Amber Portwood’s ‘Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars’ Foe Revealed? Brandi Glanville to Appear on Next Season

Amber and Brandi may not be so chummy anymore…

Last week Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood was complaining that a certain “blonde jackass” and “drunk bimbo” was driving her crazy while filming inside the Marriage Boot Camp Mansion for the upcoming “Family Edition” season. Although Amber did not reveal who her filming foe was, we may now have our answer, thanks to Page Six!

The site reports that former Real Housewives star Brandi Glanville is one of the other people in the ‘MBC’ house with Amber and her former fiance Matt Baier. Brandi is reportedly filming the season with her father, Guy Glanville.

While The Ashley can’t totally confirm (yet) that Brandi was the blonde that Amber was hating on while inside the ‘MBC’ house, Amber did provide a small hint that pointed that way. When one of Amber’s Twitter followers suggested that the person Amber was talking about in her tweets may be Brandi, Amber liked the tweet.

The ‘Boot Camp’ Mansion is not the first place that Brandi and Amber have met. In May, Amber and Matt appeared on Brandi’s “Unfiltered” podcast, just days before their relationship exploded due to cheating rumors and Matt’s failed lie detector test.

During the podcast, Amber and Brandi got along swimmingly, but the stress of being locked in a house full of fame-hungry reality stars (and estranged family members) may have caused them to quarrel.

The Ashley is working to find out who else will be featured on the ‘MBC’ season with Amber, Matt, Brandi and Guy. Stay tuned!

(Photo: Instagram)

12 Responses

  1. omg Brandi’s mouth! Why do these stars RUIN their faces?! I’ll never understand it. It’s like they have a sign on them screaming “I was afraid a couple wrinkles in the future would make me not pretty so now my face is bloated and plastic and distorted instead”. I can’t think of anything else when looking at them. They could be telling me the cure for cancer and all I’d be thinking is “plastic plastic so much plastic”.

  2. Wow. She used to be pretty. This is what happens if you have plastic surgery…you look like crap

  3. Omg when I opened up this page I thought that was a transgender women, particularly that Candis Cayne that was pretending to be besties with Bruce Jenner. Brandi looks terrible. Those lips turn the corner before she does.

  4. The podcast was the first place I thought maybe there are some truth to the Matt rumors. I watch sporadically and don’t really get too invested but holy crap Amber sounded crazy. Matt did not come off well and humble bragged through much of it while talking about the stress that fame has had on them. I actually like Brandi’s podcast and listen every week because I find her to be a good interviewer who can relate without making the whole show about herself (coughheathermcdonaldcough) but this interview painful. She had to drag answers out Amber and often times Matt finish her sentences/thoughts. Other times she prattled on about what a great guy he is and how lucky she is to have him. It was weird and after I listened to it, 2 weeks after it aired I came to this site to see what was up. It was totally bizarre.

  5. Brandi’s lips look horrible in that pic! She looks like she’s wearing those huge red wax lips that are candy!

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