Find Out When & Where ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans is Getting Married (Exclusive Details!)

“We’re gettin’ hitched!”

Wedding bells are about to ring for Jenelle Evans…and much sooner than anyone thought!

The Teen Mom 2 star is currently engaged to her third baby-daddy, David Eason, and the couple is almost ready to head down the aisle! 

Jenelle and David’s wedding is just over two months away; they are set to get hitched on Saturday, September 23!

Details are somewhat limited, but all of The Ashley’s sources confirm to her that the nuptials will take place on Jenelle and David’s land in the North Carolina swampland!

As far as the guest list, Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, is not invited (as of now, anyway). Jenelle’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ co-stars Leah MesserKail Lowry and Chelsea Houska should also not expect a “Save the Date” card in the mail any time soon.

The sources confirm that the wedding guest list will be short. However, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ film crew will be invited, as the festivities will be filmed for ‘Teen Mom 2.’

This will be the second marriage for both Jenelle and David.

The Ashley will have more info on the wedding soon– stay tuned!

UPDATE! Jenelle just confirmed the September 23 date on her Instagram by posting her Save the Date card.

I’m ready to make my life forever with you. ??? #SaveTheDate

A post shared by Jenelle Evans (@j_evans1219) on

(Photo: Instagram)

77 Responses

  1. This pic doesn’t look like her.

    Also, one of my friends had these kind of tree stump legs when she was pregnant. Another, when she was shooting up. So i dont know where to go with all this info. I wish the best for Jenelle even though she’s not a nice person. I hope she found a guy thats good to her & her kids when the cameras are not there

  2. As much as I cannot stand Jenelle… I’ve seen pictures where she is really pretty and this is one of them.

  3. Damn-she is UNRECOGNIZABLE in the photo at the beginning of the article. Is that even Jenelle? Or is that a leaked picture of David and his next baby mama?

    1. Right. She looks pretty there. It’s amazing how different someone can look with new eyebrows and lips.

  4. A wedding to rival the beauty and romance of Mackenzie and Ryan’s wedding. Too bad they didn’t decide to do a crossover episode. They could have ditched all their kids like they all usually do and carpooled to the side of the road for a double wedding

  5. When you have to wait for your wedding so you can send your landscaper’s bill to MTV.
    Set dressing dude.

  6. Funny how everyone says IF they make it they have been together going on 2 years.. I’m pretty sure they’ve made it. I find it funny she had proven her haters wrong and they hate it.. I’m happy for her and David.

    1. I’m happy for them too. It’s not everyday two people with similar arrest records and an equal number of illegitimate children find each other on Tinder and fall madly in love.

    2. any couple could last two years when they get paid just for living their daily lives and barely get out of bed to take care of their kids. Tossing kaiser in a dark room while he’s crying so he can “nap” and locking yourself in your bedroom are easy things to do

  7. These body shaming comments are gross. And like, really? Out of all the dumb crap this girl has done in her life you choose to analyze her ankles? Stop.

  8. If you are having a very small wedding where it’s doubtful that the mother of the bride will even be invited to attend, why would you have a “Save the date” photo shoot that you would plaster all over your social media? Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking about here. Never mind.

    1. Totally agree about Jenelle, but… have you seen David?! He’s physically repulsive, and is completely nuts. They deserve each other. Their poor kids, however, deserve much better.

  9. I find it pathetic that these guys would want her. I know some guys think with their penis but dear lord is she really wife material. She has almost said I do to how many other man and actually married one. What is wrong with david? I will be so surprised if they get married because her engagements never make it that far. If they do get married it won’t be long.

    1. Tracy- You make it sound like David is some sort of prize. David clearly is in it for the (Jenelle’s) money. He doesn’t have to work anymore. He gets paid for sitting on his ass and galavanting with Jenelle. He’s a creepy, controlling, ugly, ignorant gold digger. We all know Jenelle is a total piece of shit. They deserve each other!

      1. Lurch was a welder working full time (from what we could gather) when he met Jenelle. Once he locked Jenelle down with the pregnancy he “went back to college”. Which is clearly code for quitting your real job & riding the MTV gravy train. UBT is NOT college material (we all recall fondly the classic “I feel like I’m about to fill this whole street with uppercut” scene). Welding is a good, honest living probably with union wages/benefits. But Lurch was being held back from his PhD in Women’s Studies by his lack of funds. GMAB

        1. Omg I just wanted to comment that my sister made a Pinterest-inspired sign for my living room that says “in this house, we fill the whole street with uppercut” bc I LOL’d so much about that line

    2. THEY will stay married as long as the show is airing but the moment the money dries up and reality sets in, tensions will build because money is disappearing and thats when the fights, arrests, cheating accusations, and Twitter wars will begin. Im scared for Chinelle because this dude is huge, she’s tiny, and I think he could kill her.

  10. If this is a wedding, you’d think that Jenelle would put differences aside for a limited amount of time and along with all the TV cameras to film it – invite HER MOTHER.

    I’m sure that for no one else, and for ONE day only, her son Jace would be happy that he could attend the wedding without the usual screaming, vitriol and “I’ll never speak to you again” tensions this poor child has witnessed his entire life.

    But no. For Jenelle, I guess it’ll just continue to sadly be a “swamp thing.”


    1. It’s all about the drama and attention. This wedding will happen out of spite and to prove her life is now a “fairytale” A spiteful, swamp wedding…

  11. so basically no one will be there. If was truly trying to repair things her first sentence wouldn’t be my mother won’t be there. But fear not all the reporters and barb will be there for the divorce to tell you they told you so your marrying another matt but then again he is getting worse

  12. Oh no. There is no way this wedding won’t be completely redneck white trash. It’s a given that Kaiser and Ensley won’t be attending the wedding. The real wild card is Jace. Will Barbara allow Jace to attend without her? Does Janelle want him to be there? Would Janelle even notice Jace’s attendance or lack thereof?

    Actually, I’m having visions of Jace having to walk Janelle down the aisle. In a normal scenario it would be adorable. In this case, it’s borderline emotional abuse. She has to stop telling partial truths and outright delusions to that poor child. If MTV wasn’t filming, I would have little hope of Jace being invited.

    Are we placing bets on the number of Janelle’s attorneys who will attend? And does their attendance count toward the substantial retainer Janelle must pay them all? I’m really hoping one of Janelle’s exes crashes the wedding. Then David could fill the streets with upper cuts at his wedding like every episode ever of My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding.

    Finally, Janelle, the next time you get engaged and send out Save the Dates, you might want to remember to wear pants. Just a suggestion

  13. Wish she would hold off until the MTV money stops rolling in before getting married to test the relationship in real life circumstances. Praying she gets a prenup and has kept her money separate from him. Unfortunately doubt it.

    1. What money? Pretty sure it’s all been shot up her and her boyfriends’ veins and nose or partied up on travel, concerts, booze.

  14. I don’t like Jenelle, but some of you guys are seriously harsh with the body comments. Her baby is only like 4 or 5 months old, and it’s her 3rd (that she actually carried to term..) so she’s going to retain more weight and find it harder to shift. And, as far as we know, she’s not on heroin so she’s not going to be as thin as she used to.
    Shit on her crappy parenting skills, vile attitude and inability to function without a dick of the month all you want – they’re choices she makes. But it’s harsh to keep picking on her appearance which is beyond her control, especially when there might be girls who read these comments with similar bodies/sizes or with body issues who may be affected.

    1. She keeps bringing itbup herself..promoting flat tummytea and photoshopping herself thin and trying to look pregnant on other pics. I don’t think she is fat but she needs to quit the lying herself.

    2. Why exposing legs by a) to short shorts, b) making a pic where legs are in the center of attention ?

    3. I agree… I get Maci is thin as a rail but everyone ages and carries differently. Also, Jenelle IS getting older and hasnt exactly treated her body like gold.

      She could workout, but even super strong legs ARE like tree trunks with all the muscle. I thought she looked good (as much as I, too, hate her). I’m shocked to see so many people dragging her body appearance

    4. I hate giving her any credit but I always thought she had a nice shape. Her weight was always distributed pretty well. Even now, Id kill to have been this size after having my son and here she has had three.

  15. Will she wear feathers in her hair for the swamp nuptials? I wonder if she will ride down the aisle on a noble water horse, which will actually be an alligator.. on her swamp land ?

    But thank goodness the MTV crew will be there to watch this backyard disaster wedding (I’m thinking of their fun boating trip when Kaiser would stop being a whiney little b*tch) so we can all see Lurch grunt out his vows.

  16. … let’s try this again…
    Gahhh! They are crazy in love because they are both bat shit crazy! Yeeesh what a nightmare!

  17. Gahhh! They are crazy in love because the because they are both bat shit crazy! Yeeesh what a nightmare!

    1. I didn’t mean that she’s fat. I meant she looks pregnant exspecially the pics David has up. I’m not body shaming I’m just saying she looks pregnant in the pics.

    2. It’s all over the internet that she’s pregnant anyway. So take yr thumbs down somewhere else. I don’t body shame. I’m just saying she looks pregnant.

      1. Because where is she going to put 7 kids plus her and David. I think it would b 7 if he got back all he’s kids.

      2. No need to defend your comment. How is it even possible to shame someone who HAS NO FUCKING SHAME? ?

    1. OMG you predicted what I was going to comment! You should be a psychic!

      Ok I still want to say it too though:


  18. I’ve always had a soft spot for poor Janelle. I hope this relationship works. That being said, she needs to stay away from Barbara. That mother/daughter relationship is so toxic. Barbara simply can’t stop the yelling and swearing. I can’t imagine having a mother like that! Our parents are our main role models! Poor Jace. Plus, I have never figured out how many siblings Janelle has. Do they get along with Janelle and Barbara? The show never mentions them. From the beginning of the show, all I can remember is Barbara screaming at Janelle. Geez…..past behavior predicts future behavior….so we’ll see.

    1. I totally agree. I have always felt bad for Jenelle. And Barbara is a nightmare. I hope this works out and she is able to find some lasting stability for her and her kids.

    2. Sorry but you mustn’t be watching the same episodes of TM2 if you think that Barbara is the only one yelling.

      Throwback to all the times Jenelle was nose to nose screaming into Barbara’s face.. telling her to get into the F-ing house before she punches her in the face or when she was threatening to spit in Barbara’s face. She’s all class.

      Jenelle seems more than happy to scream and swear at her mother infront of Jace.. whether it’s in person or over the phone. I mean Barbara isn’t a saint, but she’s never been shown to scream and swear infront of the kid.

  19. Also not invited to the swamp nuptials: anyone from Lurch’s family who hasn’t either babysat or kissed her ass, and also excluded are Kaiser and Ensley, because, dude, they are lame crybabies. Tori may or may not be allowed in. It depends on if she can score the really good drugs for the wedding.

  20. If she actually makes it to the wedding with him I will be floored. How many times has she been engaged?

    1. Wasn’t it about six? It is the same number as her pregnancies, apparently she was pregnant 6 times already.

  21. Kankles much?

    But seriously… how long into this one til we witness another abortion/divorce?
    Personally I’m taking bets….

    1. Damn, you beat me to the cankles! It’s from that “restless leg syndrome” she was suffering from while doctor shopping. It must have wrecked havoc on her lymphatic system.

  22. It’s a shame that Janelle never did anything with her training she did. But, I guess lifes good when you can sit at home and make babies with no financial obligations to anyone.

    1. It is but honestly with her fame and history I can’t see a doctor’s office wanting to hire her. People would make fake appointments just to come in an gawk at her.

  23. SWAMP WEDDING!!!! Of course they’re getting married on THE LAND. I hope Keifa is there to object. I want to see Lurch’s big watermelon head explode????

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