Former ‘Mob Wives’ Star Drita D’Avanzo Arrested Along with Her Husband Lee for Gun & Drug Charges

Once a mob wife, always a mob wife.

Former Mob Wives star Drita D’Avanzo received a surprise visit from the New York Police Department on Thursday night that ended with an arrest for both she and her husband Lee.

According to TMZ, the NYPD raid at Drita and Lee’s Staten Island home led to the discovery of two loaded firearms, 120 pills of hydrocodone/acetaminophen, 22 Xanax pills and a large amount of weed. The items uncovered by the cops resulted in Drita and Lee being booked on charges of criminal possession of a controlled substance, criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of marijuana, criminal possession of a firearm and criminal possession of drug paraphernalia.

The couple was also booked on one count of acting in a manner injurious to a child, allegedly due to one of their children being in the house when the raid went down. 

On Friday, Drita and Lee were arraigned with Drita’s bail set at $15,000 and Lee placed into custody. Both are set to return to court in January. 

In the meantime, a judge ordered a limited order of protection for Drita’s 12-year-old daughter, which was reportedly requested by prosecutors. Based on the order, the 12-year-old may remain under the same roof as her mother; however, Drita cannot commit any further crimes around her. 

If at any point the order is violated by Drita, she will be subject to arrest and will face additional charges. 

Surprisingly, former Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham has yet to comment on Drita’s latest legal woes. As you may recall, the two women have some history stemming back to the summer  of 2018, when Farrah allegedly ran her mouth about Drita while they were both in Atlantic City for the grand opening of a Scores strip club. The clasy altercation led Drita to post a scathing video directed at Farrah on social media in which she called her a “dick-less unemployed blow job” and said she wanted to “open-hand slap the f**k” out of her. 

As you do.

“Best of luck, Drita!”

The drama nearly landed Drita a gig officiating a charity boxing match between Farrah and Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander, but Farrah ultimately backed out of the gig, with Drita’s involvement in the event being a contributing factor. 

Drita has yet to speak publicly regarding her arrest.

(Photos: Instagram, MTV) 

12 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Charges should be dropped or lessened, seriously…. The amount of medication found sounds like it was prescribed, and the weed isn’t that big of a deal either. They’re acting like they found a nuclear weapon and crack cocaine lol! Absolutely nothing raid worthy… especially since millions of people have guns in their homes, and they aren’t charged with crimes.

  2. The amount of pills they had isnt really raid worthy..and does lee legally live there? bc if not, the guns dont matter either…maybe that pig karen tipped off the cops

  3. That doesn’t sound like a lot of pills. Maybe fir personal use. But that’s not a quantity to be considered dealing in my opinion

  4. Miss Mob Wives. Loved that show before Big Ang died. Not making excuses for Drita but was she aware of the raid was going to take place? I thought raids were unannounced. If so how is she endangering her child having her at home during a surprise raid? She didn’t have time to get her daughter out of the house before the raid if she wasn’t aware there was going to be raid.

    1. Maybe if they didn’t have drugs, drug paraphernalia and loaded firearms in their house there wouldn’t be a raid. They can’t be blamed exactly for the raid but they can be blamed for causing the raid because of their actions

    2. She was charged with endangering her daughter not just because of the raid but also for what that raid turned up. The child was living in the house with drugs and weapons.

      Before I took custody of my nephew from my brother his house was raided by police in Massachusetts as a drug house. Cops found a ton of opiate based pills and my brother was charged with the same thing even though my nephew didn’t see or know about the pills. It was because my nephew was underage and could have found the pills and harmed himself with them by accident, not because my brother’s house was raided. Drita could have been hit with that charge even if her daughter wasn’t home at the time because that’s considered the child’s legal residence. FIY: not defending my brother in ANY way. He’s an asshat and such a bad father that I have permanent custody of his son. I was just explaining the child endangerment charge from having seen it happen in my own life. That’s all.

      1. Thanks for the clarification. The article imho didn’t explain the charge as you did. Reading your explanation makes sense and is easier to understand. And God bless you for taking in your nephew. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  5. This makes me sad, I’ve always been a fan of Drita, I know she’s a bit of a wildcard in some ways but I always thought that it was just part of her Persona I don’t consider her a bad person or a bad mother at that. I’m very shocked at all of this I am still absorbing it. ?

    1. Well, Drita is pretty much just all mouth. I have to wonder how much of this was her husbands doing and she is just guilty by association.

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