‘Counting On’ Star Anna Duggar Shades Duggar Family’s “Buddy System” & Reveals When She’s Having More Kids

“My kids already have to deal with Josh as their father, the last thing they need is to be in charge of their siblings too!” 

Anna Duggar recently opened up about a variety of topics —including how she and her disgraced husband Josh raise their kids and when she plans to get knocked up again— in a series of comments on her Instagram.

The Counting On star, who currently has six children– Mackynzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith, Mason and Maryella– with Josh, revealed that, despite the rumors saying she’s pregnant again, her womb is currently “without blessing.”

In the comment section of a family photo Anna recently posted to her Instagram account, a fan stated that the rumor going around is that Anna’s pregnant. 

“As of now we are enjoying our 6 kids God has given us!” she wrote back. “Nursing gives me a nice break between babies so it will probably be a little while before that’s a possibility.”

“Sorry buddy, this baby chute is temporarily closed for repairs! Keep out!”

In another comment, Anna responded to a question regarding the Duggar Family’s “Buddy System” way of raising children.

If you’re not familiar with the Buddy System, basically Josh’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, assigned an older female sibling (JillJinger, Jessa and Jana) to be a younger kid’s “buddy” and do most of the stuff a mom would do for them, such as helping them get dressed, eat, bathe, etc. Eventually, each older girl had a “team” of buddies that they were in charge of caring for.

When asked if she uses the Buddy System to run her household, Anna threw a bit of shade at her in-laws’ way of doing things.

“We do not have a buddy system,” Anna wrote. “I’m mom, and as much as possible I want our children to be free to enjoy their childhood!”

Anna’s followers praised her for not saddling her older children with the responsibility of raising her younger ones.

“Great wisdom, Anna! Your children will thank you for it,” one person wrote.

“I am so glad to hear you are not doing the buddy system,” another wrote. “Glad to hear that you feel that as mom, mothering is your job. Glad, also, to hear that you wish for your children to be free to enjoy their childhood. Excellent and I am so pleased to hear this!! Of course, the children will continue to love their siblings and be kind to each other. However, the older ones should NOT have to raise the younger ones.”

Michelle has been criticized over the years for forcing her older daughters to take on the tasks that she, as the mother, should have been doing with the younger kids. Many fans have called Michelle out for allowing Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger to spend their childhood taking care of their siblings. 

In fact, Michelle has stated in her books and in numerous interviews that she usually weaned each of her babies from nursing at around five months and then assigned that baby into a buddy group. 

The other Duggar kids who have children have yet to reveal if they plan to use the Buddy System in their families.

RELATED STORY: Another One! ‘Counting On’ Stars Joe & Kendra Duggar Expecting Third Child, Just Nine Months After Welcoming Daughter

(Photos: TLC, Instagram)

21 Responses

  1. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Not very many years ago families were big to help do farm work. Help doing chores, there was a lot to hand washing clothes, making bread, canning vegetables for the winter, feeding the animals, cleaning the stalls, baling hay, so many different jobs. It’s call learning responsibility. Children now a days are spoiled, given everything, and don’t have to work towards items they want or do. Ours kids would learn to be better parents and humans with not having everything hand to them and have some responsibility Which would make the world a better place.

  2. I feel sorry for Anna Duggar. She has six kids with a man who can’t keep his thing in his pants. Adultary is a sign of divorce for most couples. I know what it feels like to be cheated on and I got a Divorce shortly after. I have a new boyfriend now and am 100 time happier now. You should not be having older raise your younger kids for you. You are the parents not them.

  3. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I hope the Duggar siblings don’t follow the buddy system. They want children they should should be parents.

    1. Why is Anna still having children by this pedophile? I’m sorry but if you stay with and continue to have children by a sex offender there has to be something wrong with you. I feel really bad for those children.

  4. I am a fan of the show but I totally agree if you are going to have babies then you need to be responsible for them. Your beautiful daughter’s should have been little girls.

  5. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    That’s what I didn’t like about the Duggar’s. It’s not the children’s job to take care of the kids they Chose to have. You make them.. you take care of them..

  6. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    These women need to stop being baby machines
    As far as Anna, stop being an idiot and cut that slug off. Your really an embarrassment to women taking him back and continuing to have sex with him
    I have no respect for you. He is probably out trolling for chick’s and getting set elsewhere.

  7. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Everyone is entitled to live and raise children as they choose. Do I agree with”the buddy system”. No, however, it seems to have worked for Michelle. Anna WAY TO GO!! You are doing an excellent job at keeping you, your family and marriage together. To all the Duggar family “AWESOME.”

    1. Of course it worked for Michelle. She birthed the babies and pawned them off on her CHILDREN to raise. That’s not parenting. That’s breeding.

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I hope that you have a Blessed day. Great looking children you’r all ready been blessed

    1. Dear Anna and other ladies (purposely) uneducated,

      Nursing can not and will not replace birth control.

      I hope you just missed it when Britney Spears’ way too young sister got pregnant again because she thought she couldn’t get pregnant while nursing.
      Let’s not misinform women.

      1. Anna doesn’t use birth control. At all.
        However, exclusively breastfeeding (day and nighttime feeds) can & does delay the resumption of ovulation.
        For (Duggar) women that are not restricting the number of pregnancies/children, having as many children possible, all they need to remember is to take their vitamins.

  9. What teenager would want to be saddled with a 5 month old?! That wasn’t theirs, I mean! So ridiculous. Michelle seems so lazy. Never watched the show except a few episodes YEARS ago when there was like 16 kids.

      1. The Duggar parents are the worst. They are dictators. Once a child gets married, they are adults,NOT living under the parents’ roof, & should no longer have to live by the parents rules .These adult children should understand this & not be intimidated by their parents. The parents hold all that money over their heads.
        I would never want to live that kind of life!

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