Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Kieffer Delp Arrested For Allegedly Running a Meth Lab (Exclusive Details!)

“Hey Jenelle…can you help a Kieffa out with bail money?”

Well Kieffa, I seen ya runnin’ a meth lab!

Bein’ a felon may not be illegal but running a meth lab certainly is, and former Teen Mom 2 star Keiffer Delp is about to find that out.

“Kieffa,” who starred on several seasons of the show as one of Jenelle Evans‘ soulmates, was busted late Wednesday night at his apartment in McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania. According to CBS Pittsburgh, which broke the story on Thursday morning, police discovered a “fully functioning meth lab” and Kieffer is suspected of running it.

Authorities were forced to suit up in special protective clothing (mostly due to the meth, but it probably also helped protect them from the stench ‘o’ Kieffa) and charged into the apartment, where they found a cornocopia of drug-cooking paraphernalia.

“Police say they found lithium, lighters, propane and empty pseudo-ephedrine packaging inside the home they busted,” CBS Pittsburgh reporter Meghan Schiller wrote on Twitter on Thursday. “They also found several ‘One Pot cooks’ in plastic bottles.”

Kieffer was hauled off to the Allegheny County Jail.

The Ashley can confirm that Kieffer had an outstanding fugitive warrant in another state. She is told that representatives from that state are currently on their way to Pennsylvania to pick up Kieffer and take him back to face his other charges.

An Allegheny County Jail representative exclusively confirmed to The Ashley that Kieffer was arraigned on Thursday morning for his “Breaking Bad”-esque charges and his bail was set at $50,000.

“See? I told ya he was a no good lyin’ hustla!”

‘Teen Mom 2’ fans recently caught up with Kieffer (and the rest of Jenelle’s former soulmates) during a special that aired in December. During the special, Kieffer told us that, while he and Jenelle were heroin buddies, he was no longer doing “hard” drugs and was just “smokin’ the weed” these days. He left out the part about (allegedly) running the meth lab…

Wanna see his latest mugshot? Of COURSE you do….

Jenelle has yet to comment publicly about her ex-soulmate’s arrest.

The Ashley will continue to update this story as new information becomes available.

UPDATE: Photos from inside Kieffer’s alleged apartment meth lab have been released! It appears to be the same apartment he was living in while filming the ‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle Exes Special!

(Photos: MTV, Twitter)

54 Responses

  1. Sad but true, after reading the Sister Wives recap posted right before this, I can’t decide if I’d rather be stuck with meth-kieffer or Tony. It should be easy, right? You just pick the guy who ISN’T running a meth lab, but Tony actually makes it a more difficult choice than that.

  2. Watch out, Kieffah! Nothing fires up Jennelle’s loins quite like a felony arrest! Lurch is going to have a hard time keeping Jennelle down on The Land!

  3. I may be alone in this but, I feel bad for Keefer. I remember when Jenelle went after him on social media years ago when they had s falling out and she said his Dad used to trick him out when he was little. If that’s true it’s no wonder he is who he is.

    1. What the?? I had to read that a few times and I’m not familiar with that term. Does “trick him out” mean offer him up for acts no child should ever be exposed to? 🙁 🙁 🙁

          1. That is incredibly sad if it’s true. Poor guy – some people are strong enough to overcome an upbringing like that, but most aren’t and looks like Kieffa falls under the latter.

  4. Oh Kieffa, it could have been YOU living on The Land with Jenelle and having a child with here. Actually some people are saying Ensley looks like him a bit hahahaha. (Yeah, I’m sure that’s not true cuz David and Jenelle are having each other on a tight leash)

    1. Ensley is also like the spitting image of David…She looked a lot like Jace when she was first born, but any pictures I see of her now, all I see is David.

  5. It’s pretty amazing how Keiffer gets arrested for making meth and people are still complaining about Jenelle…

    1. Keiffer making meth doesn’t somehow give Jenelle a pass on her terrible behavior. Why on earth would it? He’s making meth, and she’s a piece of shit person. Both of these things are simultaneously true.

  6. Jenelle and Kieffa were heroin buddies…but maybe they recently became meth buddies as well? ‘

    Okay forealzies you guys. I have pity for good ole Kieffa. Jenelle leaves victims when she’s done using them and they’re done using her because eeerrrrm..she’s sorta easy.

  7. Hey, just because he was making meth doesn’t mean he was doing hard drugs. Heisenberg made the best meth out there and he never did meth. Maybe Keiffa was trying to be the Heisenberg of PA.

    Oh Kieffa, you crazy kid. Babs is gonna be so disappointed!

      1. He’s not following the 10 crack commandments. Should of listened to Biggie. Now he’s gone and caught a case. SMH

  8. Someone with the IQ of room temperature cannot run or put together a meth lab. They have the wrong name. He’s just too dumb

  9. I would’ve NEVER been able to see this coming from the recent special he was on. He looked like a picture perfect beacon of health!

  10. No TV show should leave a path of distraction along the way when is MTV going to help these young people
    Get their lives together the show made a lot of money off of them offer rehab and job training they filmed JE and Kiefer totally strung out on heroin
    I don’t know how NTV can get away with filming all this illegal activity And not be held accountable
    When you’re giving these kids a shit tons of money and they can afford to get all these drugs they should be held accountable .

    1. MTV didn’t make them commit felonies, or do drugs. Most of them were doing that shit long before MTV even came into the picture. That said, they HAD the funds to get all the rehab and job training they need(ed), from their own MTV earnings. The problem is they have no *desire*, they are all their own barriers, not MTV.

      Though I do agree that MTV should be held responsible for watching illegal behavior, and doing absolutely nothing about it. The drug use is the least of the issues that should have never filmed, let alone aired, without calling authorities. Sure, air it AFTER you’ve contacted authorities, with a message about why it’s bad(yes, sadly, some people actually need to be told why drug, child, mental and physical abuse are all bad things). But first things first…report this shit! Then use it as a tale of caution, a “what not to do for dummies that think procreating is a hobby”. (directed towards all ages, of course)

  11. Maybe Lurch ratted him out to the cops after his jealousy fit after the ExFiles. Maybe Jenelle knew about it, told Lurch and he squealed to the cops.

    1. When you have a slight amount of fame, being a drug dealer isn’t very wise. You’re bound to have someone recognize you and rat you out. He definitely didn’t look method out on the X files. His skin was clear. He didn’t have method mouth. He wasn’t trying to take apart the video camera. I must say I’m (just barely) surprised.

  12. Awwwe man kieffa! What the efff.
    I was really hoping you would be the soul mate that rides up on “The Land” and rescues Jenelle from herself. Damnn yo

  13. Dang it Kieffer! I was rooting for you! Aside from his drug problem…he was the most chill and least violent outta Jenelles boyyyyfrannnds. Had the most potential to turn his life around.

    But seriously -I’m from Pittsburgh and Mckees Rocks isn’t the place you wanna be…they have a pretty bad drug problem out that way. I have a feeling he’s going to jail for a pretty long time, and while he’s in there I hope he can get his act together.

  14. In regards to his mugshot though: That face you make when you were just arrested for making meth after telling the whole country via national television that you weren’t doing hard drugs anymore.

  15. Oh Kieffa. You never disappoint with your shenanigans. So does this mean a hasty divorce and jail house wedding are in order for Jenelle? Maybe he wan’t felon enough for her before now.

  16. Awww Kieffer nooooo! Maybe Jenelle will let him use her lawyer and get off on all the charges like she does all the time…

  17. Dude, where’s Jenelle going to get her meth from now? She likes to smoke about this time of the day, and all this shit is keeping her to where she can’t go do it!

  18. Kieffah wtf come on! I really hoped you would get clean and what not! I feel like he was probably the only guy who really loved Janelle and wouldn’t hurt her intentionally. I hope he quit the dope-(heroin) for good and I really hope he didn’t start doing math I mean meth… maybe he was just selling it but who knows! I agree that jenelles face has been looking rough lately! I was on Adderall for most of my life and I picked like crazy while on it. its not exactly the same drug but very close. I honestly don’t think shes doing it though- David would probably kill her, hes NUTS!

  19. I’m from Pittsburgh and when it was on the news last night they hadn’t announced The suspect, let alone that it was Keiffer . I found out this morning. I already thought it was pretty crazy someone had a whole Breaking Bad scene going on, but to find out if was him. Made my day. Bein a felon ain’t illegal Babs . That’s all I kept thinking when I heard .

  20. Oh, Kieffah! Meth lab or not, you’re still my favorite soulmate. All jokes aside, hopefully he will get clean and learn from this mistake while he’s in the clinker. He’s definitely lookin at some hard time for this!

    1. Agreed, but I still say even with his new “living arrangements”, he still came out better than he would’ve been with Jenelle. I’d rather be in the clink than listen to “Dude” all day long!!

    1. Yeah he said ‘I’m off the drugs now…well the hard drugs’ like meth is one of the harder drugs outs there.what the eff kieffah. He looked rough in that interview though. He must of hic that stuff in the closet while mtv was filming the interview.

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