‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Leah Messer Hints Jeremy Calvert is An Absentee Dad; Kiaya Elliott Gives Her True Thoughts on Ashley Jones & More

“Can we get some missing posters made up with Jerm’s name on them?”

From talking about their baby daddies to talking crap on their co-stars, the stars of the Teen Mom franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately!

In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last week or so.

Leah Messer Says Her Daughter Addie Doesn’t See Her Dad Jeremy Calvert For Months & She Doesn’t Care

“Don’t forget yer youngin back home, Dad!”

During her recent appearance on Kail Lowry and Vee Torres’ Baby Mama No Drama podcast, Leah mentioned that her ex-husband, Jeremy Calvert– with whom she shares daughter Addie— is rarely around Addie. In fact, Leah revealed that Addie hasn’t seen her dad in a while, and won’t see him again until at least October, as he will be out of town for work until then.

“She won’t see him [until then],” Leah said. “She’ll see his parents occasionally.”

Leah mentioned that Jeremy is out of town due to his job so much that Addie doesn’t even think about it anymore.

“Yesterday she said, ‘You know what Mom? I really don’t miss my dad.’ As sad as that sounds, she said, ‘I think I’m just used to it. And she probably really is. Ever since she was born he was always out of town.”

Kail assumed that, although Jeremy is not physically seeing his daughter, he is still checking in with her via phone; however, Leah insinuated that’s not really the case.

“She’s gonna be screwed up ’cause her dad don’t call her none.” 

“She does….she talks to him on her iPad,” Leah said after some hesitation. 

She admitted she has no clue when or if they’re talking, though.

“I hear you,” Kail replied. “I’m picking up what you’re putting down.”  

Later in the podcast, Leah stated that she doesn’t speak to Jeremy very often herself.

“Jeremy and I’s communication has slimmed to where I think it should be, as far as my boundaries being respected and nothing further,” Leah said.

“So basically we ain’t knockin’ pissers on the sly anymore!”

Kiaya Elliott reveals what she really thinks of former co-star Ashley Jones.

(The Ashley realizes this happened a little over a week ago, but she forgot to post it so…much like a ‘Teen Mom’ star’s period…better late than never!)

“Next stop: Shade City!”

Kiaya said she had hoped to become buddies with her former ‘Young and Pregnant’ co-star, Ashley, but after she witnessed Ashley go after her co-stars during the ‘Young and Pregnant’ Reunion in October 2019, she says she knew she couldn’t trust her.

In an Instagram Live rant last week, Kiaya— who joined the cast for Season 2— said she was done biting her tongue when she was asked about Ashley.

“I’m very different from what y’all see on TV. I’m very, very, very observant. There was a couple of situations that made me realize I can’t f**k with someone like that,” Kiaya began, adding that she had avoided giving her true thoughts on Ashley because she didn’t want to look “messy.”

Messy: “See also Kiaya’s mugshot” 

“When I came into [this show], I was thinking me and the other girls were in a sisterhood,” Kiaya said. “I’m cool with everybody and I didn’t pick sides, even though when I came in I already knew what was up. Different people told me what was up…I was cool with everybody. I loved them and admired their stories.”

Kiaya said that, before she was on the show, she enjoyed watching Ashley on ‘Y&P.’

“Just because I don’t like her, I’m not going to downplay what she’s doing because, like I said, before I knew her, I was watching them on TV…and I was a supporter. But people acted way different than I thought,” she said.

Kiaya— who was new to the show when the Reunion in question took place in October 2019— said that after witnessing Ashley’s actions and words against some of the other ‘Y&P’ girls, including Kayla Sessler, she didn’t want to be friends with her.

The Reunion, before insults/shoes started flying…

Kiaya said she was particularly disturbed that Ashley brought Kayla’s kids into the argument. (At one point, Ashley got in Kayla’s face and yelled about Kayla’s “f**king kids.” She later refused to apologize to Kayla for bringing the kids into it.)

“I had an issue the way she handled s**t…I just knew at that moment that I can’t get that close with you because I did not like the way that she handled things,” Kiaya– who was onstage during the incident— said. “Speaking on somebody’s kids, no matter which way you say it…when I came into this, I thought we were all a sisterhood. So, even if we all take jabs at each other, the last thing I’d expect anybody to do is speak on anything we’ve got going on with our kids, our personal life.”

Kiaya said she and her cast mates get enough hate from fans, so she doesn’t feel they should hate on each other, too.

“We should understand people go through s**t beyond what you see on TV. We already take enough of that bulls**t from y’all…the people who be hating. I felt like it was going against the grain a little bit because we are supposed to be with each other.”

Kiaya said she had been holding her tongue and refusing to talk about Ashley publicly because she didn’t want to be accused of being “an angry Black girl.” 

“I don’t speak on s**t. There’s been plenty of times where I could have gotten on this motherf**ker and straight snapped!” Kiaya said. “But I don’t snap about nothing. So don’t try to make it seem like Kiaya’s an angry Black girl because it’s nothing to talk about. 

“It lowkey hurt my feelings a little bit…I was supportive. I was like, ‘OK, Black girl, Black girl, we’re gonna be [friends] but it just didn’t work out. It’s unfortunate.”

Kail Lowry is handing out NDAs to her baby daddy, Vee Torres & more

” …behind you, armed with a non-disclosure agreement.”

After a falling out earlier this year with former BFF Mark Allen, Kail Lowry is handing out non-disclosure agreements like Dr. Drew used to hand out condoms backstage at ‘Teen Mom’ reunions. (Back when he thought these kids actually listened to what he had to say.) 

“I’m always here for mediocre blazer recommendations, if anyone’s interested… “

According to The Sun, Kail opened up about her NDA habits on a recent episode of her and Vee Rivera’s Baby Mamas No Drama podcast, admitting she has no problem sending out NDA to any and everyone – including Baby Daddy Number 2, Javi Marroquin. 

“I texted Javi yesterday and I was like, ‘Do you have the NDA, because where is it?’ And he was like, ‘I need you to sign one for me,’ and I was like, ‘OK!’ Like bring them on,” she said. “I don’t care! I don’t have s**t to hide, like whatever.” 

“Give me five minutes and a Wawa parking lot and I think we can change that.”

During the episode, Vee went on to reveal herself as one of the recipients of Kail’s NDAs, though she told the ‘Teen Mom 2’ star that upon seeing the NDA email, she was “just cracking up.” She even told Kail that she might hop on the NDA train herself. 

“ … I knew it was coming because we’ve talked about it and I was literally saying the same thing… ,” Vee said. “I was like, ‘I think I’m going to start doing NDAs with people I work with closely.’” 

“Girl, that means you… “

As for the severed friendship with Mark that set off the NDA-spree, Kail claimed on her podcast in May that things went south after she agreed to celebrate Mark’s 30th birthday with a day trip instead of a week-long celebration, however Mark later told The Sun that wasn’t true. 

“Everything that I do is based around her and her children,” he said. “For her to sit on this podcast and say I don’t understand because I don’t have kids, that’s very hurtful and disrespectful.” 

Almost as disrespectful as the 93 unpaid FaceTime calls she made me film in the last year.”

After the birthday blowup, Mark said he tried to reconcile with Kail, but she did not respond and ultimately blocked him on social media. 

To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

27 Responses


    1. All of the time! They have no substance and I feel as though she is with him only to stay on the show. It seems all so scripted with the two of them. I can stand him more than her and that says a lot. I do think Holly is absolutely the cutest of all the babies. She makes me smile every time she talks. Can we get rid of them and just show Holly in all of their segments?

    2. YUP! I really tried giving them a chance, but because Ive only watched like 1 episode of Y&P I have no idea what’s going on with their storyline, so I just don’t watch them…I had gotten to that point with Jade as well because all they do is yell at each other every. single. episode….but seeing her all messed up from that surgery has been pretty entertaining.

  2. 1) My mom and dad got divorced when I was 5 and I rarely saw my dad as we moved provinces and it was fine. Yeah, a shame I guess, but I became used to it and I was never really sad about it. We always had fun visits and vacations so ??‍♀️ I feel like Leah is always throwing Jeremy under the bus for working and I dunno, she knew this when they got married/created Addie soOooo
    2. Kiaya…. you’re on social media speaking on it right now.
    3. Kail just…. oy. How did she fall so far?

  3. So, Kailyns best friend invited her to his birthday, made sure it was kid friendly and had a babysitter for her. She agreed to go, he changed plans cause of suspected weather, then changed them back cause bad weather didn’t happen. So instead of explaining that to her kids she would rather end a long time friendship?!? I don’t understand these parents who think minor inconveniences to their kids is the end of the world. How hard is it to explain to them that ‘it’s our friend marks birthday and he wants to spend it on the beach so we’re going to celebrate him and we can go fishing another time’?? It’s not that difficult and it helps kids learn how to care for others. This is absolutely insane. Especially after he went out of his way to make things easier for her for HIS birthday celebration and she had the gall to say he didn’t understand because he has kids. Giiiiiiirl, no. I usually like Kailyn and feel bad for all the hate she gets but this is just on a whole other level.

  4. Imagine bashing your exhusband for working. I know this is foreign to this group of losers, especially Leah. Also, what is with her and renting that apartment in “downtown” West Virginia? Did I watch that correctly? Why can she afford to do that but was complaining that getting a tumor removed that “is bothering me” a concern because it’s “expensive”. I can’t deal with how dumb she is. When she speaks I want to grab her and say you sound so incredibly illiterate and you try way too hard to sound intelligent. The look Cory’s face whenever he has to deal with her is priceless. His eyes always say “Did I really bump uglies with this half wit”.

    1. She bashed Corey when he couldn’t miss work to go to Ali’s doctor appointments – this is nothing new. Leah can’t grasp the concept of people having actual jobs that require them to show up at a certain time, that don’t pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, and that won’t pick up the tab for a person to go on vacation 3-4 times a year.

  5. I see Leah hasn’t changed AT ALL. “HeS nEvEr HeRe” Yeah, CUZ HE’S FUCKING WORKING YOU LAZY COW!

    And she admitted herself that she has NO IDEA how often Jeremy and Addie talk. She’s 8, how do you not know?!? Leah’s just such a lazy fucking parent.

  6. That promo graphic for Y&P season 2 really sums up all that is wrong with the franchise at this point. No photos of the girls crying, dealing with poverty, covered in vomit, not able to start their car to get to school. Just glam shots straight off of Insta. What kind of message does that send? That teen parenthood is glamorous and gives opportunities to be an influencer. I despair.

  7. Jeremy seems like the type that would be more interested in his offspring if she were a boy… He’d still be absentee, though. At least his reasoning (work in a high-paying field) is reasonable. What’s Luis’s excuse? There’s Sizzlers nearby where he can DJ.

  8. If I handed my friends an NDA, they’d hand me a big FU!

    They really think they are Big Time Celebrities.

    If you are afraid your friends and family are going to tell the press about the awful disgusting things you do….
    Don’t do awful and disgusting things.

    And if you go thru friends like you go thru toilet paper…the problem might be you.

  9. Jeremy is in the oil field. The money is fantastic, but part of the job is going where the money is. You could be a few hours from home or states away. Reception isn’t the best in all areas. A lot of work is out on leased properties with little to no cell reception. The hours are also crazy. Factor that in with time zones. He may not get off till she’s asleep. I wouldn’t throw Jeremy under the bus for making a living.

    1. Yes. A lot of jobs require to be away from home. If you think you can’t handle it don’t have a baby with a peraon who won’t be ok with it

  10. “I texted Javi yesterday and I was like, ‘Do you have the NDA, because where is it?’ And he was like, ‘I need you to sign one for me,’ and I was like, ‘OK!’ Like bring them on,” she said. “I don’t care! I don’t have s**t to hide, like whatever.”

    Once again, Kail-pectate proves she is truly full of ____. If you have nothing to hide, why the NDA-palooza?

  11. NDAs but says on national tv about Javi at the wawa. She makes no sense. Kail doesn’t want people telling the truth. She’ll put it out there but it’s not the total truth. Of course Javi got an NDA. Their still hooking up.

  12. not gonna lie i was upset when leah let jeremy talk bad about corey on national television, like leah didn’t have to put out just for jeremy to see their daughter. it even felt like briana’s situation when she started putting out for luis and all of a sudden he started to wanting to see stella

  13. Poor Addie. Jermy is much more of a visiting uncle than a Dad. I really don’t think he cares very much. If he was truly gone all the time “for work,” he could still call her every day from wherever he is. That’s tough for a little girl, and she’s going to have life-long trust and abandonment issues because of it. It’s extra painful because Corey is a very involved dad to the twins, and Addie gets to see that every day. Having multiple baby daddies with differing levels of involvement is another way that teen moms harm their kids. Pray for Addie.

    1. I know, right! Corey has always been an involved and caring father to his children. For Jeremy to criticize Corey for having a normal job and not being able to be make some doctor appointments for Ali is beyond hypocritical since he isn’t there for Addie. If the relationship was important, he would find a way to stay involved in her day to day life and make time to see her, even for just a weekend. There’s no way he works 24/7.

  14. “I don’t have s**t to hide, like whatever.”

    Kail says, in the same sentence while talking about handing everyone NDAs. Make it make sense.

  15. I think it goes without saying that Jeremy is an absentee father. What is sad is that I think Addie very much cares. When Jeremy showed up unexpectedly to her birthday, Addie clung to him and cried. You could tell that she really misses him. If it’s true that Leah barely speaks to Jeremy because of her “boundaries” then that just proves that Teen Mom edits things the way they want or that Leah chooses to have a “relationship” with Jeremy when it benefits her screen time. I get that Jeremy has a high paying job but his daughter and fostering that relationship should come first.

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