Farrah Abraham Reveals If She Will Attend Her Mother Debra Danielsen’s Upcoming Wedding

“Unless she’s giving out Botox injections as her wedding favor, I’m gonna skip it.”

Wedding bells are set to ring this November for Teen Mom OG star Debra Danielsen but her daughter, Farrah Abraham says she won’t be there to hear them!

In an interview with Star magazine last week, Farrah revealed that she is not planning to be present when her mom marries Dr. David Mertz.

“Currently, right now, I’ve let [my mom] know that I will not be involved [in her wedding],” Farrah said.

Farrah and David do not get along, and have been especially estranged since getting into a fight during a family vacation that was filmed last season for ‘Teen Mom OG.’ It appears that Farrah is not attending because she doesn’t approve of her mother marrying David.

“I do wish her the best, always, but it’s sad to me that someone she’s bringing into her life, and wanting to create a ‘family’ with doesn’t really know how to do that properly,” Farrah said.

Debra shouldn’t set a spot at the kids’ table for her eight-year-old granddaughter, Sophia, either.

“Sophia will not be there if I’m not there,” Farrah said. “We wish her the best and I really hope everything goes well for her.”

Debra recently announced that her wedding will take place in Omaha, Nebraska, on November 5.

While Farrah and Sophia may not be attending the wedding, it appears that Debra’s other daughter, Ashley Danielsen, may be going. In a recent interview with The Ashley, Ashley stated that she has been helping her mom plan the wedding.

Watch Farrah’s full interview below:

(Photo: Facebook)

38 Responses

  1. I mean she takes it in the pooper for money so why not stand around and Tweet about memory supplements while not watching your mom get married and snag a cool 5Gs??? I doubt anything cool will happen unless Applebee’s messes up the catering.

  2. I think withholding Sophia from attending is manipulative and cruel. I understand not wanting to have a relationship with your mother, but robbing your child from a grandparent that loves them is very selfish.

  3. Farrah says she won’t go to the wedding, but I’m still willing to bet that she will turn up in some horribley blinged out, over the top wedding dress in an attempt to outshine Deb and ruin the whole day.


  4. Why is this ugly plastic slut, making her fuckwit mothers wedding day about her???
    Selfish rude narcissist

  5. Without Farrah, there should be no drama at her wedding so Debra won’t have to take a triple dose of Xanax before walking down the aisle! Their situation is a tragic one. None of us know what went on in their home when Farrah was small, but it certainly seems to me that all of Farrah’s vile behavior hasn’t developed over night. I’m certainly not saying that ANYONE, including Debra, deserves to be treated like Farrah treats her but there has been enough footage through the years to prove that when you raise a child with harsh words and physical punishment, you aren’t going to end up having a loving bond with them. On top of that, Debra is a fame whore that is willing to be humiliated on national TV on a weekly basis just to be weirdly “famous” and collect a decent paycheck just for acting a fool (OMG with that Debz OG rap shit!). Since Farrah’s parenting skills are also disgusting, I hope they are on TV long enough to see So-FEE-ah rip out Farrah’s weave when she tells her they can’t do Jell-O shots out of her vagina molds! ? IT WILL BE CRAPTASTIC!

  6. I opened The Ashley this morning and as I was doing so I said to myself “I hope it’s not that picture of the scary looking pig.” It was Farrah. ????

  7. Couldn’t agree more. I don’t like David and think he’s creepy but admired the fact that he called Farrah out in her behavior. He’s not an enabler like Den and Mykol.

    1. I liked the one where he bought the one V encyclopedia and kept trying to bring up intellectual conversations around things he learned in the encyclopedia lol

  8. Farrah’s hair and her extensions are two COMPLETELY different colors…how can she think that she looks okay?! I know she’s crazy but c’mon girl…

  9. I’ve come to understand why Farrah is who she is the more we see of Debra, (and her creepy fiance). I think all of Farrah’s crazy stems directly from Debra, and while I don’t like to agree with Farrah, I think David and Debra’s wedding is a bit of a sham and they both disgust me.

  10. I have to admit, as horrid as Farrah is, I strongly dislike “Dr.David.” In the footage shown, he seems to meddle in issues early on that don’t concern him and provoke Farrah.

    1. I agree 100%!! I usually hate when Farrah freaks out at people but, I have to admit, when she was freaking out at David, I may or may not have given her a little “You Go Girl”. He’s awful.

      1. Totally agree. If it actually happened as shown in the footage, the very first time she met the guy he started meddling into personal matters and offering opinions on her family issues. He’s not a damn psychologist, and even if he was, an introductory dinner is NOT the place to be bringing up personal matters. As horrible as Farrah is, it’s pretty much on him as the new guy to make an impression. It bothered me that nothing we’ve seen or heard from Debrah thus far has acknowledged that maybe David should avoid instigating the situation. Hell, I’ve never met the girl, but if I did, the last thing I would be doing is asking her personal questions about her issues if I was makeup by an effort to integrate myself into the family.

  11. Then why the hell will the wedding be filmed for MTV?! LOL, if the main “star” is not attending it, there is no point in filming it, Debra (and her man) just love the fame it brings them.

  12. She uses extra words to make herself seem smarter. ‘Currently, right now’…Not even necessary. oh and ‘and wanting to create a ‘family’ with doesn’t really know how to do that properly’. What??

  13. So David ‘does not know how create a family’?
    Subtitle to Farrah speak: he did not sugarcoat, fake or kiss my back door right from the start, he had the nerve to call me out on my shit and therefore, we haven’t been able to build a relationship.

    She is right to some extent though, what he said was true, she does treat her mother bad, the way he said it made it totally unproductive and harmful to their relationship.

    1. Exactly! He’s really no better. Remember the vacatuon trip where Farrah lost her shit and then he gave her the finger and told her to F off? A 25 year old acting that way is embarrassing…a 60 year old with an M.D. acting that way is legit disturbing.

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