The Votes Are In! Here Are The ‘Teen Mom’ Girls That The Ashley’s Readers Want to Stay On The Show: See How the Cast Ranked

“We don’t care if you chose us for the trainwreckery factor or because you actually like us— we just want to stay employed!”

On Thursday, The Ashley asked her readers to let her know which of the 10 Teen Mom girls they’d most like to see continue on with the franchise, should Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 end up being combined, as The Ashley’s sources stated earlier this week.

All 10 of the current cast members— Kail Lowry, Leah Messer, Jade Cline, Ashley Jones, Briana DeJesus, Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell, Maci Bookout, Mackenzie McKee and Cheyenne Floyd— were listed, with readers being asked to put them in order from the girls they’d most like to see stay, to the girls they’d least like to see stay. 

The results are in! (The Ashley is going to keep the survey open, though, and post the updated results at a later time.)

The results, provided by Crowd Signal, use a weighted ranking system to order the girls, meaning that the position each girl was ranked by each reader has an effect on where they ultimately ended up in the list. 

The Ashley can reveal that the girl who received the top rank (so the girl who fans would most like to see stay on the show) was ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Leah Messer. Her weighted rank (which, in this case, you’d want to be as low as possible) was 3.06.

“I’m ding-dang honored y’all! 

Leah’s score was impressively better than even the No. 2-ranked girl, Kail Lowry, who received a score of 3.61

(Interestingly, though, Kail received the most “Number 1 position” votes; however, Leah snagged the top position because she received plenty of No. 2 and No. 3 rankings as well.) 

It appears that fans gravitated toward the idea of keeping the original girls from ‘Teen Mom OG’ and ‘Teen Mom 2’, and cutting the girls who were added on in later seasons. All but one of the original girls (Amber) ranked above all of the “new” girls.

The order after Leah and Kail is as follows: (remember, the lower the score, the better) 

3. Maci Bookout (with a score of 4.29)

4. Catelynn Lowell (with a score of 4.47)

5. Jade Cline (with a score of 5.86)

6. Ashley Jones (with a score of 5.87)

7. Cheyenne Floyd (with a score of 5.92) 

8 Briana DeJesus (with a score of 6.76)

9. Amber Portwood (with a score of 7.41)

10. Mackenzie McKee (with a score of 7.74) 

In case you missed The Ashley’s news this week, the shows’ producers have been brainstorming ways to save the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise, and have decided (although it’s not 100 percent yet, according to The Ashley’s sources) to combine ‘Teen Mom OG’ and ‘Teen Mom 2’ into one new show. With two shows becoming one, that will likely mean that some of the cast members will be getting the boot.

“This is like their last-ditch effort to keep the shows going,” one source told The Ashley, mentioning the plummeting ratings of both ‘Teen Mom OG’ and ‘Teen Mom 2’ in recent years.

The Ashley will continue to provide updates as she gets more info on this situation.

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom OG’ & ‘Teen Mom 2’ Are Likely Going to Be Combined Into One Show; Some Cast to Be Let Go

(Photos: MTV)

64 Responses

  1. Get rid of Brianna. That girl is messy and all she likes to do is cause more drama than be that grown ass adult she always talking about. O we can have a conversation and get this all cleared up. Brianna dejesus is pure TRASH!!!!!!!

  2. Why would any of y’all vote for Kail? No one gives a damn about her and she doesn’t deserve any attention. Gross. I don’t even watch anymore anyway since Chelsea left. Some viewers like the drama of some of the girls but it’s the most annoying to me.

  3. Farrah, Janelle, Kailyn, and Amber. Living together in a house but they have to work towards and accomplish something good for the world – like work actual 9-5 hours daily.

  4. My favorite and all my family favorites are Catelynn that’s married to Tyler and Amber and all the new ones no one voted for them, and I’m shocked Leigh got the top.

  5. This show is old and boring, no matter who’s on it.. MTV GET SOMETHING TOTALLY NEW!!!!!!/ Cut these girls go. Let them move on with their lives….

  6. Didn’t Leah marry two red necks? Now she is down?
    I don’t understand men who want a girl that has 2-4 baby daddies. These girls don’t want a stable relationship, they want a father figure. Kail, Leah, Cate, Ashley, Jade, Amber, where are they daddies?

  7. I want to keep the girls on that are actually providing some substance to the show.. I mean that’s not saying a lot but let’s keep girls like Leah, Mackenzie & Cheyenne that are educating people of their childrens illness .. well MM has T1D. Also Ashley just started her own business plus I like how she holds people in her life accountable. I say Maci if she will show her kids more & educate us on PCOS

    1. Does Ashley hold Bar accountable, ????? No, she just shit shames him for his mistakes.

      He knows it ain’t right, but he needs support and not a nag bitch wife!!

      All that crying, “woe is me” and “what you’re doing ain’t fair” needs to stop.

      Guess what bitch, life ain’t fair, get over it and move on!!! Don’t everybody need to cater to your whims sweetie!!!

      The other 4, I fully agree they should stay.

      1. If that’s the case, they need to call the show “Used to be teen moms, now almost 30 something’s just there to freeload off TLC”.

        1. Exactly DeeAnne, get rid of the drama, rename it and move it to another channel.

          MTV has always been known for fake drama, I don’t mind drama if it’s REAL!!!!

  8. I actually had Leah as my #1. Not so much that I care about seeing her but I don’t find her offensive like some, and I’ll admit to some attachment to the certain kids,. I’d like to see the kids that want to film bc it feel like we’ve been in their lives so long. That being said, there isn’t justification to keep the shows going at all.

    The originals are “boring” simply because they call the shots on what can and will be filmed. Then cause drama on themselves that no one cares about. The new ones were already seen as a desperate attempt to keep the gravy train going and it has failed miserably. If they can drop TM related things for maybe a few years, then some sort of reunion might make sense and be a hit. But it’s a dead horse at this point.

  9. Seriously? She just had a baby a few months ago plus birthing 3 others before that. You’d have to have some amazing genetics to not hold on to some of that weight.

    As I tell my 5 year old…. Everyone’s bodies are all different shapes and sizes. No two are exactly alike so there’s no reason to compare or comment about them.

    1. Exactly Jade, everyone’s body is different.

      Some can lose the wait easily, some (if not most) go into starvation mode or use drugs/alcohol to maintain their ideal weight and some just say screw it, go with the flow and “what you see is what you get”.

      I personally don’t think Cate’s weight is the issue. It’s those tig o bitties she’s got up top. If they was about half that size she wouldn’t be a big girl AT ALL!!!!

      1. When she was pregnant with Carly on 16&P I remember thinking that she was the skinniest pregnant person I had ever seen.

        Even after she gave birth to Carly she was still skinny, it wasn’t until about the time she was expecting Nova that she truly started gaining weight.

        But…so what…it’s her body and her health. Stop body shaming and commenting on that crap!!!

    2. No it’s not body shaming to tell someone they’re unhealthy and at risk for things, but like COP said HA comment IS body shaming. I’m sure Cate is extremely aware of her the way her body looks. Judging by this picture though I personally don’t think she looks that big, she’s always been half titties. I feel like she was bigger in the past. So maybe she has been losing weight. It takes a long time. It took me over a year to lose the baby weight after my first child and I’m in the process of losing it after my second which has been harder this time around. Hopefully she has started making healthier choices for herself and her family. But either way calling someone “massive” is not helpful at all and is just rude.

  10. How can I vote. It still says they are leaving it open. I despise Ashley and Bri the most please take out that trash!!!! Love Leah Kail Maci Cate Cheyenne

  11. You try giving birth to 4 kids and healthily remain skinny as a rail, it’s NOT possible!!

    Yes she’s heavy which isn’t necessarily healthy…but???

    1. My grandmother had 10 children and has never been overweight her entire life and she’s now 90 years old. I myself am back to pre-pregnancy weight 12 weeks after my 3rd so yes actually it is possible. I also have a cousin who has had 2 kids and her weight has ballooned, although it has gone up and down all her life because her diet is consistently horrendous and none of her family exercise. Some of it is genetics but a lot of it is lifestyle, imo. Having kids is no excuse to let yourself go so completely. Yes it can be very hard for some women but at some point you have to love yourself and your kids enough to take action.

      I do have sympathy for women that struggle because I know that they are probably not feeling good mentally or physically. This is why we need to instill good habits into our kids so that they don’t have lifelong health issues and low confidence due to poor body image.

      I think Cate is lazy and seems to use the kids as an excuse for her slide into obesity (as you are doing also) but it’s not body shaming to tell someone they are unhealthy and putting their own life at risk, as well as the health of their children. That said, I know she hasn’t had the easiest life nor the best example from the people who were supposed to be caring for her, which certainly makes it harder for her to break the cycle. Coupled with poor mental health, this is almost part of her DNA and very difficult to change, especially as she ages. She should try though, or her girls will end up massively overweight, unhealthy and miserable as well, just like her, which is extremely unfair on them.

      1. I’m not excusing her behavior.

        And no, pointing out unhealthy habits or that she’s putting her life at risk is not body shaming.

        But HA isn’t doing that, calling someone “massive” is mean, and that’s what I see as body shaming.

        Yes she’s large but I think alot of it is her chest because if you look at the picture above, her boobs stick out twice as far as her stomach. Idk, maybe she breastfeeds and that’s why they’re large.

        1. I think that’s part of the problem though – you’re not even allowed to comment without being accused of body shaming. So people that are badly in need of a wake-up call and some honesty are allowed to bury their problem and continue to gain weight. As I said, my cousin is severely overweight and the last thing I would want to do is make her feel bad but I worry about her health and her kids all the time. She needs to do something about her lifestyle.
          I agree that running people down and insulting them is mean, but ignoring the problem and telling people they look great and healthy is not helpful either.

        2. But MONKEYC, there’s a difference between pointing out unhealthy choices/risks to a person’s life and calling names.

          Calling someone massive (or any name contributing to a person’s physical attributes) isn’t giving a wake-up call. It’s mean, rude and unhelpful in the worst way. You wouldn’t give a mean wake-up call to your cousin would you? I doubt it, but if you would that says alot about you unfortunately.

          Commenting and being mean are different, a person can choose their words wisely.

      1. Possible but not always likely, everyone is different.

        Like I said, some can lose weight easily, some turn to starvation mode or use drugs/alcohol to maintain their ideal weight and some just say screw it and go with the flow.

  12. OKAY who fake voted?!? Cuz there’s NO WAY anybody ACTUALLY wanted to keep watching Leah & Catelynn do absolutely nothing!

    1. You may have a point with Cate, yes she’s lazy ON CAMERA, but who knows what goes on behind the scenes.

      But Leah, you got NO evidence of laziness. She is always on the go and with 3 high spirited daughters (one of which is sick) she IS…as Amber says about herself…A DAMN GOOD MOM!!!

      1. Doctors appts and cheer competitions is NOT what I meant. She’s not doing anything with her life. No job, no activism, she doesn’t do anything. She has nothing going on in her own life, except her kids. She’s done nothing to better herself, no school, no career. She’s going to be one of the main ones falling on her face because she has nothing under her belt to keep propelling her forward. Yes, she’s a decent mom, but that’s it.

        1. I guess all her MD advocacy is fake right? ???

          Ali girl is in Horse Therapy to which Leah is also present, do you see Corey anywhere?? I don’t.

          And she’s had jobs before, what about that dental hygienist secretarial job she had for almost 2 years before her bout with drugs? Not to mention jobs in fast food as a teenager. But she’s excelling in the most important job there is…being a mom.

          I’m not saying she’s perfect, none of these girls are but she’s got more going for her than most and a steadier head on her shoulders as well

          1. That’s because Corey has an actual JOB, since he’s a real adult with bills and a mortgage to take care of his kids. Normal parents can’t take off work for every whim of their delusional baby mama. How exactly is she going to keep paying for horse therapy when MTV cuts the show? Going back to being a receptionist or a fast food worker? NO! If it gets paid for, it’ll get paid for by COREY because Leah has worked towards absolutely nothing. She has nothing to fall back on because she did nothing with her life. Her baby daddies will have to pick up the slack because she’s irresponsible and didn’t plan ahead.

            I have nothing against Leah. As a mom, she’s great. She’s grown and matured and loves those girls more than anyone in the world ever could because they literally saved her life. But she could do better for her life if she really wanted to; she could go back to school, she could find a career she loves, she CHOOSES NOT TO. And that’s going to be her down fall.

          2. As the daddy of a sick child, yes he should take off for Ali’s EVERY need!!!

            He hasn’t been to a drs appointment since Ali was first born!!!!

            Idc if you are with the baby mama or not, your kid needs you, you need to freaking be there!!!

            I doubt Corey pays for ANYTHING!!! Nor do I think he ever will!!

            And just because he SAYS he works doesn’t mean he actually does!!! I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if half the accomplishments (with the exception of Javi’s military career, since we actually see that) these daddies have made/are making aren’t made up for tv to make them look good!!!

            And when Leah actually has to go back to school and find a career she loves, I’m more than sure she will.

            That’s the downfall of TV, they have that enchanted paycheck so why accomplish anything. But when the gravy train ends I’m 100% certain she’ll accomplish something. Followed closely by Chey, Maci and MAYBE Ashley.

            Kail wouldn’t know what the word achievement meant if the meaning came up and bit her. Same with Amber.

            MM is the only person achieving anything while on the show. She’s smart, she knows this gravy train won’t last long.

          3. TM2 has literally SHOWN Corey working a full time job, he has the twins’ entire lives. You’ve got some serious issues, luv. You literally hop on here to troll. And I don’t respond to crazy, you can keep that shit to yourself. Enjoy your delusions!

          4. They have literally NEVER shown him or Jeremy working!!

            And if you think I’m crazy and only on here to troll (which is stupidity on your part but to each their own) and you “don’t reply to crazy” then wtf are you ALWAYS replying to me??

            I’m not a troll or crazy, I just have a difference of opinion but apparently it’s not okay to disagree with anyone on this site!!

            And DeeAnne, wtf are you ????, I agreed with you on a comment you made before, JEEZ TALK ABOUT A CRAZY TROLL!!

          5. @ Come On People: Do you just stalk my comments so you can argue with me? Should I be concerned? You seem….unwell.

          6. I’m not ARGUING, I’m DISAGREEING Mimi.

            And no, you shouldn’t worry about me, think about yourself. Sounds like you’re good at that.

            I’m pulling for these girls (and that includes Amber, she’s effed up but I want her getting well for her kids as well as herself) and you’re rooting for the deadbeat dads (minus Gary, who isn’t a deadbeat), that seems unwell to me.

            I NEVER liked Corey Simms and I only semi like Jeremy Calvert. I like Rhine when he’s sober and single (even Maci has said he’s a better person single), Sean’s okay but by far not my favorite, I can’t stand Bar, Gary is AWESOME, and tbh imo Cory Wharton is a VERY CLOSE second to Gary in the dad department.

        2. Exactly!! She will end up like DeluJanelle with no real way to support herself other than the child support she gets from Jeremy & Corey. This free ride is nearing the end & she’s going to be left even more clueless about the real world than she already is. This show did these girls a disservice. They should have been removed when they turned 18 and became adults, not kept on for ratings due to drama, jail, drug addiction or a new baby daddy every season.

          1. Filming stopped in 2012 when they were adults.

            The show was brought back in 2015 by MTV because the fans wanted to see them again.

            I don’t think the girls had a choice.

          2. THANK YOU! Leah didn’t even have health insurance for herself! She has NO IDEA how to take care of herself! She’s a good mom, I will give her that. She always thinks about the girls, but I don’t think she’s ever given thought to how she would pay for her lifestyle or theirs without an MTV paycheck.

          3. I’m sure she has thought about that Mimi, just because you don’t think so doesn’t mean ANYTHING!!

          4. @ Come On People: Please stop sucking Leah’s titty, she doesn’t give two fucks about EITHER of our opinions. And at this point, you’re only looking to argue with me, which is sad and desperate. I’ve responded to other of your comments agreeing with you and you say nothing, yet here you are making an ass of yourself for some online attention. Like I said before, you need help. Have a good day.

          5. Gee I wonder why I don’t well to you, maybe it’s because you called me a “real special kind of stupid”?

            So why don’t you do us both a favor and shut the f*** up because I really couldn’t give two shits about you anymore Mimi!!!

  13. No way, Kail and Chey must have voted over and over on this. Get rid of this toxic show and bring back Real World and Road Rules and more shows like The Challenge.

  14. Other than Kail I’m fine with the top 4. I would have much rather seen Chey up there!!

    I actually would like to see more of MacKenzie McKee also, sure she let’s Josh get away with far too much, but her storyline and the drama is real. She’s not going toe to toe with people for ratings.

    I like boring storyline far better than violence and ratings created drama.

  15. Y’all are lying to yourselves if you say you wanna see dry ass cate and FAKE ass Leah. You’re allowed to be honest and say you want the trashh on. We all know ratings would shoot back if Jenelle or Farrah came back.

    1. I’m glad they (Jenelle and Farrah) are gone, now the rest of the garbage (Kail, Amber, Ashley, Bri, and Jade)needs to be taken out like that other trash was.

      I say keep Maci (without the Edwards Clan), Chey, Cate & Ty, Leah, and MacKenzie McKee.

      If I want to watch physically violent drama I’ll watch reruns of Jerry Springer.

  16. My favorite is Chelsey. She is gone and this show is long dead. Time to cut these people off and allow their children some relief. Although, Kail the drama addict, will continue to do all she can to make money off her bad decisions. Leaving her kids to pick up the tab.

  17. We don’t care of you like us or not, ” we just want to stay employed”. Get a real job then!! Most of them will end up like Delujanelle and not know the 1st thing about surviving in the real world. All they’ve known since 16 (for most of them) is how to be on a train wreck reality show. This free ride won’t last much longer.

  18. Who wants to watch Cate and Tyler? They’re the human equivalent of watching paint dry. When they do something, it’s usually awful.

  19. who the hell wants to genuinely keep seeing maci keep talking about her pcos & her cleaning out her garage???? good thing this won’t affect mtv’s decision on who to keep because this was ass

    1. I was surprised to see her up that high on the list! I voted for her on the second to last position, only Amber was lower. Kail was right above Maci. I guess too many others have voted differently.

      1. Amber was my dead last bottom bc she shouldn’t be there in the first place. Nothing inspiring about an abusive drug addict.

        Kail and Maci were above her bc they offer nothing to the show.

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