From throwing hands to not throwing a fit over Pride Month, it’s been another busy week for the stars/former stars of the Teen Mom franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant, Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last few days…
Kayla Sessler Admits to Getting Into a Physical “Altercation” With Her Ex Luke Davis’ New Girlfriend

Kayla Sessler is not getting along with her baby daddy Luke Davis‘ on/off girlfriend Dez Rodriguez— and in a new YouTube video released this week, Kayla revealed that she actually got into a physical fight with Dez!
“Me and her did have an altercation,” Kayla said. “There was so much leading up to that incident…I’m pretty good with keeping my cool and keeping myself level-headed and walking away from the bulls**t. But some things were taken, like, way too far.”

(On previous social media posts, Kayla has stated that Dez told her beforehand that she planned to throw down “on site” as soon as they met in person.)
While Kayla didn’t give too much information about the catfight, The Ashley can confirm that cameras were rolling when it all went down; however, it’s unknown at this time if that footage will air on Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.
Kayla implied that her co-parenting relationship with Luke has been hampered by his relationship with Dez.
“Me and him, when it’s just us two, co-parent great. But when we start bringing significant others into it— my man, his girl— it starts to get really messy,” she said.
“At first we were co-parenting really, really well and it was very strong. And then I think once me and him started dating different people, that’s when the real challenges started to pop up in our co-parenting…especially with his now-girlfriend/ex-girlfriend. I’m not really sure where they stand.”
Kayla said she wouldn’t be open to speaking to Dez, as she would be worried that it would just result in “Round 2” of their physical fighting.
“I think more time needs to pass for s**t to die down a little bit,” she said.
Kayla stated that, although Luke told her that he and Dez had broken up several weeks ago, Dez recently got a tattoo of Luke’s name.

“I called him and was like, ‘I thought you guys weren’t together anymore?’ and he’s like, ‘We’re not.’ And I’m like, ‘If you’re not together why would she get your name tatted?’ …He had no idea she was going to do that until after she did it,” Kayla explained, adding that she thinks Luke may be trying to hide his relationship with Dez from her.
“I think either he is still with her and he doesn’t want me to know because of [our] altercation. He doesn’t want me to know if he’s still with her because it’s going to make co-parenting hard. Or maybe he’s just trying to keep the peace, and me thinking they’re not together will make it easier.
“Or, maybe she really loves him and this is her way of trying to prove that,” Kayla said. “I try to mind my business, but at the same time I’m like, ‘This girl seems a little delu-lu!’
Kayla said her goal is to one day to have a co-parenting relationship as good as the one ‘Teen Mom OG’ stars Cory Wharton and Cheyenne Floyd (and their significant others) have.
“I’m hoping with his next relationship, he picks a better one. Or, if he decides to get back together her…I hope she can mature.”
Kayla and Dez both posted about each other on Tuesday. When the posts made their way to the @TeenMomFanz Instagram account, though, Kayla left a comment on a post, assuring everyone that her problem is with Dez specifically and that it’s not because she’s Luke’s sometimes-girlfriend.
“Y’all it’s not over Luke,” Kayla wrote. “it’s the fact she keeps picking with me over a man neither of us are even with. It’s weird behavior.”
You can watch Kayla’s full YouTube video below!
Leah Messer Gets Slammed Online For Bringing Her Kids to a Pride Parade

Leah Messer recently showed her support of the LGBTQ+ community by marching in a Pride parade along with her kids. The footage— which was also filmed for the upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’— was used in a video posted to Leah’s Instagram account— and it caused quite the ruckus!
In the video, Leah is seen waving a rainbow flag as her daughter Aleeah walks beside her wearing a rainbow shirt. Leah’s other daughters, Ali and Addie, are shown seated in a rainbow-decorated car. (Cameramen for the show can be seen on the sidelines.)
“Happy Pride!” Leah wrote in the caption of the video. “Be whoever you want! L❤️Ve whoever you want!! #lovewins #prideparade.”
While Pride events have been shown on ‘Teen Mom’ shows in the past without much nay-say (who could forget this ensemble worn by Cole DeBoer during a “Pride”-themed segment?), the comments on Leah’s post were almost all negative, with many accusing Leah of poor parenting for allowing her kids to be in the parade.

“There’s no way I will have my kids participating in this! NO WAY!” someone wrote in the comment section.
“Really Leah? You have your children in this parade? Leave the kids out of it,” another person wrote.
“Sure, let’s celebrate continual spitting in God’s face!” someone else wrote.

Then there was this pip, obviously written by someone who attended one of the “not well” schools in West Virginia that Leah has spoken about:
“Stop pushing the future generations into this dumb s**t! U was not born that way!”
And this one:
“MTV is owned by Satan himself, you’re all fkn possessed.”

Leah appears to have taken the comments in stride and has not responded to the nay-sayers as of press time.
Catelynn Lowell’s Little Brother Nick Talks About Being Pressured To Talk On-Camera About His Sex Life as a 14-Year-Old

File this under: “Kinda creepy.”
Nick— the little brother of ‘Teen Mom OG’ star Catelynn Lowell recently released a YouTube video in which he talks about his experiences growing with MTV around. While he gives us an unexpected update on his former salt-n-pepper-mulleted stepfather Butch Baltierra (“last I heard he was in Texas, delivering pizzas”), the bulk of the video revolves around an uncomfortable scene Nick says he was pressured into filming when he was 14 years old.
According to Nick, Catelynn’s ‘Teen Mom OG’ producer badgered him and his mom, April, for days in an attempt to get him to agree to film a scene about his sex life.
“Here I am, a little 14-year-old who just got a girlfriend. We had been dating for around three months,” Nick says in the video. “My mom gets a text message from our producer. He saying, ‘Nick has a girlfriend? Well, we would love for him to talk about his sex life.'”
He said that he and Catelynn’s producer was “begging” him for two days to allow the sex talk to be filmed.
“It was something I did not want to do,” he said. “And she was telling me like, ‘Hey, your story will be able to help other teens out there and make them think to maybe not have children’ and all that.”
Eventually he agreed. (You can watch the scene in question below.)
“That was very weird for me, I felt really uncomfortable doing it,” Nick said of the scene, which aired in 2021. “Whatever. It’s what the show wanted, it’s what the people wanted I guess.”
Later in the video, Nick stated that he’s attempting to be known as someone “other than Catelynn’s little brother from ‘Teen Mom.'”
“I want to be known as someone completely different…I’ve felt like for my whole life, I’ve been living in someone else’s shadow and that’s not something I want to do. I want to be my own person.”
You can watch Nick’s video below!
To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: Instagram; MTV; YouTube)
23 Responses
And you know this how????
As far as #3 that is what was said in their 16&P episode.
The people angry Leah took her kids to a Pride event are the same ones who, had Leah not chosen to keep her twins, would’ve (did?) pushed Leah to be a teen mom as a form of consequence for getting pregnant.
Leah needs to worry about paying that tax bill instead of trying to drum up sponsorship attention.
Was “love is love” with her ex bf? Or… ??
Wouldnt want her coming off like a hypocrite..
Luke and I….not me and Luke. FINISH SCHOOL PEOPLE!
1.) Whyyyyy did that seem appropriate to anyone??
2.) Good for him for saying that everyone kept asking them that and it was making them both mad.
3.) I hate that I have space in my brain for this, but I though Carly came about from a condom that went through the wash?
The last time I got into a physical altercation, I was in second grade. After that I learned to use words. And I learned that sometimes words pack a powerful punch and sometimes they’re just words that I let roll right off my back.
I think, I think, it’s called being mature? Emotionally intelligent? A grown up?
There are many things you could dislike Leah for, taking her kids to a pride parade is NOT one of them ..
I don’t see the issue with kids being at Pride and I was raised to believe that anyone who wasn’t 100% straight was going to hell for being evil incarnate. Kids can have queer parents they want to celebrate. Kids can have queer friends they want to support. Kids can be queer themselves. If you see Pride as anything more than a celebration of life for a marginalized group, you’re being weird. There’s no agenda or grooming. You fear what you e been told is harmful without ACTUALLY understanding what’s going on. Until you’ve been to Pride and had honest and open conversations with the people you think are “evil”, I don’t want to hear your opinion.
I’m sure the comments on this article are going to be entirely mature and peaceful ?
Kayla always tried to act tougher than she was despite growing up in DeKalb. Kayla was a huge cheater.
Nick wants to be known as someone other than cates brother? That’s bold. Pretty sure no one knows him as anything period.
Good for Leah not rising to the bait of arguing with backwards conservative fuckwits.
Let me just get down on my knees right now in gratefulness that my ancestors settled in a normal area and not in some assbackwards bible belt state full of embarrassingly absurd beliefs.
Just stop it, Leah! #okgroomer
What is wrong with MTV?! Why did they even just assume that a 14 year old has sex just because he has a girlfriend?!
Why do you wacko homophobes think you get to tell other people’s children what they should do, but then flip out if there is so much as a book you don’t agree with in a library?!
Leah wants to seem really woke and open minded when in fact, she is not.
And you know this how????
People bashing Leah are pure trash, period.