Leah Messer Reveals Her New Boyfriend: 10 Things to Know About the ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star’s New Man (Exclusive Details!)

“Hey, Mama needs lovin’ too!”

Leah Messer has a new man…and The Ashley has the scoop on him!

The Teen Mom 2 star— who has recently been hinting that she has been seeing someone—decided to debut her guy on Instagram on Friday, posting a photo showing her with a mystery man nuzzling her neck. While Leah didn’t identify her boo, she did state (using emojis) that she’s “locked in on love.” 

Leah— who was previously married to Corey Simms and Jeremy Calvert—has yet to reveal more info on her mysterious man, but The Ashley went ahead and dug around to get some details about him. (The Ashley broke the news last month that Leah’s sister Victoria  got engaged to her third baby daddy, Royer Rodriguez, so there’s definitely love in the holler!)


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Here are 10 facts about Leah’s man, whose name is Jaylan Mobley!

1. He went with Leah & Co. to Costa Rica this month.

Jaylan appears to fit in well with the Messer gals’ men, as he recently went with Leah, Victoria and their mom Dawn to Costa Rica to visit Royer.

2. He just started dating Leah.

“I’ve done snagged me a man, y’all!”

Although reality stars have been known to lie when asked about their relationship statuses, Leah told her followers on TikTok last month that she was single.

“I wish but no I don’t have a boyfriend,” she wrote when asked if she was dating her friend Justin Burke.

Despite Jaylan being a new dude, Leah’s three daughters have already met him. (He appeared in Leah’s Instagram Stories with her daughters on Friday) This seems odd, since Leah recently spoke out about introducing her kids to any new guy.

In May, she told Us Weekly that introducing her last boyfriend– Jason Jordan— to her girls was a “big mistake.”

“The last guy I dated, we dated for at least four months before I even allowed him to come around my kids,” she said of Jason. “That was the biggest mistake, honestly. In my opinion, I just don’t want to confuse them with that.”

“Exposing [a new guy] to my kids’ life is something that I really don’t know that I’m even open to at all,” she said. 

(Leah’s daughters were not on the trip to Costa Rica, by the way.)

3. He was the first Cyber Officer in the West Virginia National Guard.

Jaylan is a First Lieutenant in the US Army and a member of the West Virginia National Guard. In July, completed the Cyber Basic Officer Leadership Course. According to a post on Jaylan’s Instagram from July, he is the first Army Cyber Officer in the state of West Virginia to be selected for the very exclusive program.

“Less than 0.1% of each ROTC/Academy graduating class is selected, after rigorous interviews, testing and application process,” he wrote in October 2019 when he was selected.

4. He is a man of great “smarts.”

“Hey, I’m a learned man, too! I read them Goosebumps books when I was a youngin, ya know!”

According to Leah, the schools in West Virginia “aren’t well,” but that hasn’t stopped Jaylan from accomplishing quite a bit academically.  He graduated (with a 4.0 GPA!) from West Virginia University with a Masters degree in Cyber Security back in May. Before graduating, he interned at NASA (as you do).

5. He just turned 25 years old.

At only 25, Jaylan is younger than Leah, who’s 29. Jaylan celebrated his birthday last weekend. (Also, he has a twin sister named Jessica!) 

6. He is from Charlotte, North Carolina.

While Jaylan went to school in West Virginia (and appears to be living there now), he is from Charlotte. He also attended college in Georgia and went to the prestigious military prep school West Point. 

7. He randomly has an Instagram fan page.

Someone created a Instagram fan page for Jaylan, but it only has two followers. The page contains photos taken from Jaylan’s actual Instagram and was started in July.

8. He doesn’t appear to have any kids.

“So don’t be gettin’ no ideas, Mister!”

Jaylan seems to have avoided having any ex-wives/baby mamas and does not seem to have any children. It appears that he likes kids, though— which is a good thing for mom-of-three Leah— because he is very close to his sister’s kids.

Should he and Leah stay together, though, kids may be in his future. Leah said earlier this year that she might be able to be convinced to have a fourth child.

“Listen, if I were to ever get remarried, and let’s say they didn’t have kids and would want a child, it would have to come with terms and conditions this time because I put my work in!” she told Us Weekly.

9. He may end up being on ‘Teen Mom 2.’

While The Ashley can’t confirm or deny this quite yet, it appears that Jaylan is friendly with Leah’s ‘Teen Mom 2’ producers, which may mean he’s filming for the upcoming season of the show. However, it is absolutely possible for him to be kept off the show entirely, despite his being in a relationship with Leah.

(As The Ashley previously reported, MTV kept Leah’s relationship with ex T.R. Dues totally off the show, despite the fact that they were living together at one point!

Leah and Jaylan have yet to make their relationship “Facebook official.”

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Leah Messer’s Sister Victoria Gets Engaged, Ryan Edwards Gets Mad About MTV Disrespecting the Flag & More

(Photos: Instagram, MTV, Facebook)

71 Responses

  1. The one thing that I believe will ultimately end this relationship, is the HUGE difference in intelligence and education. Jaylan is obviously a very intelligent man with an impressive education. I fear he will become bored with a partner who is SO far behind him, in both arenas. When you are intelligent and educated it gets difficult living with someone who isn’t.

  2. Ok, I’ll say what everyone else is thinking. He is doing it for clout, fame, etc.

    He in obviously an extremely intelligent, hard-working, accomplished individual. He is way out of her league. I can’t think of anything else a 25 year old man with such success would want with a girl who has 3 kids, divorced twice with no education. Not to mention the addiction history. The only reason Leah isn’t living off welfare in a trailer with the girlses is bc of MTV.

    With that being said, I do think Leah has turned her life around. I think that she is a better mother now & even at the height of her addiction, she always cared for her daughters. I also have a soft spot for parents of children with disabilities. I cannot imagine being a teen mom or twins & finding out one has a lifelong, serious disability. But that doesn’t change the fact that he is just completely out of her league.

  3. Some of y’all would only be happy if she got with a super shitty guy. Then, you’d criticize her for that. Damn.

    Does Leah have several fancy degrees and an impressive job? No. But she seems to be an engaged mom and decent person, who’s overcome a fair amount of adversity (ie. crappy mother, chaotic childhood, addiction, etc.).

    Why are we acting like she’s the scum of the earth and doesn’t deserve someone good?

    1. Lol! I don’t think anyone thinks she’s the scum of the Earth… And ofcourse she doesn’t deserve a “super shitty guy,” HE just deserves someone better. Someone with ambition, someone driven and can match HIS successes. He’s out of her league. She can find someone else that fits her and her family better ??‍♀️

      1. I agree LAY OFF THE HATERADE, I think she does deserve someone good and I think she’s found him.

        I’m happy for her.

        …, you are literally talking out of both sides of your mouth, one minute you say “of course she doesn’t deserve a super shitty guy and then you say “but HE deserves better than HER.”

        Have you ever heard the saying “opposites attract”

        I know she’s gone for guys the are her equal, and maybe he’s gone for girls that are his equal and now they’ve found each other and HOPEFULLY long lasting happiness.

  4. Boy, go find you a girl with some ambition and drive to match yours and stay far away from MTV. I have a feeling we’re about to see another life get ruined.

  5. I think he’s making a terrible mistake.

    I’m sure the sex is great and all but at 25 he has a lot more going for him than she ever will.

    Maybe he thinks this will jump start his modeling or acting career, it hasn’t helped anyone so far, but we’ll see.

  6. I don’t get why you need to be so cruel to Leah. Maybe she’s not very educated but she really seems like a good person and had a difficult life. I’d like to see how many of you could handle being pregnant with twins as a teenager and one of them with multiple health issues. Most adults would find that difficult to manage, even more so a teenager. Maybe he finds that resilience impressive and loves her for it

    1. Cheated on her first husband the night before the wedding. Cheated on her second husband at his parents’ place. And her ex-FIL is the one that caught Robby on the deer cam.

      Lied about a huge drug addiction, and for years made Cory look like the evil villain for just trying to protect his girls from a drug addict. Then before she was even divorced from Jermey she moved that guy in with his daughter and I think it was rumored they did drugs together. She also moved her drug addict father in and they definitely did drugs together, and she expected kids to live in that house with her.

      Leah isn’t necessarily a good person, she just always got a good edit.

    2. I 100% agree Mick

      As far as I’m concerned, Leah is the only one left on TM2 that’s worth anything!!!

      Yes TEENMOMOG2FAN, she did do all those things in past but she crawled herself out of the primordial ooze and learn her lesson, shes grown up!!!

      Correct, it was “rumored” they did drugs, that was never a proven fact.

      Lee wasn’t her father, he was her stepdad and yes he did drugs but she never did them with him and the kids were her mother Dawn at the time because they were afraid of Jason.

  7. I agree that Leah’s not the sharpest tack in the desk drawer but shes a good mom.

    It can’t be easy being single and raising 3 kids, and 1 of those kids has a disability.

    She did at one point have a job (I think it was a dental assistant or something).

    But shes got a decent guy now that seems to have his shit together so I’m pulling for her.

  8. I can just see in his house at night trying to diagram out Leah’s dysfunctional family, and figure out who’s married to who and which belongs to which ex.

    1. Sounds like a lot of bitterness and jealousy being spoken here. I for one am happy for Leah. I hope this relationship goes the long haul and is everything she needs in her life, the girls lives and her new man’s life.

  9. He’s young, cute, smart, well educated, stable, and has a career.

    And Leah thinks the plural of girl is girlses

    What the h3ll does he want with Leah?

    1. You are so right! There’s something off with this picture: a guy with his head on straight with SO much going for him, with an education and career few ever experience vs a poorly educated girl from the hollars of WV with multiple children and multiple ex-husbands.

      They say opposites attract. If it’s meant to be, we’ll see. I don’t think they have a chance though if MTV gets their hooks into him and their relationship. Hopefully he’s smart and savvy enuf to keep them far enuf out of it if he wants it to be healthy. Whether it’s Leah or someone else, whoever ends up with the guy is landing a pretty good catch.

      1. What is your problem, are you prejudiced against southerners or something??

        There is not multiple children or multiple ex husbands. Its 3 kids, 2 ex husbands…not uncommon in the entertainment world. Actually its pretty tame when you consider the lifestyles of some reality stars or actors/actresses.

          1. Then he should have better sense than to refer to where she’s from as “the hollars” and to state that shes “poorly educated”.

            It makes it sound like everyone from “the hollars” of somewhere is “poorly educated”.

            Not true, some smart people come from “the hollars” or “the ghetto”.

            Granted, shes not the sharpest person, but to attack where shes from as a reason for the mistakes she’s made, yeah no that’s not right.

          2. Hmmm weren’t you just saying on another post that people from Indiana aren’t very educated??? And WV the lowest college graduation rates in the country..so yeah that’s fairly accurate.

      2. This new guy may just be into leah just to get on TV….it will never last……if he’s military, that means having to stay away…Leah wants someone that’s there all the time. Wasn’t that what she complained about with jeremys job…..

      3. What I said was that people from certain areas of a state arent necessarily known for being intelligent, I never said they weren’t intelligent.

        Leah didn’t go to college, come to think of it I don’t think she graduated high school (but shes at got a GED).

        But shes got a good home, shes a good mom, none of the girls need for anything, shes not living of the government or mooching off relatives so I say shes doing pretty damn good.

  10. Screw the repetitively redundant Kail and Bri drama…Leah just threw in the draw 4 wild card, and said UNO! I watched like 3 episodes last season, because it was boring AF, and the same thing over and over…but from previous seasons, we know Leah’s relationships are reality TV GOLD….we still talk about the deer cam, Robbie, Jeremy hitting her with bacon, ect to this day…And now she’s got a new man?? AND he’s got his shit together?? Yea. Imma be tuning in this season just for this.

    1. I think they get a lot of stability from Cory and Miranda. And Cory still has primary custody.

      I worry more for Addie than the twins.

      1. Addie is one spunky little girl, she ALWAYS tells it like it is…like it or not

        Wasn’t she the first to point out a dislike for Jason…something about poisons are something??

  11. I’d be curious to see if this man would have any interest in Leah if she were still living in a trailer, broke, and not in TV.
    Doubt it.

    1. Jaylan has a masters degree in cyber security and is an officer in the Army National Guard. He has his own money, is my point. He doesn’t need Leah’s.

  12. He’s educated, accomplished, intelligent, and hot with no baggage. Looking like Leah hit the jackpot. She must have a magic something…

    1. I agree, whatever pros and cons there may be to Leah, it’s pretty apparent it’s not just she has little and’/or poor education..he’s just not all that bright, nor is anyone else in her family. (BTW, you jus start dating some dude and take him on a family trip to Costa Rica?)

      1. replying to myself..:)…SHE is not that bright. He obviously is. I can’t imagine Leah and her family having any lasting appeal or being Pepe he’d be proud to introduce others too.

  13. He seems too accomplished and intelligent (if those credentials are correct) for Leah. Can’t see this lasting – hopefully he’s not in it for the “fame”, but he could be a good influence on Leah on the off chance it works. Maybe the dating pool of single women isn’t well in the WV.

    1. West Point’s acceptance rate is like 10%. And to graduate, it’s truly impressive. So that alone, if it’s true means not only is he smart, but super hard working.

      1. I was initially unclear as to whether he went to WVU or West Point for undergrad. Upon re-reading, he got his master’s from WVU and must have gone to West Point for undergrad. Getting into West Point is as competitive as Ivy League schools. That makes this relationship all the more difficult to understand.

        Unlike some of the other TM grown-ass wenches, Leah had always seemed to have a good heart. I just can’t figure out what this guy sees in her unless dating a D-list celebrity is on his bucket list or something. He’s out of her league and can do waaaay better. But it’s nice to see she’s dating up instead of down. Maybe he’ll inspire her to get educated if he doesn’t break her heart first.

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