Christine Brown has officially parted ways with her portion of the Brown family’s Coyote Pass property, nearly a year after her split from frizzy-haired husband Kody.
As fans of Sister Wives may remember, Kody and his wives Christine, Robyn, Janelle and Meri purchased four parcels of land in Flagstaff, Arizona, in 2018 for $820,000 with the intention of eventually building four individual homes on the property known as Coyote Pass; however, the family had yet to begin construction when Kody and Christine announced their split in November.
Christine has since relocated from her home in Arizona to a two-story duplex in Utah, where she resides with her and Kody’s youngest daughter.
After shedding Kody from her life (for the most part), Christine decided to also shed her portion of the Coyote Pass property in Flagstaff. According to The Sun, Christine signed over her portion of Coyote Pass two weeks ago, “selling” her parcel to Kody and Robyn on July 28 for just $10.

Back in April, though, Christine and Kody’s son Paedon Brown stated that Christine had already sold her portion of the property.
“No, [she doesn’t own it anymore],” he said during an Instagram Q&A session held in April. “She sold it back to Dad.”
It is unknown why Paedon said the transaction had already taken place in April, when it didn’t actually become official until late July.
It is also unknown why Christine sold her parcel for only $10, when, according to Coconino County Court records, her portion of land is worth $300,000.

At the moment, permits to begin building on the undoubtedly cursed Coyote Pass property have not been issued. Of course, this may be due to Kody’s seemingly constant money issues.

In December, Kody and Robyn requested a $130,000 loan on their $890,000 Arizona home–- again, a home NOT located on Coyote Pass–- for the second time. (The legally-wed lovers first applied for a home equity line of credit back in March 2020 for the amount of $150,000.)
The polygamist pair were approved for the “urgent home loan,” with the agreement they had to start paying off the debt no later than December 5.

It is likely that the “sale” of Christine’s portion of Coyote Pass will be covered in the upcoming season of ‘Sister Wives,’ which premieres next month on TLC.
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(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
16 Responses
I f……g regret ever becoming familiar with this frickin cretin and this mess of a psychological case study. Honestly at this point it is beginning to seem like it’s completely irresponsible to have this on television just like the other TLC shows. This is truly messed up behavior in so many capacities and it’s really really way overdue for it to be cleansed from public consumption ( Previous episode should have a warning or some kind of acknowledgement for support services. Not even joking anymore. This has revealed to be more and more revolting and distressing!)
So glad Christine is done with him!! He thinks he is Mr Wonderful and does nothing wrong.
So proud of Christine. That she had enough self esteem and love for herself not to stay in an unhealthy relationship and environment. Her children should also be very proud of her, admire her, and take note for their own lives. I wish her nothing but love and happiness in her life ahead.
So glad she left that lazy idiot! He does not even deserve her! I remember when her aunt was on a talk show or something like it when they were answering questions from audience members and her asked her to leave kody then! Before she had truly, but he don’t care much now for all the older kids and grandkids which is so sad! But then again they are way better off to not have him in their lives, move on.Cant wait till janelle leaves him i think she will be next! Meri she likes the left overs kody allows her to get which is not much! She is pathetic the way she acts!
Good for Christine- Kody clearly didn’t love or care about her, and now that she only has one kid at home she’s realizing just how lonely she is. I have secondhand embarrassment for Meri and Janelle because they just won’t leave when Kody clearly wants them to move on- he only cares about Robyn.
Omg that picture with the plans for the homes.. Meri? LOL good lord… all these women deserve better.
I’ll bet they did some kind of negotiation so that Christine would be able to move out of state with Truly, or so he wouldn’t have to pay child Support.
There’s probably a sizable loan on those properties and it was better for Christine to get out from under it. She also just seems to be done with the whole ordeal. If I were her, I would have done the same thing and wiped my hands of it. Whatever equity she may have had was not life-changing and she probably just didn’t want to be connected to that bullshit anymore. Money can’t buy you peace.
Hi, The Ashley – long time reader, first time commenter. I’m a real estate title examiner and can confirm that the “sale” of property for a nominal amount (i.e., less than $100) is a tax avoidance move. This is very commonly done between family members/spouses to avoid paying excise or state/county transfer taxes on the “sale” price. They probably have some behind the scenes arrangement for actual payment (if she’s lucky!).
That or it’s like TX. A non disclosure state so every deed says $10 on it.
I don’t see Christine taking just $10 and be done with it.
The equity loans where to buy her out perhaps, out of everything.
What I find more interesting, as all her income always went to the joint money pile, why did Cody not borrow money from his other wives?
That money pile and Coyote pass was shared equity.
Meri didn’t want the B&B income in the shared pile, that was the first time.
The way I see it, not just Cody but all the wives owed Christine money when she wanted her share of the money pile (or ditch).
Why are Cody and Sobby the only one getting loans?
It looks like Cody borrowed money to give Christine her cut. What about the rest of them?
Why do his other wives not borrow him money when they plan to stay?
Janelle doesn’t rent I believe? She prob has equity too.
Meri rents a huge house but Cody has to borrow lots of money?
There are many cracks in that plural marriage. Finance is one of them.
She better have gotten more than ten bucks. Wtf is she thinking.after what he did to her just plain crazy. Hope there was some under table money if not she dumber than I thought
Sounds like some under the table transactions were done to avoid paying taxes.
Good for you, Christine!!! So happy for your intelligent decision! You and your kids will be something happier!
Christine’s a better man than Kody is.