Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Chelsea Houska Welcomes Her Fourth Child: See the First Baby Photo

“We procreated again!”

It’s (another) girl for Chelsea Houska!

The former Teen Mom 2 star and her husband Cole DeBoer welcomed their fourth child on Monday night, with the baby coming early at 36 weeks.

The baby girl— whom Chelsea and Cole named Walker June— weighed in at 6 lb., 1 oz. She was born on the birthday of the couple’s son, Watson.

“She decided she wanted to share a birthday with her big brother, Watson and surprised us by coming last night,” Chelsea wrote in the caption of a photo posted to Instagram.

“Blessed with another little Angel!” Cole wrote on his Instagram. “Our sweet baby girl
Walker June DeBoer Stole my heart immediately! I love you @chelseahouska”

Walker joins Watson, as well as two sisters– Layne and Aubree (whose father is Chelsea’s ex Adam Lind). 

Walker’s birthday also fell on the same day Chelsea launched her new home goods line, Aubree Says

“A true businesswoman can go from the office to the birthing stirrups in the same day!”

Chelsea has said that Walker will likely be her last child. In August, she told a fan on Instagram, ““This little babe will probably complete the fam! I mean, I’m 98.5% sure but maybe we’ll get a wild hair in like 5 years, who knows!”

Despite this being her fourth baby, Chelsea said this pregnancy was “a little harder” than her others.

“This has definitely been the most ‘pregnant’ I’ve ever felt, like the most classic pregnancy symptoms with this one,” she explained. “This is most likely our last baby, so we joke that this one is making it a little harder — making me a little sicker so that we are okay with being done after this one!”

Not only do Watson and Baby Walker share a birthday but Chelsea and Layne share one as  well.

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Chelsea Houska Reveals How She’s Managing Her Anxiety Through This Pregnancy

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

37 Responses

  1. I’m not a huge fan, but she has grown up to be an adult, unlike most of the rest of the girls. Wasn’t certain about Cole either. All that baby talk gave me pedo vibes. But they seem happy and responsible, so that’s all that matters. What really blows me away is that her instagram has 6 million followers, which means she has a bigger audience on a daily basis than Teen Mom does weekly on TV. No wonder she quit.

    And if I were them, I would be cringing that all my mistakes are now in re-runs on Netflix for a whole other generation to see. I mean it’s hard for me to even look at my high school year book and all the dumb things I did. Good for her in wanting to prove she’s more than her bad mistakes. Too bad the other dumba@@ don’t realize that.

  2. Can we take a moment to say I no longer enjoy looking at her Instagram. All she does is seems to push ads for products to make moocho bucks. It got old so I no longer

  3. Am I the only one who remembers that “Walker” was used as a slang term for “zombie” in a hugely popular TV series?

  4. I actually really like the name. I like all the kids names honestly- they are not traditional but not like, Apple or Pilot Inspektor. My youngest is Layne, but he is a boy- had he been a girl, I would’ve kept the name (RIP to the Late and great Layne Staley). I think Walker on a girl is pretty cute for whatever reason. It really makes me smile to read about Chelsea and her life. I like her- always have. And when Cole (my middle son’s name LOL) came into the picture, I just thought it was perfect. She has really done well in love, family and finances it seems. I think she doesn’t thrive on the drama or attention that the others do, probably because she’s so busy. They could all use her as an example.

    1. I think it’s cute, too, but it appears that we are in the minority here. My son’s middle name is Walker, but outside of an episode of Gilmore Girls, I’ve never heard it used for a girl (though I still like it).

      Incidentally, I chose not to use Walker for my son’s first name due to a lot of the name calling/teasing associated with it that I see going on here. It *is* a name that people can easily joke around with, so you have to prepare the kid for it.

  5. This makes me smile. Chelsea had such a rough go of it with Adam, but she ended up finding her soulmate in Cole. Their family is just adorable. I wish her all of the happiness in the world. I hope that Adam signs his rights to Aubree away so Cole can adopt her one day. She is too old to be forced to go to Adam’s parent’s house. She should be able to make her own decisions on how she spends her weekends. It’s not her fault that Adam is a deadbeat.

  6. She’s a cutie. Unfortunate name. So Aubree, Watson, Layne and Walker. But her having 4 kids is very different than Kail having 4. Chelsea is married to the father of three of her children (and lbr, Cole is a father figure to Aubree as well) and has a stable life while Kail….has none of that.

  7. “Aw, honey, remember when Walker learned to walk? Walker was walking everywhere.”

    “Walker, grab grandma’s walker, will ya?”

    “Walker’s a talker!”

    “What’s up, Walkie Talkie?”

    I really could go on.

  8. Her sisters have pretty cute names and this poor baby gets Walker??? Them trying to be cool?
    Maybe she can go by W. June 😉

    1. I cannot believe they named that poor girl walker. Hopefully she goes by her middle name. Also walker and layne together.. all I think of is walk down memory lane I mean it just pops into mind as a weird connection. They took the surname first name too far.

      1. Layne is the name of one of Chelsea and cole’s other children. Walker’s last name is DeBoer like her siblings.

    2. Chelsea yells, “ Aubrey! Help!! Cole dropped the Walker down Watson Layne.”

      I think they are into Mad-Libs..

  9. I had a weird feeling she was going to name this baby Maeve. Just seemed like a name they would pick. Walker is a bit boyish sounding

  10. [* Shield Security plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Congrat!!!! what a beautiful and so blessed baby girl! May God bless you and your wonderful little family! <3

  11. That’s pretty cool with all the birthday sharing. My family has six people born on October 19. It’s actually getting pretty weird

    1. It really is!

      Speaking of October 19th, when I was 14 a good friend of mine died on that day. Her middle name was Rose. I always said I would give a daughter that middle name if I ever had one. My daughter was born in 2012 on October 19 and got my friend’s middle name. I tell my daughter that she was born on the same date my friend went to Heaven. <3

      1. It is so weird how coincidences like that happen.

        My father in law had passed away a couple montha ago. He had a few problems and he passed away ay home. Before the people came to take him away my brother in laws girlfriend came in the room to talk to him. She said that they were trying for a baby for a while and she was asking for his help. Shortly after she became pregnant with the due date being on his birthday. Of course it is just an estimation but still.

        It obviously would be better all around if my brother in law wasn’t cheating on her with a girl half his age, but what can you do about other people’s poor decisions, you know?

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