Discovery Channel Exec Slams ‘Alaskan Bush People’ Fans Who Accused Ami Brown of Faking Cancer: “It Is Just Disgusting”

“I’m no faker!”

Ami Brown’s battle with cancer is very real, insists Discovery’s Executive Vice President Laurie Goldberg, who recently shamed fans for speculating that the Alaskan Bush People star was faking her illness for ratings.

The EVP finally addressed the cancer-faking rumors that have been circulating online since Ami announced in July 2017 that she had advanced lung cancer.

“It is just disgusting that anyone would say her cancer is not real or that it was created for the show,” Laurie told Radar Online on Wednesday.

“Ami’s battle with cancer is very real… Her chemo and radiation was tough, but she got through it and is recovering well,” she added.

It was recently announced that Ami and her family would return to Discovery in the upcoming eighth season of ‘Alaskan Bush People.’ As The Ashley previously reported, the Brown family received a very grim prognosis when Ami was first diagnosed last summer.

“[The doctor] said, ‘It’s cancer. And there’s no primary but we’re gonna call it lung cancer. At least 3B. It’s in both lungs, in the middle and sides of the lungs,'” Ami’s husband Billy Brown said last year. “It hasn’t traveled to any other organs, but that’s what they’re saying is next. Any time we talk to anybody, it’s bad news.”

Ami and her family spent several months in Los Angeles while Ami underwent treatment for her illness. Although Ami was quoted survival rates as low as three percent, she received word in late December 2017 that her scans showed no signs of cancer.

“The doctors were as shocked as we were,” Billy told People in December.

Radar Online reports that Ami is heading to a Los Angeles hospital very soon to make sure she is still cancer-free.

“She is going to L.A. for a routine three month check-up but is optimistic and surrounded by nothing but love,” Laurie told the site.

Last month, Laurie confirmed to Radar that Amie and her family were filming ‘Alaskan Bush People’ Season 8, and that the show had not been cancelled.

“The rumors of the cancellation of ‘Alaskan Bush People’ are totally fabricated and completely untrue,” she said in a statement.

The show’s eighth season was originally scheduled to premiere May 11, but that date was pushed back due to weather and other production issues. The Discovery Channel has not yet released a new Season 8 premiere date, but Laurie stated that Ami’s cancer battle and the family’s move to Washington will be topics covered on the new season.

“The fans will get to see her journey alongside the rest of the family on the upcoming season,” she said. “There is definitely no drama between her and anyone in the family — they love her very much and would do anything for her.”

(Photos: Discovery, Instagram)

17 Responses

  1. Shame on your network to those of us who truly survived cancer 4th stage. You have no clue what that means none. It’s was a 2 year journey 6 months to live but I
    beat it but at a horrible cost. Now knowing what this journey is I also know the signs and everything that needs to happen. You and I both know what you promoted was shall we say embeleshed. Billy is no dummies he knows all about promoting himself he knew exactly what all the medical reports were. They have a huge history with on line utilization. But to go so deep as to totally embellish cancer as your network did. Shame karma always finds you.

  2. You can’t blame people for being skeptical. Billy has faked brain cancer while working as a butcher in Ketchikan. He had a jar for donations and locals did charity drives for him. He also claimed he was a Vietnam Vet exposed to agent orange during the time they were traveling trying sell his book and get a movie deal. He gave speeches to charitable organizations and got paid for it. And considering Billy’s past criminal record of stealing horses among other things. Also EVERYTHING said and done on the show is lies and deceit. I mean everything is a lie. They didn’t build the house or the chicken coop, didn’t own the land or the Integrity and the hauling business was only for the show. Browntown was only a film set and nothing more. They stayed in Hoonah during filming and left the state afterwards. They haven’t been legal residents of Alaska in 10 years. The only reason they left was because the lease was up. They couldn’t even legally hunt so the deer seen on the show was donated by locals and then they let it go to waste after they cut off a little bit.
    They have lived their lives taking advantage of others, always looking for the easy way out so they didn’t have to work. They left the state owing people 10’s of thousands of dollars. Moving from place to place, where out their welcome in one place and move on to another. They grew up on video games, satellite TV and fast food because Ami didn’t like to cook, banquet chicken and pizza were favorites. They even lied about their kids education, those kids have virtually no education. Alaska doesn’t enforce home schooling like the other states do. There are no requirements to report to the state. Alaska does have a great program for the outreach kids though. Noah has the most education with some middle schooling the other boys have less. Those kids can barely read and write and have virtually no skills to make it in the modern world. I don’t think 2 lazy high school drop-out’s are qualified to teach anybody. They surely don’t have any outdoor or survival skills.
    They are truly disgusting people and would lie about anything, why would they change now?
    I don’t put anything past these people even false claims of cancer again. Sympathy sells, her illness has already kept the show going, without it the show would of been over a year ago.
    Before you tell me I am heartless and cruel I do know something about cancer. My wife died in my arms from cancer. I have seen first hand what it does. Ami may of had an illness but I highly doubt she was in any danger. Remember Billy is the only one to say she had cancer and he is a pathological liar. That’s why these people disgust me. I don’t believe a word from any of them.

  3. I think because the Browns and production staff have pretty much lied about everything else on the fake show (you know they don’t actually live rough lifestyle right?). I honestly wondered myself as a first learning gut reaction. I am pretty sure she was milking the dental issues for pain pills in the early seasons as did Billy. And fuck this producer yelling at fans. If they didn’t script and edit to lie to us and make us believe this is a reality show, then maybe people wouldn’t have doubted in the first place.
    None of it really matters though. Cancer sucks and I am glad she beat it.

  4. I am so happy that Ami is in remission and hopefully cancer free. I look forward to the next season of Alaskan Bush People. I know that the show is a little scripted, who cares, isn’t everything. The show is entertainment to me and I like it, and I like Ami! You go girl!

  5. Love Ami, Prayed daily for her and so excited she is cancer free. I had colon cancer and I am also cancer free. I take an herb called Artemisinin . It binds with iron in your body and kills cancer cells. Please ask Ami to contact me if she is interested. babagog4@gmail .com…….
    Gladys Graetz

    1. Amazing that you sit here with the cure for killing cancer cells and no one has made you famous yet. Here you are with the answers to a disease that kills millions a year, and instead of contacting your beloved Ami yourself, you expect her to read this website and your comment and contact you? Are you for real with this nonsense? Wake up, Gladys. The herb you take is bogus and it is certainly not killing cancer cells. How gullible can a person be?

  6. So good to get a update on Ami and the family. I am so happy the new season will air soon. I love the show. The naysayers need to get a real life and stop bad mouthing this family. They have been through so much since Ami got sick. My prayers are with Ami and the family.

  7. God bless to the brown family .may you and yours continue to be touched by God’s hands

  8. Why would anyone fake cancer?! People are crazy to think that! Ami has an amazing support and I’m a strong believer love this family has for each other made her recover so fast. I hope it stays that way and that she remains cancer-free. This family is one of the best things I discovered on TV, I wish them all the best!

  9. There is a lot of Godless people out there, I am not one of them. I am so glad that God saved Ami. I have learned a lot just by watch the show. Maybe she would write a book on what certain plants are used for. I would certainly buy it. Thanks for the show.

  10. I’m a viewer just like everybody else why can’t the fans respect she does have a cancer she’s trying to fight it she’s doing the best she can with radiation and chemo why is it so hard for you to believe let her live her life praise her and wish her well instead of hating and being harsh with your words fans if you don’t like her show don’t look at it if you don’t like her blog don’t read it

  11. God bless you Amy you have to be the strongest person that I’ve seen you have a very strong family by your side I’m a big fan and I will be watching the show good luck with your follow-up. Yours truly Donna

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