Catelynn Lowell Responds After Her Sister Lashes Out at Catelynn & MTV Over How Their Mom April Is Portrayed on ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ (Recap of Events)

April, come and get your daughter!

Catelynn Lowell is clapping back at her little sister, Sarah Haviland, after Sarah blasted Catelynn over her treatment of their mother, April Brockmiller. Sarah also ripped into MTV for the unfair way she feels April has been portrayed on the currently airing season of Teen Mom Family Reunion.

Catelynn (and later her husband Tyler Baltierra) slammed Sarah for what she said in the TikTok videos (one of which has since been deleted). Sarah claimed that Catelynn has faked the trauma and PTSD she suffers from her childhood for the show, and that Cate placed her oldest child, Carly, for adoption in 2009 because she didn’t want Tyler to leave her.

Sarah also defended April, who was intoxicated on a few recent episodes of ‘Family Reunion.’

Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? 

In one TikTok video, Sarah introduced herself as Catelynn’s sister, then slammed the Teen Mom star for using April as a babysitter, while claiming she is not a good parent.

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“MTV shows what will give them viewers and clearly it works but you can’t judge someone from 14 years ago,” Sarah wrote on TikTok. “The only time my sister talks to my mom is to babysit her kids which is often lol.”

“I don’t care what any one of you want to say I will ALWAYS stick up for my mother. MTV portrays her as s**t ALL the time for [their] own views. Take it how you want. If Cate wants to portray her so bad why does my mom always [watch] her kids, because clearly she’s not a s**t person like MTV portrays her to be.” 

@420princess96♬ Starry Nights – ultmt. & Hz.

In the now-deleted video, Sarah (who has a different father than Catelynn) denied that April is an alcoholic and claimed that she is being portrayed that way on the show for ratings.

“I am sick of you guys talking crap about my mom,” she said. “You guys wanna say she has an addiction and she’s a drunk and an alcoholic and you guys want to message her and dog on her. That s**t’s not cool and you guys don’t know anything…”


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“I will go into depth because I don’t have a contract with MTV and I’m sick of you guys dogging on my mom. And I’m sick of Catelynn dogging on my mom…”

“She does not drink all the time, maybe once every two weeks,” Sara said of April later in the video. “And yeah, she is going to drink when MTV is around because MTV makes her out to be the bad guy all the time…my mom’s not a piece of s**t.”


She then went on to describe what she says happened in 2009 during Catelynn’s 16 and Pregnant episode, claiming that April thought Cate was keeping Carly up until the end of the pregnancy, when she surprised her and told her she was placing Carly for adoption.

“She was afraid that Tyler was going to leave her, so what was the real reason that Catelynn gave Carly up? Hmm,” Sarah said, before turning her thoughts to Catelynn’s mental health issues and childhood trauma, which are frequently discussed on the shows.

“Catelynn had all this traumatizing PTSD and all this s**t growing up, OK? Well me and Catelynn are not that far apart. We’re four years apart, so if she has all this trauma from her childhood, wouldn’t I have that trauma?” she said. “Because I sure as hell don’t have that trauma that Catelynn has. It’s all for the show!”

Obviously, Sarah rides very hard for April. In fact, she named her daughter– who was born in 2020— “April” in honor of her mother. 

Point to the most toxic person in the family…

Surprisingly, though, Sarah and April have not always had a good relationship. In fact, back in 2014, Catelynn confirmed to In Touch Weekly that she had taken legal custody of Sarah— who was then 16— after April kicked Sarah out of her house.

“She was living on a drug addict’s porch without any food — what else was I supposed to do?” Catelynn told the magazine. “We’re not raising her, but guiding her.”

“Feel free to ‘guide’ me— right to the bank with your ATM card!”

Sarah’s TikTok videos and accusations obviously struck a nerve with Catelynn, causing her to post a series of old screenshots that showed Sarah praising Cate and Ty on Facebook for all they’ve done for her in the past. Catelynn then went Live on Instagram to discuss the issues.


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“I have a sister named Sarah, she went on TikTok yesterday and posted a video saying many things, saying that everybody doesn’t know my truth…that my PTSD and my trauma are all lies, she basically disregarded me having PTSD and trauma…saying like, ‘We were only four years different, and if Catelynn has all this trauma, why don’t I have any trauma?’ 

“The bitch don’t know she has trauma, because she’s never worked on her s**t,” Catelynn explained, adding that she gave Sarah a house and cars to help her out over the years. “She can’t keep a job. She’ll work for a day or a week and then quit. She definitely has some trauma, she just doesn’t know what it is. She has no clue what the f**k it is she’s dealing with but she has it.”

Catelynn was particularly upset about the claims Sarah made regarding Carly.

“She tries to act like everything is fake. She even said something like, ‘The reason Catelynn placed her daughter for adoption was she was afraid Tyler was going to leave her.’ That’s not accurate at all,” Catelynn said. “I wasn’t forced to do the adoption. I made the f**king decision my damn self! Nobody forced me to do it.”

Catelynn also addressed all of the help she’s given Sarah over the years. 


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“She lived with me while she was in middle school and high school, for a very long time,” she said. “She lived with me, I bought her a trailer— a brand-new trailer in the trailer park when she was old enough so I could try to set her up on her feet…I literally bought the trailer for her, she just let it go.

“It just pisses me off that she’s trying to say my trauma and stuff is fake, and that I was forced to do an adoption. Are you f**king kidding me? Who are you? She has stolen from me so many times…she would steal from me and I would let her back into my life. This happened for years, her constantly doing something to hurt me and me letting her back into my life.”

Catelynn stated that, up until recently, she and Sarah had a good relationship, and Sarah had even made Catelynn the godmother of her daughter. Catelynn also claimed that she would help Sarah financially when she needed it.

“Every once in a while she would ask me for help, so I’d help her with a water bill or I’d buy a battery for her car…I helped her with the battery for her car, and then two days later she asked me for money again, and I just got this bad gut feeling about it…with her not working or keeping a job…

“The one time I tell her no, said, ‘Sorry, I’m not giving you money,’ she literally freaked out on me, called me every name in the book, said, ‘I’m only famous because I gave my kid away’ and that I got paid to give my kid away. And this is my only blood sister, saying these things to me…”

Catelynn said she cut Sarah off after she made the comments about Catelynn getting “paid” to give up her child. 

“Do you all really think that I wanted to give my baby away? No. I did not. But I knew at the time it was the right thing to do, because of my living situation because of my age. I just completely cut her off now, because for the one time I’m going to say no, you are going to say evil and hurtful things. I will not tolerate it anymore. Blood or not, I will not tolerate it.”

She also stated that her mental health issues are very real. 

“I do have PTSD and panic disorder and I know this because I was diagnosed by top-notch psychiatrists and psychologist. I just hate the fact that she’s going on her profile and she’s talking about me, her sister. It’s the most disgusting thing ever,” Catelynn added. 

While April has not yet commented on Sarah and Catelynn’s feud, Cate’s husband Tyler did defend his wife.

“The audacity of some of my in-laws is astounding (however not surprising unfortunately). ..I wish I could say that I’m in shock…but I’d be lying,” Tyler began a comment left on Catelynn’s post about Sarah. “My wife has literally done NOTHING to deserve any of the heartless, cruel & vulgar comments that her siblings have made about her (both publicly & personally) and to be honest I don’t even really get mad anymore when this stuff happens (since I’m so used to her family treating her this way). I just get sad for her.

“This woman literally has one of the most purest hearts I’ve ever come across & she is the last person that deserves such cruelty, especially from the people that she has bent over backwards more than once to help!”

(From left) Catelynn, her grandma, April, Sarah and Nick in an undated old photo…

Tyler also claimed that both Sarah and Cate’s little brother Nicholas have both allegedly stolen from him and Catelynn in the past. He stated that Nicholas allegedly stole $2500 worth of equipment from their home and tried to sell it online, and that Sarah’s latest thievery happened at Christmas.

“Sarah [stole] money from us on Christmas during our gift exchange (which was only one of MANY times she has stolen from us before),” Tyler added. 

April is currently appearing on ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ Season 2 with Catelynn.

RELATED STORY: Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Call Farrah Abraham a “Mean Girl” & Criticize Her Altered Appearance: “Farrah Looks Unrecognizable”

50 Responses

  1. So Sarah speaks badly about her sister when her sister got her a place and car? Then she has the balls to steal from them? I don’t believe Sarah’s accusations at all. She is a troublemaker like her mom. Honestly if that was my sister would of been cut outta my life forever. Sarah’s strong defense of her mom makes me wonder if Sarah is druggie too. This is clearly unstable like her mother they are two peas in a pod. This sounds like a sister who is jealous of her sister making money and being on a tv show.

  2. Fact: April is a drunk.
    Fact: Tyler did threaten to leave Cate if she kept Carly.

    Don’t believe me watch old teen mom.

    1. Yeah he did threaten to leave her, but he was a scared 17 year old, and everybody knows that Cate don’t do nothing she don’t wanna do but the real fact is that neither one had a good upbringing so she knew Carly was better off being with a stable family and not with them.

      Oh and another fact, he didn’t leave her did he? Well, other than the 30 day separation they went through when she was pregnant with Vaeda.

  3. Ok, so if you can’t judge someone for their actions 14 years ago, can you judge them for actions a few months ago? MTV didn’t portray her any way, we just saw footage of her acting like an ass, again and again.
    That “Thanks for letting me keep my stuff there mahm” tweet when she was ~16. Because good moms regularly kick their kids out.

  4. Oh Sarah dear, the fact that you think your mother’s behavior and the childhood of you and your siblings is at all normal or acceptable just shows the level of trauma you have. This is how the cycle perpetuates, when you grow up in dysfunction you think it is normal because it’s all you know.

  5. I have a sister EXACTLY like this, the sad thing is she’s 46 and an addict. She’s lived with me rent free for years, stole me blind, helped my Mom pay for her wedding, to much to even mention. I finally cut her out of my life from here on out. Tyler & Catelyn keep doing you & your family. ❤️??

  6. So basically, April won’t get any kind of recovery help even if she wanted to. Not when you have Enabling 101 for a kid. (And Sarah will just transition enabling to elder abuse should April manage to survive that long). As such, Sarah also sounds mad Cate deprived April and/or her of either a reason to continually abuse Cate or another victim to abuse (Carly).

  7. Unfair, unfair, unfair.

    Both nick and Sarah have no right to go after Tyler (and absolutely not Cate either). But it’s a sensitive time so to label Tyler as threatening to leave Cate and forcing her is deplorable. They were sixteen and scared with no stable parenting and relationship role models. Maybe he didn’t say all the right things but in the end and grand scheme in the last 16 (!!!h years did the right things or at the very least a hell of lot better than what was given to them.

    Ultimately he did right by Cate, his kids, his mother, his sister, his father, Cates mother, sister and brother.

    Regardless, I’m someone who said some not great things about cates therapy journey. But it’s clear, it was needed and she continued the work no matter how many times she faltered or people like me mocked her. She articulated so well why her sister doesn’t see things like she does. Really impressed.

  8. Just because you have family members that have money, does not make them your meal ticket. Such an entitled spoiled brat. Go get a job and KEEP IT since you decided to become a young mother yourself. Jesus.

  9. Jealousy is not a good look Sarah. I’m not a big Catelynn fan but Sarah’s behavior is gross and typical of those her age in this “reality” world.

  10. Time to cut the poison out. I think at this point the only bonds Cate has with her mom, brother & sister are built on trauma. While she recognises her own issues with trauma, she won’t ever fully heal until she cuts off from the main source. Providing them with money, cars, places to live etc is keeping it all going. It has to be a clean break. Cut the cord.

  11. Catelynn did the right thing at the time putting Carly up for adoption. Fast Foward her family is still toxic at least now as an adult she can care for her kids. She needs to cut her mom sister and brother off. Her constantly helping them and they turn around to steal from her shows the lack of respect. When that sister let the trailer that Cate bought go, that would have been the last straw. Cate won’t heal until she cuts out the poison in her life. It’s unfortunate to have to cut off blood but sometimes it’s necessary for healing and peace.

  12. Cate has obviously had enough. Don’t blame her. Personally find C&T as adults lazy and mediocre but they made the right decision, maybe it was for the wrong reasons but Carly’s, and the not Carly’s lives would have been much worse off if they had kept her.
    April was an abusive, delusional addict of a parent and her sister possibly does not want to see it.

  13. Catelynn absolutely should cut her sister off. I have an older sister in the same situation, always threatening me if I didn’t give her money, saying it would be my fault she can’t feed her baby, yet she always has money for weed, alcohol and cigarettes. You aren’t mandated to keep family in your life if this is how they are. Cut the cancer out. I did, and feel much happier and zen in my life.

  14. April is a piece of shit and brings all this crap on herself. Get sober if you don’t want to be portrayed as a druggie and alcoholic. However, if Catelynn’s childhood was as traumatic as she says it was why the hell is she leaving her kids with April!?

    1. I agree that April brings stuff on herself but Cate didn’t just say her childhood was traumatic, we actually saw it on 16 and pregnant.

      And just because April was horrible to Cate doesn’t mean she’s horrible with her grandchildren.

      Grandchildren are often a do over to a bad parent. They see a chance to try and redeem themselves.

      But I’m sure that now that April has obviously and unfortunately fallen off the wagon Cate doesn’t leave them alone with her.

  15. Sarah honey, your mama was a piece of crap long before Teen Mom Family Reunion, look at how she treated your sister during 16 and Pregnant.

    You should be kissing the ground Cate walks on instead of bashing her, she freaking gave you a safe place to lay your head at night and took care of you when the lady you’re defending kicked your ass out!!!

  16. Maybe after 13 years all these comments have been taken out of context. Maybe Tyler didn’t say “I will leave you”. Maybe it was a conversation more of the sense of “We are 16, we have no way of supporting this child. Our parents suck, all odds are against us being successful parents” Statistics show that few teen parents stay together. How did you feel with your first love at 16 years old at the time vs. now looking back at it? How many “16 and pregnant” couples are still together? Ty and Cate made the best decision for them at that time.

  17. Terribly toxic attempt to extort/ blackmail Cate. She wants back in their purse or she’ll spread false rumors again.

    The response Cate and Ty gave, well done.
    They probably should have stopped enabling her earlier but I get it.

    Maybe they should see Cate’s envious siblings outside their house. Meet at a restaurant and pick up the bill. It might be cheaper too as they steal money from Cate and Tyler.
    The only thing Cate should pay for them is a therapist.
    They can get a job, keep a job and get their shit together.

  18. So you and cate were brought up the same way did you get called a bitch and all the names April called cate plus April admitted herself she was an alcoholic think someone’s looking for money and it sounds like you’ve had your share of money and they’re not given our anymore that you’re selling stories it’s a shame the families on both sides are just take take x

  19. Cate had to go into the custody of her grandmother and then Tyler’s mother because of April’s issues. Do the court’s really give family friends custody for drinking twice week? Butch and April just on the show in the early seasons where terrible to Catelynn. They were abusive drug addicts. And I believe Catelynn has PTSD from the abuse

    Also, just because April has gotten her life together now doesn’t mean her life was together then.

    “And yeah, she is going to drink when MTV is around because MTV makes her out to be the bad guy all the time…my mom’s not a piece of s**t.”

    Also, isn’t this the sister that Cate and Tyler legally adopted so the state wouldn’t take her away because of April’s addiction? There was something intouch about it in 2013, like they weren’t feeding her because they were using money to buy drugs.

    So it makes this so much worse. What a low down dirty thing to gaslight her sister and make her look bad for something her mother DID do to her.

    Justifying drinking because people treat you bad is CLASSIC addict behavior.

  20. I watched TM in the early years and I don’t ever remember hearing anything about Sarah. I thought April only had Catelynn and her little brother Nick. Is Sarah the full sister of Nick or are they all half siblings? Why wasn’t Sarah ever on the show like Nick was?

    1. Catelynn has three full siblings, a sister (I can’t remember her name) who I think is a year older than her, brother named River, and Peter Pan Nick, the never aging child.

      Sarah is Catelynn’s half sister. And the last time we heard about her was 10 years ago, when she was 16 and April kicked her out of her house and wasn’t like feeding her or something and they got in a fight when April was on drug (obvi..) and Catelynn and Tyler got legal custody of her until she was 18.

      So yeah, that’s how you pay your sister back for taking you in when your POS mother throws you out.

        1. Catelynn Lowell
          David, Catelynn’s Dad has:
          River, half brother
          Amber, step sister
          Andrew, half brother

          April, Catelynn’s mom has:
          Sarah, half sister
          Nicholas, half brother

          TeenMomOG2Fan, here is Catelynns’s list if siblings.

          1. I always thought Amber was her full sister. I didn’t know. I know they are really close in age, so that makes more sense. Thanks.

            Yeah, River’s that one who is always posting nasty things about Catelynn, like go get a life.

          2. Youre welcome, i thought so too. I thought she had 1 full sibling but apparently not.

            Yeah, River’s pretty mean from what I understand. Didn’t Cate say something on 16 and Pregnant about him having a mental issue? I vaguely remember her mentioning a sibling with mental issues but I can’t remember if it was him or not.

          3. Never realized her family tree is so complex. It’s easy to rag on Cate sometimes, but her upbringing was awful and at least the trauma cycle will stop with her kids. Cate really does need to keep the non-Carlys away from April, though, despite free babysitting.

            April has made it clear she has not changed and with Sarah the ash didn’t fall too far from the Virginia Slim.

  21. I have a formal diagnosis of cPTSD and I’ve asked my therapist many times why I have it and my siblings, who experienced the same abuse I did, don’t have it. It has to do with how your brain processes events and how it recovers during different sleep cycles. 2 kids could be chased by a dog and only one could end up processing the event as “traumatic” while the other one seems totally fine.
    I can’t speak to what Cate does or does not have but it sounds like her sister might now fully understand what PTSD is or how it affects people. I do think the terms “ptsd” and “trauma” are thrown around WAY too much in the TM world. I can appreciate the cast speaking on their mental health, but it does feel a bit inflated.

  22. I seem to recall more than one incident on 16 & Pregnant where Tyler literally said to Cate that if she kept Carly their relationship wouldn’t “make it”. I remember the look on Cate’s face as pure devastation. I knew right then that Cate would now 100% give Carly up for adoption.

    Cate also when speaking with April when she was pregnant would tell April that she was leaning heavily towards keeping Carly but needed to “talk to Ty” first. April even went out and bought a bassinet or crib for her.

    So I think that may be what Sarah is talking about. (I completely didn’t even recall that Cate had a sister). As far as April, she is toxic as hell. She was emotionally, mentally and physically abusive to Cate growing up. She still gets that abusive bully streak with Cate when she drinks and at least on the current Teen Mom Family reunion she seems pretty unstable to me.

    1. I mean if your violent drug addicted and alcoholic mother asks if you want to keep a baby you don’t want, but know if you tell her that she will hurt you, you lie. Its human preservation.

      I think now Catelynn regrets it, but back then I think she knew she couldn’t raise a kid in that environment, who would have known they would have been on the show this long?

      Apparently, April and Butch tried to go to the courts and get custody of Carly, as the adoption happened and the judge just dismissed it when two active addicts showed up to court. And all their kids had been taken away at some point. True delusion.

      I still will never forget April just going up to Catelynn for no reason with cameras there and being like you the worst thing that ever happened, I hate you. And Catelynn just going I’m sorry. And she would do it all the time, just get drunk and tell Catelynn horrible things and Catelynn would just say I’m sorry. I can’t imagine a mother doing that.

      1. You could be right that Cate may have lied to April. I never thought about it before but Cate probably did lie for self preservation with April and Butch. They both treated her horribly.

        I saw a clip from an old episode that infuriated me. April was taking Cate out to shop for her prom dress. She got mad for no reason and said “You are such a little bitch, Cate”. Cate started to cry and April mocked her and then said “You’re little Miss Perfect”. I felt awful for her.

        1. Yeah. I think people really forget how horrible April was to Cate. I do remember that scene.

          The abuse got worse after Cate placed Carly for adoption.

          I’m more surprised that Cate let her mother babysit her kids. .

  23. Damn been hearing that rumor about Tyler leaving her for so long, I’m kinda inclined to believe it might’ve been true. That would be messed up if she picked a boy over her baby and just using the excuse afterwards she wanted to give her a better life. I just don’t know.

    1. Even if the rumor is true, she still did the right thing regardless of her “true” reasons. Both can also be true. She could’ve decided on adoption so Tyler wouldn’t leave her while also knowing that her home life was in no way stable or healthy and that her baby deserved to be raised in a loving home.

      1. If Tuler was going to leave her, I definitely see how this was so traumatic for her.
        Tyler may did mean it cuz their literal situation. They had ZERO idea what was going to come from. That show. You know they wouldn’t have given her up, had they known that. That also be why it’s so hard for them, guilt and regret now.
        Or Tyler didn’t want a baby to set him back and probably had goals and stuff. He kept his word tho and stayed with her…
        So maybe he didn’t mean it as being a D thing to say, although it

        Or he was going to leave her regardless, but wanted to make sure the baby was put of picture first, but the cameras stayed around, and he needed to feed the ego.

        Why is head so small?
        Is that a FADS sign?

  24. And her sister is lieing about there mom not being a alcoholic when her mom early said she was in her own words.

    1. Catelyn is right tho, her sister is in denial because she doesn’t obviously know what addiction toxicity or trauma is….

      One day she may learn.

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