EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Made a Bundle on Her Wedding: Find Out Why MTV Paid Her Extra

“I told you getting The Land would pay off, Babe!”

Jenelle Evans married David Eason last weekend and, while the Teen Mom 2 star enjoyed her backyard ceremony and hootenanny reception, she is most likely enjoying the days after the wedding even more, thanks in part to the money she made off the wedding!

The Ashley can confirm that the ‘Teen Mom 2’ stars got a big paycheck from MTV for their wedding– and it wasn’t a wedding gift! 

According to The Ashley’s sources, Jenelle refused to allow the network to film her wedding for the show unless they paid her extra.

“The higher-ups would not pay her extra to shoot the wedding at first,” a source tells The Ashley. “Eventually, after a lot of back-and-forth, MTV and Jenelle agreed that MTV would pay Jenelle and David a ‘location fee’ rather than a flat-out payment to film the wedding.”

The Ashley hears that Jenelle and David pocketed a cool $15,000 from MTV as a “location fee” for allowing ‘Teen Mom 2′ cameras to film on “The Land” that Jenelle and David own.

“MTV certainly would be trying to keep that on the downlow, though,” the source added. “It doesn’t look good when fans see them giving in to the stars’ demands.”

As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle and David were also offered big bucks by a tabloid to cover the wedding exclusively. From what The Ashley heard from multiple sources, the couple were offered somewhere around $15,000 by American Media Inc., (the company that owns Radar OnlineOK! magazine and more). The Ashley initially heard that the couple turned the deal down (although this may be the deal David accepted later without Jenelle’s knowledge. This is still rather hazy, even for The Ashley.)

(Obviously there has been much written about a reporter sneaking on to “The Land” to shoot the wedding from the bushes. The Ashley is not commenting on that, since she can not get confirmation on what happened one way or another.)

Anyway, The Ashley is not sure if Jenelle and David ended up taking the deal they were offered by the tabloid. However, it was, indeed, offered. Jenelle even tweeted about this earlier this week.

“Trying to offer us tons of money, you can keep every penny.  @OKMagazine @radar_online,” Jenelle wrote a few days after the festivities.

If they did accept the deal, that means Jenelle and David made at least $30,000 on their wedding.

Jenelle also tweeted that she and David chased away a paparazzi drone that was on their property before the wedding. The Ashley’s source tells her that this is also true.

“David was threatening to shoot it down, but they eventually used their drone to chase it away,” the source tells The Ashley.

(Photo: Twitter)

62 Responses

  1. I haven’t been watching the show for awhile now, only reading the recaps, but reading this has made me so angry. I understand that we as a society pay a lot for “celebrities” but this woman should not be paid for the vile person that she is. I doubt she has set up trust/college funds for the kids. I have no interest in watching MTV anymore if this is the kind of stuff they want to promote. This show needs to end now.

  2. Bull shit they took the money u film the other girls working going to school and there men’s too so we’re he work at no were were Janelle work at your marriage won’t last can’t nobody love her but her mother

  3. For a well-known dysfunctional train wreck like Jenelle, who comes into millions of homes each week both in the US and in other countries too, what MTV paid her for this wedding is a total joke.

    The lawyer fees for one of her ongoing court cases could probably soak this up in days. Just ask Dustin Sullivan, whose pockets are probably so full by now he can hardly stand up…courtesy of Jenelle.

  4. Not putting the kids down but Jenelle will be around her kids friends. If I lived anywhere near her or my kids were the same age as her kids I would move. Don’t say you haven’t been warned. ?

  5. I think Jenelle will be the type to party with her kids. I also think she will end up sleeping with her kids friends or boyfriends.

    1. I had a neighbor like that. She was the “cool mom” and none of her kids graduated. You bet my kids we’re not even allowed to make eye contact with those people.

      A 45 year old woman banging 18 years olds. And no, her weak sauce husband forgave her when he found out.

      1. My daughters best friend mom ran off with her daughters 16 year old bf.Worst night mare of my life. Idk they were sorry as hell. In conclusion my daughter and I don’t talk. Long story but they totally messed up her life. Would rather party than be with her kids and family.

        1. Same her he forgave her and took her back. She even drained their bank account. Same here it was the party house. Anything was allowed. I didn’t hear of anything going on there but I guess I was believing my daughter would know better. Tried tried tried for years and years. She’d come back and leave come back and leave til I told her no more. Hasn’t seen her kid in 4 almost 5 years. My daughter I’m talking about.

    1. one can only hope! for the sake of the children they have custody of- their deaths would be a blessing to them. sorry not sorry.

  6. That’s a much smaller amount than I thought! MTV makes a LOT of money off these girls, and their lack of business sense shows why.

  7. The Creep is a felon. He’s not supposed to have access to firearms. Way to go, Jenelle! You just gave Doris more ammo for court Monday! He’s also on probation and I’d almost bet possessing a firearm is a violation.

    The $30k should keep them in pot and cocaine for a little while and if there’s any leftover, they can put it in the lawyer on speed dial fund.

  8. God these two are awful. But MTV is so much worse. Jennelle and David are users and abusers, with no redeeming qualities. And MTV just loves to exploit it all. Jennelle was the worlds biggest brat in her 16 & Pregnant episode, but who knows what would have happened if MTV had stopped filming after that. She could have potentially grown out of her bullshit. But MTV started funneling money into the wallet of a high school senior with a terrible attitude. Jennelle has always been a monster, but I think it’s safe to say that without MTV, she would have grown up when she should have, or gone to jail and been kept away from Jace for YEARS, and would not have had the opportunity to procreate again. Either outcome would have been for the better.

  9. Well 30K minimum should keep them high for maybe 3 months at their rate. We aren’t allowing for child care or animal care, because, let’s be real. This is princess methface swamp slut and her beloved future murderer!

    Someone remind me again why I bust my ass doing shipping and receiving for peanuts?

    1. I feel you. I’m a senior supervisor of a department for a tech company and make 35k per YEAR. This shit is unreal.

  10. Can’t believe they gave in. I would love if MTV would say: “No, f*ck you, you aren’t so special, we aren’t paying you anything!” But it’s Jenelle, their main “star” (although I have a feeling Briana could take over the #1 trainwreck title of Teen Mom 2 from her now) so ofc they had to pay them up. I can just imagine David making a ‘money bath’ out of all the money they got lol.

  11. $15,000 is nothing to these two. They’ll waste it within weeks, all the while not putting a cent into any of their children’s savings accounts, BECAUSE THERE AREN’T ANY! Pretty bad considering they use these kids to market their show, gain social media followers and they wouldn’t be making all that cash without these poor babies. Jenelle and David are trash.

      1. I believe because it’s not required in the state of North Carolina(?), as it is in the states of the other teen moms. That’s why there is no silver lining for these poor kids 🙁

  12. I’m sure that $15,000 was already all been spent on drugs, boats and other shit they don’t need. These two can’t save a penny.

    1. Dave filled the air with uppercut!
      I recall reading that Jace does have an account for his MTV money and Barb is in charge of it. I believe Jenelle was pissed at one point, because she wanted to know how much was in the account. I think Barb has it set up so it can’t be touched until Jace is college age. I’m sure it would be emptied if Jenelle got her grubby hands on it.

  13. UBT and gun in the same sentence = SCARY. I just hope it’s Jenelle that eventually gets the wrath of him and not one of the kids… yikes!

  14. Usually it is a bit much with all the extra money or freebies they seem to get just for a living their life through an edited view However I feel like with this she still however comes out on the losing end of this one She’s legally bound to what seems to be an Unhinged overbearing Controlling man

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