with the puppy talking about the wedding dress and this week when he was playing with that toy car and she was calling about getting married. He’s not just using Xanax.

  42. For Bentley’s sake, I hope he stays clean. It will be a long road. 30 days is NOT enough time for him to think he’s well into his recovery.
    Good luck.

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