Lindsie Chrisley Reacts to Comments Made About Her Divorce By Estranged Father Todd & Brother Chase: “I Truly Was Shocked”

Chrisley family truce: (possibly) coming soon.

While Lindsie Chrisley ends her marriage to husband Will Campbell, the former Chrisley Knows Best star continues to deal with another challenging relationship in her life: the one with her estranged father, Todd Chrisley. 

Upon hearing the news that his daughter was ending her marriage of nine years, Todd (and Lindsie’s half-brother, Chase Chrisley) discussed the couple’s divorce on his and wife Julie Chrisley‘s Chrisley Confessionals podcast, despite Todd and the Chrisley family having no communication with Lindsie in several years. 

On the latest episode of her and Kail Lowry‘s Coffee Convos podcast, Lindsie read a prepared statement about her divorce, and shared an update on where things stand with her father following his recent comments on the matter. 

Tips for helping your estranged daughter navigate her divorce, courtesy of Todd Chrisley…

In addition to claiming on the podcast that he still supports his daughter regardless of the negative things that have happened between them, Todd posted a statement on Instagram shortly after Lindsie’s divorce announcement. The statement seemed to be directed at Lindsie– even though he has blocked her on social media. 

“I’m here. I love you,” Todd’s post read. “Whatever is going on in your life right now, I see it, and I’m working all things out for good, for you, my child. There is nothing you can do or have done that will make me ever love you less. I will protect you from anything, and anyone who [tries] to harm you or your reputation.” 

While Todd did not mention Lindsie by name in his post, he closed his caption with “you know who you are,” all but confirming the post was meant for his eldest daughter. 

During the most-recent episode of her podcast, Lindsie discussed her divorce— and what Todd and Chase said about her on their podcast.

“As you all know, I shared that I was going through a divorce and this has been something that has weighed heavily on me and my emotional state for some time now and it has been very, very freeing to be able to share that,” she said. “We all know that social media is so scary and it can make hard situations in life so much harder.” 

Lindsie went on to say she was dealing with “so many feelings” regarding the next steps with her father, revealing she has been working through her feelings in therapy “for some time now.” 

“Part of my homework in therapy for some time now has been disengagement,” she said. “I truly was shocked when I saw something so personal shared [by my father on Instagram], as we do have each other’s numbers.”

Though she is still not in contact with her father directly at the moment, Lindsie said she “reached out privately” through her attorney after Todd’s post was brought to her attention. 

“I feel certain that our legal teams will be in communication with each other over the coming weeks,” she noted.

Further statements made by Lindsie on her podcast did not make it sound like there would a makeup session between the Chrisleys any time soon.

“I have contacted my dad privately to rectify and handle in a private meeting, in good faith, before I move forward with the documents that I have that will not only clear my name of any false allegations against me, but will provide the true narrative and attempted smear campaign against me,” she said, most likely referring to the fact that several of the Chrisleys accused her of helping officials to have Julie and Todd arrested in 2019. (Lindsie has always denied any involvement.) 

“I’m giving myself until the end of the week before acting on this as it’s fair for everyone to be able to face each other,” she added. “However, there has been no response thus far.”

Um, hello! You KNOW we’re just waiting until the next episode of our podcast to respond. Duh.”

Lindsie also brought up what her estranged brother Chase said about her on their podcast. As The Ashley previously reported, Chase appeared to be sympathetic toward Lindsie, despite the fact that, just a week prior, Chase’s friend Austin Duriez accused Lindsie of throwing a drink at him when they came across each other at a bar in Georgia. Austin later told police that Chase was encouraging him to report the incident to the cops.

“No matter what happens, Lindsie’s still my sister and I love her,” Chase said on the podcast. “If she ever needed me I’m a phone call away.”

“…unless she’s got a mason jar full of Mai Tai in her hand, that is!”

Lindsie stated that, while “the extended olive branch” from Chase was nice, it did not remedy what she calls “a pattern of repeated behavior from 2019.” (In July 2019, Lindsie filed a police report claiming that “Todd and Chase threatened to release the sex tape if she didn’t lie about a certain ‘incident.’” That ‘incident’ reportedly had to do with the tax evasion situation that got Todd and his wife Julie arrested that year.)

She also brought up the fact that Chase’s statement about her “still” being his sister varies from what he said in August 2019, when he cropped Lindsie out of a family photo he posted on Instagram. When fans questioned him, he wrote, “I only have one sister and that’s Savannah.”


“Later that week, when speaking to People magazine, the statement was conflicting—that he didn’t understand why I was doing what I was doing to my family and that he loved me,” Lindsie said. 

RELATED STORY: Todd & Chase Chrisley Share Their Thoughts on Lindsie Chrisley’s Divorce Announcement & Discuss Their Estrangement From Her

(Photos: Danielle De Valle/Getty Images; Jason Kempin/Getty Images; USA Network; Instagram) 

7 Responses

  1. Todd and Chase put on a show for the public. Meanwhile behind the scenes there are threats, police reports, and criminal cases. Lindsie is smart to keep her distance.

  2. Lindsie honey, you weren’t the only one shocked. When it first came out I posted exactly what I thought about him doing that to you. POS father has no business talking about you even if you were on good terms.

    He’s just trying to throw the negativity going around about him onto you. Don’t worry….anyone with an ounce of brain cells knows the deal.

    Enjoy your life and I hope you find your happy place soon if you haven’t already.

  3. I wonder if she’s still in contact with her brother Kyle? it would be interesting to see what his take on all of this is.

    1. I think I read somewhere that the accusations against Lindsie being the one who turned them in on the financial crimes, turned out to actually be Kyle. If I remember correctly Todd and family have already forgiven Kyle because he admitted it recently. Meanwhile they still attack her and she didn’t do it from the start.

  4. Wonder when the family is going to be issuing a public apology to her for the trashing she’s gone thru. She deserves it for all they put her thru when in fact it was her brother.

  5. Yikes! Poor Lindsie, I honestly feel bad for her. Not only the family issues she’s been addressing in therapy for some time but also the divorce (and re-emergence of a couple family members). I really hope she has a good support system.

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